6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hey i just thought i would drop a message and wish you all luck whist your in the TWW or approaching ovulation.

Only a month and 2 weeks until i come off the pill, i'm not expecting anything straight away, i have mixed feelings weather i should use condoms until after my holiday but that's not until the end of September if i was to fall pregnant straight away i would find it difficult to hide it from my aunty who will most likely be pouring drinks down my neck the whole week lol makes more sense to just wait until i get back before trying. Ever since i tested with my partner last week and he told me he wished it had been positive even though we aren't supposed to be trying makes me want it more, I have week by week been buying things like ovulation tests, folic acid etc i'm going to have quite the collection once i am done lol I have managed to loose 13lbs so i'm hoping that goes in my favor :laugh2:

Good for you with the weight loss Natalie! I know it's hard work trust me! And I completely understand that the experience of testing with your partner hassle it harder to wait!!

Thank you, it is harder it was a special moment for me because i have never expierienced that before, i do and dont want to test with him, i dont think i could deal with his dissapointment along with his aswell.
Happy Canada Day to all ;-) I should be O'ing soon, within days so the race is, once again, on...we've been BD'ing lots lately. Not really the right time to conceive, but the moments just been striking us both which is nice. Had a whirlwind weekend of go-go-go and today, I just wanted to stop lol. So we did nothing special for canada day. The festivities are always so jam packed plus we're having a little heat wave for the west coast and the thought of being in a huge sweaty crowd wasn't sounding like the best place to me. So home in a cool breeze, in the shade, with my guy and the pets is all I want now.

Sorry for the damn BFN's I've read about. I haven't quite caught up- as usual- lol, but working on it. I read enough to know another cycle is over for a few of my ladies and that sucks. I saw a very preggo, beautiful woman today coming out of Marshalls. She was blonde, trim, perfect basketball bump under her gorgeous tight sundress....it was so hot but she looked radiant. I pointed her out to DH and sighed....

Love to all

Hi chere :). Sounds like you had a relaxing Canada day :). We did the same - absolutely nothing ! It was great. Literally got into bed at 7pm and watched movies and TV all night. It was very nice. DH works a lot so long weekends are cherished lol.

Sounds like you've been doing everything right! Lots of BDing and almost O time for you. Good luck Chere wouldn't a bfp be a nice silver lining to what you've been going through? Fingers crossed. You're almost in the 2ww! :)
I'm really sorry this cycle and this whole journey has been such a heartbreaker for everyone involved! I also really hope July is a special month for bfps. It was really touching of you to say my bfp was a bit of inspiration! I really hope you all muscle through the disappointment right now and go headstrong into the next cycle. I just know something has gotta give and these bfps will show!!
AFM this Canada day weekend has been a worrisome one for us, Chere you might actually be able to help me out here... Our dog seemed to have had a spinal cord stroke / fce while we were at the lake. Kurtis's parents were babysitting thank god but our poor boxer sure is in rough shape. She's a lot better today, walking but with some stiffness, weak back legs, but its better than the partial paralysis she had yesterday morning heading to the vets... I drove 2 hrs straight home and took care of her... Now just to see how she recovers with lots of rest and some meds. :( anyways long story short I'm happy she's on the mend, the first phone call we got, the i laws though she dislocated both hips or broke her back.. Sigh phew it was not the case

So sorry about your pup Talia! I really hope he is on the mend poor guy! I know all too well what that's like! Boxers are our favourite breed and we are debating getting one when we are home enough to justify it ! We are such dog people and not having one since our last one died had been tough!

Hope he's better today and forward. !how are you feeling Talia? And major preg symptoms? Nausea? I hope you aren't too wiped!

