6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Petzy!!! How are yah?????
I'll be in count down mode this month with you too!
I should be able to test positive on Xmas day if I'm pregnant. I will be around 10dpo. So maybe too early yes but we'll see :)
I'm on CD9! I started drinking Grapefruit juice today & Have some Tylenol cold/mucus thinner to take tonight....staring my OPK's tomorrow!!

Hey Hey Hey! Good for you - let me know if that grapefruit juice makes a difference for you for sure!

I am dyinggggggggg of cramps right now it SUCKS! I never get them this long! Usually just a few hours when AF hits but not for a whole day! oh well....

Yay to starting OPK tomorrow :) So u will be 10DPO on Christmas Day? I should be about 9 DPO or so on that day..... thats funny.... my cycles are shorter than yours though so I think thats why it is lining up... 27 days was my last one. We are kind of cycle buddies this time then lol

I will let you know if grapefruit & the Tylenol cold works! It has that stuff that thins out mucus in it..... :O)
Although I must say, I've had a lot more EWCM since taking those magical herbs! My cycle is also now 29 days....

AF cramps as nasty - If I take some advil, it helps me. I never used to get cramps like I do now :(

If your cycle is 27 & mine are 29...how is it we line up?! LOL
I am CD9, you're CD3? I ovulate around CD15!

I may start my OPK on the weekend rather than tomorrow. 10dpo is very early for me to start having to test. So maybe Saturday is more reasonable. Crossing fingers for us!!!!

I am also planning to do the whole pineapple core for implantation after Ovulation! :happydance: I'm on a mission!!!!!:happydance:

We can count down together! Wahoo!:hugs:

You ovulate around CD15 and I ovulate around CD13 - so if I ovulate in 10 days like I think I may, that is Dec 16th - which puts me at 9DPO on Xmas day so we will be pretty close!

CD3 today and i have not had a period this heavy in a zillion years... usually day one is bad and then its totally average - nope - 2 days of agony haha... seems to be better today though! Looking forward to starting OPKs next Thursday.

Barb if you dont OV until CD 15 I would wait until saturday - CD12. You will just get stark white OPK's most likely???

On an off note.... last night hubby came home and told me that this girl who we used to be quite close with but then had a terrible falling out with, is pregnant. I almost barfed. I think it was a mix of the fact that I cant stand this girl and also that she is 36 and didnt want children the entire time I knew her (until last year). I mean I dont wish infertility on people but for gods sake! haha...... I actually teared up and told DH I wish I didnt know that. what a loon I am!!
Petzy!!! How are yah?????
I'll be in count down mode this month with you too!
I should be able to test positive on Xmas day if I'm pregnant. I will be around 10dpo. So maybe too early yes but we'll see :)
I'm on CD9! I started drinking Grapefruit juice today & Have some Tylenol cold/mucus thinner to take tonight....staring my OPK's tomorrow!!

Hey Hey Hey! Good for you - let me know if that grapefruit juice makes a difference for you for sure!

I am dyinggggggggg of cramps right now it SUCKS! I never get them this long! Usually just a few hours when AF hits but not for a whole day! oh well....

Yay to starting OPK tomorrow :) So u will be 10DPO on Christmas Day? I should be about 9 DPO or so on that day..... thats funny.... my cycles are shorter than yours though so I think thats why it is lining up... 27 days was my last one. We are kind of cycle buddies this time then lol

I will let you know if grapefruit & the Tylenol cold works! It has that stuff that thins out mucus in it..... :O)
Although I must say, I've had a lot more EWCM since taking those magical herbs! My cycle is also now 29 days....

AF cramps as nasty - If I take some advil, it helps me. I never used to get cramps like I do now :(

If your cycle is 27 & mine are 29...how is it we line up?! LOL
I am CD9, you're CD3? I ovulate around CD15!

I may start my OPK on the weekend rather than tomorrow. 10dpo is very early for me to start having to test. So maybe Saturday is more reasonable. Crossing fingers for us!!!!

I am also planning to do the whole pineapple core for implantation after Ovulation! :happydance: I'm on a mission!!!!!:happydance:

We can count down together! Wahoo!:hugs:

You ovulate around CD15 and I ovulate around CD13 - so if I ovulate in 10 days like I think I may, that is Dec 16th - which puts me at 9DPO on Xmas day so we will be pretty close!

CD3 today and i have not had a period this heavy in a zillion years... usually day one is bad and then its totally average - nope - 2 days of agony haha... seems to be better today though! Looking forward to starting OPKs next Thursday.

Barb if you dont OV until CD 15 I would wait until saturday - CD12. You will just get stark white OPK's most likely???

On an off note.... last night hubby came home and told me that this girl who we used to be quite close with but then had a terrible falling out with, is pregnant. I almost barfed. I think it was a mix of the fact that I cant stand this girl and also that she is 36 and didnt want children the entire time I knew her (until last year). I mean I dont wish infertility on people but for gods sake! haha...... I actually teared up and told DH I wish I didnt know that. what a loon I am!!

