6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

That's probably a good plan Nataliiee. I totally know where you're coming from.
There are times I want to do the same.
I couldn't let go of my ladies tho so I couldn't stop coming on this thread BUT I'm thinking about not doing anything this month....no tests, nada.
Ya I hear ya on the first cycles, it's awkward and strange to know that you're not using protection and are actually wanting to 'take that risk' on purpose! And yes the first little while you read up on everything and charting and cm and go a little nuts on the forums. But it really doesn't change much the next cycle you're searching for what you didn't do and what you could try. Even if you get the bfp you start looking up how to have the best pregnancy and do everything right and the stats on miscarriage etc. it's just what you do if you're that type of personality. So yes, try to limit the google time and try to chat on the forums about stuff that isn't ttc or pg related to keep same but it's hard to shut off completely something you just want so badly!
The more i think about it the less likely it seems that i am going to be able to not think about it, maybe i could just chat about other stuff like you just said instead of symtoms etc i always look forward to checking on what people have said if they have any new symptoms and stuff oh who i am kidding i wont be able to stay away lol definatly no opks for me though maybe when i have my O symptom i could take one to check and then thats it no going insane with the bd'ing and no more google its my best friend when it shows me what i want to see lol.
Hey Ladies,

Well ladies, I'm feeling quite bummed out today. I went to the new acupuncturist & after a bunch of questions she's said we need to focus on fixing my digestion because there's a lot of 'heat' in this area & this issue can influence me getting pregnant. She also said I need more rich blood & well nothing I've not heard from the Tibetian doctor I went to see. SO...for 6 weeks I have to follow a diet that is going to help heal my stomach. And in the mean time I'll go for acupuncture. Once my stomach's a bit better she'll put me on Chinese Herbs & we'll address my fertility issue. So yes we're moving ahead but what bummed me out is that I feel like this 'lets fix your gut' is a road block to fast tracking to pregnancy. I went to her for fertility & it became the secondary issue. So while you guys may look at it as a step towards getting better & getting pregnant (which is probably accurate) I feel like its another 6 weeks away from attaining my pregnancy goal. *sigh*....I have my first Acupuncture appointment Tuesday the 20th. I have camping next week so we cant start too early.

How do I feel about trying naturally? Well, stressed. I believe there's a fertility issue. And I don't' think I'll get pregnant on my own right now. And even if I really tried this month, camping has gotten in the way of having sex. Yes I can get creative but really at this point I feel my sex drive is at 0. I'm just not feeling any of this right now. I'm just feeling bummed out.

Barb - I understand what you are saying about seeing the stomach issue as a delay to pregnancy... I experienced the same frustration with my bacterial infection and having to take the antibiotics etc... I felt like it would only delay things so I waited and waited - a few months - boy do I regret that now in hindsight as it seemed to BE the problem (likely anyway) but I just saw it as a barrier to fast tracking so I get it. We only get 12 shots a year at getting pregnant.. that is nothing! Crazy isnt it? I really hope you can get it sorted out quickly.

What does the diet consist of?

As for your sex drive, etc - I get it - being bummed = not feeling sexy time....I hope you can relax on your holiday and enjoy it and maybe let loose a little :) When do you leave for camping? Where are you headed?

xo sending some positive vibes your way Barbs:hugs:
I have decided if we dont get a bfp this cycle i am going to stop with the opks limit the time i spend on here because i think i have crammed my mind with too much info and i am constantly googling different things and thinking about the tww, so i am going to skip the next 2 month opk'ing and on here as much i will still check in but i think i need to take the pressure off oh and be relaxed about it xx

I think thats Great Natalie... lots of time to obsess later lol - just try to enjoy the time and not be on google too much! you and DH should enjoy this baby making time and take the pressure off - it is still so early for you.
Hi ladies...well Harry pulled through the night....I wasn't happy at all with his decline in health so I phoned the doctors again and he reassured me that Harry will be ok...
He is still pickled from head to foot and the kids outside were upset that Harry is poorly -bless...
Think and hope Harry is through the worst...

