AF Due April 25. Anyone else?

Yeah I seem to have more spots than usual this month- don't often get more than 1 or 2 but I currently have 2 on my chin, 2 on my forehead, 1 in the corner of my mouth & probably more!!

My backache is beginning to get really painful :( hope it is pg or there might be something wrong! :/ plus I'm getting pains low down at the front that feels like I just need to rub/massage to stop it- anyone else feeling like this? I coughed earlier & got a sharp pain in my uterus area- like when I was pregnant, but that would have been much later on. Does anyone else get this when they cough at any time in their cycle?

Yeah I seem to have more spots than usual this month- don't often get more than 1 or 2 but I currently have 2 on my chin, 2 on my forehead, 1 in the corner of my mouth & probably more!!

My backache is beginning to get really painful :( hope it is pg or there might be something wrong! :/ plus I'm getting pains low down at the front that feels like I just need to rub/massage to stop it- anyone else feeling like this? I coughed earlier & got a sharp pain in my uterus area- like when I was pregnant, but that would have been much later on. Does anyone else get this when they cough at any time in their cycle?


Hey, there, 5--I've been not commenting for a while b/c honestly I've felt not pg this entire time. No symptoms out of the ordinary, and feeling very low/depressed and VERY irritable. OMG I've been snapping at poor hubby nonstop. But basically you wouldn't have wanted me on here the past week!

Anyway, I have those cramps, too, and while I typically get some cramping before AF, I don't this early. I've had them since 5dpo. Sometimes they are sharp and sometimes just low, AF-like and pulling. When I woke this morning I thought AF must've come super early, but alas my cycle runs like a German train schedule. Bd'ing even hurt four days ago. I thought maybe it was a cyst, but it's not going away or getting worse, so who knows.

Here's a new/strange symptom for you, which I asked the doctor about: I have itchy hands and feet at night. The dr. wrote in an email, and I quote, "Some women develop itching in palms & soles when they are exposed to high estrogen levels as in pregnancy or while on pills. So, in that case it may be a potential sign of pregnancy." (and also may be caused by liver malfunction, and since I'm on a ton of meds that could be the case). So odd.

Anyone ever had this??
Wow everyone's symptoms sound so amazing!! And congrats emerald!! Woohoo!!

@Redbean the pulling is a sign of pregnancy :)

today I am 9dpo and my sore breasts have return on the sides a little bit yay! Felt super bloated this morning like I was holding in gas to long and it hurt hahaha. :blush:and still aching sides

good luck to those testing!! xxx :dust: to everyone:)
Red the itritablility is also a good sign....despite what the hubby thinks lol 😜
Itchy palms & soles of feet sounds promising!!

I got a funny itchy moment on my sides just now, you know when you scratch a little niggle & it just gets more & more itchy & seems to spread all over? Lol I just ha to stop & distract myself to make it go away! Lol

Fingers crossed for everyone xxx
Good hearing from you Redbean :) I was starting to get worried lol I haven't heard of itchy hands, but I believe it if your doc told you. Do you remember last month someone thought their foot cramp was an early sign of pregnancy? We're all so crazy, it's comforting being crazy together :hugs:
Good hearing from you Redbean :) I was starting to get worried lol I haven't heard of itchy hands, but I believe it if your doc told you. Do you remember last month someone thought their foot cramp was an early sign of pregnancy? We're all so crazy, it's comforting being crazy together :hugs:

Yes, it's hard to ignore things that you hear are signs of pg. My friend had foot cramps all 9 mo's of hers. The Clomid gives them to me wicked bad!

I didn't even think the itching was pg symptom--that was my dr's suggestion, actually--I was more concerned that the med's were causing odd symptoms and wondered if I should change doses for next month. When she responded that way it was the first time all month that I actually thought, hmm, I might still be in!
thanks for the welcome Rainbow! :) and sorry for my double (really long because I talk way too much) post! I had no idea it happened until I came back here to catch up....and I cannot figure out how to remove it!! :blush:

Congrats Emerald! That is a great line for 9 dpo from my experience of stalking hpt pictures. :happydance:

Red- the itchy hands and feet are something I have never heard of before, but I would definitely take it as a good sign if your doctor mentioned it!!

All the cramping seems like a good sign! I had that a lot with my second pregnancy in the first few weeks.

I have been cramping since thursday, and I had a couple of hot flashes (totally not normal for me), and I have been a little fatigued, feeling a bit sick and being averterd from smells I typically am not (like the guinea pig cage yesterday!) but I am only 4-5 dpo, LOL, and that is even *if* I O'd on thursday-friday..and these are also AF symptoms (minus hot flashes/feeling)

The way I have been feeling lately, I almost wonder if I am actually ovulating now? But I took an opk on Friday, which wasn't pos, but was dark, and took on Saturday late morning and it was lighter, and Sunday it was barely visable...which makes me think my surge might have been some time before the darkest Friday test....I had watery cm until sunday night and now it is drying up but still a bit creamy.. but I still feel crampy! Last night, I even had the infamous "thought AF was coming WAY early cramps" and ran to the washroom, expecting to possibly even have a bowel movement..(sorry tmi!) and NOTHING!....maybe O? Maybe not? I have no idea...