I tested yesterday! I'm posting the results lol....I have to test today. I'm doing it just incase I O a day earlier than I think. No harm in doing it! The test strips this time around are so thick! Very cool that our cycle lines up this time....good luck to us :)
OPK's have never been stark...some thing will always show. Even if its unbelievably light!

Ahhhh I'm sorry you have to hear that news. You know, men are also not very sensitive to this sort of thing some times eh? I wouldn't have wanted to know either. I'm at a point too where one friend is starting to try & another good friend will start next year. And I think I'll be devastated if either of them get pregnant before me. I am not sure how I can handle being around them if I'm still not pregnant. And I totally understand now how I will feel enraged if they have no issues getting knocked up. I dont wish infertility (like you) but I feel it's not fair if they get pregnant w/o even really trying!
I just hope this is out month...oh please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you're feeling better today! This past cycle I had cramps for about 3 days & heavy bleeding for longer than ever. I wonder if this has anythign to do with my Sono.


  • CD10.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 6
Petzy!!! How are yah?????
I'll be in count down mode this month with you too!
I should be able to test positive on Xmas day if I'm pregnant. I will be around 10dpo. So maybe too early yes but we'll see :)
I'm on CD9! I started drinking Grapefruit juice today & Have some Tylenol cold/mucus thinner to take tonight....staring my OPK's tomorrow!!

Hey Hey Hey! Good for you - let me know if that grapefruit juice makes a difference for you for sure!

I am dyinggggggggg of cramps right now it SUCKS! I never get them this long! Usually just a few hours when AF hits but not for a whole day! oh well....

Yay to starting OPK tomorrow :) So u will be 10DPO on Christmas Day? I should be about 9 DPO or so on that day..... thats funny.... my cycles are shorter than yours though so I think thats why it is lining up... 27 days was my last one. We are kind of cycle buddies this time then lol

I will let you know if grapefruit & the Tylenol cold works! It has that stuff that thins out mucus in it..... :O)
Although I must say, I've had a lot more EWCM since taking those magical herbs! My cycle is also now 29 days....

AF cramps as nasty - If I take some advil, it helps me. I never used to get cramps like I do now :(

If your cycle is 27 & mine are 29...how is it we line up?! LOL
I am CD9, you're CD3? I ovulate around CD15!

I may start my OPK on the weekend rather than tomorrow. 10dpo is very early for me to start having to test. So maybe Saturday is more reasonable. Crossing fingers for us!!!!

I am also planning to do the whole pineapple core for implantation after Ovulation! :happydance: I'm on a mission!!!!!:happydance:

We can count down together! Wahoo!:hugs:

You ovulate around CD15 and I ovulate around CD13 - so if I ovulate in 10 days like I think I may, that is Dec 16th - which puts me at 9DPO on Xmas day so we will be pretty close!

CD3 today and i have not had a period this heavy in a zillion years... usually day one is bad and then its totally average - nope - 2 days of agony haha... seems to be better today though! Looking forward to starting OPKs next Thursday.

Barb if you dont OV until CD 15 I would wait until saturday - CD12. You will just get stark white OPK's most likely???

On an off note.... last night hubby came home and told me that this girl who we used to be quite close with but then had a terrible falling out with, is pregnant. I almost barfed. I think it was a mix of the fact that I cant stand this girl and also that she is 36 and didnt want children the entire time I knew her (until last year). I mean I dont wish infertility on people but for gods sake! haha...... I actually teared up and told DH I wish I didnt know that. what a loon I am!!

I tested yesterday! I'm posting the results lol....I have to test today. I'm doing it just incase I O a day earlier than I think. No harm in doing it! The test strips this time around are so thick! Very cool that our cycle lines up this time....good luck to us :)
OPK's have never been stark...some thing will always show. Even if its unbelievably light!

Ahhhh I'm sorry you have to hear that news. You know, men are also not very sensitive to this sort of thing some times eh? I wouldn't have wanted to know either. I'm at a point too where one friend is starting to try & another good friend will start next year. And I think I'll be devastated if either of them get pregnant before me. I am not sure how I can handle being around them if I'm still not pregnant. And I totally understand now how I will feel enraged if they have no issues getting knocked up. I dont wish infertility (like you) but I feel it's not fair if they get pregnant w/o even really trying!
I just hope this is out month...oh please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you're feeling better today! This past cycle I had cramps for about 3 days & heavy bleeding for longer than ever. I wonder if this has anythign to do with my Sono.

Hey Barbs... Thanks for the pep talk! :) I am feeling fine now. I am still on my period so maybe that was it partly lol....

