AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

I woke up with a sore throat this morning too i talk on the phone all day at work so not so much fun lol. I do however have a very important job interview today so cross your fingers and pray for me ladies i would do just about anything to get away from my current one. She gave me 2 points for the day i was in the hospital having a miscarriage because we were busy. Praying so hard for this job the benefits are amazing it would be an amazing job to expand the family : )
Tabs: fxed for you on your job interview. Hope the sore throat doesn't effect you for it.
tabs: Fingers crossed for your job interview. Good Luck :dust:
Good luck on your interview Tabs! And I hope your throat feel better! Have a cough drop to soothe it!
I had a miscarriage. This will be 2 in a row. DH and I are taking a break from trying and I am going to continue to see the energy healer. Over a decade ago I got a reflexology massage and I only felt pain in my reproductive organ spot. Around the same time my yoga teacher told me she felt some not good energy over my female parts. I was concerned, but nowhere near having or wanting kids and ignored it.

My friend's healer told me not to try again for 3 months while he works on me energetically. I just saw him today with DH. Besides this, I have had an ultrasound of my uterus to make sure nothing is wrong there that is making it so my pregnancies do not develop. Thank you for your support and care. I am going to take a break from the forums for a bit or just lurk wishing you all luck.

I'm sick to but my son was super sick the last few days though last time I was pg I had a slightly blocked nose.

Kat sounds like a good plan. I hope things sort out for you and you get some answers.

Temp went up again today! And my spotting an tinged cm has stopped! I'm feeling more positive about not seeing the witch for a while yet.
KatM: I'm really sorry hun for your loss :hugs: I really hope you get some answers as to why you can't keep a pregnancy, you deserve to know xxx
I had a miscarriage. This will be 2 in a row. DH and I are taking a break from trying and I am going to continue to see the energy healer. Over a decade ago I got a reflexology massage and I only felt pain in my reproductive organ spot. Around the same time my yoga teacher told me she felt some not good energy over my female parts. I was concerned, but nowhere near having or wanting kids and ignored it.

My friend's healer told me not to try again for 3 months while he works on me energetically. I just saw him today with DH. Besides this, I have had an ultrasound of my uterus to make sure nothing is wrong there that is making it so my pregnancies do not develop. Thank you for your support and care. I am going to take a break from the forums for a bit or just lurk wishing you all luck.


Oh Kat, I am so sorry.:cry::nope::hugs::cry:
I wish there were words that would make you feel better, but I know all too well there's nothing anyone can really do or say. I pray that you find peace during this tragic time and that you don't face any health complications during your recovery. Don't give up hope. Your miracle will happen one day. :hugs: Please don't disappear completely, as we'd like to support you & hear how you're doing. We all know what you're going through. :hugs:
Ex, this month should be fun. We're both on the same calendar day! I am CD3 now, same as you. (I saw on your sig.) Hoping we both get a better turn out this month. I'm just gonna make sure we get plenty of naughty sessions in this month.:haha: If it's meant to be, it will be. Not looking forward to another TWW, hoping I can play it cool this month and just wait it out instead of 24/7 symptom spotting. :dohh:

Carrie, YAY for you and your habit kicking! :thumbup: KUDOS!

Dahlia, sounds like you're doing well sweetie! Praying for both you & Carrie to get through the first few months hassle free. :hugs:

Mojo, Tabs, Lil, and Kelly.....Waiting anxiously to see what your outcomes are. Hoping that we get some more happy news floating around on the thread.

Tabs, hope the interview went well! Let us know how it went!

Beautiful day here in Alabama, went for a run on the farm. Gonna try to shed the few pounds I gained during the last PG since I am starting fresh this month. Spring is around the corner, and none of my capris fit very well right now! :growlmad: :haha:

Hoping everyone experiences JOYFULNESS today, no matter where you're at in your TTC journey. :hugs:
Jenny: Oh wow, cycle buddies? :D I hope we get a better outcome aswell this month, I know I won't be testing until the day AF is due or maybe even if she is late! Not torturing myself with evaps this time round.

