6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

I know i have read alot of people get bfp in the first 3 month whilst there are alot of people who dont, it does make me hopeful i have managed to put positive thoughts into my head incase it takes a while, more time to save, more time to lose weight, i have a two week long holidays in august and september, so i have something to think of if it doesnt happen right away.

My cousin fell pregnant on the pill but it ended in mc, then she fell pregnant on the depo and had a son, then she tried once for her daughter, and her youngest daughter was from the one time she had unprotected sex, i call her fertile mertile lol im sure she only has to look at sperm and shes pregnant. Its a shame this wasnt passed to me lol

I just got a call from my doctor the kidney doctor wants me to have a CT scan its scary whenever i hear the word lump i always think the C word i know its probably nothing to worry about but i worry about everything lol

Awe thankyou butterfly wolf....that was lovely words for meg....it's nice we can all relate....
Yaye...your about to drop any day there I see....good luck love...I wish you all the best...
And I also wish you mercy on the labour pains too :thumbup:
I hope your labour goes as smothly as possible and that your recover quick too :thumbup:

Take care love :)

:) :) :) xxx
Awe thankyou butterfly wolf....that was lovely words for meg....it's nice we can all relate....
Yaye...your about to drop any day there I see....good luck love...I wish you all the best...
And I also wish you mercy on the labour pains too :thumbup:
I hope your labour goes as smothly as possible and that your recover quick too :thumbup:

Take care love :)

:) :) :) xxx

Thank you *^^* And should be any day. Yesterday was 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced so hopefully by the end of the week. I so badly want a July baby. And I hope I go through labor like my mom. She had some pain meds but for first kid only 6 hours in labor and when she had me only 4 hours. I will take either of those thank you very much!
I just worry about my boys (dogs). One of them knows something is up and when DH is home, he clings to him more which never ever happens and the other one I think is oblivious but that fits his personality lol. Sparky is the one clinging to DH atm. And Sparky HATES changes. When we clean the house or move the living room around or something simple like that, he panics. No idea why but he does. Change = Evil for him. Poor pup.
Thankfully my parents will be watching the boys while I'm in labor but I just know Sparky is going to panic and it breaks my heart when he does.
Natalieexo....try not to worry love :hugs: easier said than done I know...lol

If it helps I have bad kidneys...almost went into kidney failure 3/4 months agao...spent a week in hospital....waiting for apt so I can find a way to live with this better...
Look at your ct as a road to finding out the source of the problem and then the doctors can eventually get to the bottom of the problem...fx it's not serious ok.
Do you get any pains in your kidneys? Or tummy aches....?....the tummy ache is sometimes your kidneys too...(strange I know lol)
I get chronic Loin to groin pain and the odd uti....grrrr annoying dot com! Lol

:) :) :) xxx
hey ladies, check out the page before - I posted but it was like the last post :(
Speaking of which, Nat - how are your kidneys' doing?? How's Harry's lump??

Yay Butterfly, almost there! I wish you the best delivery & recovery. Are you excited??? Nervous??? I bet both ;) FX
Natalieexo....try not to worry love :hugs: easier said than done I know...lol

If it helps I have bad kidneys...almost went into kidney failure 3/4 months agao...spent a week in hospital....waiting for apt so I can find a way to live with this better...
Look at your ct as a road to finding out the source of the problem and then the doctors can eventually get to the bottom of the problem...fx it's not serious ok.
Do you get any pains in your kidneys? Or tummy aches....?....the tummy ache is sometimes your kidneys too...(strange I know lol)
I get chronic Loin to groin pain and the odd uti....grrrr annoying dot com! Lol

:) :) :) xxx

Thank you, i know its all happening to fast, first it was the worry of pcos and now this in the space of 2 weeks, but hopefully i get the same results as i did with the pcos and nothing is wrong, at the moment i have back pain around my right kidney and thats where the lump is, i didnt piece this together until this afternoon i had my sister walking on my back yesterday thinking it needed cracked, but the back pain didnt start until monday and this is the first time i have had this sort of backpain.
I did go through a period where i would get a UTI every month for about 4 month this happened after i had food poisoning for 4 weeks so i'm not sure if it was related to that or not but the UTI's were very annoying it took 4 months before the doctors worked out what it was because my symptoms when i have UTI are vomiting, stomach pain && diarrhea so it automatically looks like a stomach bug and they never thought of UTI until 4 months later.

