6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

10dpo & BFN

Barb! So sorry I have been MIA a few days lol.. I hit Xmas holidays and BAM I forget about all my favourite habits! haha.....

I have major FX for you and I really hope the BFP shows up - but I'm glad you have a plan for the new year if AF shows her hideous monstrous face! YUCK!! FX FX FX FX xoxo

As for me I am on CD21 ... about 7DPO..... I don't have any symptoms other than some twinges on the right side today and yesterday.... I have had white creamy CM every day since AF though.... I am tracking my symptoms now so at least I will know next month if that's normal for me!

I am planning on buying test and bringing it with me to Montreal... we leave on the 29th and AF is due on 31st or 1st.... I plan to test the morning of the 31st if I can wait that long but I am tempted to test on the 29th before we leave as we will be enjoying ourselves a lot there and I don't want to drink if I am pg...... but im worried 29th is too early to test.... I will be 11/12DPO then... and 13/14 DPO on the 31st.

10dpo & BFN

Barb! So sorry I have been MIA a few days lol.. I hit Xmas holidays and BAM I forget about all my favourite habits! haha.....

I have major FX for you and I really hope the BFP shows up - but I'm glad you have a plan for the new year if AF shows her hideous monstrous face! YUCK!! FX FX FX FX xoxo

As for me I am on CD21 ... about 7DPO..... I don't have any symptoms other than some twinges on the right side today and yesterday.... I have had white creamy CM every day since AF though.... I am tracking my symptoms now so at least I will know next month if that's normal for me!

I am planning on buying test and bringing it with me to Montreal... we leave on the 29th and AF is due on 31st or 1st.... I plan to test the morning of the 31st if I can wait that long but I am tempted to test on the 29th before we leave as we will be enjoying ourselves a lot there and I don't want to drink if I am pg...... but im worried 29th is too early to test.... I will be 11/12DPO then... and 13/14 DPO on the 31st.


Hey Lady, all good - I am usually MIA on weekends but when you're on holidays you get bored lol I have two weeks off yah!!!! SO nice, Montreal! Cool - I haven't been in the lloooongest time! What a great way to ring in the new year - have fun!!!!!!

I don't think it would be too early to test at 11/12dpo but that's just me. You could test in case you're concerned about drinking.

A lot of ladies go from bfn at 10dpo & 11dpo being the magic day post ovulation. I also read that after 11dpo, your chances for a positive start to decrease. I hope tomorrow morning I wake up to a second line.

I've also had lots of creamy CM this cycle...more than normal. But I don't try to make much of it. My CM has been all over the place since I've started trying. I hope your twinges & your CM is a good sign for you!!! Croxxing my fingers for you Petzy!

And ladies all - Merry Christmas!!! I'll be back tomorrow to post results.

Here is my ugly test from today. My OPK's are getting darker.


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Barbs don't loose hope mine was still bfn at 11 dpo!!

Happy Christmas to you all! Ill try and get on tomorrow

(((Hugs))) to all
Thanks Barb.

I told DH today that I want to test. He said why not just not drink ? I said um well don't go too crazy hahaha..... He even offered to skip booze with me. But I will just take it really easy and test the day we leave and on 31st too maybe...

1230am officially Xmas! Happy to ring it in with you ladies xoxo
Merry Christmas Ladies :)
I tested bfn today. 11 dpo. :0(
Ah well. Hopefully AF keeps away.

Hope you are all enjoying today! Petzy, let me know your test results before heading to Montreal!

Nimbec how's my dpo were u again?!
Well I keep thinking I MIGHT see a shadow or some thing on the HPT but probably nothing there. I'm trying not to read into it. I took a FRER & it was stark white.

These tests are from fmu...as are all of them. My OPK's increasingly are getting darker. Not sure if that means anything.

No symptoms...no cramps...I am surprised I've not felt cramping yet. Usually do a few days before AF arrives. AF actually will likely arrive on Saturday & not Friday as I had thought. MY LP is commonly 14 days although has been 15 in some instances.

