6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Wow...sooooo hard to catch up!! Lol bahamas was wonderful..had a relaxing time for sure along w a nice tan..lol still not ovulating. I have a doc apt scheduled for aug 14th..so hopefully all goes ok w that and she get fet my body wrkin..lol
ahhh your OPK...gotcha :) good luck & hope it turns positive soon!!!

@ momma, welcome back :) jealous of your trip lol. I have a tan too but from camping up North...not as exciting.

Ladies, when do you think HCG hits the blood stream after implantation? I forget & remember I did so much research & dont have the time. Any ideas?
Yaye hay barbs! :)

So glad your camping trip went well....
Thankyou for the advice with ff and temps...I got got a little worried that my eastrogen was too low...but as it turns out I had a lovely surge and it seams all the meds ii have been taking are in full swing now and doing "what it says on the tin"
Giving me good ovulation .yaye...:)

I am desperate to poas ha ha....it's way too early tho isn't it ha ha...

I had a lil moment earlier....call it women's intuition...lol....I have this warm feeling come over me that a someone's bfp is approaching ....I sure hope so.:thumbup:

Wow the media has gone nuts over Kate's labour today...I would just LOVE to be a fly on the wall in there with her.....I bets she's sucking that gas and air like a nut job lol...no royal eticasy now lol....

Barbs I am almost sure I have read that hgc hits the bloodstream 2 days after implantation... I will REPOST the list that dance babe posted some months ago...
I find it at least gives me some hope when I start to feel out...

If a woman implants at 8dpo, with a 'non pregnant' hCG level of 1 [Which is totally normal] it would rise as follows

8dpo - 1miu hcg
10dpo - 2miu
12dpo - 4miu
14dpo [Day AF is typically due] - 8miu
16dpo - 16miu

So this lady wouldn't finnd out until 15dpo on a very senstive 10miu pregnancy test, superdrug own or possibly asda own. Obviously if she implants LATER than 8dpo [which is normal] she will find out even later.

Now, Take a lady who implants at 8dpo, But has a'Non pregnant' hCG level of 5. Hers looks like this;

8dpo - 5miu
10dpo- 10miu - Could find out here on superdrug own, internet cheapie
12dpo - 20miu - Could find out here with freedom cheapie strip/most poundland tests and asda own]
14dpo - 40miu [day period is typically due] Most tests would pick it up here

So, This lady, Even though implantation is on the same say for both ladies, Can find out MUCH sooner. Now, If this lady were to implant at 6dpo she could potentially find out at just 8dpo. But if the first lady were to implant at 12dpo, She would find out even later, Even if they have the same cycle and OV days!

Hope this helps barb :flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Mommaplus....how the devil are you?....missed you :flower:
So so glad your holibob was great.....sorry to hear of no o yet....bet you can't wait to see the doc.....you'll probably have to have repeat beta checks...
I hope they get to the bottom of this for you :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey ladies! Hope everyone's cycles are going well. Yay for a good O Nat, Momma, hopefully that appt will straighten things out and barb cant wait to watch you test out the hcg and see it climb again!
AFM, I'm pumped for my first appt today! My symptoms have been dwindling and it's about time to feel like the ball is rolling again. Booked first scan for thurs for some peace of mind cuz I've had a few times of bright spotting :S hope all is well in there
Ok so it's kind of long but I just found this site whilst researching myo inositol and I thought I would share my findings with you lovely ladies....I hope this helps...
I haven't read it all yet but am doing so now.:)

Beth Heller, MS, RYT

At the Moon we are constantly striving to increase our E.Q.I.Q. (Egg Quality I.Q.) and for years we have believed that nutrition can play a role in eqq quality. However, until recently there were few studies to support this claim so we needed to temper our recommendations with the phrase “but there isn’t any clinical evidence for this yet.” Now, several new investigations have shown that, yes, certain nutritional supplements may make a difference in egg quality. The goal of this blog is to summarize the latest clinical news, discuss the substances that are now showing potential benefits for women with poor egg quality and help you make choices about which supplements may be right for you. As with any supplement protocol, you should always consult your physician before starting.