Afm cd 3... Welllllll boring!..lol
Started vit d this cycle....hope that helps...I am on a mighty 20 pills a day....soon enough I won't need to eat as I will have a stomach full already lol...(jk)

Barbs I get that your feeling bummed out with the ibs and the treatment taking another 6weeks...another kick in the teath ...but like you say it's a good route to take and with a little faith lets hope your tabitien heels you soon and crack on with the fertility side of it all...
And also I get that your feeling less hopefull with the "natural" chances...I'm with meg here lots of positive vibes to you love and I hope you manage to relax about the bd-ing and timing this month...
Is there a private shower room you and hubby can get it on in?...lol
Have a few rolls around in the mud and make out you need "another shower" he he
I sure hope you have a great time away barbs,...

Meg...the tww begins :)...I hope it treats you kindly :thumbup:
I'm sorry I can't offer any advice the work issue and day care....is there sombody that can do the drop off/pick up for you?....so it cuts some travel time down?

Natalie....completely get that you feel you are "in deep "..... But don't feel guilty...these days and unfortunately in this world of today you got to get out the and grab what you want...even if it is a family....
I am confident you will have your bfp Hun...being relaxed about it is key to your own sanity tho...I have had quite some days where I end up literally banging my head against the brick wall and second guessing what I actually do to myself during this ttc time...
But I pull through and give myself a virtual slap on the face and plod along...
I think you need to do what is right for you :thumbup: :)
I hope you get your bfp this cycle love.:)

Well me petals...I am pooped....I have had roughly 12 hours of sleep since Saturday...I feel like dropping down and sleeping on the spot lol...
Harry's quarantine dosent end till Sunday tho so I have to keep going lol...

Is this mad? Call me mad if you really want - lol ...but I am already thinking about Xmas shoping!!!....I need to get a move on...oh has a large family to buy and cater for...as much as I love this time of year I also dread it....it's busy busy busy....
I alway start to panick this time of year...he he he...

Ok ok it's too flipping early ha ha....

Back later me lovelys :flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey Ladies,

Thanks :) I hope I can relax. If it was just DH & I then for sure I could unwind & I wouldn't worry about getting it on but b/c SD will be there, she'll get on my nerves after a few days (lol) & we'll have to do 'it' outside...ugh. FAKING FAK. Although by the time we go home, it will be before I ovulate. Granted if I ovulate late like I normally do on my own around CD16-18 then we'll be home for that.
I was thinking of trying to BD every other day & just leave it to that. But honestly ladies, my sex drive is taken a major hit. And we're approaching my baby girls birthday & anniversary of her death this month so it's just not awesome timing.

I just wanna sleep through all this crap & wake up pregnant & be done with this shit.
I'm starting to consider whether or not or when I should just give up. I'm not a happy person. I'm really irritable, I go through ups & downs more than in my entire life. It's just not a good place to be 18 months into trying. :(
Hey Ladies,

Thanks :) I hope I can relax. If it was just DH & I then for sure I could unwind & I wouldn't worry about getting it on but b/c SD will be there, she'll get on my nerves after a few days (lol) & we'll have to do 'it' outside...ugh. FAKING FAK. Although by the time we go home, it will be before I ovulate. Granted if I ovulate late like I normally do on my own around CD16-18 then we'll be home for that.
I was thinking of trying to BD every other day & just leave it to that. But honestly ladies, my sex drive is taken a major hit. And we're approaching my baby girls birthday & anniversary of her death this month so it's just not awesome timing.

I just wanna sleep through all this crap & wake up pregnant & be done with this shit.
I'm starting to consider whether or not or when I should just give up. I'm not a happy person. I'm really irritable, I go through ups & downs more than in my entire life. It's just not a good place to be 18 months into trying. :(

Hi barb:flower:.....I'm so sorry you feel like this...:hug:
I'm also sorry it's that time of the year for you again too...I know it must be really hard for you.:(
Words kind of fail me when it comes to how you feel about it....I have been feeling down about my due date (yesterday) and I just didn't want to talk about it at all yesterday....so I know how you feel...I had few tears to myself and I felt like screaming too and some how I got through it...
I know your grieving is different to mine and I completely appreciate that but I just want you to know Il be thinking of you and I hope you get through it as painlessly as possible.:hugs:

