AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

that sounds alot like me lol my symptoms are alot like AF too but could be baby too. I tested and god neg's sooo now I'm going to wait for more to come in the mail. I tested alot just wanted to see a BFP so bad I guess. I was always right on target with my period b-4 my mc too but since then I've been off a bit so I really don't know when to expect it just waiting. I have been Bd'ing alot working on getting that little egg so I hope we got it and maybe I ovulated later or something. If I don't get a BFP this cycle I think I am going to use the OPK next. With my last preg I tested on 10-31 and got a neg then waiting and tested on 11-7 and got my BFP. So I guess we both have to wait and see I too goto the dollar store here and get test normally but I buy somany I think they all look at me and prob say oh no here she is again getting test... So I order them online.
Blah lots to read up on chatty ladies.

Here is my chart for anyone brave enough to hazard a guess as to what the hell my body is doing!

I don't know if I O'd today or not due to messed up temps but my temp dipped the lowest its been in ages today (but that is still an early post ov temp for me) so I could technically have ovulated yesterday or may tonight. Will :sex: just in case. My bleeding is gone but I've got the occasional brown/pink tinged cm sometimes spotting brown. Any day I've not bled I have had this since I delivered Hannah so I am really hoping it's gone tomorrow. Otherwise I can assume my body is not regulating yet. My last couple of opks were negatives yesterday and today but the line is nearly positive so thats why I'm not sure. Was suppose to get blood results today but missed the doc. Will call again tomorrow. I am going to do an ic pg test tomorrow if my temp is back up just in case though I know I'm not pregnant I just want to be certain.

Hi to the new members and everyone else in limbo like me!

Lil, I'd say we're ov buddies this month!
Dahlia: I hope you get some PG Symptoms soon :D

KatM: I don't think it was Implantation Bleeding as the :witch: got me :cry:!! I will do a HPT when the bleeding stops just to make sure but.. *Sigh*
Good morning ladies. How are you all doing today. Waiting to hear Kelly's test results...hope your blood work tells you something.

Ex; I know you figured yesterday that you were out but want to say hang in cycle is a fresh start.

Temp still up so guess I ovulated. Was holding off on thinking that because the tww sucks so much. Last night I noticed all kinds of stuff that I know is either all in my head or just related to ovulation...however i have to find what ever is in my room that has perfume on it and get it washed because I kept getting whiffs of it and contributed to keeping me from getting good night sleep. So will be taking a nap today:)

Anyway hope our pregnant girls are having a good happy day.
Lil: Good afternoon hun. Yay for your temp staying up. Now you have the dreaded 2WW which will hopefully result in some good news at the end of it :dust:
Lil, I'm glad your temp is up too! Do you think you O'd CD 12? Well you're in the wait now, so get busy in other ways than BDing lol

I am feeling very tired lately, which is good : )
Hello all you chatty ladies :hugs:

Grrrr ... Give up smoking soon as I got my BFP on sunday so have had to keep myself busy, I gave it up last time I was pregnant but took to the ciggies again soon as everything happened, now have to start again and its not easy, but I have no choice and I am happy to do it as I still cant believe how lucky and blessed we are to have our rainbow so soon!! It does seem to be easier this time tho, and also the oh has given up too love him, where as he didnt last time.

Hope your all doing ok

Lil, Hope you caught the egg this month and your TWW goes by quickly for you, got my FX for you, when will you test this month?? :dust:

Ex, so sorry 'she' got you hun, grrrr, but like lil said, new cycle new start. Are you going to be trying anything different this month?? I really hope this will be your month hun :dust:

Kelly, Hope your doing ok as I know its a bit all over the place for you atm, good luck with your blood results tomorrow and I hope you have the shock of your life and get a positive on that pg test tomorrow, I never expected to be pregnant so soon so you never know! :dust:

Tabs and Mojo, Dont you just hate being in limbo!! I was in a similar situation, not sure if I had even ovulated or not and come time of AF I didnt have a clue what to expect! Got BFN at 8dpo then BFP at 11dpo, I wasnt going to take anymore tests after the BFN but woke up on 11dpo, no symptoms, but just knew I was pg and had to retest!! Hope you both get your bfps in the next few days :dust:

Dahlia and Kat, :hugs: How are you both?? This pregnancy already feels so different from the last one, which I am taking as a good thing I suppose. I have no sore or sensitive bbs at all, they just feel bigger, I am not tired at all infact having troubles sleeping!! Felt the teeniest bit nausious this morning but that passed within minutes and nothing since. It is very very early days yet tho so I shouldnt speak to soon. Have you got any inclin of what sex your baby might be yet ?? I knew my first was a boy from day 1 but I have no clue with this one yet ... Each day my worry seems to increase eventho I am being so lazy and doing nothing, complete opposite to last time!!

Sorry to anyone I have missed xxx
Carrie: Thank you hun :hugs: I think the only thing different this time will be taking Evening Primrose, maybe cut down on BD'ing lol as "too much" isn't good as the :spermy: weakens. Maybe every other day this time rather than near enough everyday! :doh: I also won't be testing until AF is late I don't think or maybe the day she is due unless she beats me to it! Glad your Pregnancy feels better this time hun :dust:
Hi Carrie, glad you are settling in with your bfp and taking it easy...I am hoping all of us that finally get our bfp's are able to set aside our fears and enjoy being pregnant. That is my wish for all of you who got yours.

