6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

How is everyone?

CD9 over here.... starting OPK tomorrow :). Just found out a close friend of mine is now officially TTC so its nice to have someone going through it outside of here... I told her I am a wealth of knowledge now haha......

DH and I are on the verge of making decision on the puppy front.... AHHHHH

Good luck testing! I hope you get clearer results!
I have a couple friends who are going to try next year & while it would be cool to have babies around the same age, I hope they don't get pregnant before me LOL

So...puppy or not to puppy??
How is everyone?

CD9 over here.... starting OPK tomorrow :). Just found out a close friend of mine is now officially TTC so its nice to have someone going through it outside of here... I told her I am a wealth of knowledge now haha......

DH and I are on the verge of making decision on the puppy front.... AHHHHH

Good luck testing! I hope you get clearer results!
I have a couple friends who are going to try next year & while it would be cool to have babies around the same age, I hope they don't get pregnant before me LOL

So...puppy or not to puppy??

haha... yeah I definitely dont want to wait for them and if this friend gets pregnant right away I will be happy for her but definitely SAD for me! lol

Yep re Pup - that is the question indeed...... its a big decision!
How is everyone?

CD9 over here.... starting OPK tomorrow :). Just found out a close friend of mine is now officially TTC so its nice to have someone going through it outside of here... I told her I am a wealth of knowledge now haha......

DH and I are on the verge of making decision on the puppy front.... AHHHHH


Thanks Tulip I sent you my date to add to the thread :)
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)

Haha.... we are on the verge of making a decision but its so hard. DH wants one badly too, but he said maybe we should wait for baby and then when baby is like 2 or 3 go and get one as a family...

We could go either way we are just stuck in indecision! I just think it would be so nice to have one right now - DH thinks i am jonesing to nurture something lol - maybe he is right.... but what if i dont get pg for a while?
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)

Haha.... we are on the verge of making a decision but its so hard. DH wants one badly too, but he said maybe we should wait for baby and then when baby is like 2 or 3 go and get one as a family...

We could go either way we are just stuck in indecision! I just think it would be so nice to have one right now - DH thinks i am jonesing to nurture something lol - maybe he is right.... but what if i dont get pg for a while?

We are in the same boat...either get one before I get pregnant or 2-3 years after baby is here. I don't want a toddler & running after a dog that's being trained. We decided to wait...we are trying to sell/buy a house & its easier w/o a pet. And getting a dog will have added expenses & since a new, bigger house means bigger mortgage & a few years of Mat leave & day care, I think we need to wait.

I think make the logical decission. I wanted a dog so badly too but after a few months passed & I was more logical about the decission to wait. To each their own!

I am 4dpo today!!! Have you started OPK? I actually wish I did OPK so I could see the test result vs. the clinic's blood/ultrasound results. Dummy!
But i predicted CD15 & I was right!
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)

What breed did you get?!

OMG you're half way through your pregnancy! Congrats!
Time has certainly flown...my oh my.
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)

You have a belly shot you could share?! :)
How much are you showing now??
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)

Haha.... we are on the verge of making a decision but its so hard. DH wants one badly too, but he said maybe we should wait for baby and then when baby is like 2 or 3 go and get one as a family...

We could go either way we are just stuck in indecision! I just think it would be so nice to have one right now - DH thinks i am jonesing to nurture something lol - maybe he is right.... but what if i dont get pg for a while?

We are in the same boat...either get one before I get pregnant or 2-3 years after baby is here. I don't want a toddler & running after a dog that's being trained. We decided to wait...we are trying to sell/buy a house & its easier w/o a pet. And getting a dog will have added expenses & since a new, bigger house means bigger mortgage & a few years of Mat leave & day care, I think we need to wait.

I think make the logical decission. I wanted a dog so badly too but after a few months passed & I was more logical about the decission to wait. To each their own!

I am 4dpo today!!! Have you started OPK? I actually wish I did OPK so I could see the test result vs. the clinic's blood/ultrasound results. Dummy!
But i predicted CD15 & I was right!

Yes well we are in a good place for a pup I guess and not moving or anything like that - financially we can take it on though they are a bit pricey at first! Its just a matter or now, or when a kid is a few years old - and that seems so so far away right now......

Yes starting OPK today and guess what? I fucking forgot them again!!!! I am going to take it at 5 ish when I get home and I am giong to try really hard not to screw it up again. I will shove 20 of them in my purse to be safe LOL
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)

What breed did you get?!

OMG you're half way through your pregnancy! Congrats!
Time has certainly flown...my oh my.

