6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

momma, I'm sorry it seems you've stopped Ovulating. Are you basing this solely on your OPKS? Will you be going to a doctor to see what's going on? I don't know how your health care system is but if you're able to go for cycle monitoring, it would answer your questions. CM is covered through our government so its not out of pocket per se in Canada. Do you temp? That would also help answer your question.

Hi Chere, sorry to hear you're down. I hope that you get an equally great opportunity to work for a company you can enjoy.
Men love to say how they're going to knock us up real good eh? As if positions or frequency has anything to do with it after so many months? LOL Not.

I bought PreSeed from Well.ca. Check it out. It's pretty quick delivery too. There is brand sold at Shoppers but I can't remember what it's called. Its in the section with the condoms & such...perhaps you should have a look. Sorry, wish I remembered the brand now.

I logged onto my blog last night & I updated a new post...to my lovely surprise this morning I get an email to moderate a post from this woman who had some sorta panties wedged up her ass to give me heck about my attitude. Like really? It really pissed me off. I just deleted it & I'll block her if I see her on my blog again but I don't understand how anyone could give me shit about my negative attitude after everything I've been through. Although I'm sure she read 1 post & decided to make a judgement call based on it. But seriously, no woman should judge another woman for how they deal with a loss or conceiving for as long as I have. I have that blog not only to share info & maybe help other woman but also a place for me to vent about my frustrations. Here is what the woman wrote:
"Just because you didn’t get pregnant after a MC doesn’t mean it’s “bullshit”. I have a 2 year old who we conceived 2 weeks after my last MC. Don’t be so negative."

Hi Barb, this is karevet, remember me? I've been a lurker from day one. I want you to know that your feeling of bullshit after a miscarriage is so normal. What women who is ttc wouldn't feel that way after what you've been through?

I just got diagnosed with a blighted ovum at 9w3d. (Second mc in a row) My doc recommended cyclotec instead of a d&c. I did it, it was horrible!!! Painful!!! Emotional!! And I had to retrieve my "products of conception" out of the toilet and put them in a Ziploc container shoved into a paper bag. I then had to sit in the waiting room, holding my bag, where all the cute pregnant women are sitting. If that isn't bullshit, then I don't know what is. It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life.

What people don't understand is that not everyone gets their light at the end of the tunnel! Many of us can't see it yet. Many think we may never see it. Many see it, get a short devastating ride that didn't make it the whole way. Many get an easy straight, fast train. I never know what train someone is currently on. I'm sure as hell not going to judge them about it.

Miscarriages suck.
Missed opportunities suck.
Waiting sucks.

What we all hope is that all this heartache will be worth it in the end. Barb, Nat, Meg, Talia, Momma, (sorry if I missed someone), you all deserve it. We all deserve it.I think the reason I keep hanging on with you guys is because we have all had our own various kinds of heartache on this journey, but we keep dusting ourselves off and starting over. I admire your tenacity and aspire to be like you guys.

:hugs: :flower:

Hi Kare :hugs:.....you have been through so much love...:hugs:....I remember when I was reading though all of the thread before I made my first post about your first blighted ovum...I am soo sorry you have had to go through this again...and your right everything sucks! Bad!

Thankyou so much for your post -reassuring barb that the dreadful woman that posted such a comment on her blog was completely unessasary and barbs was well within her right to feel down about all that she has been through...:thumbup:

Kare I hope you get your rainbow love...and I hope with all of my heart you get your sticky bfp...:hugs:

You take things easy love ok...:flower:

Nat xx :hugs:
Oh dear...if hit the phase where I am already pissed off with seeing negative tests .!!!
10dpo...bfns....fmu.....don't see any point doing a smu now.:(

It's still early I suppose.:(

Hope everybody is ok and well :flower:

:) :) :) xxx

P.s had a massive row with my brother last night....he came to my home drunk and disrespectful to me and my family and home...I had to literally thow him out...so I guess that's why I feel so negative today....
I'm worried that because he antagonise my hidden temper that he has ruined everything or any chances of a bfp for me now.....I hate that he has done this....
I wish I could just put it all down to his being drunk but he has honestly been like this to me all my life and last night I finally made a stand and got him out of my home...
I was incredibably hard but it needed to be done.
I told him I never want to speak to him ever again...oh boy I do hope nothing bad happens to him now and that we parted on bad terms without ever sorting it out.:(
And here I go again-feeling guilty when really I shouldnt....grrrrr.
I'm so angry he has ruined everything for me. :growlmad:

Hello hun! Thanks for your message....I'm thankful to have your support and understanding.
Woman who've not going through the extent that we have shouldn't pass judgment.
You really nailed it on the head...all of it.