1. Myo-inositol (MI)

Very recently two clinical trials were published that clarified a lot of the unknowns about myo-inositol, a product we use at PDtM under the name of FlowPro. Myo-inositol (MI) is a part of the B vitamin complex and is a known insulin-sensitizer. It has also been shown to improve both physical (hirsutism and acne) and reproductive (anovulation and amenorrhea) manifestations of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). In addition, myo-inositol plays a role in cell growth and early studies indicated that higher levels of MI in the follicular fluid was associated with better egg quality.

Several exciting new studies have emerged that have shed new light on MI and its role in fertility, particularly Assisted Reproductive Technology. The latest study of interest demonstrated that treatment with 4 g per day of MI for three months prior to IVF improved egg quality in women who had failed a previous IVF due to poor egg quality. In this study the treatment also included 3g per day of melatonin, which I will talk about next.

But first, a note about inositol. For some time there has been a debate as to the efficacy of d-chiro vs. myo-inositol for fertility. We have chosen to use MI in our products because a) this is the form that has been used in all the clinical research we have seen to date on PCOS, egg and embryo quality and b) it is less expensive than the d- form. Now, a new study confirms that myo-inositol seems to be more effective than d-chiro for egg and embryo-quality. On another happy note, MI has also been shown to have a positive therapeutic effect on mood disorders that are responsive to SSRI’s (serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors) including depression, panic and OCD – a potential plus for the anxious, depressed fertility patient!

2. Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland. It regulates our sleep/wake cycle as well as other hormones, in particular the hormones of the female reproductive cycle. New studies like the one above suggest that melatonin supplementation at a level of 3 mg per day may help to improve egg quality when taken with MI for several months prior to IVF.

There are caveats to the use of melatonin. Side-effects may include exacerbation of depression symptoms and patients who struggle with depression should make sure to discuss this side-effect with their physician. Melatonin should not be used with patients using thyroid medication as it can impact thyroid hormone levels. It can also suppress ovulation at high doses so in general we only recommend this supplement for women who will be using ART and a trigger shot to stimulate ovulation and/or retrieval.

Finally, melatonin should NOT be taken while pregnant or nursing. In general we do not recommend melatonin use for longer than 3 months without taking a break. It can also cause marked drowsiness and is best taken just before bedtime.


DHEA (not to be confused with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA) is a hormone that serves as a precursor of steroid hormones testosterone and estrogen. Research indicates it may also stimulate follicular development. Several studies have shown supplementation with 75 mg of DHEA daily to improve egg quality and pregnancy outcome in women who were “poor responders” to IVF stimulation medication. Another study suggests that DHEA supplementation may reduce the risk of aneupoloidy.

DHEA should be used with caution as it is a pretty powerful hormone and when used at high levels and over a long term it may damage the liver. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take DHEA, nor should women with PCOS as this could exacerbate the condition. Like melatonin, we recommend a three month treatment period.

4. CoQ10

CoQ10 is a naturally occurring fat-soluble nutrient that is essential for energy production. CoQ10 has potent antioxidant properties and cell membrane stabilizing effects that make it beneficial for egg and sperm quality, specifically sperm motility. CoQ10 works within the mitochondria (the cellular power stations) in the cells and is essential for energy production. Until recently, CoQ10 was not thought to be a nutrient that required supplementation, as all normal tissue manufactures its own CoQ10; however, this production decreases naturally with age and is also lowered by certain drugs, including statins. When CoQ10 levels in the cells are low, energy production may be reduced and oxidative stress increased as a result.

CoQ10 has been shown to improve sperm quality and is now under investigation for potential use with women of advanced reproductive age undergoing ART to improve egg/embryo quality. The oocyte has among the highest concentrations of mitochondria of all body cells and uses immense amounts of energy in the process of maturation and ovulation. Researchers hypothesize that supporting the oocyte with CoQ10 may improve egg quality (Bentov et al. 2010).

The recommended dosage for overall health is 100-300 mg/day, or as directed by a nutritionist. The dosage under investigation in studies looking at egg quality is higher: 600 mg/day. CoQ10 appears to be a safe supplement: Studies have used supplementation of CoQ10 up to levels of 3,000 mg per day without adverse side effects. At present, the only risk to taking CoQ is the cost, as this supplement can be pricy, and no data currently exists on its usage in high doses during pregnancy.