I haven't been too good today, not sure if I have a stomach ulcer? :wacko: Had really bad pain in the middle stomach at the top, under the breast bone if that makes sense? It also goes right through to my back, very uncomfortable! :(
Hi Ex, That sounds exactly like the pain I had when I found out I had gallstones. I am 25 now, but was about 23 when I first started getting the pain, and 24 when they operated. Apparently I was way younger than the age they usually appear in people who have them. The first time I got it was unbearable, dull stabbing pain in the right hand side, under my ribs and the pain went round to my back and shoulder blade. It got so bad, everytime I had a pain 'attack' I had to go to out of hours doctors to get morphine injections, and that went on for months. I had the op in the end to have my stones and gall bladder removed and have never looked back :thumbup: Hope you havent got the same hun, but maybe its worth a read up on, as what you explained sounds so similar.

Jenny, Thank you for your well wishes hun :hugs: Good luck to you this month.

Kat, I am truly devastated for you and your husband. Your plan to have a little break sounds a good idea, hopefully in the meantime the professionals can get to the bottom of this and your next pregnancy will be the one. Third time lucky hun and I wish you all the best. Please dont be a stranger we are all here for you anytime :hugs:

Tabs, all the best for your job interview hun, eventho Im a bit late and youve probably already been lol Hope you get the job xx

Lil, I also felt a bit crappy, flu like, during my TWW. I dont remember what dpo I was, but I remember waking with a sore throat and stuffy nose a couple of days after ovulation, so you never know!! Hope you feel better soon xx

Dahlia, :hugs: I love my sig too!! I am busting to tell the world on facebook but am holding back, didnt want to tell anyone until after my 12 week scan but I dont think I can hold out until then lol However, every member of my family knows and Im not even 5 weeks yet!! Got my first midwife appointment on friday, so looking forward to getting the ball rolling. As far as symptoms are concerned, Im still feeling so differently to last pg, still no sore bb's at all :shrug: Only thing I have picked up on is feeling extra tired, so I have had quite a few afternoon snoozes during the last few days. What I have noticed, and sorry tmi, but getting kind of EWCM, everytime I go to the loo I have a wet patch in my pants! sorry! I had exactly the same last time, from beginning to end so dont think its anything to worry about but will check with midwife on friday. Are you or have you experienced this when pregnant before??? As far as MS is concerned, no nothing this time, yet, and didnt have it last time either when I pregnant with my lil boy. A lot of people I know and have spoken to seem to get MS on lil girls :shrug: I too am cautious to relax into this pregnancy and am putting it down to last time, its natural hun but Im trying to stay as positive as possible. It actually hit me last night and I thought, shit my life is gonna change forever and Im actually having a baby!! This never happened for the whole 22 weeks I was pregnant last time, it never sunk in and was as if I was waiting for something to go wrong. Im not like that this time so Im trying to take that as a good sign.

Sorry for the essay girls, I am trying so hard to keep myself busy because of the quitting smoking, which is going very well, so tend to lurk here on and off all day then catch up before bed. I always smoked more when on the laptop before so have been trying to avoid it a lil bit. Hope you are all well and good.

Kat, I can perfectly understand your feelings and know there really aren't words to ease it for you. Please stick around and keep in touch.

Tabs: how did the interview go?

Ex; hope your pains ease up for you

Jenny; good idea with the dieting...I did same thing and dropped close to 10lbs.

Kelly, glad your bleeding had stopped. Mine stops until i spend time on my feet then starts back up again but just like watery spotting and dark like older blood.

Carrie, wtg with sticking to the quitting. Its really the best thing for improving your life. And the ewcm I think is a good thing...I would imagine that is what the mucus plug is made of somehow?

