6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Hi ladies , I hope you don't mind me popping in just to say how truley WONDERFUL you all are . From reading the thread you guys have formed such amazing friendships and bonds . It feels like an intrusion into a private conversation but in a good way !!!! You are so so supportive of each other you really have special friendships here .

Secondly ALL of you so deserve your BFP . You are inspirational in your strength and positivity , you should all be ambassadors for TTC ! Not sure if any of you believe in the man upstairs but I will light a special candle and have a quick word for the ladies on this thread ;) I can't hurt . I have a feeling in my waters that BFP will arrive some day soon in bucket loads for you all :)

Again hope you didn't mind me barging in just to cheer you all on :) I think you are all wonderful xxxxxxxxxx

Hello & welcome!

That's such a nice message - than you! We have really gotten to know one another. It's great. It can be such a lonely world in TTC.

How about you? I see you're "other"...how's your journey?

There ya go Natalie, now just let time pass! Always waiting around here! Can't wait for more testing! Go barb go!

Yes we are renting at one of my parents properties, basically they bought this beaumont house and will sell the house we're in once we move and with the profit/ rent we've paid etc we'll take over the mortgage at the new place for ~80% of its appraised value after the renos and the other 20% would be used as our down payment! There's really no better deal. The thing is though my dad wants to cheap out on the renos and we want to be able to choose what we want to go in so we don't have to redo it in a few years. It's kind of frustrating actually... So we def need a sit down chat about it all..
Hi barbs...yep that's my view...it's soooo much nicer on a sunny day...today is very gloomy and rainy...
I have a river...a train depo and an embankment in my background ....I love my view...I will miss it soooo much when we move...I was thinking about getting a. Professional photographer to come and take a good pic and get it on canvas so when we move I still have a little piece to take with me...:)

Wow 8dpi already barbs...lol I bet it's dragged for you.i have a whole 9days to go yet..l
Tis month I have a plan with my testing...I will only use 20 miu's...and if I get what I think is or could be a line I shall use a 10... That way if I think there's a line a 10 should show it...good plan do you think?

Nat....I love seeing my chart progress....I'm glad you managed to get it on your siggi...I will love looking at yours too.:)
I visit another thread and I love to watch her chart come along...

Meg...that's very worrying info you gave about the maca love :{
I have been taking the maca for 6months now....I don't know if I should stop it now...oh dear.
What do you think?

Momma I LOVE your wedding pic...your an ooober babe...:thumbup:
You two look so happy and dapper.:)

Talia good luck on your reno's....I hope you get to move in all settled befor Xmas love :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
I wish i could fast forward time and see more progression or better yet have my positive opk lol guess i will see what happens after saturday i really cant do much about it xxx
Nat, that's an amazing view! I love it!! Very lucky, you are. Do you guys own your place? Is it an apartment?

Nat, i see what you're saying about the 20/10miu...the 10miu tests often have shadow lines & evaps. They're truly horrible. That could work though if you stick to the plan!
I ordered more tests...they should arrive tomorrow. I got 10 & 20 miu tests.
I can't wait to start testing. This goes against everything I know! HAHA.

If I'm honest, I'm not feeling positive right now. I feel like it's over & I'm not pregnant. Once again. I mean really, why should this month be any different? It's been near two years now. I'm just really feeling a bit anxious today.

I'm still not convinced that Maca is bad for conception. There is LOTS of information out there about its benefits on conception. I think its a matter of a doctor's opinion. No one has told me that I shouldn't take it.

Nat, that's an amazing view! I love it!! Very lucky, you are. Do you guys own your place? Is it an apartment?

Nat, i see what you're saying about the 20/10miu...the 10miu tests often have shadow lines & evaps. They're truly horrible. That could work though if you stick to the plan!
I ordered more tests...they should arrive tomorrow. I got 10 & 20 miu tests.
I can't wait to start testing. This goes against everything I know! HAHA.

If I'm honest, I'm not feeling positive right now. I feel like it's over & I'm not pregnant. Once again. I mean really, why should this month be any different? It's been near two years now. I'm just really feeling a bit anxious today.

I'm still not convinced that Maca is bad for conception. There is LOTS of information out there about its benefits on conception. I think its a matter of a doctor's opinion. No one has told me that I shouldn't take it.


