6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Holy crap girls! I had to hunt this thread down! Page 4!! Really???? Come on!!! LOL

Do not dissapear on me! haha....

Not much new with me... CD6 and I think I will order the ov strips today......

DH and I went to dinner with one of our closest couple-friends and they announced they are pregnany with #3~! They are the same age as us and they are now having three babies and we dont have 1 yet LOL

This was my first official jealous pregnancy feeling I have ever really had - and it does NOT feel good!!!

I was totally thrilled for them but I was like ok man i think its time........!!!!

How is everyone doing? Anything new ??

Petzy!!!! I haven't had much to update in a while & been busy painting my house :)
I tested positive this weekend - OPK....so I guess I'm about 1dpo today! WAHOOOOOOO.
I am not sure so I'll just take a guess on it. Give/take 1 day. I think my cycle will be slightly longer this time. 29 days last 2 cycles...I think it'll be 31 again for this cycle though. I could be wrong but my LP phase is almost always 15 days. Some times 14. I stopped temping...I only tested w/OPK this cycle cuz hubby has to get his spermies tested so I wanted to know when to stop BDing.

I know the jealous feeling - I've had it a lot over the course of the year...its horrible. Our friends have been talking about trying next year (two couples) and all I think is 'I hope I get pregnant first....dont let them get pregnant before me'....fuck. Anyway.
I'm so sick of trying.

I did a reading with Jenny Renny & she predicted a BFP in January - and I'm not happy with that :) BTW, every psychic has predicted WRONG. Including the one I physically went to that said so many accurate things about me & my friends....he's pretty good at what he does - and he got it wrong. He said end of Aug/beginning of Sept.
We'll see if some thing is wrong from all my tests for the fertility clinic. I have this gut feeling something is up.....
Petzy!!!! I haven't had much to update in a while & been busy painting my house :)
I tested positive this weekend - OPK....so I guess I'm about 1dpo today! WAHOOOOOOO.
I am not sure so I'll just take a guess on it. Give/take 1 day. I think my cycle will be slightly longer this time. 29 days last 2 cycles...I think it'll be 31 again for this cycle though. I could be wrong but my LP phase is almost always 15 days. Some times 14. I stopped temping...I only tested w/OPK this cycle cuz hubby has to get his spermies tested so I wanted to know when to stop BDing.

I know the jealous feeling - I've had it a lot over the course of the year...its horrible. Our friends have been talking about trying next year (two couples) and all I think is 'I hope I get pregnant first....dont let them get pregnant before me'....fuck. Anyway.
I'm so sick of trying.

I did a reading with Jenny Renny & she predicted a BFP in January - and I'm not happy with that :) BTW, every psychic has predicted WRONG. Including the one I physically went to that said so many accurate things about me & my friends....he's pretty good at what he does - and he got it wrong. He said end of Aug/beginning of Sept.
We'll see if some thing is wrong from all my tests for the fertility clinic. I have this gut feeling something is up.....

YAY there you are! haha.....

I hear you on the "dont let them get pregnant before me".... i am feeling it too! AHHHHH :( And we are only casually trying!

So funny you are painting your house... we are painting our entire basement.... i start the prep work tonight haha..... get ready for my arms and shoulders to be killing me!!!

Yeah I am NOT a psychic believer but I find it fun regardless.... I hope the January prediction is wrong too haha.... although I suppose its not that far away from now which is scary!

Yay on your POS OPK :) I ordered mine this a.m. so hopefully i get them in a day or two so I dont have to start late... thats all im doing... just OPK and nada else. Although this cycle Iam going to pay closer attention to diet.... no drinking on week days and remember my pre natal every day.... also back on track with the regular exercise.. and lastly... i am trying for one caffeinated drink a day MAX...... whatever helps right???

When do you have your results/follow up appt at the fertility doc?
Already my OPK are shipped... due to be delivered on Wed....
Hey Petzy!

I was painting baseboards & trim work. And it aint finished. BTW, I hate painting. And I hear you on the sore muscles....lame!

Absolutely - a healthier life style is always great! It can't hurt anything.
We've been trying now on our 9th cycle (not casual) so I'm starting to get concerned. I have this feeling (have for a while now) that some thing is up. Our followup appointment is in early November (19th to be exact) which is 6 weeks later. So this week I HAVE to go get the rest of my blood work done. And hubby has to have his swimmer tested!

Good luck this cycle...I hope we both get our BFP...that would be awesome :)
Hey Petzy!

I was painting baseboards & trim work. And it aint finished. BTW, I hate painting. And I hear you on the sore muscles....lame!

