AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Hi Miss mitch, So sorry for your loss :hugs:We all know what you are going through and everyone is lovely here so your in the right place. I lost my baby on 24th december, but didnt have to have a D&C so dont really know how i can help on that one. Have you tried using ovulation predictor kits (opks) ??

All the best xx
Also just wondering if anybody knows, when you get AF does that mean that you have definately ovulated that month???? Im googling like mad this morning and not doing myself any favours!! My periods were always every 4 weeks before my mc, but never ttc before so now I am thinking all sorts ...
Carrie: Sending you big :hugs:! Sounds like you are having a hard time!

From what you said about the test that you left overnight and then the spotting that morning, that could well have been Ovulation spotting? :wacko: I wouldn't stress too much, you have BD'd everyday so you have got a hell of a good chance of catching that egg! That's exactly what me and OH have done so I think we are in the same boat, although I knew I ovulated as I took OPK's :shrug: I really wouldn't take anymore OPK's hun and just leave it in God's hands now. I think you do have to Ovulate to get your period but don't take my word for it :wacko: Here is a statement that I found from a website "I asked this question to my doctor as im having periods but don't think im ovulating. She said you can have a period and not ovulate. But when you ovulate you will always have a period (unless you get pregnant by it)" Sending you lot's of :dust: Chin up xxx

Miss Mitch: Really sorry for your loss :hugs: It sounds like it could possibly be Ovulation but I'm not 100% sure :hugs:
Hi Ex hun xx

Im really going through it today, so bad ive been in tears twice this morning! All this ttc is hard work!! I know me and the oh have covered our bases by bd everyday, but its the not knowing wether I actually have O'd or not!! or even still will ?? as on cd17 today, so dont know if thats too late or not.

I've also read that its quite normal to have Anovulatory cycles for 1 or 2 cycles after mc, so maybe I shouldnt be getting so worked up about it!! just means longer without my rainbow baby :nope:

Oh well time will tell :wacko:
Carrie: Sending you big virtual :hugs: I really hope you feel better soon hun xxx

There might still be time for your O to come yet, you could try to keeping doing OPK's and fingers crossed she will pop up!

Yeah I read up on Anovulatory cycles too. My body seems to be on track following our MC, if only it was the same for everyone! :wacko:

Hope your body sorts itself out soon hun, I know how stressful it is being stuck in limbo! Keep your chin up hun, I'll be thinking about you xxx
Oh Carrie, I really feel for you...hang in there girl...and vent here to your hearts content.

so took another test this morning and still think I see a the faintest of lines...I know i should have waited a couple days to test again but I think i may be becoming a poas addict. Anyway like I said I do think i see a faint line. Can you see where the line should be while the stick is still wet? Never looked at them before using so not sure if I am just seeing the test strip spot. But it does look pink anyway so would be a real line anyway...I am rambling.

Reason i am so stressed about it is that my doctor said he would see me today if I was still concerned with the yellow mucus which is gone now but am spotting almost an orange color that looks like nothing i have ever done before.

And this morning a clear stretchy thin mucus came out with it. What???? So am gonna call doctor later to see if he says to come in. May get a quant test out of it.

Really would like to know if we were successful before I go to dinner tonight...its all you can eat oysters steamed fried and raw but I would get the auce crabs instead if am pregnant as don't want to eat raw.

Listing of my symptoms to date, tender bbs, stuffy nose, headaches, twinges, pulls and tugs, hip and back pain going down into my legs, cramping but not af, constipation, gas, fatigue, restlessness......nearly all these could also be pms but usually don't get all of them in same cycle.
Thanks hun, i have to try not to think about it and just hope for the best, but limbo like u said, i hate it!!! As far as anovulatory cycles go, i'm thinking maybe this could be the case for me as I was 22 weeks losing my lil boy, so could take a bit longer to get back to normal. Grrrrrrr.

O may still come, but I think if it has already been, it was the time on the OPK, which I thought maybe a false result. I will try to upload a pic of it ...
Wow!! Lilblossom!! Its all happening!! Keep us informed how you get on today, it is all sounding so good for you, a line is a line in my book lol xx
lilblossom: Yeah I think you should still be able to see where the line should be even if the stick is still wet.