Barbs I know you'll get your bfp :thumbup:...it's horrible that you feel so hopeless about it :(... I get that .
Try and keep the faith love ok...big hugs to you.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey Nat, thanks for the kind words :) xoxoxox

I'm trying really hard but some days it seems hopeless.
I just wanna get to those RE appointments & find out what's going on.
I had a chat with my therapist yesterday & she said we should stop IUI & save up for IVF. And a g/f of mine has said this a few times. I talked to DH last night & he is on board. So we'll see what my RE says this month, the new doctor next month & if it's work doing another IUI maybe I will but if not, we'll save what we would be paying IUI for a year & get the money saved up for IVF.

In the meantime I hope I get preggers on our own.
Hey Nat, thanks for the kind words :) xoxoxox

I'm trying really hard but some days it seems hopeless.
I just wanna get to those RE appointments & find out what's going on.
I had a chat with my therapist yesterday & she said we should stop IUI & save up for IVF. And a g/f of mine has said this a few times. I talked to DH last night & he is on board. So we'll see what my RE says this month, the new doctor next month & if it's work doing another IUI maybe I will but if not, we'll save what we would be paying IUI for a year & get the money saved up for IVF.

In the meantime I hope I get preggers on our own.

Hi barb...:flower:

Yeah I totally get that...the feeling of time waited emotions running high..panick setting in...I really don't know how I did it for 7yrs...some how I got through...I think I was where you are right now towards the last 2 or 3 years or so...so down about it all..
In my heart I felt like it wasn't going to happen but every month with the given opportunity s - how could I let them pass by???....that's where I was ...
I began to really withdraw from myself...I couldn't even behave normally...I was so snappy to people and admittedly bitter inside.:cry:
I felt as thoe even a loose end would have felt better to have been at then....
Barbs I see where you are coming from...but please hang in there Hun.:hugs:
Don't let this get the better of you...it's already taken so much in the way of your life and your time...(which I get too)
Your advice to meg was an interesting one...don't let it hold you back anymore than it already has...
Your therapist has put something out ere worth considering I ink...ivf...I am so glad hubby is on board with you....
How do YOU feel about it....?:). I hear so much about multiples with ivf tho...is there the option to implant one egg I wonder?
A good plan I think to save...maybe it won't take as much as a year Hun...:thumbup:

So on another note...when do set off for camping? You will be missed.your a great inspiration to us all and a strong woman too.:thumbup:
I hope you have a nice time away.:)

:) :) :) xxx
Barb and Nat I am sending you both a huge hug and maybe a glass of wine too lol - so sorry you are dealing with the anniversaries of your losses.. I cant imagine how difficult that is. You are both incredibly strong , inspirational women that I am lucky to know and I am thinking of you and hoping you get through it ok xoxoxo
Hey Nat, thanks for the kind words :) xoxoxox

I'm trying really hard but some days it seems hopeless.
I just wanna get to those RE appointments & find out what's going on.
I had a chat with my therapist yesterday & she said we should stop IUI & save up for IVF. And a g/f of mine has said this a few times. I talked to DH last night & he is on board. So we'll see what my RE says this month, the new doctor next month & if it's work doing another IUI maybe I will but if not, we'll save what we would be paying IUI for a year & get the money saved up for IVF.

In the meantime I hope I get preggers on our own.

Barb I am really glad that IVF is on the table. I also hope you get preg on your own but I am glad DH is on board and so are you. Definitely see what the RE has to say and if they agree perhaps start saving for that. The stats are much higher than IUI aren't they? xx
Nat I Hope you are well today and that little Harry is doing better! How is he??

2DPO over here.. not much to say. we had a staff basbeball game and picnic today. I am wiped. Wiped from working on the team organizing and from playing all day in this insane heat. My team won so that's a nice bonus lol

I have a ton of CM right now maybe it was the activity but I had it yesterday too. I know not to SS at this point of course I just hope its a good indicator.