Yes they are awesome dogs, and she is wonderful with kids and we've always dreamed of her being our 'nanny dog' so at first before we knew the prognosis I was soo heartbroken that we'd have to put her down and never be able to see her interact with our lil bean down the road. But she is doing alright, able to walk and 'do her business' (some dogs will lose that control) but she still kind of drags or loses strength in her back legs to stand and while walking.
Anyways enough about my Furbaby lol as for being pg I've been without many symptoms, sore boobs has been the ultra constant , last week had some gaggy/ heave-y moments but no true ms! also get some momentary aversions but really I'm counting myself lucky so far!
Can't wait til we're all symptom sharing! Hope all you other girls are good!
Yes they are awesome dogs, and she is wonderful with kids and we've always dreamed of her being our 'nanny dog' so at first before we knew the prognosis I was soo heartbroken that we'd have to put her down and never be able to see her interact with our lil bean down the road. But she is doing alright, able to walk and 'do her business' (some dogs will lose that control) but she still kind of drags or loses strength in her back legs to stand and while walking.
Anyways enough about my Furbaby lol as for being pg I've been without many symptoms, sore boobs has been the ultra constant , last week had some gaggy/ heave-y moments but no true ms! also get some momentary aversions but really I'm counting myself lucky so far!
Can't wait til we're all symptom sharing! Hope all you other girls are good!

Well glad to hear it about the pup :)

and about you as well - MS sounds like the most horrid thing ever so I hope when its my time it is very limited or not at all... yikes.. Keep a box of saltines in your desk! :)
Hi Ladies.. eager to hear from Barb and Nat this morning.... was thinking of you all weekend!

CD8 for me... this is almost as boring as the 2ww lol...usually I start my OPK on CD10 so that would be Thursday. I may do one tomorrow for shits and giggles though..

I ordered a new Kindle online that should arrive today... mine is so old and this one is much better and will be good for my trip and the long plane ride.

Back at work and hating it!!

Ya where is everybody!? Hope the weekend was good! I hate the early weeks of a cycle, mine were long so it was annoyingly boring to wait til cd 21 etc for O! That reminds me I should charge my Kindle and put a few things on it, haven't used it in ages!
Hi ladies....happy Canada day to meg barbs chere and talia...:)
Hope your having a good one.:thumbup:

Hi barb....I do see a faint line on the frer....totally get how your confused about it all...I had a shadow on my frer this afternoon...kicking myself that I didn't save it for Wednesday...I have one left but was kind of hoping I would use that to conform a bfp instead...:wacko:
Checked my cervix aswell and it's Los...wierd eh.
I hope that your lines gets darker barbs...:flower: and all the best of luck with your bloods tmr too.

Hiya meg...no never been on clomid or fermara but have been researching possible things to bring up with doctor in August...clomid was a possible untill barbs mentioned the lining factor and so I read up about it and suggested fermara is the "new" clomid...
Altho it does go on about age with fermara....so not so sure about it untill doctor advises or not...
Been taking frers and ic's....I frer 'd 11dpo /13 dpo....but today's is like a grey faint shadow...don't hold out much for it....
My temp on the other hand it amaizballs....almost triphasic....very confusing all this symptom versus data clashing...
Oh and today I barfed for England....out of nowhere....all of a sudden I felt an urge -from the stomach and I thought uh oh....and before I knew it I was running to the loo...and I was sick...not nice at all....
I feel ok...not unwell or anything...confused dot com.

Ashley....what's happening with you love?......have you managed to get that thing sorted out...are you joining us again...miss you :flower:
I want to be that bad friend that you mother did want you hanging out with again lmao...
Hope your ok tho.:)

Chere....how are you love? Ok I hope...what cd are you now? :)

Momma....are you ovulating this cycle? ...started your packing yet?...enough room for me is there? Lol
I is only small...surely there's a little pocket somewhere lol
Have a great time won't you...sun sea sangria...lots of sex ...lol
I know a great gift you can get us all from your holiday....a bfp! From all that sweet loving on your anniversary lol....good luck ok. :flower:

Well ladies I am dumbstruck...disappointed...and most of all gutted...I hold out no hope for this cycle now :(
All I can do is sit this one out till af arrives....booooooo to her!
I would be flabbergasted if a bfp was to show now...

