AF Due April 25. Anyone else?

Hi everyone! Fun reading all the symptoms :) I still have sore boobs and now I am having a dull cramping in my lower back...sort of a dull throbbing. I usually get cramps on the first day of my period (once the bleeding starts) so lets hope this isnt it coming early!!
Welcome mmMIm and BabyPrayers!!

Redbean - have fun on your trip! and good luck with the doctors. I hope they are able to find an answer for you, and FX that it will be pregnancy and not liver !

Macy - Beautiful story. Don't give up! It is still early for you! I didn't get the faintest of a faint line with my second until 14 dpo, 15 dpo it was still faint, 16 dpo is was dark. My early tests are so light they actually look like evaps!

I'm loving hearing all of these symptoms! The tummy tightness sounds like promising one to me. I can't wait to see what the results are going to be for everyone!! :happydance:

Last night, besides the odd wave of nausea, I felt as though most of my symptoms had disappeared. Then, I had some different type cramps around my mid uterus. It almost felt like ovulation pain, but not, because it was lower. About 30 minuutes later, I suddenly got SO COLD that I actually checked to make sure that the door/windows were not left open some how. I has the chills big time. Then by the time I went to bed, I felt super hot, almost feverish, but not. Who knows what that was all about. My temperature isn't normally something I tune into (I don't bbt) but I definitely noticed some changes. Today, I continue to feel warmer than usual.

This morning when I woke up to do my normal 6 a.m bathroom visit, I went back to bed as per usual, but this time my tummy started hurting soooo bad and I had to run to the washroom where I had that nasty crampy/poopy feeling I typically get the first day of AF. werid...but not because I do have IBS..although I was just sleeping, not eating, who knows.

My cm was also starting to get pretty sticky and felt as though I was drying up. This morn when I checked, I was expecting it to be gone, but it is actually pretty watery again?? WTF :shrug: my cervix has moved to md from high too...

Still have yet to find my phone, which has helped me to relax, being home all day with the kiddos, I used to find myself googling symptoms by dpo as I went about my day. Now I am forced to sit and think about it until I find the quiet time to prop myself in front of the computer.

FX'd that my IC's show today. I wouldn't mind testing on Sunday or Monday, but as I mentioned above, I didn't even have a faint line with my 2nd until 14 dpo, so that could be useless! (thank you universe for protecting my sanity and preventing me from POAS too early.
Welcome ladies :flower:

@macy i also had some type of AF cramping in my back yesterday FX for you hun that this isn't just AF :)

I also had nausea this morning at 11dpo

FX for everyone :)
Omg ryoung I could not cope without my phone for that long!!! Lol

New symptoms for me: rosy cheeks like I'm burning up, (don't temp so don't know), felt really squiffy today like when you're drunk & the room spins or you get off a roundabout & it feels like your brain/eyes are spinning in your head! Ugh.

Also I may have had a craving- I was desperate for a proper sandwich, like the packaged ones you buy in the shops- & I usually HATE sarnies & would choose just about anything over that! So I tried to make one with cheese & salad & it just didn't hit the spot so I had to go to the shop & buy a chicken & sweetcorn one which was ace! Lol so unlike me! Although I didn't have any cravings last time other than one night where I wanted the tomato sauce off a dominoes pizza...!

Speaking of cravings & linking back to weird dreams when I was pregnant I dreamt I went to the school canteen & ordered roast dinner with pickled fish, tomatoes & butterscotch sauce.... Lol kwynia: you should definitely set up a thread for crazy dreams- there'd be plenty to record!! Lol

Anyone else testing in the morning? I'll be 10dpo & I'm going to go for it as it might show you never know, & I won't count myself as out until af shows so what's the harm? (Trying to be laid back this time... Not sure I'm carrying it off!! Ha ha)

I am maybe 3 or 4 dpo and when starting night shift, had a feeling of nausea, so not sure if something I ate, or something else... Will continue to wait and see.
Whoa. This thread is hard to keep up with! Thanks for all the support!
I wanted to chime in with the weird dreams thing. I dont remember all of it but my dream last night definitely involved aliens. It was bizarre!
Whoa. This thread is hard to keep up with! Thanks for all the support!
I wanted to chime in with the weird dreams thing. I dont remember all of it but my dream last night definitely involved aliens. It was bizarre!

It really is isn't it!! Lol

I dreamt about the end of the world the other day, like one of those movies- there were tidal waves, earth quakes & then cracks formed with gaping holes full of lava rivers!! Terrifying!

