AF Due April 25. Anyone else?

Hopping on this waiting train!

TTC our second for 9 months (DD is almost 2 yo)
2nd month TTC on thyroid medication to even my hormones out.
8 DPO and AF due on April 21st, so Easter testing sounds good to me. I still have a few cheapies from the dozens of times that I've tested over the last 9 months...

Symptom watch: this is the 3rd day that I've had some super slippery toliet visits. I normally have some great EWCM around O-time, but this is not enough to be stretchy, but definitely noticeable with wiping. I have had a creamy day in past cycles around 6-7 DPO due to a normal second surge in estrogen, but this had been going on for a couple days and is super slippery!

Anyone else noticing CM changes?
Meg- Thanks for the info! So your cycles were normal but just a super short period? That is how mine have been since getting off birth control in December. I will spot then have a flow for a day or two then spot some more and it's done. I haven't gotten any testing done yet. Right now my hubby and I are more just waiting to see if it happens. So we haven't gotten really crazy with TTC yet. But if I don't get a BFP this month I am going to start temping. I took a random OPK this month and it was positive and I get EWCM around the same cycle days each month so I"m pretty positive that I am ovulating.
I did see my Dr. last month for some random stomach pain (i think it was unrelated to anything reproductive) but she told me to come back in six months to get testing done.

Frenchie- About CM changes- I have noticed I have had more cm- mostly creamy after O. usually i am dry. Hopefully this is a good sign!
So poas this morning with not first morning pee. 8dpo and got a faint but noticeable line on a frer!? I've had no symptoms that I would peg to a bfp? Excited but will wait for them to get darker. With my chemical in January I got faint positives for 5 days then got af. How do you post pics on here...I want to make sure I'm not crazy
I am not certain when to expect AF this month. I had an early mc last cycle so I got AF about a week late. I am pretty sure I O'd Sat so I'm guessing, based on previous regular cycles, I should see AF 24th-26th. This is going to make a particularly frustrating tww, but aren't they all :)
Yah Nvm u can't see it at all in the picture..disregard..we will try tomorrow


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Frenchie- I had a few days sounding very similar to you- not quite clear & not stretchy but lots of it & very slippy- I classified it as lotiony rather than creamy. Now I'm having dry/tiny blobs of bogie like cm/shimmery on the tp but thin cm. Hard to explain! Lol

Emerald- fingers crossed it's your sticky BFP! I can't tell on my phone from that pic- hopefully it'll get darker! :)

Kwynia- this is our first month ttc after an early mc too. It's made it very difficult to work out when I'm O'ing which has stressed me out, so if you know you o'd that's good :) fingers crossed for some rainbows this month- April showers an' all :)

Incredibly nauseous this morning. I took my vitamins 2 hours ago and want to think that's why. No puking but it certainly feels like I could at any minute!

Emerald, I hope you get darker lines!
Honestly, I have never temped or used a kit for ovulation. Once per cycle I get a lot of cm, (like multiple panty liners per day amounts) for 2 days along with incredible almost insatiable hornies. Then, usually on the 2nd day, a pinching cramp on one side. It wasn't always so clear, I was in my late 20's before I noticed a regular pattern. Of course I never paid attention before we started trying for our first. However, if we don't get a BFP that sticks in the next 6 months I might have to get more technical.
So poas this morning with not first morning pee. 8dpo and got a faint but noticeable line on a frer!? I've had no symptoms that I would peg to a bfp? Excited but will wait for them to get darker. With my chemical in January I got faint positives for 5 days then got af. How do you post pics on here...I want to make sure I'm not crazy

Wow! That is awesome! I have no idea how to post pics, though. Sorry:)
Honestly, I have never temped or used a kit for ovulation. Once per cycle I get a lot of cm, (like multiple panty liners per day amounts) for 2 days along with incredible almost insatiable hornies. Then, usually on the 2nd day, a pinching cramp on one side. It wasn't always so clear, I was in my late 20's before I noticed a regular pattern. Of course I never paid attention before we started trying for our first. However, if we don't get a BFP that sticks in the next 6 months I might have to get more technical.

I'm the same, used cm & general observations to prevent preg before ttc DS for about a year so knew my body inside out, since having him it change a bit & I stopped paying attention!! Lol ttc our angel was easy too & I knew when I ovulated within a day or so but since the cm my cycle was less predictable, I thought I'd ovulated then got some more signs 3 days later, then more another 2 days later, so not sure if I o'd, when I did or maybe if some of that was implantation rather than ov.