Wow I know!! Thats nuts...

yes what breed! and show us that bump! LMAO:happydance:
Hi Guys!! well i bought a chuihuaua puppy :) so a minature dog really they are so good with people and such lovely charactors to have around. I'd be totally lost without him now! I was desperate to urture something too ;) I think as long as you plan and have a sensible dog there is no reason to worry as dog will be at least 1 when baby is born.....that was my thought anyway. Obviously a great dane would be a completly different kettle of fish lol

Thanks on my half way congrats :) :) I don't like to mention too much as i'm all too aware of how hard it is for you guys still waiting (((hugs)) I will attach a bump piccy tomorrow as i have to uplaod to competer from phone - I have a DEFINATE bump now and zero clothes fit even grown out of my forst maternity clothes - ooooops!

Keep me informed of how u are all doing! You must all mostly be back near or in the 2ww now?
Hi Guys!! well i bought a chuihuaua puppy :) so a minature dog really they are so good with people and such lovely charactors to have around. I'd be totally lost without him now! I was desperate to urture something too ;) I think as long as you plan and have a sensible dog there is no reason to worry as dog will be at least 1 when baby is born.....that was my thought anyway. Obviously a great dane would be a completly different kettle of fish lol

Thanks on my half way congrats :) :) I don't like to mention too much as i'm all too aware of how hard it is for you guys still waiting (((hugs)) I will attach a bump piccy tomorrow as i have to uplaod to competer from phone - I have a DEFINATE bump now and zero clothes fit even grown out of my forst maternity clothes - ooooops!

Keep me informed of how u are all doing! You must all mostly be back near or in the 2ww now?

Nimbec I can only speak for myself but never feel like you cant mention it - I love to hear the updates and how its going - gives me an idea of what i have ahead of me soon enough! :)

Looking forward to the bump pic

and Chihuahua's are very cute!
Thanks petzy!! :) how are u holding up? Are u doing anything different this cycle?
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)

Haha.... we are on the verge of making a decision but its so hard. DH wants one badly too, but he said maybe we should wait for baby and then when baby is like 2 or 3 go and get one as a family...

We could go either way we are just stuck in indecision! I just think it would be so nice to have one right now - DH thinks i am jonesing to nurture something lol - maybe he is right.... but what if i dont get pg for a while?

We are in the same boat...either get one before I get pregnant or 2-3 years after baby is here. I don't want a toddler & running after a dog that's being trained. We decided to wait...we are trying to sell/buy a house & its easier w/o a pet. And getting a dog will have added expenses & since a new, bigger house means bigger mortgage & a few years of Mat leave & day care, I think we need to wait.

I think make the logical decission. I wanted a dog so badly too but after a few months passed & I was more logical about the decission to wait. To each their own!

I am 4dpo today!!! Have you started OPK? I actually wish I did OPK so I could see the test result vs. the clinic's blood/ultrasound results. Dummy!
But i predicted CD15 & I was right!

Yes well we are in a good place for a pup I guess and not moving or anything like that - financially we can take it on though they are a bit pricey at first! Its just a matter or now, or when a kid is a few years old - and that seems so so far away right now......

Yes starting OPK today and guess what? I fucking forgot them again!!!! I am going to take it at 5 ish when I get home and I am giong to try really hard not to screw it up again. I will shove 20 of them in my purse to be safe LOL

I'm w/you on the whole dog reasoning. I was there too. I do wish we could right now. But I'm ok to wait. What breed of dog are you planning to get?

Lol I used to carry at least 5 in my purse but a bunch in my office drawer at work & a bunch at home. You know, I feel totally oK not having bought iC's yet. I don't feel panic like I need to poas. I feel at peace this month & what may/may not happen. I really want to be pregnant but after 10 plus months, it's just exhausting!!! Anyway, I will wait to hear out prognosis Monday. If its good, I will order some tests to start Wednesday which would be 9dpo & very reasonable.
Hehe petzy well if it helps I bought a puppy as couldn't get pg and 2days before we picked him up from breeder I got my bfp!! Maybe it could happen to you too!! :)

Haha.... we are on the verge of making a decision but its so hard. DH wants one badly too, but he said maybe we should wait for baby and then when baby is like 2 or 3 go and get one as a family...

We could go either way we are just stuck in indecision! I just think it would be so nice to have one right now - DH thinks i am jonesing to nurture something lol - maybe he is right.... but what if i dont get pg for a while?

We are in the same boat...either get one before I get pregnant or 2-3 years after baby is here. I don't want a toddler & running after a dog that's being trained. We decided to wait...we are trying to sell/buy a house & its easier w/o a pet. And getting a dog will have added expenses & since a new, bigger house means bigger mortgage & a few years of Mat leave & day care, I think we need to wait.

