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AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Well all i have right now is ic's so i dipped 2 this morning and i think i see a lightest of light lines but i dont really trust those that much and when i invert them i dont see much of anything but no af or signs of her yet either so still in limbo. If i havent started by the time i get off work and pick up my son from my mother in law i think we will make a trip to the store for frer i just dont trust the ic's the faint line i thought i saw was within the 3 minutes but you would think it would have shown inverted so fmu tomorrow ill use a frer if the witch is still away : ) oh btw im cd32 of a usual 28 day cycle and 3 days late i might pull out my hair lol
Tabs I believe your line is a line and your are just being extra cautious but can't blame you...i thought i saw a line starting on one of my ic's last night then realized the opk was touching it as I did both before bed and the dye must have ran onto it.

Both frer and ic were negative this morning but Opk is flaming positive. Gotta buy more tests and do it again tomorrow morning. I am not ready to say anything either way. So as Tabs said...Limbo
With the ic's i just dont trust them unless its flaming positive lol but also i just feel so much like im going to start i am doubting this is my month very much i think she will be here very shortly but i know it will happen in a couple months : )
So we will wait in limbo with you both. If anythin your keeping my mind off my dragging days.

Cd 2 the witch is light so it appears she's been nice to me this month. Now just have to wait to hear from the clinic.
So we will wait in limbo with you both. If anythin your keeping my mind off my dragging days.

Cd 2 the witch is light so it appears she's been nice to me this month. Now just have to wait to hear from the clinic.

Yay for light af... how soon do they implant?
Ok update for me is still no af so looks like as long as she has still not shown up by the time i get off work i will be making a trip to the store the cramping i have had today have not been anything like pms though they have been more like gas cramps lol cross your fingers i get some sort of answer one way or the other : )
Yeah having same thing...there is some cramping but not what I associate with af...occasionally I get a cramp and think ok that's af then it passes a couple seconds later which doesn't happen with my af...I will generally cramp for hours straight with out a real break unless I take some sort of pain killer. Also its been kind of localized on one side and some times feels like pressure on the very upper part of my right leg.

I did another ic opk and even stronger positive than the previous ones. I can think of no other reason why I would be getting positive opks. Just wish it would show up on hpt. Not much on patience today.:blush:
Keeping my fingers crossed for you Tabs & Lil :)
Lil - You're welcome hun, just thought it might have been of some help :D I had exactly the same, I had loads of CM, was very unusual for me, I kept saying to my OH, I have never had this before, must be a good sign, low and behold, it was :) Aww, glad to put a face to your username :hugs: If your OPK is positive then I have every faith in you getting a positive HPT in the next day or two :happydance:

Tabs - Each day AF is late, is a good sign :D A line is a line in my eyes, fingers crossed it gets darker.

Kelly - Glad to hear AF is not being nasty for you :hugs:

The cramps that I got felt like AF cramps but were not as painful, they kept coming and going and I thought AF was going to show up for sure, kept going to the bathroom but found nothing but a lot of CM. I still get those on and off cramps to this day. Keeping everything crossed :dust:
Well im going to take a test fmu in the morning and if that is negative im gonna sit back and wait for af its been a really long 2ww lol more like 3 week wait about lol
Well im going to take a test fmu in the morning and if that is negative im gonna sit back and wait for af its been a really long 2ww lol more like 3 week wait about lol

Fingers crossed and lot's of lucky :dust: for the morning :winkwink:
what do you mean how long do they implant? Transfer will be around the 1st of may but on day of transfer I'll be 3dpo since it's a 3 day old embie, implantation would occur around 5-9dpo or 2-6 days after transfer, thats all I can think of in regards to what you meant by your question. I hope I answered you.

AF has been good, maybe the pill is helping with that. I'm actually able to use tampons this cycle without soaking through, it's nice. Though I'll be happy when she's gone.
Kelly - Hope all goes well on 1st May hun. I will keep you in my prayers. Glad AF has been good and not as heavy as it used to be. Fingers crossed she doesn't over stay her welcome.
what do you mean how long do they implant? Transfer will be around the 1st of may but on day of transfer I'll be 3dpo since it's a 3 day old embie, implantation would occur around 5-9dpo or 2-6 days after transfer, thats all I can think of in regards to what you meant by your question. I hope I answered you.

AF has been good, maybe the pill is helping with that. I'm actually able to use tampons this cycle without soaking through, it's nice. Though I'll be happy when she's gone.

Yeah you answered my question...I worded it wrong meant when is your transfer. You would be getting your answer right around my daughters birthday. Fxed you get a nice sticky bean:hugs:
i hope i can sleep tonight knowing im testing in the morning lol well its night time here and still no af tomorrow will be cd 33 of a usual 28 day cycle. i am still not going to get the hopes up but i must say i really really want to see that second line lol
Tabs we will both be standing in the bathroom tilting and squinting until all we can see is lines haha...seriously, I think we are both going to get our bfp's this week. If I am not pregnant than I will be totally shocked. Today had a new symptom but keep in mind I am over 40 so could be something entirely different but I had a hot flash which I don't get usually...was at work and my boss commented that my face was red. Still having cramping but its higher up than af so thinking maybe ligaments moving? or gas? Tomorrow morning seems so far away but gonna try to go to bed earlier tonight. Have to take poodle to groomers in the morning
i just don't know either way im so anxious just to know one way or another lol i have been such a b lately today my husband was like dear stop listen to yourself your trying to argue over koolaid lmao i work with my mom and sister and i have apparently been very edgy with them as well but that could really be the witch too lol my bb's are sore but that could be her too almost everything but her not showing up could be her and its so frustrating. No af cramps just gassy cramps and that has not been fun lol i just want to know so i can either move on to next cycle or move on to 8 months of overjoyed worry : )
I am getting crazy hot flashes from my meds! Woke up last night with damp sheets and sweat all over me. Still no call from clinic so will call tomorrow afternoon if still I don't hear back. Transfer would be around the 1st of may but it could be earlier or later by a day or two I won't know for sure till my lining scan which is currently scheduled for April 30th but I am hoping it will be sooner as af came 4 days sooner. Well see.
Kelly I will be right here with you with a supporting cyber arm around you.:hugs:

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