I don't have a good feeling about this cycle. :( Don't know why. Maybe b/c 10 months has passed with nothing. I'm just getting cynical. I have this deep feeling for a while now that I won't get pregnant w/o assistance. I can't believe this year is going to be done & I didn't get pregnant. I'm in shock.


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From what I've seen on the internet if you're OPK's look positive when your period is due to arrive, then you could be pregnant so don't get too down about it. You're not out until AF shows!!
~10dpo and bfn for me, too. I did the squinty eye but no matter how you look at it it's pretty white, haha.

All my symptoms are gone save the barely tender nips. And last night I had af-like cramps, so I helped myself to some wine. Consolation prizes, haha.
Well my OpKs aren't positive by getting progressively darker.
Ugh. I am feeling defeated. I will hold in there hoping something changes in the next few days. Good luck ladies!
Well, 12 dpo & stark white hpt. My OPK isn't getting darker.
At this point, the statistics for getting a positive just plummeted.
I have no symptoms at this time to speak of. And surprisingly not feeling cramps yet.

How are you ladies & how was Christmas?
I've attached the pic of today's tests! I can do this on my iPad. Wicked!
I wish iPhones allowed this.


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Well, 12 dpo & stark white hpt. My OPK isn't getting darker.
At this point, the statistics for getting a positive just plummeted.
I have no symptoms at this time to speak of. And surprisingly not feeling cramps yet.

How are you ladies & how was Christmas?

Hey Barbi :)

Christmas was good... really enjoying this break!!! Well needed this R&R I tell you! :)

I'm sorry about the BFN's... GRR!!!!!! I think I even had a dream that you got a BFP..... I still have FX for you because you never know.. but stick with your plan for the new year as it is almost here and you are being proactive and there is nothing wrong with that!

I am about 11DPO or so today..... and this morning I had two red streaks when I wiped ahhhh trying not to read into that but its hard!! It was def not spotting but I am really hoping there is a change it is IB.... do you think its possible?? I am due for AF in 4 days - 5 tops..... (Jan 31st/Dec 1st).

If it is IB does that mean its too soon to test?? I am snowed in today so I cant really go and get one anyways lol.... maybe tomorrow haha.... I do plan on testing on sat morning before we head to Montreal because if its negative then I can be pretty sure it wont turn positive as I will be due for AF 2 days later... right?

What do you think about all this Barbs lol

Well, 12 dpo & stark white hpt. My OPK isn't getting darker.
At this point, the statistics for getting a positive just plummeted.
I have no symptoms at this time to speak of. And surprisingly not feeling cramps yet.

How are you ladies & how was Christmas?

Hey Barbi :)

Christmas was good... really enjoying this break!!! Well needed this R&R I tell you! :)

I'm sorry about the BFN's... GRR!!!!!! I think I even had a dream that you got a BFP..... I still have FX for you because you never know.. but stick with your plan for the new year as it is almost here and you are being proactive and there is nothing wrong with that!

I am about 11DPO or so today..... and this morning I had two red streaks when I wiped ahhhh trying not to read into that but its hard!! It was def not spotting but I am really hoping there is a change it is IB.... do you think its possible?? I am due for AF in 4 days - 5 tops..... (Jan 31st/Dec 1st).

If it is IB does that mean its too soon to test?? I am snowed in today so I cant really go and get one anyways lol.... maybe tomorrow haha.... I do plan on testing on sat morning before we head to Montreal because if its negative then I can be pretty sure it wont turn positive as I will be due for AF 2 days later... right?

What do you think about all this Barbs lol


Hi Lady!

I understand the R&R - I needed it too! BTW, I may have asked already but what do you do for work!? I'm a bookkeeper - I count beans :haha: Not. Anyway, I'm always crazy busy & so much going on so this is NICE!

Well, I am really glad you're staying positive for me. I am feeling really bummed out today. BFN & I'm starting to get cramps. :( It's nice you dreamed a possible bfp for me but there is no positive test here. I'm really loosing hope. I have this strong feeling (and have for a long time) that we wouldn't get pregnant without medical intervention. We have next Month to try on our own & we'll be up North with my DH's family so we can either conceive in a cabin on a river in the middle of winter with the fire place on (ROMANTIC) or, in a clinic in February (so NOT romantic).