I will try not to worry, and stay off google that never helps the cause lol
Hi barb....yep Harry's lump they say is all fine....apparently he's got is fathers head !!! lol...
Still not entirely satisfied with diog but if this lump is still there by the end of summer I will defo push to have it removed...
Re:the kidneys....
Well i been doing really good up untill this morning...I had a burning/ pins and needles feeling on my left side at 7am this morning...and then the uti....(self diagnosed lol) seems to be getting worse...been waiting for my doctor to call back but nothing so far...I will have to go in it he morning if I don't hear anything!

:) :) :) xxx
Speaking of which, Nat - how are your kidneys' doing?? How's Harry's lump??

Yay Butterfly, almost there! I wish you the best delivery & recovery. Are you excited??? Nervous??? I bet both ;) FX

Excited more than anything mixed with anxious XD Really hit me yesterday at the apt that she'll be here any day now. Whenever she decides is a good day to come mainly.

Only thing besides of course wanting to hold her, is I can't wait to not have so much heartburn T_T I have tried so many different things and they all work for a little bit and then fail me. I want just a few hours of sleep without waking up with bad heartburn.
Hey ladies! Hope everyone's cycles are going well. Yay for a good O Nat, Momma, hopefully that appt will straighten things out and barb cant wait to watch you test out the hcg and see it climb again!
AFM, I'm pumped for my first appt today! My symptoms have been dwindling and it's about time to feel like the ball is rolling again. Booked first scan for thurs for some peace of mind cuz I've had a few times of bright spotting :S hope all is well in there

Talia :flower:
I'm so sorry this is happening to you...I've been speaking to another ladie recently and she had the same thing happening.....it's turns out everything is fine and they found she had some bacteria in her urine and that the bleed was unexplained....I hope this helps love!

Try and take things easy and get as much rest as possible....rest REALLY is sooooo important when these things happen....
I really really hope all is well for you and baby :hugs:

:) :) :) xxx
Hi barb....yep Harry's lump they say is all fine....apparently he's got is fathers head !!! lol...
Still not entirely satisfied with diog but if this lump is still there by the end of summer I will defo push to have it removed...
Re:the kidneys....
Well i been doing really good up untill this morning...I had a burning/ pins and needles feeling on my left side at 7am this morning...and then the uti....(self diagnosed lol) seems to be getting worse...been waiting for my doctor to call back but nothing so far...I will have to go in it he morning if I don't hear anything!

:) :) :) xxx

I'd say keep a watch out & get a second opinion if your gut says it's not right. You can't put all your trust in doctors. They can screw up too.

Ouch sounds unpleasant. Defo get a doctors appointment & tested. I hope it's nothing to worry about :) xo

Yep I'm using 20miu tests!

PS: I've got a live feed going on People.com to watch the new Prince exit the hospital. Even tho I hate her for having a perfect life, I still really like Kate lollllll:happydance:
Hi everyone!

Got back late last night from holiday and today was my husbands grandmothers funeral. Hosted 60 people at my house from 2pm until the last guest 1030 pm I am wiped!!!!

Back to work and reality tomorrow. Depressed about that and so full of dread. I really hate my job and employer I need to make a change soon but was hoping to wait for mat leave to do that.

Anywho so bfn this morning at 12/ 13dpo and like clockwork I am now spotting. AF should be full force by morning. I totally expected it this cycle despite my chemical last month because of the bad BDing schedule we had this cycle. I was fully prepared for AF to come but after 100 comments today from various DH family about when are we having kids and why don't I have one yet and "just so you have to have sex to get pregnant" jokes I honestly feel pretty low. I want a baby. I hope it doesn't take much longer

Lets hope this cycle we can bd lots and have a good chance

I feel lucky to have you ladies tonight when I am feeling like this.

Time for bed xoxo

Oh and yes Nat I thought of you today with the Will and Kate news :)

Meg I'm sorry you hate your job/employer....that's always the worst. Defo get out there & start looking!! We spend so much time at work so it must be pleasant. I know you work at a law firm (i hope im right lol) are you a law clerk or smth?
Morning ladies....gah! Baby baby baby baby...rrahhhhhhhhhhh BABY..... The media has officially LOST the plot!......
I mean congrats where they are due and all but PLEASE shut up now!.....
Last night I had a mini break down! :cry:
I smiled as much as I possibly could but my smiles where just a cover for the pain inside bc I want MY absent child.:(......
I feel such a bitch :( I want to be happy for will and Kate (and I truly am) but I am just hurting soooo bad about my mc.:(
Lol I'm probably the only person in the UK not ecstatic lol...
Altho -I do wish the new royal family all the best I do hope they soak it all up and ignore us Brits and just get on with raising thier new bubba and enjoy it...:thumbup:

Meg- thankyou for your kind thoughts :hugs:
I'm sorry you had all that on your plate on your arrival home ....and I'm really sorry to hear you got a bfn too :(
A fresh start is upon you love :thumbup:
Re:family asking about kids........wow I totally know how that feels.....I just wanted to scream at people and tell them to fuck off in the end....I mean surely if they put there brain into action before thier mouths they would realise YES WE DO WANT A FAMILY AND YES IT'S BEEN A STRUGGLE FOR US,!!

