6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Sorry to hear!!! I've been so busy getting our house ready but my update is that I'm at the clinic every morning for cycle monitoring. Blood & Ultrasoud. Very early mornings too. I'm up at 6.30am tomorrow :(
On Wednesday I got my Sono ultrasound. This is where fluid fills my uterus to check the inside of my uterus & tubes. Everything looks great! It was uncomfortable & the ultrasounds are also uncomfortable every day. I look forward to O & sleeping in!!
I'm in CD 12 & I usually O on cd 16. Bah.

Petzy, you going to chart this cycle?!

I'm waiting to hear from the clinic if I have O'd or r just about to.
Sorry to hear!!! I've been so busy getting our house ready but my update is that I'm at the clinic every morning for cycle monitoring. Blood & Ultrasoud. Very early mornings too. I'm up at 6.30am tomorrow :(
On Wednesday I got my Sono ultrasound. This is where fluid fills my uterus to check the inside of my uterus & tubes. Everything looks great! It was uncomfortable & the ultrasounds are also uncomfortable every day. I look forward to O & sleeping in!!
I'm in CD 12 & I usually O on cd 16. Bah.

Petzy, you going to chart this cycle?!

Barb Im so glad to hear everything looks great! I have only had a vaginal ultrasound before but they suck!!! Has DH had his spermies tested?? I guess you are O'ing in about three days!

As for me, no I am not charting just yet. I am on CD6 - when do you usually start charting? Is it CD1? Ahhh - I need to get a thermometer dont I? haha..... I am going to OPK this month again though - I should have enough for November and December - hoping for a Christmas bean ahhhh arent we all lol
Sorry to hear!!! I've been so busy getting our house ready but my update is that I'm at the clinic every morning for cycle monitoring. Blood & Ultrasoud. Very early mornings too. I'm up at 6.30am tomorrow :(
On Wednesday I got my Sono ultrasound. This is where fluid fills my uterus to check the inside of my uterus & tubes. Everything looks great! It was uncomfortable & the ultrasounds are also uncomfortable every day. I look forward to O & sleeping in!!
I'm in CD 12 & I usually O on cd 16. Bah.

Petzy, you going to chart this cycle?!

Barb Im so glad to hear everything looks great! I have only had a vaginal ultrasound before but they suck!!! Has DH had his spermies tested?? I guess you are O'ing in about three days!

As for me, no I am not charting just yet. I am on CD6 - when do you usually start charting? Is it CD1? Ahhh - I need to get a thermometer dont I? haha..... I am going to OPK this month again though - I should have enough for November and December - hoping for a Christmas bean ahhhh arent we all lol

Hey Hun!

DH had his spermies tested but we don't get the lab results until November 19th. We get all our tests back & an overview of what's going on. I'm nervous. Oh wow, that's this coming Monday!!!
I should find out today between 12 & 1pm from the clinic if I've ovulated already. My tests from yesterday would show that my LH shot strait up...from a 5 to I think it was 35? So I went in this morning to see if I've actually Ovulated. My Estrogen is around the 800s & they need to see a drop again to confirm Ovulation. I hope this is it...so I can get into my TWW but also so I don't have to get up at 6am anymore!

Yep, you should start temping on CD1...you aren't too late, you can get a thermometer for BBT at Shoppers. It's recommended you always temp from CD1...I highly recommend you do that for at least 2 months. After that point, I started around CD 8/9/10 because I knew when I was ovulating...so I would temp from about 5 days before Ovulation & until AF arrived just so I can see if there were any dips...but it was also a good piece of information to share with my doctors to confirm that everything's looking good.

I thought I'd have a baby by now...I never thought I'd have to hope I'm knocked up by end of this year. So weird!!!! Cycle #10...stark reminder I could have been due this month...HMPH...
Sorry to hear!!! I've been so busy getting our house ready but my update is that I'm at the clinic every morning for cycle monitoring. Blood & Ultrasoud. Very early mornings too. I'm up at 6.30am tomorrow :(
On Wednesday I got my Sono ultrasound. This is where fluid fills my uterus to check the inside of my uterus & tubes. Everything looks great! It was uncomfortable & the ultrasounds are also uncomfortable every day. I look forward to O & sleeping in!!
I'm in CD 12 & I usually O on cd 16. Bah.

Petzy, you going to chart this cycle?!