Wow that helps ALOT...I'm am getting abit scared about the maca now lol...
I think later on when the boys are in bed...I will sit down and do some cross examinations hahaha....
Maybe megs re said that bc she not fully in the know about it.idk...
I see where she coming from about certain herbals and natural things but I am pretty freaked out by the "stopping it" thought...what if I do and it takes longer to get preg or what if I don't and it's harming the chances ugh...what to do....
My doc said its perfectly fine too...
In fact she told me to take it by all means bc of it's benificaries for well being and energy.

Yeah we live in a marionette / apartment.....we are hoping to move to a house very soon/ any day now tho...Harry needs the space...and not only that I want to move to a place where to schooling is more suitable for Harry....he is sooo intelligent I want to nurture that.

Barbs I am sorry your feeling so low about ttc again...try to keep the faith love...you have a good plan in place now and something to aim towards...I am holding on tight to your bfp for you this month...
Your Tcm and your acu and meditation is all a positive thing for you...:thumbup:
Do you feel any different for the new Tcm.?
I saw a pic on your blog...does it smell when you cook it up?....I was trying to imagine the aroma ...like a xmasy cinnamon air...mmmmmm....I love that smell...just a pity I can't pallet cinnamon lol...
I am sending lots of positive vibes to you barbs..try and keep your chin up love.:thumbup::hugs:
I know the feeling tho ...only tmr / Friday to go and you can test test test...lol

:) :) :) xxx
Probably a dumb question but can i put my thermometer in my hand luggage bag. I dont know how tight security is i havent been in a airport in years do they look in your hand luggage bag and will the thermometer set the metal detector thingy off lol
Hmm I'm not sure you can usually find a list on the airline or airport website. If you don't need it on the plane my rule of thumb is that it goes in your luggage not your carryon
Meg, thought I'd share that a two pack of FRER at No Frills is $15. The stores that have the pharmacy. I believe Shoppers Drug Mart sells them for around $22/23...I'm shocked at the price difference btw. And yes, I did buy a pack hahaha.

Nat, I'll respond shortly. Just eating some lunch :)
Ok barbs and meg....I have reluctantly done some reasearch and I am satisfied with what I have found...
Sorry meg I had my chicken head on and panicked lol....

So this is what I found...

Maca has gained a reputation for helping balance hormones and reverse hypothyroidism. It is an endocrine adaptogen, meaning that it does not contain any hormones, but rather it contains the nutrients necessary to support normal hormone production.

Maca has also been used as a way to increase fertility (and I can vouch for this personally!). It is naturally “high in minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc), sterols (6 found), up to 20 essential fatty acids, lipids, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, and amino acids.”

Maca is often recommended to those with adrenal fatigue as it nourishes them and reduces stress hormones. It’s especially known for its benefit in balancing hormones. According to this article:

“Maca root helps balance our hormones and due to an over abundance of environmental estrogens, most people’s hormones are a bit out of whack. Maca stimulates and nourishes the hypothalamus and pituitary glands which are the “master glands” of the body. These glands actually regulate the other glands, so when in balance they can bring balance to the adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, ovarian and testicular glands.

Maca root has been shown to be beneficial for all sorts of hormonal problems including PMS, menopause, and hot flashes. Maca’s also a fertility enhancer and is best known for improving libido and sexual function, especially in men. For this reason, it’s earned the nickname “nature’s Viagra.”"

I have personally seen many cases of couples adding Maca to their daily regimen and conceiving easily, even after struggling with infertility. (Note: It should not be consumed during pregnancy!)

Here is more information about the ways Maca is used to promote fertility and this post talks about its role in balancing hormones.


I also went onto trawl t he Internet to find anything bad about using maca whilst ttc...all I could find was that it can affect sleep patterns but only if not taken properly...and also it can upset your tummy if you don't take it WITH food....

Hope this helps...:)

:) :) :) xxx
Hey Nat, thanks for that information!
I did a lot of research myself & came to the conclusion that it's safe.
I also got pregnant the month I started taking Maca. I really wouldn't be concerned.
Both of my RE's & my TCM practitioner said nothing when I mentioned I was taking it. Neither of them to said to stop or other wise.

And I'm going to try & keep positive - promise but it's so hard.
I want this SO badly so I feel like this is it. If it's going to happen, it's already happening & there's nothing more left to do.
All our friends are ready to pop any day now & I'm just totally anxious about that.
I don't know what I'll do/say...how I'll react. I feel like I'm going to hide out.

