6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Can I vent on here so I do t go crazy on someone?! My ex who is 35 is dating a girl who has just turned 20.... She has told him that she does not want him giving us any money...excuse me little girl...those are his kids whom he needs to support!! So needless to say I had to file child support today!! I hate that. Because he has always been so good.. But this little girl is just rotten... He also takes my 2 yr old to the park often because he loves kids and has become close to her...and she had the nuts to tell him to stay away from her!! She is 2 and she is innocent!! Grrrrr!!! Anyway.. Thanks for the rant.. Now I won't punch someone in the face!!
Ok ladies I am doing myself in here...I have looked at this test(the cheepie frer!) over a dozen times....you see a faint line right....it came up straight away...has colour but is very faint...it's not 100 % dry yet...

The other two tests are purple one 10 mui...and green one is 20 mui...

I am afraid now not HOPFULL?...I can except an evap...but if this is me in the line for a chem too then fuck that sucks ass- balls and everything!
(Sorry barbs lol had to steal your balls one i thought that was really funny)

So what do you think me petals? ...:flower:
Oh btw I'm 14 dpo! And I also had a faint one like this yesterday on a cheepie frer.but fainter...

:) :) :) xxx


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Here's another-tweeked...so you can see the line better on this site...

Hardly had to tweek it...just pulled a little colour through and dimmed it slightly...:wacko:

:) :) :) xxx


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Hmm how bout odd as balls? But not really... Implantation can happen late and then it takes a bit for hcg to rise even to 10 miu. I see it on all three verry faint but I think the big one and the 10 miu one have colour if anything. I dunno. When are you due for AF? Anything down there? Strange city!
Hmm how bout odd as balls? But not really... Implantation can happen late and then it takes a bit for hcg to rise even to 10 miu. I see it on all three verry faint but I think the big one and the 10 miu one have colour if anything. I dunno. When are you due for AF? Anything down there? Strange city!

Thanks for replying talia...glad you can see it too....I thought I was driving myself mad ha ha....
Af due in t minus 32 hrs....lol....Thursday...
Tmi ....but I usually "dry up" 3/4 days before af...and I have had loads of cm...keeping having to go and check if af has arrive bc I keep having that "funny feeling " down there...lol...
Was barfing yesterday. And very nausous 9dpo...nausous today to...lots of gagging like I'm going to be sick....
Ahhh this sucks if it all for nothing...what a cruel trick my body is playing ...

And I like your odd balls...ha ha...it all fits together well actually...sucks odd ass balls....pmsl....:haha:

You know this is really odd...I haven't had one single evap with my new tests and now I get these suspicious lines that I can't yet trust ha ha...
:dohh: I dunno....
Ill have to wait for the morning...

On another note....my triphasic nots tell me I may have implanted on cd 24... That makes it 6 dpo....working it all out surely I should have some sort of line by now eh...:wacko:

Thankyou talia...hope your having a great evening:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
It's definitely super faint but I trust you saw colour, it's so hard to get that on camera. It's definitely confusing, your symptoms seem promising but the triphasic at 6 dpo would be strange to get a line so late... Well keep testing til AF which I'm sure was the plan! I'll be watching!
Nat I am holding on tight here for progession pics tomorrow. Major FX for you. I have crap line eye and can't see but I trust you and Talia! Maybe you did implant late interesting...... Stay away you trampy whore of a witch bitch!
Nat I am holding on tight here for progession pics tomorrow. Major FX for you. I have crap line eye and can't see but I trust you and Talia! Maybe you did implant late interesting...... Stay away you trampy whore of a witch bitch!

:rofl: :rofl: :thumbup: That was hilairious!!!

Thankyou meg....ill try and deliver some good news but I'm not feeling very confident...I have this niggling feeling it's a cruel trick on me...:(

Ill have to wait for D day I suspect :(

:rofl: gawsh I laughed so hard at that...I hope the silly slut stays away! Lol

:) :) :) xxx
Hahah yes! Loving the name calling. I'm hoping for progression too. It's damn hard to see but FX! I think that would be the biggest most needed uplift this thread needs right now! Ooo-wee I could get excited about that for sure :happydance:
I am having a very hard time seeing a second line. If I look long enough there may be something on the top and bottom test. But inconclusive for me. I hope the lines get darker and you're pregnant! The barfing and nausea is very suspect! Can't wait to see your tests tomorrow morning!