5. Omega-3 Fatty Acid (EPA/DHA)

There is still no direct clinical evidence that omega-3 fatty acids improve egg quality but we are convinced they are a good bet and include them in our Egg Quality Protocol. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) forms the backbone of many of the chemicals that halt inflammation in our body and also serves to support the health of our cell membranes. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (not to be confused with DHEA above) is important for brain health and adequate stores of DHA are thought to be beneficial for the early cognitive development of the fetus. DHA may also be helpful for depression. Look for purity-tested products.

This is exciting news indeed but you should always speak with your physician before beginning a supplementation regimen of any kind. Of course, we would also be remiss if we didn’t mention that providing your body with the highest quality diet is also important for fertility. If you are specifically seeking to improve your egg quality you should also consider re-thinking your diet to limit inflammation, achieve good blood sugar control and get ample antioxidant nutrients from food sources. Our nutritionists at Pulling Down the Moon are specialists and will tailor their recommendations to your fertility diagnosis.

For more information about any of the supplements or info in this blog, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. These supplements and other fertility-related products are available at our online store.
:) :) :) xxx
Hey Hey!!!!

@Lil - I hope everything's ok too for your little bean. I hear spotting can be normal. NO cramping?? I'll start posting me photos tomorrow :) I just hope I remember to test FMU.

Nat, thanks for the info again. I got my bfp both times round 11dpo. So I presume this is how my body works. And now having Ovidrel shot who knows.
Yes, the world seems to be on the edge of their seats on the Royal Baby's arrival. But I do suppose its an important mark on this planet. Oh how would we survive w/o a prince or a princess...heh. I'm starting to feel more anxiety about everyone' popping. I just hope I can be pregnant when our friends go in labor :(
Nat are you taking Myo-Inositol? I'm trying to find it in stores & having a hard time.
I'm taking L-Argine this cycle. Also I started Zinc but I think it makes me nauseated. Are you taking it?
This list you found is similar to the one I sent you from my clinic.
Hey Hey!!!!

@Lil - I hope everything's ok too for your little bean. I hear spotting can be normal. NO cramping?? I'll start posting me photos tomorrow :) I just hope I remember to test FMU.

Nat, thanks for the info again. I got my bfp both times round 11dpo. So I presume this is how my body works. And now having Ovidrel shot who knows.
Yes, the world seems to be on the edge of their seats on the Royal Baby's arrival. But I do suppose its an important mark on this planet. Oh how would we survive w/o a prince or a princess...heh. I'm starting to feel more anxiety about everyone' popping. I just hope I can be pregnant when our friends go in labor :(
Nat are you taking Myo-Inositol? I'm trying to find it in stores & having a hard time.
I'm taking L-Argine this cycle. Also I started Zinc but I think it makes me nauseated. Are you taking it?
This list you found is similar to the one I sent you from my clinic.

Hi barb just a quick one lo is won't stay in bed tonight....lil rascal....lol....
Just found this not sure if it helps....I see the dosages are higher than recommended protocol ....


Brb. ASAP. Lol. :) :) :) xxx
:happydance: the prince is born...:) 4.24 pm ...congratulations to Kate and will....:)

:) :) :) xxx
thanks lady! however ive read it should be MYO & not just Inositol.
I'll check my health shops if I'm not pregnant this cycle. Anything I take now I dont think will make any world of a difference this cycle.

I want it to be next Wed...so I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
I'm getting impatient today.
Hi everyone!

Got back late last night from holiday and today was my husbands grandmothers funeral. Hosted 60 people at my house from 2pm until the last guest 1030 pm I am wiped!!!!

Back to work and reality tomorrow. Depressed about that and so full of dread. I really hate my job and employer I need to make a change soon but was hoping to wait for mat leave to do that.

Anywho so bfn this morning at 12/ 13dpo and like clockwork I am now spotting. AF should be full force by morning. I totally expected it this cycle despite my chemical last month because of the bad BDing schedule we had this cycle. I was fully prepared for AF to come but after 100 comments today from various DH family about when are we having kids and why don't I have one yet and "just so you have to have sex to get pregnant" jokes I honestly feel pretty low. I want a baby. I hope it doesn't take much longer

Lets hope this cycle we can bd lots and have a good chance

I feel lucky to have you ladies tonight when I am feeling like this.