About the spotting Orange, I would definetly get your doctor to have a look at that, better to be safe than sorry. :dohh:

All the symptoms you listed are definetly signs of Pregnancy. I really hope this is your BFP! :dust:

Carrie: My pleasure hun, that's what us ladies are here for, to help each other through good and bad times :hugs: Yeah, there is nothing worse than "not knowing" :nope:

Even if O has been hun, you have all your bases covered, try not to worry about it too much, that's the worst thing you can do when TTC, I know it's easier said than done but..:hugs:! xxx
Ok dont know if Ive done this right!! And test stick is a bit battered!!

OPK from thursday night (cd13), which is closest result Ive got to positive...

What do you all think?????


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No i dont now either lol Do you think its too late to ovulate now im on cd17 already :wacko::growlmad::wacko:
I wouldn't like to take a guess for an answer hun :wacko: I really hope we get our BFP's though! :hugs:
I have read about folks having really unusual cycles after mc depending on how far along they were when they suffered their loss. I noticed that those further along seem to have a longer cycle than normal but that just may be that I read more stories of that than other and not based on any facts.

I guess what I am saying is I would keep bding but do it for fun as well and relax as much as you can... Remember, we are our most fertile for the first few months after miscarriage so I say the odds are more for you than against.:hugs:
Thanks girls for the help and advice and for being there for me in my time of panic! I am going to carry on using OPKS til friday and bd'ing, giving it a chance incase I have a longer cycle after mc, Im hoping im going to O late... I will keep you all posted, just hope I'm not out already :cry:
So here is what I think. The Thursday night line may have been your + OPK. I too have noticed that if you leave the OPK out at will look a little water-colorish, so it can look more positive than it really was. However, we'll never know. BUT... if you do assume that was your O, you did BD at all the right times so you are covered. I would test another two times today (around 2 pm and then evening), and maybe two times tomorrow just to see if you get anything. If you don't, then I would say that maybe that was your O on Thursday. Good luck, your in my thoughts
ok weird thing...checked my cp and it feels really slimy like something is covering it...hard to describe but looked at the cm and it is clear????? any of this sound familiar?
ok wait now Carrie, I just saw your test, and yeah I don't think it's + . Here is what happened to me, CD16 I got a very very near positive at 2pm. Then at 5 and 9 pm is was a light line again. The next day CD17, didn't plan on testing, but got a real + at 8 pm. That was last night that I got the +. So it for sure could happen that you will O later than usual, like I assume that I might have.

My problem is that we only BD CD 14 pm and CD16 around noon. We didn't BD on positive OPK night, CD17. But I am going to convince DH to do it an noon today, CD18. Do you think that will give me a chance?

I didn't get good sleep last night and the only time I got a good solid 3 hours was at 6:30 am, so that's when I BBT'd. It was 2.5 hours past my normal time of 4 am.

My temps were way up on CD16 and 17 (making me think I already O'd), but then today they were back to being low...? So I am a nervous wreck, not knowing much of anything even though I OPK and Temp!! agh!
My Ovulation Chart
Lil Blossom,
I'm glad you have an appt today, I'm sure the doc wil be abe to give you some advice and hopefully a TEST! : ) Those lines on your HPTs sound like you could have something. I would never get a line if it was negative. I could sometimes see the "sheen" of where the test line should be, but it would be white, would you call that an evap line? I'm not sure...

The cp and cm could just be all normal. I don't know about that either. mine was low last time I got my BFP. It would eventually raise in due time if you were indeed pregnant, so that won't give you much to go by right now either.

Let's hope for good news!
Hi Dahlia, Thanks for your reply. I think the same as you and excalibur, that the OPK from thursday night was negative. I've had quite a few evap lines also. Its CD17 for me today, so I'm still hoping that ovulation will still happen and I am going to take another test later. My periods were always every 4 weeks before mc and I have assumed they would return to that now that first AF is outta the way, but now thinking about it, nothing is definate and I am praying that O will still happen. All sorts are going through my mind today and I've been a crying mess. If AF shows, and I havent detected ovulation I will be panicing like mad, but will have to see what happens. I O'd on CD23 last month, but that was after mc, so don't know if I could still be that late this time.

Anyway, I have to try and occupy myself cos Im going mad today!!!

Dahlia, I think you have done enough by bd'ing the day before O, and if you can today just incase, but I think you'll be fine! Are you officially in your 2ww now?? xx

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