Its funny you said that about having a bad period - this is my worst one in a long time! CD4 though so I will be done by tomorrow at some point... looking forward to starting on those OPKs

Your OPK is looking good - a positive is coming up around the corner! :happydance:

I am looking forward to the xmas holidays... work is bad right now and I am off from 21st to 2nd so that will be a nice break.... ugh I need it!! And with any luck I will have a BFP before my first day back lol - wishful thinking I know but its nice to think about!
Happy V day Doggylover!!!!! Whoop whoooo 3 days until mine :)
Sorry girls for some reason I managed to paste in to the wrong thread!!! Oooops !!

Hope your all ok? The OPK looks quite dark to me maybe you could o early??
bfn!! it still way to early but was fun testing lol x

How many dpo are you?

I am utterly convinced I o'd on friday or sat x

Ahhh still so very early! How are you keeping track of Ovulation??

Im not the ovulation sticks just confused the hell out of me so gave up! i posted a thread looking for advice as iv had af type cramps and some pain where my fallopian tiube was removed on previous ecotpic....its still so early for AF or symptoms but when pregnant with DD i remember this pain on my right where fallopian tube would be....likely old scar tissue.....

utterly confused x:wacko:
Sorry girls for some reason I managed to paste in to the wrong thread!!! Oooops !!

Hope your all ok? The OPK looks quite dark to me maybe you could o early??

I'm great you? Naw my tests are light again. I anticipate O either Tuesday or Wednesday. My tests are Uneventful so I will post when there is something to show!!
Good Morning ladies

FX for your positive OPK Barbi :) Mine are always light and then BOOM they are positive haha ......

I am on CD7today woo! Starting my OPK on CD10 (Thursday) and should OV on or around Sunday CD13.... :) I hope to get in lots of BD'ing this week (should be easy to do the way things are going LOL) to cover all my bases!
Just popping in to wish you luck catching that eggy ladies !!!!
Thanks Nimbec :) How are you doing???
How's baby & you?

Petzy, my tests always start to go dark & I know that by the next day it's positive...this morning's was not dark & this afternoon, got light. I am surprised b/c I usually Ovulate around this time. As in, I was anticipating tomorrow! I'm confused now.
I will be sure to BD tonight & each day of the week until I confirm Ovulation.
I've continued to drink grapefruit juice & take the Tylenol mucus thinning pills each day. I've noticed my CM is very watery!

I've posted my test from this morning. I hope tomorrow it darkens!


  • CD14.jpg
    10.9 KB · Views: 3
Well, my OPK's arent getting any closer to positive. I'm utterly confused.
I would have predicted an Ovulation today. My cervix is not soft & open either.
I have noticed watery CM & EWCM yesterday however. I'm beginning to think I might Ovulated later this cycle :( bah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • CD15.jpg
    12.3 KB · Views: 2
Well, my OPK's arent getting any closer to positive. I'm utterly confused.
I would have predicted an Ovulation today. My cervix is not soft & open either.
I have noticed watery CM & EWCM yesterday however. I'm beginning to think I might Ovulated later this cycle :( bah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe you are ov'ing later then..... but honestly sometimes my positive OPK comes a day after the one you just posted... take them twice a day to be sure you dont miss the surge maybe...

but that being said, it doesnt really matter so long as you BD enough.
I am on CD8....got a cool app that synchs with fertility friend for my Iphone - i really like it and I went back and entered all my periods just for 2012... I dont see much point in putting 2010 and 2011 periods as they have shortened since then and the average doesnt really reflect right.

But Ive never documented symptoms before or anything like that so it may be helpful to avoid symptom spotting in the future.... i never remember if I've had a certain symptom before or when it came on so that should help.

Nothing to report really! Just waiting to O on Sunday or so!

Thanks Tulip

I will post to you if AF shows because technically my test date is new years eve LOL
Well, my OPK's arent getting any closer to positive. I'm utterly confused.
I would have predicted an Ovulation today. My cervix is not soft & open either.
I have noticed watery CM & EWCM yesterday however. I'm beginning to think I might Ovulated later this cycle :( bah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe you are ov'ing later then..... but honestly sometimes my positive OPK comes a day after the one you just posted... take them twice a day to be sure you dont miss the surge maybe...

but that being said, it doesnt really matter so long as you BD enough.

I test twice a day! The other thing I'm wondering is, did I ovulate already? I used to check my cervix & forgot about it until yesterday & so there ya go!
I wanted to try the pineapple core thing after Ovulation :( We'll see what my tests are like tomorrow!
Petzy - I have the FF app on my iphone too - I use it to track when we BD & when I ovulate. Used to do symptoms but what's the point? :)
Petzy - I have the FF app on my iphone too - I use it to track when we BD & when I ovulate. Used to do symptoms but what's the point? :)

lol true true.... :D

I hope you get a positive by tomorrow so that you can clear up the confusion - I doubt you ov'd that early!
Hey Barb

Hope those tests are getting darker!!!
Barb I havent heard from you in 2 days ! Did you get your positive OPK??? FX for you!!!

I am starting mine today...... I expect a pretty light one today

Hows everyone doing?

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