I'm getting more regular tender boobs & pains behind the pubic bone today. I keep changing my mind if I feel pregnant or not!! Mostly not but these pains aren't made up & have been happening for a week now so fingers crossed.

Last time I got really depressed & cried about not being pregnant the day before my BFP! Lol

Loving this thread! I'm a positive thinker and believer in affirmations so why can't we believe this is our month!

Lots of good symptoms. I've done everything I could've this month and I'm staying positive. I won't be devastated by a bfn, but really want my BFP.

I had crazy real dreams last night. It all sounds so textbook but so far I've had crazy dreams, sore boobs, nausea and dizziness
That's sounding good :) I've had dreams for the last 4-5 nights too- usually I don't remember most of my dreams, but one was terrifying about the end of the world!! :/

Meg- Thanks for the info! So your cycles were normal but just a super short period? That is how mine have been since getting off birth control in December. I will spot then have a flow for a day or two then spot some more and it's done. I haven't gotten any testing done yet. Right now my hubby and I are more just waiting to see if it happens. So we haven't gotten really crazy with TTC yet. But if I don't get a BFP this month I am going to start temping. I took a random OPK this month and it was positive and I get EWCM around the same cycle days each month so I"m pretty positive that I am ovulating.
I did see my Dr. last month for some random stomach pain (i think it was unrelated to anything reproductive) but she told me to come back in six months to get testing done.

Frenchie- About CM changes- I have noticed I have had more cm- mostly creamy after O. usually i am dry. Hopefully this is a good sign!

Yeah very regular but super short.
It will all work out for you love. No worries!!
Hi to all the new members here! Haven't been on here for a couple days. How is everyone doing?

Fxed for you Emerald! Hope you get a darker soon!:thumbup: Excited for you :hugs:

As for me mild back ache, hunger and tiredness seem to be staying with me for a while now. I am 7dpo today, AF in another 9 days and I am not sure if I will be able to wait :coffee: until then to test.
Hi Ladies! My name is Rebecca and I am looking for support during my tww. I hope you don't mind if I join you in the wait. :)

Brief history, I am ttc #3. My first pregnancy was 6 months after coming off bc. I had a typical/predictable 28 day cycle afterwards We BD on CD14 and got pregnant and I had my baby girl on her due date. I was breastfeeding when I started ttc #2, when dd was 18 months and not nursing as much. I had one regular cycle that was 32 days, calculated ovulation date, BD on that day, and had my first bfp at 14 dpo. My son was born at 36 weeks and 6 days. My cycle returned while breastfeeding when my son was 18 months. I had one cycle in June. Then nothing until September. Then 3 cycles (where we were tta) that were 28 days and 2 that were 26 days. Then I started ttc (and you know how that can mess with you!!) And had a 29-30 day cycle (the first day was only spotting so I didn't know what to count it as, af or spotting)

I am now on cd18-19. I don't use opks regularly and I don't temp....yet, lol. I have been going based on previous cycles and my cm and cp. I have been having watery cm since cd13 and I had a severe temp increase Friday night (which in the past has been an indicator of ovulation along with pains. Basically feel feverish for the night and wake up normal). But when I took an opk, it was dark, but not pos. I also took a dollarstore hpt that gave the most evil evaporation line ever! (I was wondering if my last period was not really a period so I tested just in case, saw the evil line and took an frer two days later that was/is stark white, lol. So I feel more confident about ov on Friday night.

Anyways, We bd on cd 14 and 16. Cd 16, afterwards (tmi sorry) the stuff that came out of me after (obviously mixed with dhs) was like jello? White? Like snot. Both dh and I were like WTF. But that is not fertile mucous is it? Which gets my hopes down...anyone have thoughts on that? Hopefully Thursday (cd 14) has a better chance (watery cm then).

I have been feeling severely nauseated at times (more than other cycles when I thought I was pregnant and wasn't). I actually threw up after changing my son's diaper yesterday! !! !!! :/ I want to have hope it is a sign for me because I had severe ms with my previous pregnancies up until the day they were born...but I also have a history of stomach ulcers which do make me sick snd

I am a huge symptom spotter and poas addict and have a bag of ics on the way and will likely test at 10 dpo. According to FF I am due for AF April 25.

"Symptoms" I have been feeling that seem different - a lot of cramping since cd 13...more than I normally feel around this time...and as I said I am a symptom spotter!!