I am really not sure how to comment on your streaks at 11dpo...I would think it's too late for implantation but I could be wrong? Was it bright red & a lot? You usually get this before your period starts right? I notice you talk about red streaks days before AF shows up. What Cycle of TTC are you on now?! I loose track LOL

I hope it's not AF coming for you...and yeah I think if you test Saturday you have your answer although everyone says "you're not out until AF arrives".
Well, I know my body by NOW & I've got cramps & I know I'm out. Not even a faint effin' line at 13dpo doesn't bode well considering AF will likely arrive Saturday.

Ugh..Petzy, I hope it happens to us soon. I never thought I wouldn't be pregnant in 2012. I started in FEBRUARY! Next month will be 1 year of trying. It's just crazy & sad & disappointing to me. I'm terribly disappointed.:cry:
Oh right. Here are my tests today. WOMP WOMP.
I saw a faint line on my fmu test (bottom) so I tested later (top) but stark white.
When I tweaked my photo, the line on the bottom test is only like half way through so the dye just did some thing funny :( :( :(


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Oh right. Here are my tests today. WOMP WOMP.
I saw a faint line on my fmu test (bottom) so I tested later (top) but stark white.
When I tweaked my photo, the line on the bottom test is only like half way through so the dye just did some thing funny :( :( :(

I see something on the one test too.... but I trust your judgement on them.. WOMP WOMP indeed... (my favourite saying LOL)
I wish it were a start of some thing but its just not the line it should be. We shall see if tomorrow morning proves anything different but my current CRAMPS say otherwise. ARGH. :)

BTW, tones of snow here too!!! Mother Nature did not ease us into this Winter.
Well, 12 dpo & stark white hpt. My OPK isn't getting darker.
At this point, the statistics for getting a positive just plummeted.
I have no symptoms at this time to speak of. And surprisingly not feeling cramps yet.

How are you ladies & how was Christmas?

Hey Barbi :)

Christmas was good... really enjoying this break!!! Well needed this R&R I tell you! :)

I'm sorry about the BFN's... GRR!!!!!! I think I even had a dream that you got a BFP..... I still have FX for you because you never know.. but stick with your plan for the new year as it is almost here and you are being proactive and there is nothing wrong with that!

I am about 11DPO or so today..... and this morning I had two red streaks when I wiped ahhhh trying not to read into that but its hard!! It was def not spotting but I am really hoping there is a change it is IB.... do you think its possible?? I am due for AF in 4 days - 5 tops..... (Jan 31st/Dec 1st).

If it is IB does that mean its too soon to test?? I am snowed in today so I cant really go and get one anyways lol.... maybe tomorrow haha.... I do plan on testing on sat morning before we head to Montreal because if its negative then I can be pretty sure it wont turn positive as I will be due for AF 2 days later... right?

What do you think about all this Barbs lol


Hi Lady!

I understand the R&R - I needed it too! BTW, I may have asked already but what do you do for work!? I'm a bookkeeper - I count beans :haha: Not. Anyway, I'm always crazy busy & so much going on so this is NICE!

Well, I am really glad you're staying positive for me. I am feeling really bummed out today. BFN & I'm starting to get cramps. :( It's nice you dreamed a possible bfp for me but there is no positive test here. I'm really loosing hope. I have this strong feeling (and have for a long time) that we wouldn't get pregnant without medical intervention. We have next Month to try on our own & we'll be up North with my DH's family so we can either conceive in a cabin on a river in the middle of winter with the fire place on (ROMANTIC) or, in a clinic in February (so NOT romantic).

