Lol it's funny to see the progress on your posts. I couldn't not test if I had two, too. I never wait mind you
You've still got a shot so keep your fingers crossed. My test today at 14dpo is stark white. OPK hasn't changed either. I'm waiting for AF now which could arrive today or tomorrow but I'm predicting tomorrow.
I've got a friend trying on their second month now I believe. I hope it doesn't come too easy for them. The only reason I say this is because they are still heavy boozing, smoking pot every day & no exercise. I would hope their bodies function worse than ours who don't drink much, don't smoke pot and are moderately active.
Lol @ Rock Star comment.
I just don't understand why they are trying but still partying. Anyway I don't wish anyone infertility but I hope I get knocked up first
I'm getting twinges today on one side like those stabby cramps.
I just wanna get on w the show!
3-4 days still of your cycle mean's you still have a shot. Did the blood streaks stop!
I wonder what that was about? You may have implanted.
I know it's hard to be positive all the time & I started becoming very cynical after a few months. I get AF symptoms days before she shows so I usually prepared but I hate waiting for AF to show when I know it's all over. I just wanna move on.
Hi Nimbec - nice to see you around HOw are you? How was Christmas?!
Puggy welcome! Wait until at least 6dpo min but more likely 9dpo is the earliest you'll realistically see anything - good luck!
I can't stop now - Here is my tests from this morning STARKIES!!!
Well ladies, red spotting today. It's ovah
Now we've got one month left trying before we opt for IUI. Wish us luck!!!