Don't want to get my hopes up though!! And I will BD tonight just incase, although I doubt I'd even catch an egg if I did O late...:nope:

I think the universe is also working with me to stop my obsession....not only are the hpts/opks I ordered NOT here yet (when they should be), but I also misplaced my phone (in my own house of course, on silent...), so now I cannot obsessivly google symptoms or stare at my chart or any of those fun things!!!! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who needs to be told to step away from the pee sticks! It is pretty much a hobby for me from 10 dpo onwards.

But I suppose it is for the best because for once I can actually relax (a bit) during the tww...Probably a good thing since I will probably start temping next cycle and then obesss even more!
Just checking in for the day. Congrats Emerald!

All I've hAd today are these annoyingly sore boobies. Definitely gonna wait until next week to test. Feeling very unpregnant and silly at the moment. This cycle feels like any other cycle so I'm preparing myself for a bfn next week.

I love to see ladies with faint lines. I'm just too afraid to test and not see one lol
Congrats Emerald!

I think I am out for this month. Except for some occasional heart burns and hunger, all my other symptoms have disappeared. Not sure if that is a good sign or bad :sad1:
thanks for the welcome Rainbow! :) and sorry for my double (really long because I talk way too much) post! I had no idea it happened until I came back here to catch up....and I cannot figure out how to remove it!! :blush:

I don't know how to delete either, but you can go back and edit one of the posts delete all the text and just write "duplicate" at least it will be shorter.

And welcome to the wait. March was a funny month so I know a lot of us aren't sure exactly where we are with our cd's but it will make testing time interesting :dohh:
thanks for the welcome Rainbow! :) and sorry for my double (really long because I talk way too much) post! I had no idea it happened until I came back here to catch up....and I cannot figure out how to remove it!! :blush:

Congrats Emerald! That is a great line for 9 dpo from my experience of stalking hpt pictures. :happydance:

Red- the itchy hands and feet are something I have never heard of before, but I would definitely take it as a good sign if your doctor mentioned it!!

All the cramping seems like a good sign! I had that a lot with my second pregnancy in the first few weeks.

I have been cramping since thursday, and I had a couple of hot flashes (totally not normal for me), and I have been a little fatigued, feeling a bit sick and being averterd from smells I typically am not (like the guinea pig cage yesterday!) but I am only 4-5 dpo, LOL, and that is even *if* I O'd on thursday-friday..and these are also AF symptoms (minus hot flashes/feeling)

The way I have been feeling lately, I almost wonder if I am actually ovulating now? But I took an opk on Friday, which wasn't pos, but was dark, and took on Saturday late morning and it was lighter, and Sunday it was barely visable...which makes me think my surge might have been some time before the darkest Friday test....I had watery cm until sunday night and now it is drying up but still a bit creamy.. but I still feel crampy! Last night, I even had the infamous "thought AF was coming WAY early cramps" and ran to the washroom, expecting to possibly even have a bowel movement..(sorry tmi!) and NOTHING!....maybe O? Maybe not? I have no idea...

Don't want to get my hopes up though!! And I will BD tonight just incase, although I doubt I'd even catch an egg if I did O late...:nope:

I think the universe is also working with me to stop my obsession....not only are the hpts/opks I ordered NOT here yet (when they should be), but I also misplaced my phone (in my own house of course, on silent...), so now I cannot obsessivly google symptoms or stare at my chart or any of those fun things!!!! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who needs to be told to step away from the pee sticks! It is pretty much a hobby for me from 10 dpo onwards.

But I suppose it is for the best because for once I can actually relax (a bit) during the tww...Probably a good thing since I will probably start temping next cycle and then obesss even more!

you're welcome hun :)
Isn't it funny how many of us are unsure? I don't know exactly when I o'd or if I even did. Pretty sure, but no certainty. Hubby has just been getting free bd all month long!
Joining the wait! AF due the 25th. 6 dpo and trying so hard to wait to POAS but I'm an addict haha.
Haha. Good, I thought I was the only one not knowing the exact day of my O. :)
Had sore boobs again today then it went away -___- lol. My areolas look different and then feeling in my tummy came back. So idk :shrug: today i kinda jumped and screamed because i got scared on a scary movie now as crazy as it sounds i hope that didn't cause the baby not to stick. I am so paranoid of losing a baby if i am pregnant
Had sore boobs again today then it went away -___- lol. My areolas look different and then feeling in my tummy came back. So idk :shrug: today i kinda jumped and screamed because i got scared on a scary movie now as crazy as it sounds i hope that didn't cause the baby not to stick. I am so paranoid of losing a baby if i am pregnant

We all do those crazy paranoid things. I am having bad back pain and would normally sleep on a heating pad. Last night I avoided it because I've heard that heat can be bad. :shrug:

Boobs are still sore. Sometimes they hurt when I do simple things like walk. Other times, they're just sore to touch.

Lower back pain, right where the back meets the bum. Could be anything, but I like to think it's a symptom!!

Welcome sweet bliss
Gosh I just wish we didn't have to wait 2 weeks!!! Like if we could just see what's going on or just get an early positive. 😕 I still have 10days to go.
Just had some recreational BDing, :blush: Tons of cm, almost as much as O this good? I think I am only 5 dpo...
Kywnia--thank you!!! I heart you too! :) Got my positive OPK today, so the relief is that my 30-32 day cycle is back to normal! And I'll be in May 1 or 2, but I'm sticking around. Lol <3

Red, so glad to see you! FX that your itchy hands are the sign! I'm hoping. :D

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