Lol....it's seems like I'm in a bad mood....but I'm really not lol...

Barbs....I think ii gave you the wrong link last night...I will try and call back up what I was researching and post the PROPPER link again...:thumbup:
And thankyou sooo much for your support on my blog yesterday too :hugs:
Its been sooo hard...I admire how you cope.

Well ladies....5dpo here...think I have a uti...tmi I have a lot of cloudy ness in my urine and it's seems to be a bit bitty....need to hall ass to doctors to nip thins in the bud.asap.
Peeved tho...it's probably ruined my chances of ferlization/implantation now :(

Hope you are all ok and enjoying the sun ladies....will be back later....

:) :) :) xxx

Hi Nat - thanks for your message :)

Sorry you were having a down day - I totally understand! I am sure all the media attention about the new little prince has not helped things for sure.

About the UTI - I am not doctor but I dont think it would affect your chances at fertilization/implantation - I have seen women on the forums with BFP and UTI before.... I am not sure one affects the other but definitely get yourself checked out so you can clear that up ! I had one in highschool once it was so painful xx
Ps I guess I will have to update my signature with my age and DH age lol. Damnit!!

You're only as old as what you put in your siggy XD

And about the family thing about them asking why you do have one yet OMG I can relate. Now on my mom's side of the family they had found out about my MC so they weren't bad to deal with at all. But my dad's side they didn't know. We don't see them that often. Well we finally told everyone at a funeral (sucks but only time I see them) and they all said. Well it's about time (we were 18 weeks at that time). Can't believe it took you so longer. We were wondering when the two of you would have kids. ... I so badly wanted to shout at them, well I would have had one sooner but it wasn't meant to be! And sorry it took us an added 9 months (which I know isn't that long now!) But why do people have to go about saying crap like that? It isn't anyone's business but your own.

Sorry I guess I just felt the need to rant a bit there about family. Just wanted to let you know you aren't alone *hugs*.

Thanks so much for your message - you are absolutely right... it is just brutal! I cant believe how opinionated people can be without thinking or even considering...

I didnt even really know what to say I just kept saying something like "Soon enough" It was pretty upsetting. Usually I am good....

I will always be concious of that after going through TTC...:hugs:
Hey Meg, so good to see you are back! You had a great time on vacation??
Anything exciting happen? I'm really sorry that AF is on her way. I really wished you'd get preggers right away. Don't count yourself out yet this summer....it will happen.
I'm so sorry about the insensitivity from your family. Do they know you've been trying? I think you may be wise to prepare yourself for what you would say next time someone has a comment. Some thing polite enough but will shut them up. It's very painful when people say things which are so careless. However, until now I never thought "hey maybe they cant get pregnant. or: hey, maybe they'd been trying forever and having a hard time"...now I know better. Also if it's close family & it gets too much it wouldn't hurt to say something like "its been a struggle but we'd love to have a family. you'll be informed if the time comes that we're expecting" OR just " We'd love to have a family & don't you worry, you'll know if we're expecting"...then change the subject or walk away. Some times people need the clue that it's totally not OK to get this personal. You know I've asked couples "are you two planning for a family?" but never more than that. Because we can all be planning but not all of us will be able to have a family right?
Recently we had a guy come to the house to give us an estimate on new windows. He was this really nice, older gentleman & we have a fairly large house in terms of bedrooms& he goes "Oh you two will have to have many babies to fill up this house"....it was a punch in the gut. He has no idea what we're going through at the same time, his comment wasn't totally unwarranted. You just never know how someone else is struggling some times. If you feel this low again b/c of your family's comments I say you should stand up for yourself, politely. But lets hope it won't happen again.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss....did she pass away while you were on holidays??

Here is my test today at 7dpo :
It's pretty much as dark as it usually is around this time. But if I'm being honest, I'm not anticipating me being preggers :(

Hi Barbs!!

Yes we did have a great time on vacation for sure.... the week flew by but it was so nice to get away and we loved our trip so much.

Yes DH's grandmother passed away about halfway through our trip. she was 88 and failing so we knew it was coming. It was definitely still sad but DH was ok and we decided to enjoy our holiday as there was nothing we could do about it and our family inisisted. The funeral was nice and was definitely more a celebration of life and a party than a somber event - that is always nice. But I was so wiped and a bit down and cleaning my floors till 11pm after everyone left lol...