Well hubby and I decided we try IUI this month then a month on our own in August and go back to IUI potentially with a new doctor.
Next Friday I have a physical.with my doctor and to take my stitches out so I will ask for a new federal. Maybe it's just a matter of time.

Ladies we need bfps!
Nat are the lines you see all pink?
Can I vent on here so I do t go crazy on someone?! My ex who is 35 is dating a girl who has just turned 20.... She has told him that she does not want him giving us any money...excuse me little girl...those are his kids whom he needs to support!! So needless to say I had to file child support today!! I hate that. Because he has always been so good.. But this little girl is just rotten... He also takes my 2 yr old to the park often because he loves kids and has become close to her...and she had the nuts to tell him to stay away from her!! She is 2 and she is innocent!! Grrrrr!!! Anyway.. Thanks for the rant.. Now I won't punch someone in the face!!

I'm sorry hun..I have a step daughter with a nutcase mom..its not easy. Hang in there and breathe. Your ex cannot refuse to pay. And he's an idiot not to apems time with his child.
Here's another-tweeked...so you can see the line better on this site...

Hardly had to tweek it...just pulled a little colour through and dimmed it slightly...:wacko:

:) :) :) xxx

It's no secret I suck at reading these tests or seeing much of anything, dammit. I trust in what you saw though, and like the symptoms I'm reading!!:happydance:
Happy Canada Day to all ;-) I should be O'ing soon, within days so the race is, once again, on...we've been BD'ing lots lately. Not really the right time to conceive, but the moments just been striking us both which is nice. Had a whirlwind weekend of go-go-go and today, I just wanted to stop lol. So we did nothing special for canada day. The festivities are always so jam packed plus we're having a little heat wave for the west coast and the thought of being in a huge sweaty crowd wasn't sounding like the best place to me. So home in a cool breeze, in the shade, with my guy and the pets is all I want now.

Sorry for the damn BFN's I've read about. I haven't quite caught up- as usual- lol, but working on it. I read enough to know another cycle is over for a few of my ladies and that sucks. I saw a very preggo, beautiful woman today coming out of Marshalls. She was blonde, trim, perfect basketball bump under her gorgeous tight sundress....it was so hot but she looked radiant. I pointed her out to DH and sighed....

Love to all

Hi chere :). Sounds like you had a relaxing Canada day :). We did the same - absolutely nothing ! It was great. Literally got into bed at 7pm and watched movies and TV all night. It was very nice. DH works a lot so long weekends are cherished lol.

Sounds like you've been doing everything right! Lots of BDing and almost O time for you. Good luck Chere wouldn't a bfp be a nice silver lining to what you've been going through? Fingers crossed. You're almost in the 2ww! :)

Thank you Meg! Judging by my chart I haven't O'd yet but we're planning on hitting it alot lol....

Saturday was a party in the park with frisbee and drinks, food, I swear I gained weight so yesterday was nice and easy. I LOVE going to bed early too! LOL....love, love lying in bed and just relaxing.

Thanks for the well wishes, right back at you....lets hope...I'm not relishing the TWW but.........it's a comin'!
I'm really sorry this cycle and this whole journey has been such a heartbreaker for everyone involved! I also really hope July is a special month for bfps. It was really touching of you to say my bfp was a bit of inspiration! I really hope you all muscle through the disappointment right now and go headstrong into the next cycle. I just know something has gotta give and these bfps will show!!
AFM this Canada day weekend has been a worrisome one for us, Chere you might actually be able to help me out here... Our dog seemed to have had a spinal cord stroke / fce while we were at the lake. Kurtis's parents were babysitting thank god but our poor boxer sure is in rough shape. She's a lot better today, walking but with some stiffness, weak back legs, but its better than the partial paralysis she had yesterday morning heading to the vets... I drove 2 hrs straight home and took care of her... Now just to see how she recovers with lots of rest and some meds. :( anyways long story short I'm happy she's on the mend, the first phone call we got, the i laws though she dislocated both hips or broke her back.. Sigh phew it was not the case