I do hope someone gets there bfp this fine July....good luck everybody...baby dust to us all eh.shed loads of it...lol

I will be back later to see if any good news has happened...fx for you barbs...:)

Avouir for now ladies

:) :) :) xxx

Hi there nat. How r u? Im still rootin for sum bfps this month...seems evwryone havin so many struggles it bums me. As for me..nope still no pos opk or anything..no o signs..im on cd (idk) lol af is due on july 13..im sure she gona show again as im not ovulating. Im gona see doc wenbi return from bahamas..and yup I have begun my packing, soooo bummed though. I leave on the 12th and return on 17th and af due on the 13!! Wth..im gona have af my whole trip! Booooooo..but I reckon I deal w it. Lol im glad to ve goin on vaca...I hope everyone is well...:)
Hello Ladies!

Sorry to hear about your pup too! Sending positive vibes xoxox

Well I landed myself in ER last night. I got a 9 stitch laceration across my thumb from broken glass doing dishes. Mega Ouch :( Typing is slow lol. On my right hand no less lol. I am so accident prone.

Well I went for bloods and waiting to hear back. Odd thing happened last night while I was at the hospital was that after I went to the washroom I had lots of bright red blood on the TP. Thought I got my period. But that was it. I only have the tiniest of brown spotting...and barely. Anyway I don't know what to think about that one. I will have to email the nurse. My urine test is stark white. I know im out but strange. Anyway, awaiting that dreadful call with the sympathetic voice on the other end saying its a negative test.

How is everyone else? xo
Nat, test today?
Hello Ladies!

Sorry to hear about your pup too! Sending positive vibes xoxox

Well I landed myself in ER last night. I got a 9 stitch laceration across my thumb from broken glass doing dishes. Mega Ouch :( Typing is slow lol. On my right hand no less lol. I am so accident prone.

Well I went for bloods and waiting to hear back. Odd thing happened last night while I was at the hospital was that after I went to the washroom I had lots of bright red blood on the TP. Thought I got my period. But that was it. I only have the tiniest of brown spotting...and barely. Anyway I don't know what to think about that one. I will have to email the nurse. My urine test is stark white. I know im out but strange. Anyway, awaiting that dreadful call with the sympathetic voice on the other end saying its a negative test.

How is everyone else? xo
Nat, test today?

Barb that is nuts about your hand - yikes ! Sorry about that.. it will feel much better in a few days... I bet that was freaky though!!

As far as the AF stuff goes - that really IS bizarre... to go from bright red to brown and nothing. If your urine wasnt stark I would be more hopeful .. I know the wait for the call is just shitty esp when you feel confident in the result. I hope its wrong but I trust your gut Barb. If its coming I hope it just comes on and gets over with so you can move onto the next cycle.:hugs:
Nat how are you doing? Have you tested? (stupid question I know)
Hey Meg!

Yeah my hand will mend but its super sore. omg I bled so much. it's a long cut...like 1" or so.

How was your long weekend? All relaxed? I'm not ready for work at all either. I'm so sleepy today.

Yeah I will email my nurse about AF. I would like to move on. No cramps either or anything. So strange.
Hey Meg!

Yeah my hand will mend but its super sore. omg I bled so much. it's a long cut...like 1" or so.

How was your long weekend? All relaxed? I'm not ready for work at all either. I'm so sleepy today.

Yeah I will email my nurse about AF. I would like to move on. No cramps either or anything. So strange.

*shudders* lol that sounds so painful poor girl! Nothing a nice cocktail wont fix... did I say that outloud?

Weekend was pretty good - I really wish the weather was better though! This coming weekend should be warmer though.
PS Kelly Ripa really needs to FACK OFF with her damn toothpaste pop ups ughhhhh
I agree about the weather. It wasn't horrible but we could have used more sun!

I downloaded "adblock" on firefox. you can selectively block ads. do it.
I agree about the weather. It wasn't horrible but we could have used more sun!

I downloaded "adblock" on firefox. you can selectively block ads. do it.

I would but I cant download anything on my work computer. its like a communist regime over here LOL
oh that sux balls!!!!

where is Nat?! Nat!!!!