My opk is still light its possible to have a light line one day and blazing positive the next day right?
Hey Nat, thanks for that information!
I did a lot of research myself & came to the conclusion that it's safe.
I also got pregnant the month I started taking Maca. I really wouldn't be concerned.
Both of my RE's & my TCM practitioner said nothing when I mentioned I was taking it. Neither of them to said to stop or other wise.

And I'm going to try & keep positive - promise but it's so hard.
I want this SO badly so I feel like this is it. If it's going to happen, it's already happening & there's nothing more left to do.
All our friends are ready to pop any day now & I'm just totally anxious about that.
I don't know what I'll do/say...how I'll react. I feel like I'm going to hide out.


I never thought I would actually say this as possible advice to sombody but ..maybe hiding out isn't such a bad thing after all....barbs you need to be able to deal with in your own way- comfortably....being emotionally forced is never a good idea....
Even bumping in one with a new born is always hard and altho it's all smiles at the time the walking away with the heavy heart is hard to swallow...

I would recommend that taking it one step at a time and allowing how you truly feel about the births looming is what you need to get through...who knows you may be pleased to meat thier lil bundles in the end...wow yep I know how you must be thinking...can that ever happen? Really?....you may be surprised barbs...

Barbs the day I found out that my pregnancy had ended (my birthday) I literally passed my nieces mom who was being admitted for induction....I hated that day with a true vengeance...
After a fees days I was invited to come and see. He new born...I turned them down in an instant and actually resented them for having there perfect baby...
I just COULD NOT face them...my pain was still very raw and I just could not do it...
It actually took me three weeks to finally go and visit the new family...and the whole journey to thier house I was fighting back the tears and trying to be strong...I even almost bailed...but I made myself face it and when I actually met the lo I was ok- I can even say I enjoyed it alittle...
But I'm not saying it wasn't hard tho.
Every time I see the baby now it's a bad reminder of my own pain and how I shouldn't have been in that hospital loosing my baby whilst there's was being born...I guess I still need to work on that abit but again...sometimes our fears can play out differently to what we expect when. We find the courage to face them.

I truly hope barbs that you have your bfp before there Babbas are born :hugs:

:) :) :) xxx
Meg, thought I'd share that a two pack of FRER at No Frills is $15. The stores that have the pharmacy. I believe Shoppers Drug Mart sells them for around $22/23...I'm shocked at the price difference btw. And yes, I did buy a pack hahaha.

Nat, I'll respond shortly. Just eating some lunch :)

Oh thanks Barb! they are the same price at Target so I get them there :) $14.95 last time for two which was great. I won't get them at Shoppers that's for sure. 3 days Barb you can do it!!!
Hey Nat, thanks for that information!
I did a lot of research myself & came to the conclusion that it's safe.
I also got pregnant the month I started taking Maca. I really wouldn't be concerned.
Both of my RE's & my TCM practitioner said nothing when I mentioned I was taking it. Neither of them to said to stop or other wise.

And I'm going to try & keep positive - promise but it's so hard.
I want this SO badly so I feel like this is it. If it's going to happen, it's already happening & there's nothing more left to do.
All our friends are ready to pop any day now & I'm just totally anxious about that.
I don't know what I'll do/say...how I'll react. I feel like I'm going to hide out.


I am not worried about the Maca either guys - sorry Nat if I put you into a scare! I would not worry AT ALL - my doc just advised against it because I wasn't already taking it, and since I am a new patient, she wants to be in charge of what I take from here on out, you know?? She certainly didn't say there was anything wrong with maca, and Barb is right that doctors have different positions on the natural stuff...

Barb I understand what you are saying about hiding out, I do. I am already trying to think of how I am going to handle a BFN this month - I do feel the same, that I don't expect any different... but we have to be positive. We have to visualize! Do what we need to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Today I spent some time reading other forums which I don't usually do. I read through a couple threads on TTC#1 and I saw some people with BFP's after 12, 13, 14, 15 months or longer - it made me feel hopeful again. Reminded me that there are many people the journey takes longer for. I am grateful for the reminder. Let's not self defeat - it will happen - for all of us - soon. We are doing everything right.
My opk is still light its possible to have a light line one day and blazing positive the next day right?

Yep this has happened to me several times :) That's why I test twice a day - thanks to Barb!
Fingers crossed i get my positive tomorrow then i think if i dont i will have a massive stress fit lol
Fingers crossed i get my positive tomorrow then i think if i dont i will have a massive stress fit lol

We are pretty close in our cycles Natalie... I should get my positive by Friday or Saturday... cycle buddies almost! lol

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