6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Just stumbled across this thread and literally read the whole thing from the start!! It's like a novel!

Anyway, I'm new to this TTC malarky and already obsessing and ordering ridiculous amounts of pregnancy tests over the internet. It's sooo annoying, been testing for days and all negative. Period's due in 2 days so do you think a test would be showing something by now? The weird thing is I have none of the normal period symptoms I'd get. Arrrghhhh!

I keep thinking to myself 'just be chilled out, you've only just started trying', but it's so hard! I can't even imagine what it would be like to see 2 lines on a test!!
Babies on brain welcome!!! Some people don't get bfp untill 20dpo and 14/15dpo is common but you are not out untill witch shows her ugly face!

I've been ttc for nearly a year now and believe me it doesn't get any easier if I can offer any advice it would be to make sure you keep enjoying yourself and don't let ttc completely rule your life - now I just need to listen to my own advice lol

Good luck and wishing lots I'd baby dust your way!!

Ps Ic's are a good way to help the poas habit without bankrupting you ;)
I was filling my poas addiction and this is what I got ... Worst hpt ever ... three pink lines ( one thick controll line and two thin test lines) This pic is hard to see I know but they are THERE... I took another with same urine and it was bfn maybe a shadow but I don't look into those

Hello Ladies - I have been MIA for 2 weeks just chilling out until my next 2WW because I know I could easily get pretty obsessive! LOL!!!

Needless to say I am once again in the 2WW - or at least I am based on my online calculator. I was supposed to OV on sunday and we DTD Friday, Sat and Sun so if thats the case I have probably coverered my bases for the weekend lol.

I have sore BB's but I have had them all through my last AF which was very abnormal for me and it just never went away... it is definitely worsening though.

How is everyone? Barbi how many DPO are you and how about you Momma Powers?

Baby dust to you all!
Hey Momma - I think I see a line on your test?! It looks like a shadow line though :( Did you test again today?!

Babiesonbrain - Welcome & thanks for reading through my post...it's been an incredible journey of going absolutely bonkers every month!!! It's very consuming but I can say that as the months pass, I am less crazy about it.

Petzy! Missed you! I totally get it though, there are times I need a break so I'm not thinking about this all the damn time. It can get obsessive on this site. I wish you all the luck this cycle. I am waiting to Ovulate still so I'm on CD12 & looks like I'm gearing up to O early this month. I have all the physical signs & just waiting now for my temp to shoot up & for my OPK to turn positive! I really hope this is our month xo

Keep me posted Petzy....So are you 3dpo? When are you going to start testing?!
Hi Petzy! hope your ok i too understand how hard this can all be :(

Momma did you test again? damn ic's they can be really hurtfull!!!

well i'm still waiting to 0.....waiting and waiting and waiting sooooooo impatient!! Started robitssuin today and omg YUK it tastes hurrendous but i'd drink it by the pint if it ment i got my BFP!!
Hi Petzy! hope your ok i too understand how hard this can all be :(

Momma did you test again? damn ic's they can be really hurtfull!!!

well i'm still waiting to 0.....waiting and waiting and waiting sooooooo impatient!! Started robitssuin today and omg YUK it tastes hurrendous but i'd drink it by the pint if it ment i got my BFP!!

I keep waiting for my OPK to turn positive & it almost did & now its faint...I have every other symptom of O though :(
I was thinking about trying Robitussuin...I HATE cough syrup so I was hoping I didnt need to. Well, this cycle my CM has been MUCH better & I'm happy about it!! Do you not have EWCM? Good luck!
Hi Petzy! hope your ok i too understand how hard this can all be :(

Momma did you test again? damn ic's they can be really hurtfull!!!

well i'm still waiting to 0.....waiting and waiting and waiting sooooooo impatient!! Started robitssuin today and omg YUK it tastes hurrendous but i'd drink it by the pint if it ment i got my BFP!!

I keep waiting for my OPK to turn positive & it almost did & now its faint...I have every other symptom of O though :(
I was thinking about trying Robitussuin...I HATE cough syrup so I was hoping I didnt need to. Well, this cycle my CM has been MUCH better & I'm happy about it!! Do you not have EWCM? Good luck!

Ok what on earth is this about cough syrup??? LOL! tell me what that means! it helps with fertility or what?

Yep I am about 3DPO or so today - again I can only go off what my calculator estimates but i was exactly 30 day cycle last month as it guessed so if its right again this month then i should have timed it right.

I think I may temp next cycle to get a better idea of when I ov...if I dont get a BFP of course lol.

I am going to try not to test until AF is due - I know i said this last month so i do expect to fail again LOL but at least i want to wait until 10, 11, 12 DPO?? Can i do it? I am not sure.

