6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hey Girlies!

Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I took the day off with my bestie & we went to enjoy Niagara-On-The-Lake yesterday. It was so much fun!

Meg, cute siggy...lol. 12th cycle now eh? I hope this is it for you, hun. I'm sorry to hear about the cramps...I've never had it this bad thankfully. Wow weird eh?? I'm sorry AF showed up too :( what a bitch.

Nat, how are ya? So you're waiting for 9dpo to test?

Here's my progression....9dpo today & significantly lighter this morning. Hope it goes up Saturday :)

lol you like that eh? depressing lol thank goodness I have you guys!

Thats awesome re NOTL! I love it there I have been twice this year - such a great place to shop and eat and enjoy wine especially lol...

yes yes 12th cycle.... 15-1 if we include the 4 months we didnt use pull out method before officially TTC... but If I counted those I would probably gouge out my eyes with rusty coat hooks so lets call it 12 shall we??? YEP!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol

CD3 and I am taking your advice and taking fish oil every day.. we will see how it works when AF clears out! I know you and Nat both had success with it so I am excited to see if it helps with CM...

really hoping to see some lines grow for you in the next several days Barbs

LMFAO Ok OK you can say 12 if that makes you feel any better :)
When you have to keep track, it gets scary. I go one how many IUI's I've done now & unless I count I forget what cycle we're on. Don't ask b/c it's depressing lol

NOTL is awesome for those reasons :) We had fun at the hat shop & bought some hats :) I love that store. So much fun trying on random, silly hats.

Yeah it's brilliant for CM period...I have more of it all cycle.
Good luck trying it. Plus once you get pregnant its best for baby to keep taking it!

I hope my lines get darker too. I'm honestly feeling like if I get another negative pregnancy test I may have a bit of a melt-down. Even tho I've been less invested, I'm nervous the closer to test date I get & I just start getting a bit depressed.
Nat, how are your kidney's/bladder infection going? Did you get to schedule an appointment with your doctor? Low sodium sounds great & I'm shocked there is THAT much salt in bottled water? What? Well we need some salt in order to absorb the water, maybe that is why?

I don't understand my evening tests being darker. It only happened last cycle & clearly now this one...humph. LOL So maybe testing at night is a no-no as I get closer to AF.
Other wise I'll be convinced my BFP is the next day :p
I am loosing some patience here. I just wanna know & move on w/my life.

Hahaha, I had an inkling you may have tested early :) You're like me last year...I tested at 5dpo like a moron lol. I just wish you could find out earlier if you fertilized,etc you know? I hope you get your bfp this cycle xoxo FX
LMFAO Ok OK you can say 12 if that makes you feel any better :)
When you have to keep track, it gets scary. I go one how many IUI's I've done now & unless I count I forget what cycle we're on. Don't ask b/c it's depressing lol

NOTL is awesome for those reasons :) We had fun at the hat shop & bought some hats :) I love that store. So much fun trying on random, silly hats.

Yeah it's brilliant for CM period...I have more of it all cycle.
Good luck trying it. Plus once you get pregnant its best for baby to keep taking it!

I hope my lines get darker too. I'm honestly feeling like if I get another negative pregnancy test I may have a bit of a melt-down. Even tho I've been less invested, I'm nervous the closer to test date I get & I just start getting a bit depressed.

I get that... I get more nervous too - even though i was away and not thinking about it NEARLY as much, when the crunch days came, i.e. 11, 12 DPO you cant help it. Like a ticking time bomb in the back of my head.

I hope the fish oil works! :) thanks for that - I am still taking materna and vitamin D. No maca for now - maybe I should start that again today. I forget do I take it every day?

DH is still on Vitamin D and Zinc and now fish oil with me.

Love the hat store! I love trying on crazy hats there lol.. too funny.
Yes you described those cycle days well...& I get more depressed.

Yeah Maca every day. If you're taking the Vega brand it's 4 pills in total per day I'm sure. I take 2 morning/2afternoon....

Yes that hat store is awesome :) Wish I had places to wear some of them :D
Yes you described those cycle days well...& I get more depressed.
Yeah Maca every day. If you're taking the Vega brand it's 4 pills in total per day I'm sure. I take 2 morning/2afternoon....

