6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

I have two friends who are trying right now.. one who is brand new like me (well TTC#1 anyways...) and one who is TTC#2 on month #2......
Ok so I bought an FRER two pack just now as they are a way better deal than just buying one.. now can you understand the predicament I am in?? how the hell do I wait till Saturday knowing I have an extra one.... NOT GONNA HAPPEN!~
Stark white. Like starker than stark. I peed 2 hours ago but it was really yellow so I don't think too diluted. Anyways pretty sure I am out but I'm still going to test sat am to be sure and if its negative then too, then for sure I am done this month.

Lol it's funny to see the progress on your posts. I couldn't not test if I had two, too. I never wait mind you ;)
You've still got a shot so keep your fingers crossed. My test today at 14dpo is stark white. OPK hasn't changed either. I'm waiting for AF now which could arrive today or tomorrow but I'm predicting tomorrow.
I've got a friend trying on their second month now I believe. I hope it doesn't come too easy for them. The only reason I say this is because they are still heavy boozing, smoking pot every day & no exercise. I would hope their bodies function worse than ours who don't drink much, don't smoke pot and are moderately active.
Lol it's funny to see the progress on your posts. I couldn't not test if I had two, too. I never wait mind you ;)
You've still got a shot so keep your fingers crossed. My test today at 14dpo is stark white. OPK hasn't changed either. I'm waiting for AF now which could arrive today or tomorrow but I'm predicting tomorrow.

Haha I know they are random posts but as long as you are getting some laughs it's all worth it haha.....

Bahh sorry you are waiting for hideous AF.... I wish her disappearance!!!

I do have my fingers crossed but not too tightly. I kind of feel like not testing because its too disappointing. If AF just shows on her own then it's a bit easier.......and I'm still not due for 3 days maybe 4.....
I've got a friend trying on their second month now I believe. I hope it doesn't come too easy for them. The only reason I say this is because they are still heavy boozing, smoking pot every day & no exercise. I would hope their bodies function worse than ours who don't drink much, don't smoke pot and are moderately active.

Yeah we have cut back on booze and trying to keep active. I go through spurts with activity. We don't smoke pot much at all. Like once every few months if that. Just a social thing. But not at all in TTC.... DH says he doesn't want a slow kid hahaha..... I would be pissed if your friends got pregnant fast too lol..... But hey rock stars do it all the time and they do much worse so who knows....
Lol @ Rock Star comment.
I just don't understand why they are trying but still partying. Anyway I don't wish anyone infertility but I hope I get knocked up first :D

I'm getting twinges today on one side like those stabby cramps.
I just wanna get on w the show!

3-4 days still of your cycle mean's you still have a shot. Did the blood streaks stop!
I wonder what that was about? You may have implanted.
I know it's hard to be positive all the time & I started becoming very cynical after a few months. I get AF symptoms days before she shows so I usually prepared but I hate waiting for AF to show when I know it's all over. I just wanna move on.
Can I join in please? 4dpo and couldnt resist. My friend gave me 14 cheap tests so it costs me nothing. I'm awful at waiting so am going to POAS until I get my BFN:happydance: Have a couple of digi tests which I'll save (hopefully :haha:) until a reasonable amount of dpo
:dust: to us all
Hi puggy welcome!!!

Girls I'm so sorry about nasty bfn's grrrrrrr damn witch hope she stays away!!!!!! Lol on rock star comment - as you all know I gave up everything inc sugar and caffeine and well life in general as u can imagine hehe!! Life's such a bitch at times fx you get a late bfp it if not jan is your month!!!
Hi Nimbec - nice to see you around :) HOw are you? How was Christmas?!

Puggy welcome! Wait until at least 6dpo min but more likely 9dpo is the earliest you'll realistically see anything - good luck!

I can't stop now - Here is my tests from this morning STARKIES!!!


  • 14dpo.jpg
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Lol @ Rock Star comment.
I just don't understand why they are trying but still partying. Anyway I don't wish anyone infertility but I hope I get knocked up first :D

I'm getting twinges today on one side like those stabby cramps.
I just wanna get on w the show!

3-4 days still of your cycle mean's you still have a shot. Did the blood streaks stop!
I wonder what that was about? You may have implanted.
I know it's hard to be positive all the time & I started becoming very cynical after a few months. I get AF symptoms days before she shows so I usually prepared but I hate waiting for AF to show when I know it's all over. I just wanna move on.

Yeah it was just the two light streaks and nothing since..... I checked inside after too and nothing. I thought mayyyyyyybe IB but fack who knows. After these last several months I ain't hanging my hat on anything! Lol.

I am still like ughhhhhh should I test in the am but I think I will just do it If its negative I consider myself out this month as I will be on cd 26 tomorrow .......
Hi Nimbec - nice to see you around :) HOw are you? How was Christmas?!

Puggy welcome! Wait until at least 6dpo min but more likely 9dpo is the earliest you'll realistically see anything - good luck!

I can't stop now - Here is my tests from this morning STARKIES!!!

I curse your starkies!!!!!! Lol

Hi Nimbec how's it going!

And welcome Puggles! Good luck to you this cycle!
Hi all I'm good well that's not strictly true I'm knackered Xmas has taken its toll on me :( I feel like a Beeched wale lol!! I'm ok tho and bubs is doing fine very active atm :)

Hoping your both going to join me in the new yr!! Sorry I was away at Xmas I had both mine and oh's familly and 11 for Xmas dinner ugh !!
Well ladies, red spotting today. It's ovah :(
Now we've got one month left trying before we opt for IUI. Wish us luck!!!
Well ladies, red spotting today. It's ovah :(
Now we've got one month left trying before we opt for IUI. Wish us luck!!!

I wish you all the luck in the world!!! FX for next cycle but hey you have a plan and that's great.

2013 is our year!lucky 13
I'm wishing you tons and tons if luck too!!!!! Hopefully you will get that bfp like I did - I got mine 4 days before starting IVF!! (((((Hugs)))))
12 DPO and BFN on FRER - Sadly, I am out again.

Onto the next month......

Honestly what made it even worse was that I had a dream I woke up and took the FRER and it was positive and we were so happy and then I woke up and was like AHHH, went to take the test, and BFN.

The light pink CM when I wiped afterwards was even more of an indicator.. wish I saw that first I wouldn't have wasted an FRER....

I expect AF in the next two days as scheduled.

Off to Montreal until Tuesday.. I will check in I'm sure to report on her arrival lol.
Nimbec I hope I'm as lucky as you! We just briefly discussed getting a motility test in February, same month we plan to start IUI if we bust next month.

AF is full blown as we speak!!

Petzy, 13 dpo is the average time woman get thir BFP so don't be discouraged yet. Good luck! I've had a few of those dreams. Just wishful thinking ;)
Barbs so sorry damn evil witch!!!!!! Motility test may not be a bad idea - I'm sure all would be fine but would be really frustrating to waste time on iui if there was an issue grrrr it's all so complicated!! ((Hugs))

Petzy stay strong!!! Hope witch stays away!!

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