7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Happy easter girls! Hope you're all stuffing yourself with choccie right at this very moment.

My AF arrived yesterday so today is CD2. Onto cycle 10!

What's everyone been upto this weekend? Xx
Hello lovely ladies and happy Easter to you all.... How is everyone???
It was my little girls 3rd birthday yesterday so we had a fab party for her, it was so much fun. Today we have been out for Sunday roast and just relaxing watching James Bond, love lazy Sundays!!!!
I'm on CD19 today so just need this 2ww to hurry up and be over with so I can start my clomid (bet you a million pound she is late!!!!!)
Hope everyone is enjoying the bank holiday weekend :)
hey girls!

Happy birthday to your LO Betty! did she get spoilt rotten?

Back to work today BOOOOO!!!! the bank holiday was lovely wasn't it?? So nice to have 4 days off, although I didn't get a single lie in. Evie had me up between 5 and 6 every day

everyones being strangely quiet lately.... helllooo ladies????xxx
Hi everyone, hope you are all well!!
We stayed at my sisters at the weekend,was good to catch up.
Happy belated birthday to your LO Betty.
Had my blood tests today,won't get the results until fri, made appt for next mon too for progesterone check xx
Hey AB! :) Bet you're relieved that you're finally getting everything tested. Crossing my fingers that everything comes back just fine!

So I've called the hospital yet again today to see if they've received our referral, they still didn't have anything. I called the doctors and explained that they still haven't received anything despite 2 referrals being sent, one by post at the beginning of April and one by fax last week.

The doctors called the hospital and then called me back and she said that they've received both of our referrals but there's a high demand for that particular clinic at the moment so it could be a few more weeks until we receive an appointment.

Why tell me numerous times that they've not got anything yet tell our GPs receptionist that they've had both??? Unless she spoke to somebody different.

Just glad that it's been confirmed that they have our referral. The waiting game begins now xx
That's great news Amanda.... Hope you get some good results!!!!
Tina, what a palava with your referral!!!! So frustrating, hope you get an app through soon..... Can't believe you get up so early with Evie!!! What time does she go to bed and does she sleep through??? My LO still wakes up through the night, twice last night, it really effects me having broken sleep, i can't function! It's because of her dummy (she only has it at night and for her nap) but when she loses it in the night she wakes up crying for it!!! Any words of wisdom on getting her off the dummy on a night???
CD 21 for me.... Not long to wait :)
Hello ladies, hope you all had a good Easter. Betty, I Saw the photos on fb of your daughters party,bless her.
Tina, what a nightmare your doctor's is, they sound like they belong in a circus! ! Lets hope you get your appointment through soon.

Ive had a terrible time of it recently, im so upset over it all.....i dont know if I've told you about Joe's dad. He's a nasty piece of work. Always slags me off to Joe, says really bad stuff. I personally belive he has pyschological issues, which is one of the reasons I left him. I blame alot of Joe's bad behavior on him, as he's Been Fed that much bullshit off his dad over the years, his little brain can't cope with it. Anyway, at Xmas he got Joe an iPad. The main reason for this is to keep tabs on us, he would ring him on it at inappropriate times and constantly message Joe, and always sayin bad things about me and Aaron on there. .I can never see all he writes as Joe has a lock on his iPad. The thing is, Joe doesn't really bother with his iPad, hes more into playing out with his mates,the novelty has worn off. Then his dad messages going Mad at him for not getting in touch, saying 'I don't do ignorance son' honestly girls, I hate this man so much. ..hes a bully, who's never bothered with joe. Anyway, when we went back up the other weekend, I told his nana (his dad's mum) we would be up and she was excited to see Joe and told us to drop him around at teatime. Anyway , 5 mins later, his dad rings my mum's phone, screaming at her, saying I don't call the shots and he won't be seeing Joe, Nor will his mum. So we rang his mum back and she basically said she's Been told she can't see joe and she's sorry. Poor Joe was heartbroken, he was so looking forward to seeing his nana and dad. And it was me who had to pick up the pieces. Anyway, I'm glad he didn't go now, as his dad is clearly unstable and I truly believe he is a bad influence around Joe, he's not good for him.

Now here's the bad bit, that I'm feeling terrible about. I've managed to crack the code on Joe's iPad to see ...
.....If his dad had sent any nasty messages, as I wanted to make sure he didn't see them. Sure enough there was a message. Basically blaming me and Aaron for him not seeing Joe. ...which is bollocks! ! He refers to me as fat arse. ..and Aaron as my new fella. ...even though we are married. I'm so Fed up with it...I've looked back through the messages and nearly every one says awful things about me....So I've done a bad thing, I've blocked his dad's number on the iPad so he can't send an more messages, I've also changed his number in the contacts so Joe can't message him. I know this sounds awful, but I think for now it's for the best. Joe has a lot of issues that Aaron and I are working hard together to get resolved. I really think the messages off his dad won't help. What do you think? ? I feel terrible, I've cried almost every night, but enough is enough. I dread to think the stuff that has been drummed into him whenever he has seen his dad in person. Xx
Im sorry to go on, its just so upsetting for joe that i have had to do this. I could have done it years ago, but i always thought he has a right to see his dad. Ive never bad mouthed him to joe...but its getting beyond a joke now. I feel like such a bad person :( xx
Frisky,i'm all for letting children see their dads(my dh has a son who he gets to see when it suits his bitch of an ex)but only if it isn't going to have a detrimental effect on the child. I think you have done the right thing. Maybe if the situation calms down a bit then contact can start again. You and Aaron have Joe on a daily basis so its you that has to deal with the fallout of the visits. Your ex sounds like Glyns ex,we moved 100 miles and part of the reason was to get away from her. His little one (7) says horrible things about me and the girls that we know is just coming from his mum. Saw him at weekend and he now lies to protect her(which is unnecessary as we don't question him about anything). My dh thought about stopping contact to see if that'd help his ds from getting told a load of crap but it'd still happen. Some people are just vile and shouldn't be allowed near kids. Anyway,got off track sorry,you have to do what you know is the best thing for Joe. And at least he witnessed that it was his dad stopping contact at wkend,not nice for him but he knows it wasn't you xxx
And yes Tina,Betty and Frisky,i'll be glad to get results back. Hope you get appt soon T,and bet you can't wait to start clomid B xxx
Hiya girls,

Frisky, ah honey I don't envy what you're going through. I can only imagine how tough it's been on you, sending huge hugs your way.

