AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Lil: Aww hun, sounds like you are going through a tough time at the moment with being ill etc. I really hope you feel better soon :hugs: Hopefully you feel ill for a good reason? ;)

I am either ill because I caught it from my husband which is quite likely since he was sick during my O time and a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do...or I am ill because I work in retail and people go shopping no matter how sick they are...we carry no medicines, no tissues, no humidifiers or any other item people would need to recover from colds yet I get customers at my register all the time who will cough or sneeze directly into their hands if they even bother to cover their mouth at all then reach into their wallet with their germ filled hand and hand me the now germ ridden money.....I use anti bacterial gel under the counter countless times through out the day but still here I sit, with a kleenex sticking out of my nose to ease the discomfort I feel, breathing out of my mouth cause it hurts otherwise and wishing for a full couple hours of uninterrupted sleep. Guess I wasn't through complaining huh?
Lil: Aww hun, sounds like you are going through a tough time at the moment with being ill etc. I really hope you feel better soon :hugs: Hopefully you feel ill for a good reason? ;)

I am either ill because I caught it from my husband which is quite likely since he was sick during my O time and a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do...or I am ill because I work in retail and people go shopping no matter how sick they are...we carry no medicines, no tissues, no humidifiers or any other item people would need to recover from colds yet I get customers at my register all the time who will cough or sneeze directly into their hands if they even bother to cover their mouth at all then reach into their wallet with their germ filled hand and hand me the now germ ridden money.....I use anti bacterial gel under the counter countless times through out the day but still here I sit, with a kleenex sticking out of my nose to ease the discomfort I feel, breathing out of my mouth cause it hurts otherwise and wishing for a full couple hours of uninterrupted sleep. Guess I wasn't through complaining huh?

I don't agree with people not covering their mouth when they sneeze/cough if they are ill..well..regardless wether they are ill or not, or they should carry a tissue around with them rather than spreading their germs onto others! Hope you manage to get the couple of hours sleep you want hun and hope you feel better soon. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Lil we really are a matching pair. I got a drink today and paid with change but I sneezed before so I told the girl taking my money to wash her hands after cause I was sick. I don't want to give this nasty bug to anyone. I didn't go to work today.

I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I know I'm not coping well or handling things well these days and I take it out on my son an husband and I hate that I'm doing this but I can't seem to stop. If just one thing will go my way I know it will do a lot for how I'm feeling these days. My body just won't cooperate. The one thing I want more then anything else in this world is to be pregnant again and I can't move on with that until I stop bleeding. I may have to go on the bcp again for a while but I really don't want to. I don't want to push off our frozen transfer. My spotting hasn't turned into bleeding yet but it's picked up some so it's only a matter of time.
I am at work getting so antsy i just want to get off already so i can go to the drug store lol is anyone else feeling like today is going super super slow : (
I saw you posted tabs and I was looking for your pic :haha: and yeah the day is just creeping by since I called out of work...glad I did too cause I just took my temp and it's over 99. and I am a low temp person...rarely every at what they call normal. Usually when I have a fever though I have chills and can't get warm but it's actually the opposite..I am resisting the urge to change into cooler clothes. Have also had cramping today...dull achy cramps going down my hips...the spotting is getting lighter again though.

I also have a question...I checked myself a bit ago and noticed my cervix had actually dropped down really low and was so surprised how low it was i didn't notice if it was firm or not so checked again few mins later and it was really high...Has that ever happened to anyone else? I will make myself nuts by the time this tww is over. I have moments where I know this is it, we did it. In fact one of the nights after dh and I bded I remember laying down to go to sleep and having this feeling of absolute certainty that we did it...I end up ovulating 2 days later according to ff so doesn't make much sense. But when I get these cramps and I wipe and see the brown/rust colored blood with cm mixed in I get so confused and discouraged. I wonder if I wouldn't be going as crazy if I hadn't gotten sick and wasn't kind of stuck just sitting around doing nothing.

And ending my rant because i am sure you are all tired of reading my rambling thoughts.:hugs::cry:
My temp was super high today to, not feverish but I've never had a temp that high even when pregnant but I know it's from being sick. My cervix when I checked it yesterday was super low like down towards my bum. My cm/spotting or whatever you call it isn't blood coloured though it's brown or tan coloured. Still hasn't turned into flow yet so keeping fingers crossed it won't for 4 or 5 more days yet. I am cramping some today though :(
lil are you going by 2dpo? I just looked at your chart and I think it's very possible and likely that you ovulated only 2 days ago and not on the 4th.
I am not certain which day it was...I just figure I will wait it out and if this isn't my af showing up way early then will test next weekend. I kept thinking that maybe my egg was having trouble getting out cause was having a lot of ovulation pains for couple days but ff said I did it on sunday. This is my first complete chart so really don't have anything to measure it against other than the fact that before my mc I was pretty regular with a 26 - 28 day cycle.
Well time will tell I guess. It'll get easier to tell whats going on once you get a few cycles to compare to. I think I have 2 years worth of cycles now.
Hope you ladies feel better soon. Sending you both big :hugs:
So i took a test earlier this evening and it was bfn : ( I don't know what is going on apparently I had a false positive. I know it wasn't an evap because it came up instantly and was pink . .. now i am all in a bad mood and still feel pregnant and no signs of af still My body has decided its going to be my own worst enemy : ( I wasn't expecting to get pregnant this cycle but I sure could have accepted the let down alot easier if I hadn't got a random positive test. Anyone have this happen before??? I am going to test fmu tomorrow but i am doubting there will be a difference.
I know someone who got a positive on two frers (in the same pack) but the line wasn't where it should have been in the window it was off to the side some. Did you use two different brands or were they the same?
darnit Tabs, I wish I knew what the deal was. I am hoping that will change to a pink line again tomorrow. All I can say is "google" for the answer for others who it's happened to.
Tabs i would retest again that test I could see two lines!!! I would get a digital pregnancy test they are the best. I wish you lots of

I so wanted a BFP for March but AF dropped by for a visit so I am going to ttc again after she packs her bags and takes a hike.
^ was get a digi that'll tell you one way or the other.

I guess I'm still not out, haven't had any spotting since the afternoon. I'm just happy I'm not full on bleeding yet. Still hoping it holds off till next week.
Feeling much better this morning and want to thank you for all the nice things you said and apologize for my whining. Hang in there Tabs, many people get negs and are still preg...depends on the sensitivity of the test.

Hope everyone is doing ok today
They were all first response that I took i had heard so many good things about them I usually use the Answers brand but I had that one that had an instant second line that was in fact pink but a bit fainter than the control line and you didn't even have to put it under light the one i took after that had a fainter line than that but you could see a line if you put it under light but the one this morning was snow white. I am going to get an answers brand today and wait a few days to know for sure but still no af or signs of her back to the limbo arena for me : (
This is probably a silly question but does anyone think i would be jinxing myself if I put in my order on my website for my next cycle opk's and hcg tests I get paid twice a month so to get them by when i will probably need them I should probably order now. It would be being safe rather than sorry. I think I will than one can only hope i wasted money : )
nah I think it could be the order them now then maybe not need em and have to try to sell em off.

Sorry this morning's test was a negative...hold on a couple days and try again.
tabs: Sorry to hear you got a BFN hun :hugs:

Lil: Glad you are feeling better today hun :D

My BBT came this afternoon!!!! :happydance: I join the Charters tomorrow :haha: :happydance:

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