Barb Im so glad to hear everything looks great! I have only had a vaginal ultrasound before but they suck!!! Has DH had his spermies tested?? I guess you are O'ing in about three days!

As for me, no I am not charting just yet. I am on CD6 - when do you usually start charting? Is it CD1? Ahhh - I need to get a thermometer dont I? haha..... I am going to OPK this month again though - I should have enough for November and December - hoping for a Christmas bean ahhhh arent we all lol

Hey Hun!

DH had his spermies tested but we don't get the lab results until November 19th. We get all our tests back & an overview of what's going on. I'm nervous. Oh wow, that's this coming Monday!!!
I should find out today between 12 & 1pm from the clinic if I've ovulated already. My tests from yesterday would show that my LH shot strait up...from a 5 to I think it was 35? So I went in this morning to see if I've actually Ovulated. My Estrogen is around the 800s & they need to see a drop again to confirm Ovulation. I hope this is it...so I can get into my TWW but also so I don't have to get up at 6am anymore!

Yep, you should start temping on CD1...you aren't too late, you can get a thermometer for BBT at Shoppers. It's recommended you always temp from CD1...I highly recommend you do that for at least 2 months. After that point, I started around CD 8/9/10 because I knew when I was ovulating...so I would temp from about 5 days before Ovulation & until AF arrived just so I can see if there were any dips...but it was also a good piece of information to share with my doctors to confirm that everything's looking good.

I thought I'd have a baby by now...I never thought I'd have to hope I'm knocked up by end of this year. So weird!!!! Cycle #10...stark reminder I could have been due this month...HMPH...

Yes I hear you on being pg by now - absolutely - but I think its so great you are going through this process at the clinic and thats great you are getting results next Monday. So does this mean you could be ov'ing early then if you usually ov on CD16?? I will pick up a thermometer. I might have one at home already actually - is it just the same kind you use for a fever, etc? Sorry I am so new at that stuff!!

On the upside - DH is really coming around on the baby talk. I really dont talk about it a lot but it just seems to come up here and there... He said (TMI) yesterday that he hopes when he conceive it is really intimate and I was like wow that was sweet. And we are talking about getting a puppy (we are major dog people and we lost our dog three years ago and are jonesing big time for new one!), so he was saying yesterday what would be the best time to do that around baby, etc.... I think these are all good signs!
Hey You,

You're right, the important part is I've been proactive. Thanks for the reminder :)
Well, remember I took some crazy, strong herbs from my Tibetan guy? Well, since then my cycle went from around 31/32 days to 29 days. So, yes I believe I could be Ovulating today. And if the clinic confirms it then my cycle has shortened by average of 2 days which is consistent with my other two girlfriends who's seen the same guy for different reasons. My ticker isn't very accurate.

As for your thermometer no it is not a regular fever thermometer. You need to get a BBT Digital Thermometer....they are pink at Shoppers. They measure to the 10th degree which is important b/c your ovulation spike could be as minor as .10 to .20 degrees. A regular thermometer wouldn't pick this up. Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions :)

Aww. Your hubby is very sweet. You know some times it takes some time to warm up to it. Even if he's ready, he's probably nervous right? My husband was very standoffish for the first couple of months...now he's like 'why aren't you pregnant damn it!!!'. Mind you I dont think he was totally ready when we started. AS for a puppy - good luck! We had a lot of dog conversations...of when. Because it should be before baby or a few years after...not while I have an infant. But since we are selling our house this week & trying to buy a new one, its not a good time. I think we will revisit in the future. We also will have more expenses because we're going to upgrade out house.

I will let you know once I get that call this afternoon :)
Hey You,

You're right, the important part is I've been proactive. Thanks for the reminder :)
Well, remember I took some crazy, strong herbs from my Tibetan guy? Well, since then my cycle went from around 31/32 days to 29 days. So, yes I believe I could be Ovulating today. And if the clinic confirms it then my cycle has shortened by average of 2 days which is consistent with my other two girlfriends who's seen the same guy for different reasons. My ticker isn't very accurate.