I am so sorry about your multiple miscarriage.
I hope the next time you get pregnant you will take baby home.

And like you, there are more days than none that I feel like this isn't going to happen for me. I try to.counter that with moments of hope.

Nat sorry for your frustrations. Families are complicated some times. I know that all too well. I hope you will sort things out w your brother.

As for 10dpo, its still so early. Don't give up hope yet. I didn't get a real positive until 12dpo & same with Meg. Hang in there!

11dpo & I've got a negative. :(
momma, I'm sorry it seems you've stopped Ovulating. Are you basing this solely on your OPKS? Will you be going to a doctor to see what's going on? I don't know how your health care system is but if you're able to go for cycle monitoring, it would answer your questions. CM is covered through our government so its not out of pocket per se in Canada. Do you temp? That would also help answer your question.

Hi Chere, sorry to hear you're down. I hope that you get an equally great opportunity to work for a company you can enjoy.
Men love to say how they're going to knock us up real good eh? As if positions or frequency has anything to do with it after so many months? LOL Not.

I bought PreSeed from Well.ca. Check it out. It's pretty quick delivery too. There is brand sold at Shoppers but I can't remember what it's called. Its in the section with the condoms & such...perhaps you should have a look. Sorry, wish I remembered the brand now.

I logged onto my blog last night & I updated a new post...to my lovely surprise this morning I get an email to moderate a post from this woman who had some sorta panties wedged up her ass to give me heck about my attitude. Like really? It really pissed me off. I just deleted it & I'll block her if I see her on my blog again but I don't understand how anyone could give me shit about my negative attitude after everything I've been through. Although I'm sure she read 1 post & decided to make a judgement call based on it. But seriously, no woman should judge another woman for how they deal with a loss or conceiving for as long as I have. I have that blog not only to share info & maybe help other woman but also a place for me to vent about my frustrations. Here is what the woman wrote:
"Just because you didn’t get pregnant after a MC doesn’t mean it’s “bullshit”. I have a 2 year old who we conceived 2 weeks after my last MC. Don’t be so negative."

Hi Barb, this is karevet, remember me? I've been a lurker from day one. I want you to know that your feeling of bullshit after a miscarriage is so normal. What women who is ttc wouldn't feel that way after what you've been through?

I just got diagnosed with a blighted ovum at 9w3d. (Second mc in a row) My doc recommended cyclotec instead of a d&c. I did it, it was horrible!!! Painful!!! Emotional!! And I had to retrieve my "products of conception" out of the toilet and put them in a Ziploc container shoved into a paper bag. I then had to sit in the waiting room, holding my bag, where all the cute pregnant women are sitting. If that isn't bullshit, then I don't know what is. It was one of the most horrible experiences of my life.

What people don't understand is that not everyone gets their light at the end of the tunnel! Many of us can't see it yet. Many think we may never see it. Many see it, get a short devastating ride that didn't make it the whole way. Many get an easy straight, fast train. I never know what train someone is currently on. I'm sure as hell not going to judge them about it.

Miscarriages suck.
Missed opportunities suck.
Waiting sucks.

What we all hope is that all this heartache will be worth it in the end. Barb, Nat, Meg, Talia, Momma, (sorry if I missed someone), you all deserve it. We all deserve it.I think the reason I keep hanging on with you guys is because we have all had our own various kinds of heartache on this journey, but we keep dusting ourselves off and starting over. I admire your tenacity and aspire to be like you guys.

:hugs: :flower:


Kare that was really well put... Thanks for posting that. It means a lot to me for sure. I am really sorry for your losses and that sounds like just a total shitty experience and just plain unfair. Big hug to you and you are welcome to drop in anytime and chat with us...:hugs:
Oh dear...if hit the phase where I am already pissed off with seeing negative tests .!!!
10dpo...bfns....fmu.....don't see any point doing a smu now.:(

It's still early I suppose.:(

Hope everybody is ok and well :flower:

:) :) :) xxx

P.s had a massive row with my brother last night....he came to my home drunk and disrespectful to me and my family and home...I had to literally thow him out...so I guess that's why I feel so negative today....
I'm worried that because he antagonise my hidden temper that he has ruined everything or any chances of a bfp for me now.....I hate that he has done this....
I wish I could just put it all down to his being drunk but he has honestly been like this to me all my life and last night I finally made a stand and got him out of my home...
I was incredibably hard but it needed to be done.
I told him I never want to speak to him ever again...oh boy I do hope nothing bad happens to him now and that we parted on bad terms without ever sorting it out.:(
And here I go again-feeling guilty when really I shouldnt....grrrrr.
I'm so angry he has ruined everything for me. :growlmad:

Nat it is so early. I honestly dont expect a BFP for myself until 12/13DPO seeing how my last BFP went so try to be patient... I was stark white BFN at 9, 10, and 11 DPO.