Absolutely - a healthier life style is always great! It can't hurt anything.
We've been trying now on our 9th cycle (not casual) so I'm starting to get concerned. I have this feeling (have for a while now) that some thing is up. Our followup appointment is in early November (19th to be exact) which is 6 weeks later. So this week I HAVE to go get the rest of my blood work done. And hubby has to have his swimmer tested!

Good luck this cycle...I hope we both get our BFP...that would be awesome :)

Nov 19th - thats not too bad - at that point you are hoping for some answers I am guessing??

Yep get those bloods done and get DH's swimmers!! haha! Maybe he will enjoy it?? LOL tmi....

I so hope you get your BFP too Barbi but hopefully at the very least you get some answers in November WITH solutions!

Expecting my OPK's to arrive tomorrow.... CD7 for me not much to report! My friend at work is going on mat leave in a couple weeks.... jealous much?!?!
Been a little while since I posted in this thread. I'm 7 dpo. Tested today :haha: My temps aren't as high as what they typically are past O so I'm thinking I may have developed a hormone issue -_- Dr. Appt on thursday to see what's going on. I'm hoping just hoping he'll end up saying we're preggy instead XD how great would that be!!! Past two months I figured something was up cause I have had unusal periods. Two months ago period only lasted two days. Med one day and light/done the next. Next month/last month, again it was lighter it went light, med, light done. (three days) Typically I'm a 5 day on AF. Plus my AF was early last month -_-
I'm unsure about this cycle. Sunday I got motion sickness while driving with my mom. Never had that happen before. Monday felt sick in the morning, I ate was better. Went for 5 hour stretch with no eating felt sick again. Today when I woke up felt sick ready to throw up did not. Been up for a bit felt better, ate, feel even better.
Also yesturday evening I had snot like cm which I have never had before and it is/was different than my ewcm. So yea. That's about it for me.
Hey Petzy!

I was painting baseboards & trim work. And it aint finished. BTW, I hate painting. And I hear you on the sore muscles....lame!

Absolutely - a healthier life style is always great! It can't hurt anything.
We've been trying now on our 9th cycle (not casual) so I'm starting to get concerned. I have this feeling (have for a while now) that some thing is up. Our followup appointment is in early November (19th to be exact) which is 6 weeks later. So this week I HAVE to go get the rest of my blood work done. And hubby has to have his swimmer tested!

Good luck this cycle...I hope we both get our BFP...that would be awesome :)

Nov 19th - thats not too bad - at that point you are hoping for some answers I am guessing??

Yep get those bloods done and get DH's swimmers!! haha! Maybe he will enjoy it?? LOL tmi....

I so hope you get your BFP too Barbi but hopefully at the very least you get some answers in November WITH solutions!

Expecting my OPK's to arrive tomorrow.... CD7 for me not much to report! My friend at work is going on mat leave in a couple weeks.... jealous much?!?!

Nov 19th we'll get all our test results so we'll be able to find out if they found any issues. Hopefully there aren't any! On the plus side, my cycle's have gone back to some normalcy & this particular cycle I've had SO MUCH EWCM which normally I felt I didn't have enough. So, I'm hoping my body may have some how restarted itself. I tested w/an OPK on Sunday & I felt it was closest to positive & didn't have any more to test with so I guesstimated however, as of last night I still had lots of EWCM & my cervix was SHOW so I'm starting to wonder if I'm Ovulating late again & will have a longer cycle this month. I can't be bothered to keep testing....I'll just keep BDing until my CM dries up & my cervix goes back to normal & I'll find out at some point this month. I was about to purchase some preggo tests online & I stopped. I just don't want it to be like it is every month...anxiously hoping to see that second pink line. After a year of scrutinizing pregnancy tests, I'm over it. Not to say I wont do it again this month but I dont want to obsess about it like I usually do. It's draining :(

Petzy, Wishing you so much baby dust for this cycle! When do you test positive last cycle? What CD day?
His ladies sorry I disappeared I ended up in hosp with hyperaemasis and a urine infection :( hope your all ok!!

I tried alsorts inc cutting out all caffeine and sugar for 4 months crazy I know but I was desperate!! Can't honestly say it worked though :S wishing you all the best of luck!!!! I've not forgotten you all ((((hugs))))
Been a little while since I posted in this thread. I'm 7 dpo. Tested today :haha: My temps aren't as high as what they typically are past O so I'm thinking I may have developed a hormone issue -_- Dr. Appt on thursday to see what's going on. I'm hoping just hoping he'll end up saying we're preggy instead XD how great would that be!!! Past two months I figured something was up cause I have had unusal periods. Two months ago period only lasted two days. Med one day and light/done the next. Next month/last month, again it was lighter it went light, med, light done. (three days) Typically I'm a 5 day on AF. Plus my AF was early last month -_-
I'm unsure about this cycle. Sunday I got motion sickness while driving with my mom. Never had that happen before. Monday felt sick in the morning, I ate was better. Went for 5 hour stretch with no eating felt sick again. Today when I woke up felt sick ready to throw up did not. Been up for a bit felt better, ate, feel even better.
Also yesturday evening I had snot like cm which I have never had before and it is/was different than my ewcm. So yea. That's about it for me.