Oh right 2x 2 daily... I will maybe start that up tonight then. Its supposed to be good I just dont like how it lengthens my cycle when I take it... I like my 28 days lol.
Haha yea well it makes cycles go by a tad bit faster but a longer LP is GOOD.
I am definatly seeing progress in opks however i did oversleep and had to take it at 11.30 rather than 10.30 same 2 hour hold cd12 today. Cm is back to creamy lotiony type, i will test again at 6pm but my early evening ones never have anything to report so i have a feeling my surge will be in the morning xx


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Ok realising that pic doesnt do them any justice lol but in person todays is quite darker than yesterdays, i can only hope i have a fade in pattern, oh and i emailed about the pregnancy test in the ovulation test packet and today in the post i recieved 30 new ovulation tests, how nice of them :) xx
its getting there! you're probably still early in your cycle at CD12...keep testing FX

Here's my progression this morning. Maybe hard to see here but the faintest of lines today. Now I cross my fingers for tmr morning.....I'm getting very nervous that I am not preggers.


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Wow the lines is almost gone already barb.:)
Sending lots of positive vibes barb :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
8dpo today wooho half way there...

And it seems whatever was happening "down there" the other day is all cleared up now...
Was supposed to take in a urine sample yesterday but was unable to get out if the house...I have a new bathroom being installed and it's a dam NIGHTMARE. In my house! Grrrrrrr
So thankfully I think I'm ok again now....mind I did try a new shower cream-so maybe it was that irritating me ! :wacko:

So something a lil funny to tell of today.....
This morning I woke my ugly ass up....bleary eyed pulled out my thermometer and inserted ...
Waited for what seemed like forever for the beep.....after a few looooong minutes....I decided to pull it out and see what the heck was going on....it turns out I had my pen up there...lmao!!!.....:rofl:
Lol I have my pen and my thermometer in a lil purse- so it's discrete....so you can see why I did it...wondered why the lil button felt weird ! Ha ha ha....

So there -I am a wolly! Lol

Hope all is well me petals...:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
8dpo today wooho half way there...

And it seems whatever was happening "down there" the other day is all cleared up now...
Was supposed to take in a urine sample yesterday but was unable to get out if the house...I have a new bathroom being installed and it's a dam NIGHTMARE. In my house! Grrrrrrr
So thankfully I think I'm ok again now....mind I did try a new shower cream-so maybe it was that irritating me ! :wacko:

So something a lil funny to tell of today.....
This morning I woke my ugly ass up....bleary eyed pulled out my thermometer and inserted ...
Waited for what seemed like forever for the beep.....after a few looooong minutes....I decided to pull it out and see what the heck was going on....it turns out I had my pen up there...lmao!!!.....:rofl:
Lol I have my pen and my thermometer in a lil purse- so it's discrete....so you can see why I did it...wondered why the lil button felt weird ! Ha ha ha....

So there -I am a wolly! Lol

Hope all is well me petals...:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

That really tickled me lol i was feeling pretty down that give me a laugh :haha:
Sounds like a nightmare getting a bathroom fitted, i hate mess and stuff like that in general, i hate being thrown out of routine funnily enough but i want a baby and dont mind at all the routine change there, or i am just awkward lol xx
Thanks Nat! I just hope I wake up tmr w/ a darker line. I would make going to my pregger friends house a bit more bearable.

And seriously, that's a hilarious story. Things that happen when you're barely awake eh? TOO funny! I hope the rest of your day is alert & bright-eyed :)
WE have some construction at our house too. We've got a handyman putting up a door way to the apartment downstairs & a few odds & ends :)
Are you doing a make-over type of renovations or fixing?

I can't wait for this day to end. I will be MIA for most of it as I bought a new computer for the boss & now have to set it all up. That always takes a good chunk of my day but I enjoy it :)

Meg, how are you doing today?

Hahaha Nat that's was the funniest tidbit ever!! I'm surprised I've never done that! Fumbling on the nightstand! And barb I'm hoping so hard that line gets darker, I really hope this is it!
8dpo today wooho half way there...