Writing exam tomorrow for job that I am interviewing for... I am going to go on the off chance I may get through and potentially placed in Hamilton. Slim but worth the chance. I have also applied to a job in Mississauga (40 min) so we will see if they buzz me.

Looking forward to the afternoon off tomorrow after the exam...may pop into the eaton centre for a bit of shopping before I train home....

Oh and I must add my ticker is hilarious if it thinks I am waiting until AF is due to test LOL - not when I have cheapies weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hi ladies...:)

Cd dont know have checked lol
Which is nice...no pressure...:thumbup:

Ok so I am actually going to go and check now lol...
Ok so ill start again....
Hi ladies cd 4 here he he he...:)

So not much going on really.....MEGA. Tirespd as lo is still poorly and I and too afraid to leave him for a second...even when I do drop off I have one eye one ear open...oh had ps tried to help as much as possible but he works so hard he is pooped too when he gets home.shame...
I can't wait for Harry to be back n his feet again so I can finally get some Zeds in.

So I was sorting thought my "private draw" today and realised to my dismay " OMG- I don't have any opks....ahhhhh! "
So in my hurried way I run for my iPad to order some and I miss the door completely and actually hit the door frame! Full force OUCH!....it wasn't funny at the time but I had to laugh after...harry the little bug bug...laughed at me too...such a dirty laugh.lol
I'm actually holding onto my dining table for dear life trying not pass out and all I could hear was a little chuckle from him laying on the sofa he he he...

Really hope they get here In time :wacko:

So how are we all ladies...good I hopes...:)
Well I say all- where have you all gone? Lol

:) :) :) xxx
Hi meg :). Just wanted to say good luck with your exam tmr...and the other vacancies you have applied for too...big fx for you :)

The cm is still there yeah...I had it all the way through my last cycle...it's the fish oils...woohoo...they are working fx great by the sounds of it.:thumbup:
I'm like helllooooooo and where the hell have you been all my ttc life lol

I had to laugh at your ticker too lol...like we would wait that long to test ha ha...
My ticker went all ballsie on me so I will get it back WHEN I've o'd .
I hope I get my positive on cd 12/13 again ...li hate the 16 /17 ...such a long wait...altho if noticed it only happens when my kidneys play up.must be a connection there somehow :wacko:
Hmmmm maybe I should get tis checked out.

So when do you plan to test meg? 10/11 dpo again? :)

:) :) :) xxx
Hi Natalie.....have you caved??.? Have you have you have you? Lol
If not good luck for tmr love...keep us posted wont you.:)

P.s I love your siggi...:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey girlies.....cd 3 here..... Opks ordered.....hopefully this is the month...contemplating soy....just scared that it might cause cysts..... I did take it a few cycles back for 4 days...but forgot the last and had no problems...eh....maybe one more natural cycle then I will try it! Anyway....not much to speak of... This cycle has been super different in that my boobs hurt the first 2 days of af and only started hurting right before....normally they have been hurting 2weeks before and my face broke out during af and it normally before af as well....ugh dang body!!!!! Anyway...hope all is well...good luck everyone!!!
Hey girlies.....cd 3 here..... Opks ordered.....hopefully this is the month...contemplating soy....just scared that it might cause cysts..... I did take it a few cycles back for 4 days...but forgot the last and had no problems...eh....maybe one more natural cycle then I will try it! Anyway....not much to speak of... This cycle has been super different in that my boobs hurt the first 2 days of af and only started hurting right before....normally they have been hurting 2weeks before and my face broke out during af and it normally before af as well....ugh dang body!!!!! Anyway...hope all is well...good luck everyone!!!

Hi Ashley...:flower: ......good to have you back.:thumbup:
So your a day behind me...sort of cycle buddies here .woohoo...:thumbup:
So I'm cd 5 now...
How long is your cycle again?...what day do you normally o?
I'm hoping for cd 12/13...well fx anyway :)
Good luck Ashley I hope you get your bfp this time.

:) :) :) xxx
Bfn for me i did think i saw a really faint line it drove me insane for ages but i realised i have line eye lol its not over yet though still a few days to go :) xxx

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