Rainbow! Yes. I feel like I'm crazy bc I'm not trying to think to much about it but oooh my lanta!! I feel lot of cramping on an off random symptoms. Kind spiratic. I haven't ever had cramps like this after O. I started writing them down in the calendar on my phone bc I want to beable to go back and check what I was going through. Not really boob pain. 1x today I felt pains near my armpit at the back of my boob in the right boob. I've even been super irritable ! Last night I cried bc I burned my
No spotting. Lol. I'm just a mess.

glad I'm not the only one feeling that lol! Oh and the feeling in the armpit I had that with my first pregnancy!! You have good symptoms :) FX!
I am downright sluicy today (that might not be a real word). I sneezed and had to change my pants and it wasn't pee (I must admit that, after having two kids, it usually is pee when I sneeze) hopefully we are past the point of needing tmi warnings on this thread ;)

How I feel about this "sluicyness" (hahaha) I don't know, the research says you can be wet or dry after ovulation so its impossible to say for certain this is a good thing or a bad thing. I do know I will be tackling the hubs for recreational BDing later :blush:
5-year-plan: I'll also be testing in the AM. I have a couple IC tests, and I'll be 12 DPO. Here's to some lines!

KWYNIA: I wouldn't worry too much about TMI! This whole process is about a lot of "I" and for those who are trying for their first, you'll be swimming in TMI during pregnancy, delivery and those first diapers and spit-ups!

Lots of love and prayers for you all!
Just got back from grocery shopping and am having some mild cramping. It is the first and only symptom I have had so far other than being really tired. I am chalking the exhaustion up to having family in town over the weekend/beginning of the week, so I just need to catch up on my sleep I think. And I'm just going to tell myself the cramping is from going to the gym yesterday lol. I don't want to get my hopes up at all. These cramps feel so much like AF but I'm not due until the 26th.
Sweetbliss, I have been feeling exhauated too even though I went to bed at 8:30 the past two night! A bit crampy as well. No cm here. A bit odd! Last month around this time I had white creamy dischsrge before my period but I also had that with my miscarriage on '12. So who knows???? I wish there was an easy way to know you're pregnant when it happens like...idk your hooha turns purple or something. Lol.
Sweetbliss, I have been feeling exhauated too even though I went to bed at 8:30 the past two night! A bit crampy as well. No cm here. A bit odd! Last month around this time I had white creamy dischsrge before my period but I also had that with my miscarriage on '12. So who knows???? I wish there was an easy way to know you're pregnant when it happens like...idk your hooha turns purple or something. Lol.

LMFAO.....that is funny!!
Sweetbliss, I have been feeling exhauated too even though I went to bed at 8:30 the past two night! A bit crampy as well. No cm here. A bit odd! Last month around this time I had white creamy dischsrge before my period but I also had that with my miscarriage on '12. So who knows???? I wish there was an easy way to know you're pregnant when it happens like...idk your hooha turns purple or something. Lol.

Wouldn't that be nice if it were that easy! Haha How many DPO are you now, Macy? I don't have much, if any at all, CM either. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing. And I checked my cervix for the first time ever today, high and hard/closed. Anyone have a clue as to if that is good or bad? lol
Wouldn't that be nice if it were that easy! Haha How many DPO are you now, Macy? I don't have much, if any at all, CM either. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing. And I checked my cervix for the first time ever today, high and hard/closed. Anyone have a clue as to if that is good or bad? lol

From what I've read, there is no exact cervix position that can tell you if you are pregnant, and that it varies individually (just like everything else during the tww) but you can get familiar with your own position and see a pattern that developes between ovulation and AF so you might notice if it's different one month. Mine is low, soft and feels idea what that means either....:winkwink:
I think I am 9dpo if my period wants to be 28 days this month :) last month I checked my cervix and it was hard to reach. I did a happy dance cuz I thought that was a good sign...then I got my period. I checked mine today and it was easy to reach. As you can see I have no idea what Im doing lol!
Ha ha ha macy both those messages made me laugh- purple?!?! Lol

& join the club- I don't think anyone really knows what they're doing! :)

I didn't even know you could check your own cervix until I starting coming to BnB :rofl:
Lol! Good thing we are all in this thread together :) Im just going to pretend that since it was high last month and af showed that it being low this month is a good sign :) ignorance is bliss!
I literally came on here to post about my cervix and saw your messages. Hopefully this is a good coincidence.

Probably tmi ahead - I'm not a regular checker but I've done it a few times.

Checked today and went "where the hell is it?!" I found it - very high, wet, creamy watery cm and very soft. I always joke that it always feels the same but it was definitely different this time. Pray it's not AF.

I'm feeling so hopeful. Eek! Swimmers don't fail me now!

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