And it seems whatever was happening "down there" the other day is all cleared up now...
Was supposed to take in a urine sample yesterday but was unable to get out if the house...I have a new bathroom being installed and it's a dam NIGHTMARE. In my house! Grrrrrrr
So thankfully I think I'm ok again now....mind I did try a new shower cream-so maybe it was that irritating me ! :wacko:

So something a lil funny to tell of today.....
This morning I woke my ugly ass up....bleary eyed pulled out my thermometer and inserted ...
Waited for what seemed like forever for the beep.....after a few looooong minutes....I decided to pull it out and see what the heck was going on....it turns out I had my pen up there...lmao!!!.....:rofl:
Lol I have my pen and my thermometer in a lil purse- so it's discrete....so you can see why I did it...wondered why the lil button felt weird ! Ha ha ha....

So there -I am a wolly! Lol

Hope all is well me petals...:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

LMAO Nat omgggggggggg that is hilarious!! Di you enjoy it?? jk LOL!!:haha:
Thanks Nat! I just hope I wake up tmr w/ a darker line. I would make going to my pregger friends house a bit more bearable.

And seriously, that's a hilarious story. Things that happen when you're barely awake eh? TOO funny! I hope the rest of your day is alert & bright-eyed :)
WE have some construction at our house too. We've got a handyman putting up a door way to the apartment downstairs & a few odds & ends :)
Are you doing a make-over type of renovations or fixing?

I can't wait for this day to end. I will be MIA for most of it as I bought a new computer for the boss & now have to set it all up. That always takes a good chunk of my day but I enjoy it :)

Meg, how are you doing today?


HI Barb - I have my fingers crossed for that line to darken too!! Watching and waiting here... I know this it the anxious time ughhh hate it and we wait so long every month for it!... I so so so so so so so want your BFP!!

Construction at home eh? fun! We renovated our main floor a couple years ago and lived in a construction zone for a year... that was a real blast.. not!! hate the dirt and dust but I got used to it.

No plans this weekend and GLAD.... tonight DH and I are going to run to costco and then bbq outside for dinner. we may watch a movie that I downloaded (shh) as well!

Tomorrow no plans again - going to clean and do laundry and make a dinner for DH and I. I am going to visit my pregnant friend who is very sick with all day morning sickness.. I want to bring her a little care package because she is really suffering and I feel for her! Will be nice to see her even if she is heaving the whole time lol....

Sunday going to my moms house for Taco night haha.. thats always yummy.
Meg, sounds like a nice weekend. Enjoy!
I will have no time to really relax this weekend :( So much going on.
Oh well...we had camping last weekend. I hope tonight we can chill out a bit together.
Well if I didn't have enough on my plate, my family doc called me to say I have low-grade abnormal cervical cells. At first she said that we can do a follow up in 6 months & its likely it'll go back to normal on its own. I've never had abnormal cells....
And then she called me back to say she's going to send me to a gyno because I'm trying to get pregnant. I'm happy at how attentive she is. I'm just bummed now. Like, really?
Well if I didn't have enough on my plate, my family doc called me to say I have low-grade abnormal cervical cells. At first she said that we can do a follow up in 6 months & its likely it'll go back to normal on its own. I've never had abnormal cells....
And then she called me back to say she's going to send me to a gyno because I'm trying to get pregnant. I'm happy at how attentive she is. I'm just bummed now. Like, really?

:hug: awwwwe barb....I am sorry sorry to hear this.:(
I wish I was there to give you a big hug right now...
You probably have so many questions aswell...
I think maybe they will send you to a special suit....they will do a lil procedure called a colcoscopy (<not sure if I spelt that right) ...which Is like "the wand ".... To take a closer look at things and they maybe might treat your cells with a special solution whilst they are there...
And they will keep a close eye on you for quite a while too.:thumbup:
And the family doctor being so nice about it helpful too.i am glad she is soo good about it all.
And sending you to a gyno is good news ....they can help with all sorts there...so many things they can do for you....they are the people who are experts in our lady gardens...

Barbs I am soo sad for you...:(........ I can't believe this.i mean how much more can a person take....you have been delt a real rough ride love....I hope things turn around for you barbs now...

If you need to ask anything- anything at all...please don't hesitate...I am totally will to help here....and feel free to pm if you wanted to chat privately about it :thumbup:
I totally get that.:thumbup:
Try and stay strong barbs...:hugs: I know I speak for everyone when I say we hope all the best for you.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

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