Time for bed xoxo

Oh and yes Nat I thought of you today with the Will and Kate news :)
Ps I guess I will have to update my signature with my age and DH age lol. Damnit!!
Morning ladies....gah! Baby baby baby baby...rrahhhhhhhhhhh BABY..... The media has officially LOST the plot!......
I mean congrats where they are due and all but PLEASE shut up now!.....
Last night I had a mini break down! :cry:
I smiled as much as I possibly could but my smiles where just a cover for the pain inside bc I want MY absent child.:(......
I feel such a bitch :( I want to be happy for will and Kate (and I truly am) but I am just hurting soooo bad about my mc.:(
Lol I'm probably the only person in the UK not ecstatic lol...
Altho -I do wish the new royal family all the best I do hope they soak it all up and ignore us Brits and just get on with raising thier new bubba and enjoy it...:thumbup:

Meg- thankyou for your kind thoughts :hugs:
I'm sorry you had all that on your plate on your arrival home ....and I'm really sorry to hear you got a bfn too :(
A fresh start is upon you love :thumbup:
Re:family asking about kids........wow I totally know how that feels.....I just wanted to scream at people and tell them to fuck off in the end....I mean surely if they put there brain into action before thier mouths they would realise YES WE DO WANT A FAMILY AND YES IT'S BEEN A STRUGGLE FOR US,!!

Lol....it's seems like I'm in a bad mood....but I'm really not lol...

Barbs....I think ii gave you the wrong link last night...I will try and call back up what I was researching and post the PROPPER link again...:thumbup:
And thankyou sooo much for your support on my blog yesterday too :hugs:
Its been sooo hard...I admire how you cope.

Well ladies....5dpo here...think I have a uti...tmi I have a lot of cloudy ness in my urine and it's seems to be a bit bitty....need to hall ass to doctors to nip thins in the bud.asap.
Peeved tho...it's probably ruined my chances of ferlization/implantation now :(

Hope you are all ok and enjoying the sun ladies....will be back later....

:) :) :) xxx
I think there is imrovement in my opks but the one yesterday has faded a little i think the bottom one is this morning, the doctor called ovarys are fine it was just to let me know they sent my scans to a kidney doctor because i have a lump on one of my kidneys but it should be fine, i might be making progression but no ewcm yet when do you girls usually notice ewcm?


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I think there is imrovement in my opks but the one yesterday has faded a little i think the bottom one is this morning, the doctor called ovarys are fine it was just to let me know they sent my scans to a kidney doctor because i have a lump on one of my kidneys but it should be fine, i might be making progression but no ewcm yet when do you girls usually notice ewcm?

Hi natalieexo....:flower:
Your opks will fade in and out love..the Ewcm will be your fertile period ....usuall 1/2/3 days before or on the day of ovulation....
As for the opks...I usually notice the test line will get strong much quicker than the control line when it's nearly or IS positive.do you test twice a day? So not to miss the surge!....I test mid morning and early evening...(and no coffee/alcohol before poas lol)

Good luck with your opks love...:thumbup: keep poas-ing :thumbup:

As for lump on kidney I sure hope that all is fine.

:) :) :) xxx
I did yesteday but wasnt sure if i should until i get ewcm i have had it before so i know i get it but i probably will test again later on, i did todays at 10.30 with a 2 hour hold no tea or anything beforehand. Is 2.30 to soon or should i do it more like 6, if i had a normal cycle i should ovulate sunday but since i am just off bcp it most likely will be later than that. I have two different brands i like the ones i am using now better so i might try the other brand later to compare. The doctor i spoke to on the phone said i need to speak to the doctor who wanted the scan done about irregular periods but i think i'm best off giving it s good couple of months off bcp before that.
I did yesteday but wasnt sure if i should until i get ewcm i have had it before so i know i get it but i probably will test again later on, i did todays at 10.30 with a 2 hour hold no tea or anything beforehand. Is 2.30 to soon or should i do it more like 6, if i had a normal cycle i should ovulate sunday but since i am just off bcp it most likely will be later than that. I have two different brands i like the ones i am using now better so i might try the other brand later to compare. The doctor i spoke to on the phone said i need to speak to the doctor who wanted the scan done about irregular periods but i think i'm best off giving it s good couple of months off bcp before that.