Dont worry that your row with your brother has stopped a potential BFP - although I know it definitely affects your mood and how you feel, it will not stop a BFP if it was on its way!! :) I am sorry about the fight though that sounds nasty... Don't feel guilty Nat it sounds like he has some issues to work out. You stop having the obligation to be there for him when he compromises you and your family like that... But i hear you and understand. I have two crazy brothers and a crazy sister myself lol... oh and insane parents ... seeing a pattern here??

Big hugs to you Nat... today may need to be yoga day for you lol!:hugs:

Hello hun! Thanks for your message....I'm thankful to have your support and understanding.
Woman who've not going through the extent that we have shouldn't pass judgment.
You really nailed it on the head...all of it.

I am so sorry about your multiple miscarriage.
I hope the next time you get pregnant you will take baby home.

And like you, there are more days than none that I feel like this isn't going to happen for me. I try to.counter that with moments of hope.

Nat sorry for your frustrations. Families are complicated some times. I know that all too well. I hope you will sort things out w your brother.

As for 10dpo, its still so early. Don't give up hope yet. I didn't get a real positive until 12dpo & same with Meg. Hang in there!

11dpo & I've got a negative. :(

Still holding out for you Barb.. I had one of those too at 11DPO... ugly stark ass white! UGH!! I really hope a faint line awaits you. You and Nat. You and Nat and Chere. You and Nat and Chere and Momma. You and Nat and Chere and Momma and Me. LOL are we seeing a pattern?? Ahhhhhhh

Really glad it is the long weekend starting this afternoon. I need a break from this crap.

CD4 so I have nothing on the go for awhile - will maybe start OPK a bit sooner than usual I am not sure what I should be doing. I am supposed to start them next Thursday.
I used the second FRER and it looks the same as last night. I keep staring at it hoping its darker today. Arch. I'm getting frustrated.

Hello hun! Thanks for your message....I'm thankful to have your support and understanding.
Woman who've not going through the extent that we have shouldn't pass judgment.
You really nailed it on the head...all of it.

I am so sorry about your multiple miscarriage.
I hope the next time you get pregnant you will take baby home.

And like you, there are more days than none that I feel like this isn't going to happen for me. I try to.counter that with moments of hope.

Nat sorry for your frustrations. Families are complicated some times. I know that all too well. I hope you will sort things out w your brother.

As for 10dpo, its still so early. Don't give up hope yet. I didn't get a real positive until 12dpo & same with Meg. Hang in there!

11dpo & I've got a negative. :(

Thankyou barb...:flower:
I'm feeling a little more HOPFULLY now.....
Also I went over last cycles pics of then horrid Evaps....wow how awful they were....so glad I have PROPER Tests now.....touch wood so far not one evap.yaye :happydance:

Aweee I ache so badly today...I really shouldn't have helped my mum I the garden yesterday In that heat...every muscle hurts lol...oh well at least her garden looks nice.:winkwink:

Hope your test gets darker tonight :flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Oh dear...if hit the phase where I am already pissed off with seeing negative tests .!!!
10dpo...bfns....fmu.....don't see any point doing a smu now.:(

It's still early I suppose.:(

Hope everybody is ok and well :flower:

:) :) :) xxx

P.s had a massive row with my brother last night....he came to my home drunk and disrespectful to me and my family and home...I had to literally thow him out...so I guess that's why I feel so negative today....
I'm worried that because he antagonise my hidden temper that he has ruined everything or any chances of a bfp for me now.....I hate that he has done this....
I wish I could just put it all down to his being drunk but he has honestly been like this to me all my life and last night I finally made a stand and got him out of my home...
I was incredibably hard but it needed to be done.
I told him I never want to speak to him ever again...oh boy I do hope nothing bad happens to him now and that we parted on bad terms without ever sorting it out.:(
And here I go again-feeling guilty when really I shouldnt....grrrrr.
I'm so angry he has ruined everything for me. :growlmad:

Nat it is so early. I honestly dont expect a BFP for myself until 12/13DPO seeing how my last BFP went so try to be patient... I was stark white BFN at 9, 10, and 11 DPO.