FX for you Butterfly......good thing you are going to the docs to cover possibilities...
Hey Petzy!

I was painting baseboards & trim work. And it aint finished. BTW, I hate painting. And I hear you on the sore muscles....lame!

Absolutely - a healthier life style is always great! It can't hurt anything.
We've been trying now on our 9th cycle (not casual) so I'm starting to get concerned. I have this feeling (have for a while now) that some thing is up. Our followup appointment is in early November (19th to be exact) which is 6 weeks later. So this week I HAVE to go get the rest of my blood work done. And hubby has to have his swimmer tested!

Good luck this cycle...I hope we both get our BFP...that would be awesome :)

Nov 19th - thats not too bad - at that point you are hoping for some answers I am guessing??

Yep get those bloods done and get DH's swimmers!! haha! Maybe he will enjoy it?? LOL tmi....

I so hope you get your BFP too Barbi but hopefully at the very least you get some answers in November WITH solutions!

Expecting my OPK's to arrive tomorrow.... CD7 for me not much to report! My friend at work is going on mat leave in a couple weeks.... jealous much?!?!

Nov 19th we'll get all our test results so we'll be able to find out if they found any issues. Hopefully there aren't any! On the plus side, my cycle's have gone back to some normalcy & this particular cycle I've had SO MUCH EWCM which normally I felt I didn't have enough. So, I'm hoping my body may have some how restarted itself. I tested w/an OPK on Sunday & I felt it was closest to positive & didn't have any more to test with so I guesstimated however, as of last night I still had lots of EWCM & my cervix was SHOW so I'm starting to wonder if I'm Ovulating late again & will have a longer cycle this month. I can't be bothered to keep testing....I'll just keep BDing until my CM dries up & my cervix goes back to normal & I'll find out at some point this month. I was about to purchase some preggo tests online & I stopped. I just don't want it to be like it is every month...anxiously hoping to see that second pink line. After a year of scrutinizing pregnancy tests, I'm over it. Not to say I wont do it again this month but I dont want to obsess about it like I usually do. It's draining :(

Petzy, Wishing you so much baby dust for this cycle! When do you test positive last cycle? What CD day?

Hey all that EWCM is a good thing - maybe you are right and your body is re-setting - I agree though keep BD'ing until you dry up! Than you have covered all your bases.

I am glad you did not buy the pg tests - it is NOT worth the stress - I didnt order any either! I am going to keep doing what im doing - if im late i will test and thats IT - there is NO point otherwise and less risk of false tests or chemicals...... Ive done that the last few months and its been nice actually!! Very draining you are right...

I think I tested positive on CD 13/14 ish ..... I am not totally sure I should prob write that down this time.... I have cycle of about 28-29 days now quite regular. last two months were 27 though weird.....
His ladies sorry I disappeared I ended up in hosp with hyperaemasis and a urine infection :( hope your all ok!!

I tried alsorts inc cutting out all caffeine and sugar for 4 months crazy I know but I was desperate!! Can't honestly say it worked though :S wishing you all the best of luck!!!! I've not forgotten you all ((((hugs))))

Omg NImbec I hope you are much better now you poor thing! Sorry to hear about your stay at the hospital! Everything good with Baby I am assuming :)
and PS my OPK arrived already... less than 24 hours that is crazy...
His ladies sorry I disappeared I ended up in hosp with hyperaemasis and a urine infection :( hope your all ok!!

I tried alsorts inc cutting out all caffeine and sugar for 4 months crazy I know but I was desperate!! Can't honestly say it worked though :S wishing you all the best of luck!!!! I've not forgotten you all ((((hugs))))

Hiya!!! Oh boy....so, what is hyperaemasis????? You & baby are oK?
Hey Petzy!

I was painting baseboards & trim work. And it aint finished. BTW, I hate painting. And I hear you on the sore muscles....lame!

Absolutely - a healthier life style is always great! It can't hurt anything.
We've been trying now on our 9th cycle (not casual) so I'm starting to get concerned. I have this feeling (have for a while now) that some thing is up. Our followup appointment is in early November (19th to be exact) which is 6 weeks later. So this week I HAVE to go get the rest of my blood work done. And hubby has to have his swimmer tested!