Hi nat :thumbup:

Yeah I would go with 6pm love...
A lil inspiration for you here.....I have been Reading about dozens of ladies who have come off bcp lately...(just out of interest) and so many of them get there bfp's within there first 3cycles....it's nice to know....I mean. There have been so many story's of how bcp affect fertillity but what I have managed to gather is that you are actually SO Fertile in the 6 months of stopping them!

My cousin she and her husband went on holiday for there honeymoon and whilst in a moment they desided they would try for a family when they returned home...she came off her bcp (which she had been on for 12yrs).... And was off it for a month....after 4 weeks she started spotting and a few problems came up regarding money so they desided to hold off for a couple more months to ttc...she went to the doctors to get more bcp and hay presto she found out she was preggo!:thumbup:....

Now I know it's quite rare that it happens first cycle but there IS hope and I'm sure she's not the only ever person that has happend to in the world:thumbup:

I sure hope you get your positive opk this week end love.i have my fingers crossed for you.:)

:) :) :) xxx
Ps I guess I will have to update my signature with my age and DH age lol. Damnit!!

You're only as old as what you put in your siggy XD

And about the family thing about them asking why you do have one yet OMG I can relate. Now on my mom's side of the family they had found out about my MC so they weren't bad to deal with at all. But my dad's side they didn't know. We don't see them that often. Well we finally told everyone at a funeral (sucks but only time I see them) and they all said. Well it's about time (we were 18 weeks at that time). Can't believe it took you so longer. We were wondering when the two of you would have kids. ... I so badly wanted to shout at them, well I would have had one sooner but it wasn't meant to be! And sorry it took us an added 9 months (which I know isn't that long now!) But why do people have to go about saying crap like that? It isn't anyone's business but your own.

Sorry I guess I just felt the need to rant a bit there about family. Just wanted to let you know you aren't alone *hugs*.
Hey Meg, so good to see you are back! You had a great time on vacation??
Anything exciting happen? I'm really sorry that AF is on her way. I really wished you'd get preggers right away. Don't count yourself out yet this summer....it will happen.
I'm so sorry about the insensitivity from your family. Do they know you've been trying? I think you may be wise to prepare yourself for what you would say next time someone has a comment. Some thing polite enough but will shut them up. It's very painful when people say things which are so careless. However, until now I never thought "hey maybe they cant get pregnant. or: hey, maybe they'd been trying forever and having a hard time"...now I know better. Also if it's close family & it gets too much it wouldn't hurt to say something like "its been a struggle but we'd love to have a family. you'll be informed if the time comes that we're expecting" OR just " We'd love to have a family & don't you worry, you'll know if we're expecting"...then change the subject or walk away. Some times people need the clue that it's totally not OK to get this personal. You know I've asked couples "are you two planning for a family?" but never more than that. Because we can all be planning but not all of us will be able to have a family right?
Recently we had a guy come to the house to give us an estimate on new windows. He was this really nice, older gentleman & we have a fairly large house in terms of bedrooms& he goes "Oh you two will have to have many babies to fill up this house"....it was a punch in the gut. He has no idea what we're going through at the same time, his comment wasn't totally unwarranted. You just never know how someone else is struggling some times. If you feel this low again b/c of your family's comments I say you should stand up for yourself, politely. But lets hope it won't happen again.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss....did she pass away while you were on holidays??

Nat, yes the world is going a bit too crazy for a birth of....oh my, another human!!! Gasp...this has never happened before. Pffft. It's been a bit hard on me as well. I feel a lump in my throat. And it's going to be 10 times worse when my friends have their babies. I just know it. I really hope I'm pregnant before that happens....I know I will be able to deal with it better.
Well Hun, I think I cope OK now. Better than say a year ago. But it's from becoming numb. Time goes on & your expectations dwindle & you become numb eventually. I wrote a bit about it on my blog yesterday. I"m just not as invested anymore. Feel some days like giving up b/c then at least I don't have to anticipate anything at all to happen...just living life. But I'm not ready yet. I'm just not enthusiastic anymore..
I'm sorry to hear you might have UTI...hope it's nothing. Fingers crossed it didn't ruin anything. Don't think that far yet!!!

Here is my test today at 7dpo :
It's pretty much as dark as it usually is around this time. But if I'm being honest, I'm not anticipating me being preggers :(


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