6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

you're in your second trimester now yes?
you're a bit more than 'tiny bit preggers' now :)
are you sick b/c you're pregnant?
Thanks Barbs yes i think i should change that! No it def wasnt morning sickness i know as i had that bad up untill a few weeks ago this was totally different either food poisening or a bug but i'm much better today and OH has appologised so im much perkier!

Any sign of 0 yet ladies?
I stocked up at the dollar tree last night and my boyfriend looked at me like I was nuts! I'm 8 dpo but got a BFN this morning. I think I'm going to keep taking them until 3 days before my AF, then ill buy FRER. I can't help I'm so anxious/excited/nervous/antsy!! :)
I'm glad you feel better nimbec :)
No O yet for me. About 9 days to go!
Tuesday I have my fertility clinic appointment. I'm nervous & also ready to find out if there is a problem :)

Good luck Dana! How long have you been ttc?
I'm glad you feel better nimbec :)
No O yet for me. About 9 days to go!
Tuesday I have my fertility clinic appointment. I'm nervous & also ready to find out if there is a problem :)

Good luck Dana! How long have you been ttc?

I should be O'ing any time this upcoming week. So maybe we'll be close again. Anyway my fertilitiy appt. is on Thursday. I'm really not in the mood to go -_- Here comes high blood preassure for me!!! Still it's a good thing to see if there is something up with us. Hopefully there isn't and if there is it's something easily fixable. Good luck to you.
Hey ladies how have u been ive been so sick and working a lot I've missed yall
Hi everyone!

Well after 10 days away I am sad but happy to be back - haha!!! Had an amazing holiday but unfortunately I dont think we made a little one as I am on CD27 today and pink cm has arrived along with some cramping!

I expect AF to show anytime now (dangit! lol)

Onto the next cycle soon I suppose!

I am caught up for the most part... Barbi - your fertility appointment is today! Best of luck and update us after as to what the doc has to say! Im sorry you got AF again this month BUT you seemed to keep your spirits up I am happy to see......

Momma and Nimbec hope you are doing well in your pregnancies!!! Glad you are feeling better Nimbec!

I am out of IC's - OPK and PG tests..... so I am not sure if I am going to order more this month or not... maybe I need to step it up a notch we are taking it very easy so far on this whole TTC thing! haha..........
Hi everyone, sorry I posted last week, never replied again cause we were away for the weekend.

I did test! And I got a very faint positve on a FRER on Saturday afternoon. Of course I peed on everything I had and the line seemed like it was getting slightly darker yesterday, but still faint, but for sure there. This morning I decided okay, well time to take a digital, well what does it show, a big NOT pregnant. I'm so upset, I had my suspisions of a Chemical cause the line was so faint and now this just added to my feeling. So then of course I had to take another FRER just now to see if I even still have a line, its still there, but its not any darker then yesterdays. :nope:

With all my other pregnancies a line showed up right away, even darker then the control line, but back then I never knew how many dpo i was or anything. I should have gotten AF Sunday or Monday.
Hi everyone, sorry I posted last week, never replied again cause we were away for the weekend.

I did test! And I got a very faint positve on a FRER on Saturday afternoon. Of course I peed on everything I had and the line seemed like it was getting slightly darker yesterday, but still faint, but for sure there. This morning I decided okay, well time to take a digital, well what does it show, a big NOT pregnant. I'm so upset, I had my suspisions of a Chemical cause the line was so faint and now this just added to my feeling. So then of course I had to take another FRER just now to see if I even still have a line, its still there, but its not any darker then yesterdays. :nope:

With all my other pregnancies a line showed up right away, even darker then the control line, but back then I never knew how many dpo i was or anything. I should have gotten AF Sunday or Monday.

Minnie Im sorry you have some faint lines there... but lots of people have faint that do get darker and darker... unfortunately you will have to wait for either AF to show or the lines to darken..
Thanks! Ya I know, I HATE waiting!! As i'm sure everyone can relate!!!

Unforunately the last time I went to the bathroom I had a streak of red blood in CM show when I wiped. Now I think I can just wait for AF to move in full force. This really sucks :(
Thanks! Ya I know, I HATE waiting!! As i'm sure everyone can relate!!!

Unforunately the last time I went to the bathroom I had a streak of red blood in CM show when I wiped. Now I think I can just wait for AF to move in full force. This really sucks :(

Sorry babes that is SO nasty - I have never had one but that is partly why i hold out until AF is due when I can... I cant imagine!!! I hope you can move onto the next cycle and get BD'ing..... :)

I didnt see your initial post Minnie - welcome to the forum - are you TTC #1??
Thanks, I hope it just gets over and done with too so I can continue on. I think your right, next cycle I'm SOOOO holding out to test until AF is really late. I'm just not going to order any tests so I don't have any in the house!!!!