Sorry if I missed anyone...not feeling great. Nose is stuffy, but can still smell...what's up with that? My sore throat is better and am using Airborne to try and nip it in the bud so I won't need to take a bunch of cold medicines. Since I quit smoking I get sick less often and get over it faster (good news for you carrie :thumbup:

I am having some twinges in the general area of my ovaries. And have gotten a few shooting pains straight down to my crotch...weird. bbs are getting tender and heavy...that could just mean I am gonna af early since my cycle has been so screwed up. We shall see. Tell me what you all think?
Ex Carrie is right that is exactly what it felt like when i would have galstones mine got so bad i started having attacks that felt like i was having a heart attack they did an ultrasound and my gallbladder was filled they had to do an emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. The doctor said it is very common after women have their first child. I was 22 when I had mine out.
The update on me is the interview went really good I won't find out for a few days yet though. I still have not seen af i will be a day late tomorrow but dont get too excited i am still getting bfn but at the same time i am only 9 dpo because i ovulated so late. I almost wish she would show her face so i could get out of limbo and start fresh it would be better if I had something to go on like a faint line or something but all i have is bfn and no af and symptoms that could go with either. Limbo is so over rated lol How is everyone doing who all is left in limbo with me : )
ex same as carrie and tabs, I had the gallbladder pain on my right and it went to my shoulder and back and across my stomach it cam win waves for 4-6 hours with the one attack I had. AT first I thought it was really bad heart burn. I didn't have my gallbladder out though, I was 16 weeks pregnant with my son so I also turned down pain killers. I think it was worse then labour!

Jenny I'd love a happy outcome from this cycle, though I don't expect it. It's nice to be able to remain somewhat stress free in the tww knowing our odds of conceiving. No signs of the witch starting for me :) Am really thinking my body is sorting out FINALLY!

My throat is sore and my nose is stuffier now plus headache, thank you Skyler for making your mama sick with 2 more work days left till the weekend! :wacko:
Morning Girls x

Kelly & Tabs, My gallbladder attacks were the same! When they started I always knew I was in for at least 4 hours of pain! And I agree worse than the labour pains I had!

Lil, I think it must be something to do with the mucus plug with me, as it only happens when pregnant, just wanted to make sure tho. The quitting smoking is going well but now I have got a cough!! The twinges your getting sounds very promising, I had similar, mine were like shooting pains from my belly button going down, I only remember it happening once during my TWW then 9dpo I had cramps like AF was due to start anytime but now I am convinced that was implantation!! Plus your bb symptoms, it all looks good in my opinion hun xx
Thanks Carrie, its hard to know whats going on with the cold I caught...hubby got me sick and am miserable. Had that shooting pain 2 times last night while sitting. only lasted a second but was enough to have me flinch and once used some creative language haha. I just want to nip this cold in the bud as fast as I can so I don't have to be on cold medicine for long.

by the by, also getting brown spotting with ewcm mixed in last night...looked it up and everything said either ovulation bleeding or implantation bleeding...well would think its late for the first and early for the latter so guess its a wait and see.
Carrie: Thank you for sharing your story with me hun. I keep getting this pain every so often, it's not really bad but I don't have a very strong pain threshold to begin with. Last night was awful! I couldn't get comfy in bed and was awake until stupid o clock this morning. The pain was the same as yours, in the middle of my stomach which affected my back and shoulder blades. It doesn't seem half as bad today though so I might just wait it out before wasting doctors time.

Lil: Thank you hun :hugs: They are not as bad today. :) Another good note is that AF is on her way out! :happydance:

tabs: I haven't got any children and I'm 22 aswell. I really hope it's not that though. :( Glad your interview went well hun. Good luck! :dust:

Kelly: Wow, seems Gallstone's are a popular thing? I'm hoping it's not that though, would much rather it be an Ulcer that just needs Antiobiotics to clear it.
Ok its 10dpo for me today and 1 day late but still bfn limbo is the no signs of af i had cramps last week like she was coming but they went away and haven't made another appearance. Sore throat is better but nose is stuffy now lol still get the uterine pressure now and then. Doc says if i havent started by mid week next week to come in for some tests. Ready to know something and my body is holding out on telling me the answer lol
tabs: I really hope AF stays away and you get some blood tests done and they show a nice BFP :dust:

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