Also have had many bouts of bad nausea. Food Aversion...and my cm is staying wet and lotiony (although I think this usually happens to me every cycle until af, hence why I always hope I am pg!!)

I am really looking forward to having a group of women who are in a similar boat to wait it out with! !
Hi Ladies! My name is Rebecca and I am looking for support during my tww. I hope you don't mind if I join you in the wait. :)

Brief history, I am ttc #3. My first pregnancy was 6 months after coming off bc. I had a typical/predictable 28 day cycle afterwards We BD on CD14 and got pregnant and I had my baby girl on her due date. I was breastfeeding when I started ttc #2, when dd was 18 months and not nursing as much. I had one regular cycle that was 32 days, calculated ovulation date, BD on that day, and had my first bfp at 14 dpo. My son was born at 36 weeks and 6 days. My cycle returned while breastfeeding when my son was 18 months. I had one cycle in June. Then nothing until September. Then 3 cycles (where we were tta) that were 28 days and 2 that were 26 days. Then I started ttc (and you know how that can mess with you!!) And had a 29-30 day cycle (the first day was only spotting so I didn't know what to count it as, af or spotting)

I am now on cd18-19. I don't use opks regularly and I don't temp....yet, lol. I have been going based on previous cycles and my cm and cp. I have been having watery cm since cd13 and I had a severe temp increase Friday night (which in the past has been an indicator of ovulation along with pains. Basically feel feverish for the night and wake up normal). But when I took an opk, it was dark, but not pos. I also took a dollarstore hpt that gave the most evil evaporation line ever! (I was wondering if my last period was not really a period so I tested just in case, saw the evil line and took an frer two days later that was/is stark white, lol. So I feel more confident about ov on Friday night.

Anyways, We bd on cd 14 and 16. Cd 16, afterwards (tmi sorry) the stuff that came out of me after (obviously mixed with dhs) was like jello? White? Like snot. Both dh and I were like WTF. But that is not fertile mucous is it? Which gets my hopes down...anyone have thoughts on that? Hopefully Thursday (cd 14) has a better chance (watery cm then).

I have been feeling severely nauseated at times (more than other cycles when I thought I was pregnant and wasn't). I actually threw up after changing my son's diaper yesterday! !! !!! :/ I want to have hope it is a sign for me because I had severe ms with my previous pregnancies up until the day they were born...but I also have a history of stomach ulcers which do make me sick snd

I am a huge symptom spotter and poas addict and have a bag of ics on the way and will likely test at 10 dpo. According to FF I am due for AF April 25.

"Symptoms" I have been feeling that seem different - a lot of cramping since cd 13...more than I normally feel around this time...and as I said I am a symptom spotter!!

Also have had many bouts of bad nausea. Food Aversion...and my cm is staying wet and lotiony (although I think this usually happens to me every cycle until af, hence why I always hope I am pg!!)

I am really looking forward to having a group of women who are in a similar boat to wait it out with! !


ok 8dpo today but have virtually no symptoms! The only thing I have right seems to be frequent urination. Ugh. Where are sore boobs when u need them!! Haha

@cutiea your symptoms sound great! I'm jealous haha
Cutieq- your symptoms sound good! I like the positivity as well :) no AFs yet, let's keep her away!

5- I think yyou're still in :) its so easy to psych ourselves out one way or the other, preggo or not preggo, but I hope you find the strength to hang in there until your BFP!

Rainbow- I am in the same boat! Your symptom sounds good, sore boobs or not. I agree with the others who say you don't need them :)

My cramps have subsided but I'm still nauseous on and on. Yesterday felt the worst. Oh and I definitely have an increased sense of smell! I kept smelling things in the store and hubby was just saying he didn't smell anything. Weirddd!

Someone please convince me not to test tomorrow! I want to hold out, but I want to start testing soooo bad. I keep going back and forth
Thank you:) I know u don't need so boobs it would just be a more clearer sign :rofl:

don't test!! Lol IM so bad at convincing people haha but if you do test I hope you get your bfp :)

@ryoung welcome hun!! :dust:
Thank you:) I know u don't need so boobs it would just be a more clearer sign :rofl:

don't test!! Lol IM so bad at convincing people haha but if you do test I hope you get your bfp :)

@ryoung welcome hun!! :dust:

Ah gotcha. Yeah especially with your other symptoms I would think it would make it pretty clear too! Lol :)

Lol! Its OK, "don't test" is helpful too! I think the only way i keep from going out and buying a test is staying holed up at home and not giving myself a reason to go to the store! (I work from home)

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