Dont worry that your row with your brother has stopped a potential BFP - although I know it definitely affects your mood and how you feel, it will not stop a BFP if it was on its way!! :) I am sorry about the fight though that sounds nasty... Don't feel guilty Nat it sounds like he has some issues to work out. You stop having the obligation to be there for him when he compromises you and your family like that... But i hear you and understand. I have two crazy brothers and a crazy sister myself lol... oh and insane parents ... seeing a pattern here??

Big hugs to you Nat... today may need to be yoga day for you lol!:hugs:

Hi meg :flower:...thankyou for your reassurance ...wow my brother is a crazy one....I do t get it...be both had the same chances in life and he seems to be waist ing his life away whilst giving me so much attitude.....last night I think I finally lost t bc Harry was asleep in bed and I went into protective mum mode too....but really I can't deal with his crazy shit no more.

Lol know what it's like to have crazy family lol....

Lol yoga? Your kidding....I ache from head to toe today....:wacko:I helped my mum rearrange her garden yesterday and blimey I hurt so bad today lol...
Maybe tmr lol...mind I need to do somthing I just cannot shake how angry I am with my brother when I think about last night....I need to chiiiiiiil the feck out ha ha...

Thankyou for your kind words meg hope your ok today :flower:

:) :) :) xxx
I used the second FRER and it looks the same as last night. I keep staring at it hoping its darker today. Arch. I'm getting frustrated.

Awe :hugs:....hang in there barbs...
When do you go in for bloods?....
I think I'm out you know I been quite moody today....like pms ing already ..oooops I hope not...when is your af due...? (Fx she stays away from us ):thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Nat Tuesday are my bloods and AF due.
I feel like I'm not pregnant...call it a feeling? I dunno but I totally anticipate a negative test tmr & just overall feel its doomed. Even with two follicles.
I'm starting to consider getting a second opinion if next months IUI doesn't work out.
I used the second FRER and it looks the same as last night. I keep staring at it hoping its darker today. Arch. I'm getting frustrated.

I hate testing time - we wait for it the whole facking month and then we agonize. I really hope you get a second line Barbs xx Thinking of you:hugs:
Nat Tuesday are my bloods and AF due.
I feel like I'm not pregnant...call it a feeling? I dunno but I totally anticipate a negative test tmr & just overall feel its doomed. Even with two follicles.
I'm starting to consider getting a second opinion if next months IUI doesn't work out.

I'm sorry you feel doomed barbs....I hope your wrong.:flower:
Second apinion sounds like a good idea...just incase eh.:thumbup:
Your af due Tuesday...I'm Thursday...booooo no:thumbup:to that.
I sure hope she stays away do from us barbs.:flower:

Good luck for tonight's test...:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Nat Tuesday are my bloods and AF due.
I feel like I'm not pregnant...call it a feeling? I dunno but I totally anticipate a negative test tmr & just overall feel its doomed. Even with two follicles.
I'm starting to consider getting a second opinion if next months IUI doesn't work out.

I know what you mean re feeling but I am holding out hope. And yes I think a second opinion can never be a waste of time - get one if you are not pg by next month. It can't hurt and I always feel good when I am doing something productive. I really really hope you wont need to Barbs xo
Thank you ladies!!! I hope I'm pregnant soon. But you know if I'm not pregnant over 1.5 years then I'm sorry buy unexplained is bullshit. If we get to that August appointment then I'm going to ask what other tests we can take because then something is wrong. Plain & simple. I believe unexplained is "we don't know". So perhaps some other doctor will figure it out.
Waiting for my evening test to develope lol...last time its was around 9pm on 11dpo that I noticed an increase in darkness...fx
Well this mornings test friend and there is a line. Took a long time to dry and see it.
This evenings test has a v.vfaint line but came up after pink passed through test. Looking fwd to seeing how it looks dry. It does make a difference. I unno. I took two tests this afternoon and they were stark white. Not sure if there is a difference in concentration? I kept trying to take photos to share with you guys but its not coming up well on my camera. Weird. Anyway we shall see what tomorrow opening brings!
Well here are my tests. The bottom is from this evening. I think I'm grasping at straws. There is a shadow of a line but nothing to get excited about. I really don't expect to see positive tmr.
Here they is...


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