As for your thermometer no it is not a regular fever thermometer. You need to get a BBT Digital Thermometer....they are pink at Shoppers. They measure to the 10th degree which is important b/c your ovulation spike could be as minor as .10 to .20 degrees. A regular thermometer wouldn't pick this up. Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions :)

Aww. Your hubby is very sweet. You know some times it takes some time to warm up to it. Even if he's ready, he's probably nervous right? My husband was very standoffish for the first couple of months...now he's like 'why aren't you pregnant damn it!!!'. Mind you I dont think he was totally ready when we started. AS for a puppy - good luck! We had a lot of dog conversations...of when. Because it should be before baby or a few years after...not while I have an infant. But since we are selling our house this week & trying to buy a new one, its not a good time. I think we will revisit in the future. We also will have more expenses because we're going to upgrade out house.

I will let you know once I get that call this afternoon :)

Thanks yes - we are thinking about it! May get one soon - maybe not... I will let u know! LOL.

And thanks re the BBT thermometer - see I had no idea...

Keep me posted :D

OMG wow! Thats amazing! Congratulations! Can you post your symptoms, etc?

So exciting!!!

You know, the funny thing is I was SO sure I was out this month and DH and I were about to call it quits for the time being. I tested negative at 10 DPO and just kind of gave up. Technically my period is due tomorrow on the 13th but I took two tests yesterday and both came back a strong BFP!!

I had sharp stabbing pains in the uterus around 5, 7, 9, and 12 DPO and period like cramps that felt like AF was going to start but wasn't due for a good week and half. I also had super tender nipples but I always get sore breasts before AF, but I had never experienced sensitive nipples. In fact, that may have been the biggest sign as they are NEVER sensitive (even during BD'ing, lol im cursed). I started getting really tired around 5 DPO.

I had no spotting and no implantation dip on my chart.

My Ovulation Chart

AHHHH so excited but very worried something is going to go wrong as it is so early! Praying for the best! Have a Dr.s appt at 11 AM today :happydance:

OMG wow! Thats amazing! Congratulations! Can you post your symptoms, etc?

So exciting!!!

You know, the funny thing is I was SO sure I was out this month and DH and I were about to call it quits for the time being. I tested negative at 10 DPO and just kind of gave up. Technically my period is due tomorrow on the 13th but I took two tests yesterday and both came back a strong BFP!!

I had sharp stabbing pains in the uterus around 5, 7, 9, and 12 DPO and period like cramps that felt like AF was going to start but wasn't due for a good week and half. I also had super tender nipples but I always get sore breasts before AF, but I had never experienced sensitive nipples. In fact, that may have been the biggest sign as they are NEVER sensitive (even during BD'ing, lol im cursed). I started getting really tired around 5 DPO.

I had no spotting and no implantation dip on my chart.

My Ovulation Chart

AHHHH so excited but very worried something is going to go wrong as it is so early! Praying for the best! Have a Dr.s appt at 11 AM today :happydance:

Thats so exciting! Thank you for posting your symptoms... So I am guessing you didnt test again after 10DPO? It was still early LOL! Thats great though..... Try your best not to stress and H&H 9 Months to you!!

Heres to hoping I get stabbing pains and nipple sensitivity this cycle LMAO
Hey Ladies! So I got the call that I've ovulated...wahoooo! So I would say I am 1dpo?? MY LP is 15 days & so then it would be 29 day cycle since August. Anyway - the call said based on today's results I ovulated. Not totally sure if that means today or yesterday. Meh. Anyway, Monday I go in for a progesterone blood test in the morning & followed by our 6 week follow up with the doctor.

Monday the 26th I go in for a pregnancy blood test!!! :)
I usually know 3 days before AF arrives that she's coming. So I'll be sadly disappointed if I get PMS!

OMG wow! Thats amazing! Congratulations! Can you post your symptoms, etc?

So exciting!!!

You know, the funny thing is I was SO sure I was out this month and DH and I were about to call it quits for the time being. I tested negative at 10 DPO and just kind of gave up. Technically my period is due tomorrow on the 13th but I took two tests yesterday and both came back a strong BFP!!

I had sharp stabbing pains in the uterus around 5, 7, 9, and 12 DPO and period like cramps that felt like AF was going to start but wasn't due for a good week and half. I also had super tender nipples but I always get sore breasts before AF, but I had never experienced sensitive nipples. In fact, that may have been the biggest sign as they are NEVER sensitive (even during BD'ing, lol im cursed). I started getting really tired around 5 DPO.

I had no spotting and no implantation dip on my chart.