Well confirmed w/clinic - bfn. I knew it but it upset me. I'm feeling down & have all weekend. And I hate her tone...she does that sympathetic tone you know you're about to be braced for bad news. UGH.

i've sent my nurse an email about my spotting. i spotted this cycle & last cycle like 4 days before AF and I'm wondering if that's a cause for concern. I have one IUI left & then I'm not sure if we will keep doing it or not. I have Q's in Aug for the doc. I have to see my family doc next week to remove stitches so I'm going to ask her for a referal to do a second opinion.
Hi ladies :) ......ugh so sorry I been Mia today....had to go and pay some bills today...and got way layed by the city centre...I am pooped!....

Well something intresting to tell of.....I am officially triphasic...!
I don't know wth is happening bc my tests are still neg!....I even bought five lots of 20 miu's today in town...(less sensitive I know ) went test mad when I got home and still nothing! :( well actually I have a thee faintest of all faint grey line on cheepie frer....:wacko:
Can't even pick it up with camera...that sucks bc I would really love input on is test but no point as camera won't pick it up and so this site will make even the bestest of pics look shoddy quality...I guess I will have to see what happens tmr now...

Barbs I am soo sorry for your bfn today...and omg your poorly hand sounds horrific....9stitches? Wow must have been pretty deep....I can just picture you doing this dishes like I do...being (lets say....) not so carfull in a world of my own whilst in a crappy mood...and then an ooopsy happens....I would have been a right wimp with that lol...ESPECIALY the stiches! Lol
Hope your hand gets well soon.....we are totally the same when it comes to clumsiness lol...I do somthing everyday....I won't mention how I am band from my mums kitchen lol...
Very strange about your spotting too....defo bring it up at gp if you get no I reply from email...I hope she does email you.:flower:
Hope your ok barbs big :hugs:

Meg...Yaye opk ing it tmr....I hope your cycle is back on track for you..:thumbup:

Talia sorry to hear about your boxer...I love them dogs....I do hope she recovers well.:flower:

Natalieexo ....good luck with your ttc coming...we look forward to your joining us love...have a great holibob won't you ...:thumbup:

Well ill be back later ladies I have a nice bath awaiting me...woohoo...:)

:) :) :) xxx
oh that sux balls!!!!

where is Nat?! Nat!!!!

Well confirmed w/clinic - bfn. I knew it but it upset me. I'm feeling down & have all weekend. And I hate her tone...she does that sympathetic tone you know you're about to be braced for bad news. UGH.

i've sent my nurse an email about my spotting. i spotted this cycle & last cycle like 4 days before AF and I'm wondering if that's a cause for concern. I have one IUI left & then I'm not sure if we will keep doing it or not. I have Q's in Aug for the doc. I have to see my family doc next week to remove stitches so I'm going to ask her for a referal to do a second opinion.

I probably say "that sucks balls' more than any other phrase. I think we are kindred spirits LMAOOO

So sorry about the phone call. The sensitive tone would irritate me SO much but at the same time if she said "hey guess what negative again" that would also piss me off.. what is the happy medium? I am not sure....

I am really glad you are asking for a second opinion and I really am eager to hear what they say. I am not sure about the spotting.. I thought you usually do get it a bit no? I dont spot beforehand so I would find that strange... just pink CM sometimes and the occasional chemical bahhhh lol no time for jokes??

Big hugs Barb.... I hope you go home, run off some steam, then have a nice glass and relax.:hugs:
Hi ladies :) ......ugh so sorry I been Mia today....had to go and pay some bills today...and got way layed by the city centre...I am pooped!....

Well something intresting to tell of.....I am officially triphasic...!
I don't know wth is happening bc my tests are still neg!....I even bought five lots of 20 miu's today in town...(less sensitive I know ) went test mad when I got home and still nothing! :( well actually I have a thee faintest of all faint grey line on cheepie frer....:wacko:
Can't even pick it up with camera...that sucks bc I would really love input on is test but no point as camera won't pick it up and so this site will make even the bestest of pics look shoddy quality...I guess I will have to see what happens tmr now...

Well ill be back later ladies I have a nice bath awaiting me...woohoo...:)

:) :) :) xxx

Hi Nat! Good to hear from you :)

Sorry about those nasty BFN *******s ughhh - is AF due tomorrow?

You enjoy that bath and relax :)

I am glad you are seeing doc re fertility in August - it is good timing and you will get another cycle or two in there before the appt:hugs:

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