I think make the logical decission. I wanted a dog so badly too but after a few months passed & I was more logical about the decission to wait. To each their own!

I am 4dpo today!!! Have you started OPK? I actually wish I did OPK so I could see the test result vs. the clinic's blood/ultrasound results. Dummy!
But i predicted CD15 & I was right!

Yes well we are in a good place for a pup I guess and not moving or anything like that - financially we can take it on though they are a bit pricey at first! Its just a matter or now, or when a kid is a few years old - and that seems so so far away right now......

Yes starting OPK today and guess what? I fucking forgot them again!!!! I am going to take it at 5 ish when I get home and I am giong to try really hard not to screw it up again. I will shove 20 of them in my purse to be safe LOL

I'm w/you on the whole dog reasoning. I was there too. I do wish we could right now. But I'm ok to wait. What breed of dog are you planning to get?

Lol I used to carry at least 5 in my purse but a bunch in my office drawer at work & a bunch at home. You know, I feel totally oK not having bought iC's yet. I don't feel panic like I need to poas. I feel at peace this month & what may/may not happen. I really want to be pregnant but after 10 plus months, it's just exhausting!!! Anyway, I will wait to hear out prognosis Monday. If its good, I will order some tests to start Wednesday which would be 9dpo & very reasonable.

We have decided to wait until after baby. As DH puts it, it is the harder decision and probably the better one... UGH why am I so upset!! LOL

DH says I need a baby and he will enjoy lots of BD'ing lol..... he has been really sweet lately its great.

Barb im so glad you dont feel the POAS attack yet - you deserve a relaxed month!!
You know, you'll have your hands full w/a baby & you'll have lots of time to enjoy each moment you have with baby. So, in the end - it will probably be the best decision! I hope this will be your month!!!!
Im glad he's being so sweet...my hubby took some time to really coming around to the fact we are trying. Last couple of months I caught him in a moment of almost excitement wondering if I got knocked up! Not quite but it was there. So, I hope he'll be ecstatic when the test result is positive! He is such a worry wort!

Yes, thank you - I need to chill :) Plus the clinic was cycle monitoring so I didnt have to guess!
Hey ladies !!! I finally got my internet working again!! I've miss all of you and have been thinking and praying for you !!

I was trying to catch up but there was a lot of pages to read so give me.a run down how are you ??

I'll be 18 weeks on Monday, and we are having a GIRL! Im finally able to eat with out getting sick which is nice :) still looking for a job, but that's about it over here !
Hey ladies !!! I finally got my internet working again!! I've miss all of you and have been thinking and praying for you !!

I was trying to catch up but there was a lot of pages to read so give me.a run down how are you ??

I'll be 18 weeks on Monday, and we are having a GIRL! Im finally able to eat with out getting sick which is nice :) still looking for a job, but that's about it over here !

Hi Momma! Welcome back - its been awhile! :) I cant believe you are 18 weeks already! Time flies (for us anyways haha... I am sure BEING pregnant is not the same lol)

Congrats on the girl!!!:happydance::baby:
Hi Ladies - Happy Monday (yuck I know)

I am on CD13 today and should be O'ing very soon! I started my OPKs the other day and they were a little darker last night and I am hoping for a dark one today! I will post a pic if I need help deciphering them later! :)

I finally picked up my Mother of All Pregnancy Guide (Canadian) last night and I blew through every chapter before First Trimester - so much information on conception and fertility It was really interesting! I stopped reading when I got to pregnancy stuff - I will wait on that I dont need to overwhelm myself haha...... I am going to try to stress a bit less about BD'ing on every fertile day as the book stresses again and again that every other is actually preferred and more than enough "coverage" lol.....

So we BD'd yesterday morning (Sunday) and hopefully tonight.

How is everyone else - Barbi how many DPO are you??
Hi Ladies - Happy Monday (yuck I know)

I am on CD13 today and should be O'ing very soon! I started my OPKs the other day and they were a little darker last night and I am hoping for a dark one today! I will post a pic if I need help deciphering them later! :)

I finally picked up my Mother of All Pregnancy Guide (Canadian) last night and I blew through every chapter before First Trimester - so much information on conception and fertility It was really interesting! I stopped reading when I got to pregnancy stuff - I will wait on that I dont need to overwhelm myself haha...... I am going to try to stress a bit less about BD'ing on every fertile day as the book stresses again and again that every other is actually preferred and more than enough "coverage" lol.....

So we BD'd yesterday morning (Sunday) and hopefully tonight.

How is everyone else - Barbi how many DPO are you??

hi hun...I am also on cd 13 we are cycle buddies ..:thumbup::dust:

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