I'm so sorry about your dog! It's heart breaking when they're hurt as we feel so damn helpless. Was the diagnosis actually a stroke? What meds? What is the prpgnosis and what are you doing for homecare? Sorry lots of questions...love and hope goes A LONG WAY in taking care of those we love- furry or not! Pls keep me posted.
Well they couldn't actually diagnose without a ct, didnt have 3500$ for one but ruled out any breaks etc with an X-ray. It's technically a fibrocartilagenous embolism, she fits the symptoms exactly. Sudden onset of paralysis and pain, she lost control of her bowels immediately. But has been making great strides within half an hour of the injury. She's just on pain meds, antiinflammatories and muscle relaxers. Tramadol, robaxin and met-something. Lol prognosis is good especially since she was able to walk so quickly, many recover to 80+ % mobility with physio and rehab etc. for now she's on rest orders basically and see her improvement and reassess at the vet on Friday. I'm thinking of getting her to get some acupuncture or chiropractic if she's cleared to have it. FX but she's doing really well
Morning ladies....well it's bad new :(....
Woke up with cramping ...temp fell a little....I tested....one test has a faint pink line...other neg...but I had thee ultimate sign I'm about to start the big bleed...:(
Every month about 24 hrs before af starts I have a bubbling sound coming from "down there". Like someone's took the bath plug out (lol) ....af WILL be upon me by tonight/morning..:(....

I feel like such a punk!....
All my signs were so good!...triphasic-sickness-cramping and spotting around the right times-the major sore bbs....

It's got me thinking about the sickness.....I think I have somthing going on somwhere....I have doctors with Harry's lump tmr so I will certainly bring it up with her.

I hate to say it but I think I implanted late and it's not took too well :(
I can't think why my tests have done this....the tests I have I am VERY happy with-not one single evap or shadow line! Just strange that I get the lines on then and different brands.

I'm not even going to bother waiting my "real" frer now...save it for next cycle...

Well now if so under pressure....I have this one cycle left untill apt in August...

A heartbreaking thing happened today too....I have my tests on my fire place ....I went to walk into the room and saw oH bent over looking at them REAL hard...my heart sank!...
When I asked "are you ok there love" he turns around with my test in his hand looking so sad.....in a sence I am glad he wants this a badly as me but I also feel like I am not giving him what he wants either...I hate this feeling :( .....I also remember this feeling all to well and it was sort of what sank me into such a low last time....I need to be head strong here and try not to let my heart take over....or I will end up back in a place I never want to again...

It's looking more and more like we just may have to go the iui route after all....which gives me some hope but I just know that all that money is going to cripple us....dam it's so expensive here..and now with pete and his new job and new pay we won't be entitled to any help with the costs at all...that fecking sucks everything!
I dunno...we haven't actually set any ideas in stone yet but I just know my doctor is going to suggest it and send us to a specialist....she will be thinking ker Ching!...
I do hope not and still considers me a patient and not a way to help reduce the nhs debt....
And I hold out no confidence our referrals will be quick either....it's taken nearly three months to recieve my ruemathology apt...
Ok so as you can probably guess I just got quite down this morning...what a load of fecking shit eh!
Oh well -on with the next cycle and hope hope hope it works...I hope it does as my mum won't be supporting us through iui...she thinks we are messing with nature! Ha thanks ma!
Like I really need that opinion right now!

Sorry ladies I don't mean to drag the thread down on a low note :flower:
I feel alittle better now I have got it all of my chest now :thumbup:

Barbs your plan is good solid one...I think a change of clinic is a great idea...and I hope with all my heart you don't have to get that far and that your preggo before the new apt with them...I hope it all goes well at your doctors too and that they are sympathetic to your needs.:flower:

Meg you normally start your opks today right? How are they looking? Good I hope.:flower:

Chere...glad to hear you had a great weekend love :thumbsup:
Gl with all that bd-ing love...big fx for you.:flower:

Ashley ...:hugs: sorry to hear that silly little girl bitch is trying to interfere with what sounds like a good routine....she will one day realise what trouble she is causing as karma has it's ways of pay back!.....and sorry your ex is so under her thumb...hopefully he stands up to her.
So when do you plan to test ? Lol ...:flower:

Sorry if I have forgotten anyone ladies...I am being trampled all over here lol...so got to go lol...
I will be back later ok :flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Morning ladies....well it's bad new :(....
Woke up with cramping ...temp fell a little....I tested....one test has a faint pink line...other neg...but I had thee ultimate sign I'm about to start the big bleed...:(
Every month about 24 hrs before af starts I have a bubbling sound coming from "down there". Like someone's took the bath plug out (lol) ....af WILL be upon me by tonight/morning..:(....

I feel like such a punk!....
All my signs were so good!...triphasic-sickness-cramping and spotting around the right times-the major sore bbs....

It's got me thinking about the sickness.....I think I have somthing going on somwhere....I have doctors with Harry's lump tmr so I will certainly bring it up with her.