What I can say is that my BBs are killing me but I know now I cant rely on that symptom! I also started a new workout program on Monday so I will distract myself with that LOL

Barbi do you use fertility friend? Can someone explain to me what crosshairs mean lol - does it mean you Ov'd?

I hope you get your positive OPK soon!!!
Hi Petzy! hope your ok i too understand how hard this can all be :(

Momma did you test again? damn ic's they can be really hurtfull!!!

well i'm still waiting to 0.....waiting and waiting and waiting sooooooo impatient!! Started robitssuin today and omg YUK it tastes hurrendous but i'd drink it by the pint if it ment i got my BFP!!

Thanks Nimbec - I am ok - I just find its easier to keep myself busy from when AF arrives until the 2ww because there is nothing to obsess over! I went on a long weekend to the states and had a few BBQ's with friends so I was busy enough to not think about it much.....

BUt now of course that 2ww is back i am starting to think again haha
Hey Momma - I think I see a line on your test?! It looks like a shadow line though :( Did you test again today?!

Babiesonbrain - Welcome & thanks for reading through my post...it's been an incredible journey of going absolutely bonkers every month!!! It's very consuming but I can say that as the months pass, I am less crazy about it.

Petzy! Missed you! I totally get it though, there are times I need a break so I'm not thinking about this all the damn time. It can get obsessive on this site. I wish you all the luck this cycle. I am waiting to Ovulate still so I'm on CD12 & looks like I'm gearing up to O early this month. I have all the physical signs & just waiting now for my temp to shoot up & for my OPK to turn positive! I really hope this is our month xo

Keep me posted Petzy....So are you 3dpo? When are you going to start testing?!

Thanks Barbi :) When i logged back on yesterday this was the first thread I looked for! I tried to add you as a friend so I hope it worked so I can find you if this dissapears LOL.....

Oh something funny you may laugh at.... DH just got a brand new convertible and we were joking about how silly a baby seat would look in the back of it.. I said no way and he said he thinks it wouldnt look too bad LMAO
Hey Momma - I think I see a line on your test?! It looks like a shadow line though :( Did you test again today?!

Babiesonbrain - Welcome & thanks for reading through my post...it's been an incredible journey of going absolutely bonkers every month!!! It's very consuming but I can say that as the months pass, I am less crazy about it.

Petzy! Missed you! I totally get it though, there are times I need a break so I'm not thinking about this all the damn time. It can get obsessive on this site. I wish you all the luck this cycle. I am waiting to Ovulate still so I'm on CD12 & looks like I'm gearing up to O early this month. I have all the physical signs & just waiting now for my temp to shoot up & for my OPK to turn positive! I really hope this is our month xo

Keep me posted Petzy....So are you 3dpo? When are you going to start testing?!

Thanks Barbi :) When i logged back on yesterday this was the first thread I looked for! I tried to add you as a friend so I hope it worked so I can find you if this dissapears LOL.....

Oh something funny you may laugh at.... DH just got a brand new convertible and we were joking about how silly a baby seat would look in the back of it.. I said no way and he said he thinks it wouldnt look too bad LMAO

Hi Petzy! Ok I'll make sure to accept your friend request :)
RE: cough syrup....Robitussin can help thin out your cervical mucus. I think woman take it about 5 days leading up to Ovulation. It's all over the internet if you wanna google it & check it out. But it's only for woman who are not producing enough or any EWCM.

And as for FF - I use it. And when you get your crosshairs, that means FF is saying you ovulated on that day it cross hairs. If it's dotted lines, then it assumes that was the day but there can be reasons its not totally certain. If your crosshairs are sold red lines then it's positive. You can show me your chart if you'd like :)

I am going to post on here until I get my bfp...even if I'm only talking to myself :) It's the longest post I've been on & created so why not right? And then I hope to go onto 1st Trimester. Thing is, I was pregnant already so I don't have a million pregnancy questions ahead of me....but I'd like to still keep my friends company & wait to see their bfp's too!
Also re: convertible - i agree, won't look ridiculous! But here, we dont have enough of the hot weather so I recon your top will be up often ;)
So you going to try to hold out on testing eh? I want to wait until at least 10dpo..I'm going to try. We'll see ;) I know me..I'm too impatient.
So I have held my urine for awhile I am going to test! I was up and down all night last night so m FMU would not be great to test with it was CLEAR! blac
Good luck momma! Let us know what the results are! It's still so early but still worth the shot!
Hey Momma - I think I see a line on your test?! It looks like a shadow line though :( Did you test again today?!

Babiesonbrain - Welcome & thanks for reading through my post...it's been an incredible journey of going absolutely bonkers every month!!! It's very consuming but I can say that as the months pass, I am less crazy about it.