I am really not sure how to comment on your streaks at 11dpo...I would think it's too late for implantation but I could be wrong? Was it bright red & a lot? You usually get this before your period starts right? I notice you talk about red streaks days before AF shows up. What Cycle of TTC are you on now?! I loose track LOL

I hope it's not AF coming for you...and yeah I think if you test Saturday you have your answer although everyone says "you're not out until AF arrives".
Well, I know my body by NOW & I've got cramps & I know I'm out. Not even a faint effin' line at 13dpo doesn't bode well considering AF will likely arrive Saturday.

Ugh..Petzy, I hope it happens to us soon. I never thought I wouldn't be pregnant in 2012. I started in FEBRUARY! Next month will be 1 year of trying. It's just crazy & sad & disappointing to me. I'm terribly disappointed.:cry:

Hey Barb

I work for a law firm in Hamilton.... I am kind of a jack of various trades there... I have been there since I graduated from McMaster in 2006.... YIKES... very busy environment too - high stress!!! Hence why I need a year off lol...

I hope it happens for us soon too... Im glad I have you here though because it makes a big difference for me. In the "real world" you don't get to share these experiences much so its nice to have someone to go through it with.... I am really rooting for you I think about you often and I really have my FX for you..... Its going to happen for us its just about when....

Well I am either 10DPO or 11DPO and I have read and in my books too it says IB can be around 10DPO...but maybe it is just random.

No I don't streak red before AF - ever. Sometimes a day or so before I will get pink CM but that wouldn't be for 3-4 days from now at least. I don't ever get red until AF is actually HERE.

the only other thing I have going on it mild twinges on both sides - mostly on the right - and I have had this ever since O time.... I think there was one day I didn't notice it but that's it... Nothing else to report but this is def not normal for me. however I know mid cycle spotting or things like that are not that uncommon so I am not getting my hopes up... I will test on Sat.

And it was just a red streak - not a lot of all but a decent streak - two of them - and then nothing. I even checked inside for more and there wasn't any. not yet anyways..
Hey You - I feel the same! I'm really glad we can lean on each other for support & understand one another. I wish you all the best too & I really do hope we can be in First Trimester together!!!
It is difficult in the 'real world' especially when you don't have friends going through the same thing. I have a very close friend who I share a lot of this journey with but not with so much detail. And she keeps saying 'stay positive...blah blah blah' and while you need that some times I want to yell "you don't get it!!!!!!" :) So, I come here. Where people aren't trying to bring sanity to your world because you are sane, its just this TTC thing is not easy.

OK so it's the spotting that I have confused that you get before AF...it's a few days before rather than 1 or two which could mean either AF is coming early OR I'm confused as you & perhaps it is IB. The twinges are a good sign from what I understand. Maybe this is it for you!!!!! I am wishing you the best & that you'll get a BFP on Saturday...please let me know :) Its confusing to me as well what's going on with you - I guess it's just about waiting & seeing!

I'd be more positive still for me if I didn't start cramping ;( Booo Hisss
Hey You - I feel the same! I'm really glad we can lean on each other for support & understand one another. I wish you all the best too & I really do hope we can be in First Trimester together!!!
It is difficult in the 'real world' especially when you don't have friends going through the same thing. I have a very close friend who I share a lot of this journey with but not with so much detail. And she keeps saying 'stay positive...blah blah blah' and while you need that some times I want to yell "you don't get it!!!!!!" :) So, I come here. Where people aren't trying to bring sanity to your world because you are sane, its just this TTC thing is not easy.

OK so it's the spotting that I have confused that you get before AF...it's a few days before rather than 1 or two which could mean either AF is coming early OR I'm confused as you & perhaps it is IB. The twinges are a good sign from what I understand. Maybe this is it for you!!!!! I am wishing you the best & that you'll get a BFP on Saturday...please let me know :) Its confusing to me as well what's going on with you - I guess it's just about waiting & seeing!

I'd be more positive still for me if I didn't start cramping ;( Booo Hisss

Thanks - yeah I will definitely post and let you know on Saturday - I hope that's late enough to get a BFP if it is one... and if not, doesn't matter im not expecting it anyways sigh LMAO.... sad but true!!!!

Yeah I just wish I didn't have those streaks this morning because its those things that really set the hopes up... I truly have never had red before AF ever....

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