Thanks for sharing your experiences with the family nosy nobs.... I appreciate the advice too. I think there is a way to say something that is polite but will shut them up. I will do it again if I need to.... It did not help the fact I knew AF was coming.

I am guessing AF is here full force now because I am having those lovely awful first day queasy cramps and luckily I put in a tampon this morning lol... CD1 for me !

I am going to try really hard to be positive for August /Sept cycles... Its not over yet right? I will keep on going.... I hope it happens soon. The shitty BDing didnt help last cycle. I hope to get more in this month. I am going to order OPK and cheapies because I am all out.

You are 7DPO I see :) Really hope to see a BFP for you Barb... you still have several days to go - I hate the 2ww and i was so grateful for a distraction for almost the whole thing!!! I need a vacay every 2 weeks for 2 weeks LOL

Thank you *^^* And should be any day. Yesterday was 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced so hopefully by the end of the week. I so badly want a July baby. And I hope I go through labor like my mom. She had some pain meds but for first kid only 6 hours in labor and when she had me only 4 hours. I will take either of those thank you very much!
I just worry about my boys (dogs). One of them knows something is up and when DH is home, he clings to him more which never ever happens and the other one I think is oblivious but that fits his personality lol. Sparky is the one clinging to DH atm. And Sparky HATES changes. When we clean the house or move the living room around or something simple like that, he panics. No idea why but he does. Change = Evil for him. Poor pup.
Thankfully my parents will be watching the boys while I'm in labor but I just know Sparky is going to panic and it breaks my heart when he does.

Butterfly - so exciting! I cant wait to hear about your new addition! Wow your pregnancy flew by for ME haha... did it for you? :) So happy for you

Dont worry about those pups they will get used to it soon enough and you will be one big happy fam!! :flower::baby:
Hey ladies! Hope everyone's cycles are going well. Yay for a good O Nat, Momma, hopefully that appt will straighten things out and barb cant wait to watch you test out the hcg and see it climb again!
AFM, I'm pumped for my first appt today! My symptoms have been dwindling and it's about time to feel like the ball is rolling again. Booked first scan for thurs for some peace of mind cuz I've had a few times of bright spotting :S hope all is well in there

Talia :flower:
I'm so sorry this is happening to you...I've been speaking to another ladie recently and she had the same thing happening.....it's turns out everything is fine and they found she had some bacteria in her urine and that the bleed was unexplained....I hope this helps love!

Try and take things easy and get as much rest as possible....rest REALLY is sooooo important when these things happen....
I really really hope all is well for you and baby :hugs:

:) :) :) xxx

Talia I am thinking of you - let us know how your appt goes ! Some bleeding - red or any color - is really common for women in pregnancy. Early, mid, and late. I wouldnt worry unless you have lots of it or clots and even then you never know. Try to be strong for your bean and let us know how it goes. xoxoxo big hugs - its natural to worry and I would be the same as you - but hopefully it is nothing other than your little bean snuggling in :):hugs:
Meg I'm sorry you hate your job/employer....that's always the worst. Defo get out there & start looking!! We spend so much time at work so it must be pleasant. I know you work at a law firm (i hope im right lol) are you a law clerk or smth?

Yes I was avoiding looking because of pregnancy but how long can I wait? Fackkkkkkkkk

I have been here ever since I graduated university - over 7 years now. I have good experience and need to move on. THis place is a total shit show and very toxic, sick, abusive work environment.

Yes I work for a law firm - but in management. I have worked my way up from a legal case manager many years ago and now I do all sorts of management work here but it is very unsatisfying and unnecessarily difficult. I would be willing to take a bit of a pay cut to find something better and I will probably have to unfortunately. Thats the only upside to working here.

I actually worry about being pg here with all the stress.... not sure I could do it anyways!
I'm happy you guys still managed to enjoy the holiday's And I agree, TWW vacations should be a requirement. And all you can do...all we can do, is try to remain positive & hope it'll happen this year. I just can't imagine another year going by & not having been pregnant. And I don't even take March in account for me. *sigh*...

I'm so sorry your work environment is so bad. Defo looks like time to GTFO. It's so important to enjoy the people you work with & to also respect who you work for. I hear you about Mat Leave...that'd be your segue out. And really, starting a new job & then getting knocked up is no way to start out. I've been planning my whole last two years or more on going on Maternity leave...now I've gone to saying "if I got on Mat Leave" b/c really, I'm just finding it really hard to be convinced it will happen soon. I've stopped planning ahead for Mat Leave & Daycare years. I just need to live my life in the moment for a while...

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