Secondly I completely think you've done the right thing. Joe is still at an age where he is isn't old enough to be making his own decisions and you as his mum have to make the right decisions for him. I can't actually believe his dad is trying to turn him against you and Aaron.

The same thing happened to me when I was younger, my mum and dad split when I was 10 and I stayed with my dad because I felt terribly sorry on him being by himself. He had a drinking problem and every time he drank he'd go on and on about my mum and how she's this and that and trying to brain wash me into thinking that everything was her fault and she was this horrible person.

I was only 10! and it worked, until I was older and wiser to see what he was doing. The point I'm trying to make is kids are so naive and will believe anything you tell them so you're well within your rights to protect him from anything that could harm him.

He should have a bit more respect though and not be bringing petty things into it no matter how much you and he don't get on. Just think though, a few more months and he will have a new baby brother or sister to distract him from the I Pad! xxx

I can't give any advice on the dummy because strangely Evie has never wanted one! We tried her with one when she was newborn but she'd just spit it out but she does have a teddy bear that she's had since being born which she takes to bed every night.

Evie goes up to bed on weekdays between 6.30 and 7 because she's been up for so long without a sleep in nursery all day.

On the weekends I just let her stay up until she's tired so normally around 9pm but she's still up between 5 and 6!!! WTF???

I do need some advice though aswell, Evie takes chocolate milk to bed every night in a bottle. I've tried buying a sippy cup but it's comes out too quickly and she ends up choking. She's never going to stay dry in the night if she is taking a drink to bed every night but I can't get her off it! xx
Tina,Zoe still goes to bed with a bottle of warm milk every night. Totally dry thru the day. We are going to Lanzarote in 3 weeks and i have told her that she can't take it with her, i hope it works lol. She cries every night when getting her nappy on so i just keep trying to tell her that if she doesn't have a bottle she won't need a nappy. Not working tho lol xx
Girls I'm in the same boat! Vivienne is dry through the day but has to have a nappy on through the night and she has a bottle of warm milk every night. To be honest, this doesn't bother me.... As long is she has control over her bladder during the day then that's ok for me.... Her teats on her bottles are splitting from her biting them so when they are all gone I will tell her she has to start having milk from a cup :)
Just need to get this bloody dummy off her as she wakes up 3-4 times a night because she has dropped it and it drives me insane!!!!
Can't believe Evie is up so early..... Do you and mark take turns getting up with her???
haha I'm so glad I'm not the only one going through this!

How old is zoe AB? I feel a bit ashamed because I didn't know whether it was normal, she's nearly 4! Of course she's dry all through the day but I just struggle at bedtime.

Mark had a voicemail last night when he got home from work, it was from the hospital wanting to arrange an appointment!!! It was 6pm though, he missed the call because he was driving home from work and when we called back it was closed :-( So I'm hoping today we will have an appointment time yeyyy!!! xxx
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS *does a crazy dance*

we've got an appointment with the infertility specialist!

it's on 20th May, so 3 weeks on Tuesday. We could have had one on the 13th but Mark said "I've got a training course in work" if it was me I'd have been like "Yes I'll take it, I'll cancel the training course" but of course men don't think like that.

Zoe will be 3 in june. That's good that you have an appointment. Hopefully won't be long til you get a BFP.
Just got Zoe's offer letter for nursery today, been crying buckets,lol,my little princess just seemed to go from birth to nursery in the blink of an eye xx
Whhhhhooooooop Tina!!!! Well done, that will fly by :) great news!!!
Amanda, my little girl just got her nursery place too, where has the time gone??? I'm happy she will be starting nursery in September so I can have a bit of me time, don't get me wrong, my little girl is my whole world but she is like a little jack Russell!!!!
8 more days till AF is due, very exciting!!!! :)
Yaaaayyyy for AF coming Betty. Lol not often we say that on this site!!
Zoe asks every day to go to nursery so I am pleased for her,but I will miss her lol. It'll be nice to have one to one time with Zara too xx
Hey ladies! How's everyone doing this weekend?

Frisky how's the lovely bump coming on??

Feeling on a proper downer today. I'm doing the slimming world diet and haven't had any chocolate for 6 days, I really need a sugar fix! !! As well as that Evie had the tantrum of all tantrums this morning, it's the first time I've come close to crying with anger at her. All because she didn't want a bath

Think I'm gonna go to the asda, pick up some Ben and Jerry's and a chocolate orange and just drown my sorrows all night watching Britain's got talent xx
Oh no Tina!!!! You feeling any better??? I say on any diet you need one day where you eat what you want!!! Go get that ice cream!!! Ps: I feel like crying most days with my little girl, she really can be a naughty little madam! I'm lucky though as my mother in law has had her all day :)
It's quiet on this thread!!!! What's going on everyone!!
Frisky, please upload some photos of your bump, I'm dying to see!!! Do you have a date for your 20 week scan??? Will you find out what you're having???

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