I am ttc #4!! Never even knew anything about chemical pregnancies with the other 3!!! When i got a BFP, that was it, I was pregnant, not having to worry about getting AF or how light or faint the second line was!!! :wacko:
Thanks, I hope it just gets over and done with too so I can continue on. I think your right, next cycle I'm SOOOO holding out to test until AF is really late. I'm just not going to order any tests so I don't have any in the house!!!!

I am ttc #4!! Never even knew anything about chemical pregnancies with the other 3!!! When i got a BFP, that was it, I was pregnant, not having to worry about getting AF or how light or faint the second line was!!! :wacko:

lol! i know its crazy isnt it? wow TTC#4!!
Hey Petzy! Welcome back!!! How was your holiday's?
And, I'm sorry to hear you're spotting :( That sucks. Big.
Well yes I had my appointment today & it was overwhelming with information. Basically right now we're doing a series of blood tests (done today & more this week), DH has to check his spermies. I'm going to cycle monitor start of next cycle (Unless I get knocked up this cycle) & also book an ultrasound to see if the inside of my uterus is looking good.
I've got about another 6 supplements to add to my already crazy regime! So, I'll be picking those up tomorrow. I'll try to get blood work done Thursday or Friday afternoon.
I had many vile of blood taken from me today - so did my hubby actually lol. It was so much information & already started costing us $$. I really hope I can get pregnant this cycle....& not have to do anything more!
Hi all gosh lots going on!

Minnie sorry your having this its horrible on a positive note perhaps you are not as far along as u think? digis need 50hcg where as frer only 12. also some women spot and still have a bfp. Just trying yo put a positive spin on things. I know how awfulit can be i my self have had a chemical :( FX for you!!!!!!

Petzy welcome home!!! sorry about spotting grrrrrrr damn witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barbs fx for you!!! At least your getting closr to asnwers xx

I'm ok just feeling well again :) now waiting till i can find out gender.
Hey Petzy! Welcome back!!! How was your holiday's?
And, I'm sorry to hear you're spotting :( That sucks. Big.
Well yes I had my appointment today & it was overwhelming with information. Basically right now we're doing a series of blood tests (done today & more this week), DH has to check his spermies. I'm going to cycle monitor start of next cycle (Unless I get knocked up this cycle) & also book an ultrasound to see if the inside of my uterus is looking good.
I've got about another 6 supplements to add to my already crazy regime! So, I'll be picking those up tomorrow. I'll try to get blood work done Thursday or Friday afternoon.
I had many vile of blood taken from me today - so did my hubby actually lol. It was so much information & already started costing us $$. I really hope I can get pregnant this cycle....& not have to do anything more!

Barbi - I am just glad they are getting started on all of this so quickly (although I know you had to wait ages!!) hopefully this kicks it all up a notch for you... keep us in the loop! Sorry about all the blood but its for a good reason hehe!

And you said its costing you $$ already - what portion of this is not covered by OHIP? I know the fertility stuff is iffy for coverage so just out of curiosity... is any of it covered??

And yes I did have a fab trip.... I am officially on CD1 today after waking up to my ovaries exploding (TMI???) haha~! oh well at least i am regular haha.......
Hi all gosh lots going on!

Minnie sorry your having this its horrible on a positive note perhaps you are not as far along as u think? digis need 50hcg where as frer only 12. also some women spot and still have a bfp. Just trying yo put a positive spin on things. I know how awfulit can be i my self have had a chemical :( FX for you!!!!!!

Petzy welcome home!!! sorry about spotting grrrrrrr damn witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barbs fx for you!!! At least your getting closr to asnwers xx

I'm ok just feeling well again :) now waiting till i can find out gender.

Thanks! :D

Ohhh gender so exciting... any feelings on this one ???
Hey Petzy! Welcome back!!! How was your holiday's?
And, I'm sorry to hear you're spotting :( That sucks. Big.
Well yes I had my appointment today & it was overwhelming with information. Basically right now we're doing a series of blood tests (done today & more this week), DH has to check his spermies. I'm going to cycle monitor start of next cycle (Unless I get knocked up this cycle) & also book an ultrasound to see if the inside of my uterus is looking good.
I've got about another 6 supplements to add to my already crazy regime! So, I'll be picking those up tomorrow. I'll try to get blood work done Thursday or Friday afternoon.
I had many vile of blood taken from me today - so did my hubby actually lol. It was so much information & already started costing us $$. I really hope I can get pregnant this cycle....& not have to do anything more!

Barbi - I am just glad they are getting started on all of this so quickly (although I know you had to wait ages!!) hopefully this kicks it all up a notch for you... keep us in the loop! Sorry about all the blood but its for a good reason hehe!