Good luck this cycle...I hope we both get our BFP...that would be awesome :)

Nov 19th - thats not too bad - at that point you are hoping for some answers I am guessing??

Yep get those bloods done and get DH's swimmers!! haha! Maybe he will enjoy it?? LOL tmi....

I so hope you get your BFP too Barbi but hopefully at the very least you get some answers in November WITH solutions!

Expecting my OPK's to arrive tomorrow.... CD7 for me not much to report! My friend at work is going on mat leave in a couple weeks.... jealous much?!?!

Nov 19th we'll get all our test results so we'll be able to find out if they found any issues. Hopefully there aren't any! On the plus side, my cycle's have gone back to some normalcy & this particular cycle I've had SO MUCH EWCM which normally I felt I didn't have enough. So, I'm hoping my body may have some how restarted itself. I tested w/an OPK on Sunday & I felt it was closest to positive & didn't have any more to test with so I guesstimated however, as of last night I still had lots of EWCM & my cervix was SHOW so I'm starting to wonder if I'm Ovulating late again & will have a longer cycle this month. I can't be bothered to keep testing....I'll just keep BDing until my CM dries up & my cervix goes back to normal & I'll find out at some point this month. I was about to purchase some preggo tests online & I stopped. I just don't want it to be like it is every month...anxiously hoping to see that second pink line. After a year of scrutinizing pregnancy tests, I'm over it. Not to say I wont do it again this month but I dont want to obsess about it like I usually do. It's draining :(

Petzy, Wishing you so much baby dust for this cycle! When do you test positive last cycle? What CD day?

Hey all that EWCM is a good thing - maybe you are right and your body is re-setting - I agree though keep BD'ing until you dry up! Than you have covered all your bases.

I am glad you did not buy the pg tests - it is NOT worth the stress - I didnt order any either! I am going to keep doing what im doing - if im late i will test and thats IT - there is NO point otherwise and less risk of false tests or chemicals...... Ive done that the last few months and its been nice actually!! Very draining you are right...

I think I tested positive on CD 13/14 ish ..... I am not totally sure I should prob write that down this time.... I have cycle of about 28-29 days now quite regular. last two months were 27 though weird.....

How did you get your OPK's so fast? Is it from 'makeababy'?
Yeah its very draining to test every day & some times I"d test more than once a day. :nope: Not good. So I'm going to try & hold out as long as I can & not think much about it. You're good to wait for AF to be late before bothering to test. Good for you!
CD13/14 for a 28/29 day cycle sounds about right - it will help you to figure out when you're fertile w/o testing in the future. I'm pretty in tuned with my body now that I could probably fore go the OPK's & if I'm not preggo next month, I'll have cycle monitoring to do it for me :) And after that - I'll just follow my body signs. I think my cycle will be about 31 days this month. It was 29 last two months.
Hi ladies thankyou for your well wishes. It's excessive sickness that dehydrates you and your body starts to eat its own muscle for energy scary stuff BUT both me and bubs are fine both on the mend and the nasty keytones (sign that it's happening) have all gone now phew!!!!!

I totally take my hat off to you for not testing the latest I managed to leave it was until 9dpo not late I know but I really have no willpower but it was absolute torture seeing bfn all the time plus if I can gir you a tip ... Leave as long as you can as even once you get te early bfp there is constant panic that it's either a chemical or it won't stick - the longer you leave it the less likely this is and also less stressing time! I know how hard it is we were due to start Ivf and I was in 5th round of clomid so please don't give up girls sometimes it gets hard I know but stick with it!!

((((hugs)))) to you all!!! Keep in touch!!
Hi Ladies...

Yes Barbi I ordered them on MAB site you got me onto....

im on CD8.. when should I start testing OPK? Im thinking CD10?
Morning Ladies - quiet around these parts lol!

CD10 for me.... started OPK yesterday...looking forward to some darker lines in a few days! :)

Looking forward to a weekend of paint prep... NOT! LOL
Good lord I had to hunt this thread down again~!! LOL

Hope everyone had a good weekend...I spent the whole weekend painting!! AHHH!!!

CD13 today, due to OV on Thursday but since my cycles have been 27 days the last couple months that would mean i am more likely to ov tomorrow or Wed..... We have BD the last three days including today so that is good!

BUT I forgot to OPK all weekend LMAO so I will definitely test today and tomorrow and await that positive!

How is everyone else??
Ok here I am again- running solo it seems!!! LMAO

CD 14 today... yesterdays 5pm OPK looked positive to me or at least very close...

I will test again this afternoon and see if its darker or lighter.

We have BD the last 4 days so I hope that covers the bases for this month???

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