As for me, I am really going to try to hold out as long as I can before testing. Absolutely wouldn't make sense to test until at least next Thurs or Fri but if i can hold out til the following Monday I would consider it a major accomplishment since I am such a poas addict.:blush: AF would be due on the 21st as long as this cycle is 'normal'. We all know that is questionable. Good news is that today seems to be first day that I am not spotting at all...and I think the spotting yesterday may have been from ovulating as it was different from all the other spotting. Woke up this morning to nothing and thought I just might cry i was so happy. Think the spotting was making me a little crazy.

And way to go with the quitting smoking. I know how hard that is, I quit on Easter last year so coming up on my 1 year anniversary and its the best thing I have ever done that was totally for myself. I have to admit that I am becoming one of those people I use to hate when I did smoke...the smell is just so strong. I live in a townhouse and can smell when my neighbor goes out on her deck for a smoke with all my windows and doors shut. Hubby put up weather stripping because it was so bad.

Anyway, using today's day off to get housework and laundry done then gonna get ready to wine and dine my hubby lol...gotta seduce at least one more out of him since I am still getting positive opk's. I thought once my temp went up that they would go back to negative....but then again I have been seeing alot of you guys getting weird results with yours do don't want to take a chance of missing out this cycle.

Still waiting to hear about Kelly today...where are you girl?
Hi Ladies,

I am spotting his morning. I went to the Drs and tested negative for pregnancy using their urine test. They drew my blood and I will get results tomorrow. The Dr. says it doesn't look good.

DH and I will be going to get a specialized pelvic ultrasound to see if something is wrong with my uterus or lining that is making it so that I cannot sustain a pregnancy. I haven't given up hope as the bleeding is very light, but this is how my MC started last time. Testing negative for pregnancy (9 days after testing positive) is a bad sign and very confusing. That being said, my breasts and nipples hurt and have increased in size. Last time i MC, I stopped feeling any symptoms days in advanced.

Please send light and prayers.
Hi Lil, I dont think I could possibly take it any easier than I am this time, I am just not taking any chances this time around!
Nothing wrong with POAS, Its been weirs not doing my daily OPK but wouldnt change it for the world! So your still on track for your March BFP, thats brill hun!! I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed that this cycle is good to you and 'she' dont show her ugly face on the 21st. Well done on kicking the ciggies, it really is an acomplishment isnt it, I have heard that smoking is harder to give up than some hard drugs, Im not gonna let it beat me this time. Have a lovely night tonight and all the best this month xx
Carrie, honestly although it was hard, quitting this last time wasn't nearly as hard as it had been in the past. Not sure if it helped with that but one of the things I did different was using a vapor cigarette for the first month but it ticked me off so much I just quit that out of wouldn't hold a charge haha. Just watch what you eat because even though I was diligent i still gained nearly 30 pounds. It was like it threw off my metabolism.
OMG Kat, I dont know what to say :hugs:

I am praying for you and little peanut I really am.

Sending all my love to you xxx
KatM: Omg! Really sorry to hear that you are bleeding! I really hope you and baby and are ok! :hugs: Fingers crossed that your blood results come back ok tomorrow! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and fingers crossed! :dust: xxx
Oh Kat, :hugs: lets hope the urine test was a false negative.
Kat I hope it all works out for you.

Got only some blood results. Hormones take longer I get back do wont have those for longer. Beta was neg like I though. Electrolytes are normal. Iron and hemoglobin is low likely from all the bleeding but my hemoglobin has gone up to 116 from 112 right after I delivered Hannah. So no answers yet.

I did ovulate yesterday though! Pretty sure as I had ewcm and ov cramping plus a temp rise so I'm 1dpo.
Kat i am so sorry you are having this awful time : ( praying for you hun
Kat, I am praying for you. I know it is so terrible to think the worst, but knowing your body is a benefit. And you still have your breast soreness, so that is something to hold onto..
Carrie, this preg feels different only in that I can't enjoy it : ( I only feel tired, and I'm waiting for my breasts to plump up and be sore (last time they did this at 9 DPO even before my bfp). Well, I just took a gander at my nipples and they're bigger. edit: and I'm feeling pressure now down there! yay!
Did you get MS last time? I only got nauseous last time twice during TWW and that was it.
I feel like last time I had a girl, and this time I feel like it's a boy (even though I would prefer a girl). maybe it's just the negativity flowing in from all angles with this pregnancy?

It's so good you quit smoking. Good job and keep it up. I quit smoking with my first DD 6 years ago when I found out I was pregnant, and I never looked back. I wish my DH would quit. I harp on him about it all the time. I just don't get how he can know that he's hurting his body and keep on doing it. I wish I had a picture of his lungs to show him, that might scare him!

Lil and kudos to you as well for quitting the ciggies! I can't stand the smell of it either! I'm so glad that you are so glad about the spotting being gone! : ) That makes me happy. Have a wonderful date tonight. With that +OPK don't take any chances, as we all have seen that anything can happen!

Kelly, Good to know you O'd! So are hormones the main question now? You are getting closer to knowing! You're in the TWW so time to relax a bit, but we all know how that goes! lol

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