Petzy! Missed you! I totally get it though, there are times I need a break so I'm not thinking about this all the damn time. It can get obsessive on this site. I wish you all the luck this cycle. I am waiting to Ovulate still so I'm on CD12 & looks like I'm gearing up to O early this month. I have all the physical signs & just waiting now for my temp to shoot up & for my OPK to turn positive! I really hope this is our month xo

Keep me posted Petzy....So are you 3dpo? When are you going to start testing?!

Thanks Barbi :) When i logged back on yesterday this was the first thread I looked for! I tried to add you as a friend so I hope it worked so I can find you if this dissapears LOL.....

Oh something funny you may laugh at.... DH just got a brand new convertible and we were joking about how silly a baby seat would look in the back of it.. I said no way and he said he thinks it wouldnt look too bad LMAO

Hi Petzy! Ok I'll make sure to accept your friend request :)
RE: cough syrup....Robitussin can help thin out your cervical mucus. I think woman take it about 5 days leading up to Ovulation. It's all over the internet if you wanna google it & check it out. But it's only for woman who are not producing enough or any EWCM.

And as for FF - I use it. And when you get your crosshairs, that means FF is saying you ovulated on that day it cross hairs. If it's dotted lines, then it assumes that was the day but there can be reasons its not totally certain. If your crosshairs are sold red lines then it's positive. You can show me your chart if you'd like :)

I am going to post on here until I get my bfp...even if I'm only talking to myself :) It's the longest post I've been on & created so why not right? And then I hope to go onto 1st Trimester. Thing is, I was pregnant already so I don't have a million pregnancy questions ahead of me....but I'd like to still keep my friends company & wait to see their bfp's too!

Hmmm thanks for the info! haha.... I dont have a chart on FF because i dont chart anything LOL - I have never temped or done anything other than use the online OV calculator on mymonthlycycles.com but hopefully its pretty accurate - I have nearly 4 years of period plugged into there!! so it really just depends if I ovulate when its "normal" to ovulate, or do I ov early or late... that is why i may temp next month.

Good stay on here lol - I will stay too. We can all gab until we move on hopefully...

And thanks for the Robitussin info lol
Ladies just had a big argument with oh we are doing SMEP plan and he has masturbated today on the off day! I am so upset angry and hurt he can't see what the prob is told me I need to calm down I just burst into tears and feel like in already out this cycle!!! I know this is irrational and he has promised not to do it gain but insists his speem are fine grrrrrrrr MEN how on earth do they expect things to work if they don't stick to the plan??! Plus what the hell do I do now miss another day or bd as schedule Tom but that would mean he has come 3 days in a row???? I'm so upset with him!! Sorry if u think I'm being irrational I had just pinned all my hopes on the plan :( :( :(

Ok so rant over phew! I am on clomid and it has really dried cm this month so using Preseed and robi in the desperate hope it will work - it tastes vile tho so I'm praying it works this time!!

I'll def chat here girls it's nice to have support and also just to chat!! Ok I'm off to try and make peace in the house lol what a think to row about lol!!
Good luck momma! Let us know what the results are! It's still so early but still worth the shot!

So I have held my urine for awhile I am going to test! I was up and down all night last night so m FMU would not be great to test with it was CLEAR! blac

FX for you momma!:happydance:

Wel it was bfn but maybe a shadow something idk not getting my hopes up.. I had a 26 day cycle last month I hope that isnt the case this month...
Ladies just had a big argument with oh we are doing SMEP plan and he has masturbated today on the off day! I am so upset angry and hurt he can't see what the prob is told me I need to calm down I just burst into tears and feel like in already out this cycle!!! I know this is irrational and he has promised not to do it gain but insists his speem are fine grrrrrrrr MEN how on earth do they expect things to work if they don't stick to the plan??! Plus what the hell do I do now miss another day or bd as schedule Tom but that would mean he has come 3 days in a row???? I'm so upset with him!! Sorry if u think I'm being irrational I had just pinned all my hopes on the plan :( :( :(

Ok so rant over phew! I am on clomid and it has really dried cm this month so using Preseed and robi in the desperate hope it will work - it tastes vile tho so I'm praying it works this time!!

I'll def chat here girls it's nice to have support and also just to chat!! Ok I'm off to try and make peace in the house lol what a think to row about lol!!

I dont think you are being irrational. A plan is a plan! I would still bd so you stay on track.
can i join this thread. I'm 6-7dpo (slight uncertainty as to which day I ovulated ;) POAS today and of course BFN ;P. I caved and went to a dollar store, purchased 7tests ((for now)), and plan on using them every morning for a week. (even though my original plan was to wait it out til the 15th. le sigh.. I'm weak.

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