I hate to say it but I think I implanted late and it's not took too well :(
I can't think why my tests have done this....the tests I have I am VERY happy with-not one single evap or shadow line! Just strange that I get the lines on then and different brands.

I'm not even going to bother waiting my "real" frer now...save it for next cycle...

Well now if so under pressure....I have this one cycle left untill apt in August...

A heartbreaking thing happened today too....I have my tests on my fire place ....I went to walk into the room and saw oH bent over looking at them REAL hard...my heart sank!...
When I asked "are you ok there love" he turns around with my test in his hand looking so sad.....in a sence I am glad he wants this a badly as me but I also feel like I am not giving him what he wants either...I hate this feeling :( .....I also remember this feeling all to well and it was sort of what sank me into such a low last time....I need to be head strong here and try not to let my heart take over....or I will end up back in a place I never want to again...

It's looking more and more like we just may have to go the iui route after all....which gives me some hope but I just know that all that money is going to cripple us....dam it's so expensive here..and now with pete and his new job and new pay we won't be entitled to any help with the costs at all...that fecking sucks everything!
I dunno...we haven't actually set any ideas in stone yet but I just know my doctor is going to suggest it and send us to a specialist....she will be thinking ker Ching!...
I do hope not and still considers me a patient and not a way to help reduce the nhs debt....
And I hold out no confidence our referrals will be quick either....it's taken nearly three months to recieve my ruemathology apt...
Ok so as you can probably guess I just got quite down this morning...what a load of fecking shit eh!
Oh well -on with the next cycle and hope hope hope it works...I hope it does as my mum won't be supporting us through iui...she thinks we are messing with nature! Ha thanks ma!
Like I really need that opinion right now!

Sorry ladies I don't mean to drag the thread down on a low note :flower:
I feel alittle better now I have got it all of my chest now :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

Nat I am sorry about AF coming on.... and I am sorry you had that experience with DH looking at your tests. I am the same.. I want DH to want it as badly but I dont want to let him down. I completely understand that feeling. You do not have to apologize for venting and I am glad it made you feel even a little bit better.... I think its good to consider IUI and other options for sure but hopefully you wont end up needing to... Glad you have appt coming up with the doctor to explore your options. You have been pg before and I know it took some time so I really hope that a BFP comes very soon Nat. I want to give you a huge hug right now!! You have such a positive spirit that always helps me through my ups and downs.... :) Dont worry about what your mum says - "nature" is whatever we want it to be. Its natural to have a baby - period - doesnt matter how to you get it! IUI, IVF, Adoption, its all the same outcome! xoxoxoxo
CD9 today, started my OPK a day earlier than usual. It was as light as I expected so thats good in that its probably a normal cycle - we will see! I dont expect a positive until Monday or so....I am taking my EPO, Materna and Vitamin D every day.

Came home last night and did a workout - somethinig was wrong with my treadmill so I did one of my P90 videos... ate and drank too much crap this weekend so Im going to be a good girl until my trip lol....

Tired today but hey its humpday and 2 more days after this till the weekend xx
Oh Nat :hugs: sorry about that witch bitch coming. I had my FX so hard for you! It just broke my heart reading about your dh looking at the tests! But it will come! You both will be basking in that utter joy again when your bfp shows up! I think it's really positive to get some answers at the specialist and considering some options :) much love from over here!
Hey Ladies,

I'm so sorry Nat. You & I are both feeling quite glum this month.
I've been feeling sad since that last IUI appointment. This past weekend I've felt depressed & I still feel it. I'm not in a good place either.
And some times that's just how it's going to be.
IUI is a great option & it might not be too expensive? I forgot do you know the cost? it costs us almost $600/month for two IUI's. We do it back to back. Some doctors only do 1 IUI. That would cost $300. I'm glad my DH is on board to keep trying IUI after August. I get scared some times because he's very practical & frugal & he doesn't need this as much as I do. And some days I worry he'll pull the plug on me or suggest a long break. But he made me feel better yesterday by saying we don't have to stop IUI. Because like you, Nat, I feel like I have to make this one "count". Ugh.

I'm going today to grab more Maca, R.R.tea & Bromine.

Whoo Meg, I hope it happens again for you soon & successfully.
I've kept really active all weekend & plan to go for a run today after work.
Have my SD again this evening. Her presence this weekend made things harder on me. I need a little break from her. She's gone until the weekend AFTER this coming up....which will be a good break. I just find sometimes it's salt rubbing in wound when she's around and I'm finding out I'm not pregnant. And she was so needy with her dad this week which just made it worse.

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