And you said its costing you $$ already - what portion of this is not covered by OHIP? I know the fertility stuff is iffy for coverage so just out of curiosity... is any of it covered??

And yes I did have a fab trip.... I am officially on CD1 today after waking up to my ovaries exploding (TMI???) haha~! oh well at least i am regular haha.......

LOL ovaries exploding - very nice....very class ;) :haha:

Well, there are series of blood work which OHIP doesn't cover so we spent around $190 already for that. I have two other blood requisitions to do this week & I'm not sure what that will cost...:dohh:....I'm going to submit it though my benefits & see if I have coverage. That would be super sweet.
Preliminary blood tests, initial semin analysis is covered. Cycle Monitoring that I'll start next cycle is covered....I have to do an ultrasound which is not covered. But again, hoping my benefits covers all of this!

Glad to hear your trip was so nice! Welcome back! xo

You know - every month that passes I'm less concerned with TTC....literately this month I've barely remembered to check my CM & to test with OPK...I'm just like BLAH....I will know the timing of when I'm most fertile & just going to make sure we BD often enough & see what happens. I've lost the interest to be too invested in charting, checking, testing...blah-de-blah.
I really hope I get pregnant this cycle for a number of reasons...cost & time of all this fertility crap....& I want to go away in January & I'd like to be in my second trimester flying to the tropics. So,I hope it all works out...:thumbup:
Hey Petzy! Welcome back!!! How was your holiday's?
And, I'm sorry to hear you're spotting :( That sucks. Big.
Well yes I had my appointment today & it was overwhelming with information. Basically right now we're doing a series of blood tests (done today & more this week), DH has to check his spermies. I'm going to cycle monitor start of next cycle (Unless I get knocked up this cycle) & also book an ultrasound to see if the inside of my uterus is looking good.
I've got about another 6 supplements to add to my already crazy regime! So, I'll be picking those up tomorrow. I'll try to get blood work done Thursday or Friday afternoon.
I had many vile of blood taken from me today - so did my hubby actually lol. It was so much information & already started costing us $$. I really hope I can get pregnant this cycle....& not have to do anything more!

Barbi - I am just glad they are getting started on all of this so quickly (although I know you had to wait ages!!) hopefully this kicks it all up a notch for you... keep us in the loop! Sorry about all the blood but its for a good reason hehe!

And you said its costing you $$ already - what portion of this is not covered by OHIP? I know the fertility stuff is iffy for coverage so just out of curiosity... is any of it covered??

And yes I did have a fab trip.... I am officially on CD1 today after waking up to my ovaries exploding (TMI???) haha~! oh well at least i am regular haha.......

LOL ovaries exploding - very nice....very class ;) :haha:

Well, there are series of blood work which OHIP doesn't cover so we spent around $190 already for that. I have two other blood requisitions to do this week & I'm not sure what that will cost...:dohh:....I'm going to submit it though my benefits & see if I have coverage. That would be super sweet.
Preliminary blood tests, initial semin analysis is covered. Cycle Monitoring that I'll start next cycle is covered....I have to do an ultrasound which is not covered. But again, hoping my benefits covers all of this!

Glad to hear your trip was so nice! Welcome back! xo

You know - every month that passes I'm less concerned with TTC....literately this month I've barely remembered to check my CM & to test with OPK...I'm just like BLAH....I will know the timing of when I'm most fertile & just going to make sure we BD often enough & see what happens. I've lost the interest to be too invested in charting, checking, testing...blah-de-blah.
I really hope I get pregnant this cycle for a number of reasons...cost & time of all this fertility crap....& I want to go away in January & I'd like to be in my second trimester flying to the tropics. So,I hope it all works out...:thumbup:

LOL its funny you mention holidays because I was thinking the same thing.... my inlaws want us to join them on a trip or cruise in the early spring and while I would love to commit to it its hard not knowing what lies ahead...... DH says i will probably be all fat and preggo haha we will see....

So I have decided to pick this up right after work today.... https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/book...8034682-item.html?ikwid=pregnancy&ikwsec=Home

For the most part because it includes a lot of preconception stuff apparanrtly and it is all Canadian-based which is helpful...... I figure it cant hurt and its not like im buying baby toys and stuffing them under my bed lmao...

Barb thats very interesting about the coverage..... didnt know certain bloods werent covered etc..... but I guess $190 isnt too bad YET but it could add up you are right..... I hope your benefits cover it - let me know - I have Great West Life I wonder how good they are.....

I also hear you on the BLAH ness... I dont think i am going to buy OPK or IC this month...... I just want to BD a lot and see what happens. I mean we have not been trying too hard so far but for some reason i still feel like its taking a long time? I read a quote today from Dr. Oz... under the section called "How long does it take to get pregnant" and I feel i fit into the "casually trying for 6 months" category... although its not quite been that long yet...


food for thought....

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