My Ovulation Chart

AHHHH so excited but very worried something is going to go wrong as it is so early! Praying for the best! Have a Dr.s appt at 11 AM today :happydance:

Thats so exciting! Thank you for posting your symptoms... So I am guessing you didnt test again after 10DPO? It was still early LOL! Thats great though..... Try your best not to stress and H&H 9 Months to you!!

Heres to hoping I get stabbing pains and nipple sensitivity this cycle LMAO

Petzy no I gave up at 10 DPO lol I felt very out! But went to the Dr. and they confirmed a positive test! I have an extremely early ultrasound on Wednesday due to previous miscarriage but I am trying to stay optimistic and hope for the best! Thank you for your encouragement!

I hope you and all the ladies here get their BFP's soon! :thumbup:

Hey Ladies! So I got the call that I've ovulated...wahoooo! So I would say I am 1dpo?? MY LP is 15 days & so then it would be 29 day cycle since August. Anyway - the call said based on today's results I ovulated. Not totally sure if that means today or yesterday. Meh. Anyway, Monday I go in for a progesterone blood test in the morning & followed by our 6 week follow up with the doctor.

Monday the 26th I go in for a pregnancy blood test!!! :)
I usually know 3 days before AF arrives that she's coming. So I'll be sadly disappointed if I get PMS!

Hooray! Thats great! Sounds like everythings working down there as it should be! You are back in the 2WW hehe......

OMG wow! Thats amazing! Congratulations! Can you post your symptoms, etc?

So exciting!!!

You know, the funny thing is I was SO sure I was out this month and DH and I were about to call it quits for the time being. I tested negative at 10 DPO and just kind of gave up. Technically my period is due tomorrow on the 13th but I took two tests yesterday and both came back a strong BFP!!

I had sharp stabbing pains in the uterus around 5, 7, 9, and 12 DPO and period like cramps that felt like AF was going to start but wasn't due for a good week and half. I also had super tender nipples but I always get sore breasts before AF, but I had never experienced sensitive nipples. In fact, that may have been the biggest sign as they are NEVER sensitive (even during BD'ing, lol im cursed). I started getting really tired around 5 DPO.

I had no spotting and no implantation dip on my chart.

My Ovulation Chart

AHHHH so excited but very worried something is going to go wrong as it is so early! Praying for the best! Have a Dr.s appt at 11 AM today :happydance:

Thats so exciting! Thank you for posting your symptoms... So I am guessing you didnt test again after 10DPO? It was still early LOL! Thats great though..... Try your best not to stress and H&H 9 Months to you!!

Heres to hoping I get stabbing pains and nipple sensitivity this cycle LMAO

Petzy no I gave up at 10 DPO lol I felt very out! But went to the Dr. and they confirmed a positive test! I have an extremely early ultrasound on Wednesday due to previous miscarriage but I am trying to stay optimistic and hope for the best! Thank you for your encouragement!

I hope you and all the ladies here get their BFP's soon! :thumbup:


Well FX for a sticky healthy bean for you and DH! :) Its good to know 10DPO BFN's mean nothing lol.... thats encouraging! You are welcome to hang out here - we have some preggies around like Nimbec! :)
I am either 1 dpo or 2 dpo today. I wanted to call back the clinic & ask which day they considered me to Ovulate...Sunday or Monday.

How are you Petzy? Did you get a BBT Thermometer?
I am either 1 dpo or 2 dpo today. I wanted to call back the clinic & ask which day they considered me to Ovulate...Sunday or Monday.

How are you Petzy? Did you get a BBT Thermometer?

Hey Barbi

I am good :) No BBT thermometer yet - I am going to wait until next cycle and then I think I will jump in. I will stick with the OPK's this month and try to take it easy and enjoy it. Of course I (not-so-secretly) have my fingers crossed for a Christmas bean.... haha.

Did you call the clinic? I wonder if they can determine that or if its a 24-48 hour estimate as well?

I am on CD7 today - starting my opk's on CD10 - Friday :)
How is everyone?

CD9 over here.... starting OPK tomorrow :). Just found out a close friend of mine is now officially TTC so its nice to have someone going through it outside of here... I told her I am a wealth of knowledge now haha......

DH and I are on the verge of making decision on the puppy front.... AHHHHH
How is everyone?

CD9 over here.... starting OPK tomorrow :). Just found out a close friend of mine is now officially TTC so its nice to have someone going through it outside of here... I told her I am a wealth of knowledge now haha......

DH and I are on the verge of making decision on the puppy front.... AHHHHH


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