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AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

so I had a nice jump in my bbt today but only bfp this morning was an okp....only have one ic hpt left so not testing again til Sunday. Slept for crap last night so tired and cranky but gotta work day shift today. Might take a nap after work.
Lil not sure what to think but positive OPK might be good sign. Holding out for good news! FXed!
Your poodle looks so cute. I always laugh at our porkies after haircut time. :)

Kelly congrats! And the move sounds very interesting. Sounds like a relaxing place to be pregnant.

I slept in until 11amI today. Been working so much lately, hoping some extra rest helps me feel better than I have been.

Oh yeah, Kelly, we got pregnant right away last time. No temping or anything. Just thought we would see what happens... We're doing extra BDing this month. Plus the baby aspirin. Maybe we'll get lucky again. God knows best. Would be fun to be pregnant at my brother in law's wedding in South Africa though. Can't wait to see everyone, preggo or not.
Sorry for typos above...typing on phone and word selector goes nuts. Lol
Lil - It's strange how you are getting positive OPK's and negative IC's, saying that though, I didn't get a positive IC until a few days after missed AF, maybe they are on their way? I did an IC OPK this morning, the test line was darker than the control line :D Fingers crossed for you hun :hugs::dust:
Thanks ladies...I am nearly ready to call myself pregnant minus the positive test results...just too many otherwise unexplained things going on this month...my cycle is already longer than normal as of today. I have checked my cervix and it actually may feel like its softening some? Not certain as its really high up so not sure if I am feeling it correctly. And the cm is white lotion like and in high abundance. Told my husband today I don't think af is coming this month. It would have been due today or tomorrow based on normal cycle.
so I had a nice jump in my bbt today but only bfp this morning was an okp....only have one ic hpt left so not testing again til Sunday. Slept for crap last night so tired and cranky but gotta work day shift today. Might take a nap after work.

Your chart looks fab!!! Good luck for when you test...keeping my fingers crossed. xxx
Lil - You are definetly getting some pregnancy symptoms there, as you said, minus the positive HPT's! I can't think of any other explanation as to why your OPK's are positive at this time :wacko:

I had a phonecall from the Midwife today, got my first appointment on 25th April :happydance: Soooo happy! :yipee: Just a brief appointment and then they will book me in for a longer appointment where they will sort me a scan out etc :happydance:
Here is this afternoon's opk...only held urine for about an hour and a half and was drinking fluids as i am very thirsty so not good urine but still very dark. And test line showed up almost immediately. Wish the picture showed the darkness of the test line better.


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Lil - You are definetly getting some pregnancy symptoms there, as you said, minus the positive HPT's! I can't think of any other explanation as to why your OPK's are positive at this time :wacko:

I had a phonecall from the Midwife today, got my first appointment on 25th April :happydance: Soooo happy! :yipee: Just a brief appointment and then they will book me in for a longer appointment where they will sort me a scan out etc :happydance:

Glad things are moving right along for you...if I do get my bfp in the next couple days will only be a couple weeks behind you. I would be 4 weeks on Sunday by lmp.
Lil - Your OPK is looking great and promising hun! I uploaded a pic of my OPK from this morning on my thread, not much difference between mine and yours! :thumbup:

Thank you hun, I'm really glad things are going smoothly too, I didn't expect to get a Midwife appointment so soon to be honest :D Yay! I'm keeping everything crossed for you for that BFP hun, wish it would stop playing hide and seek :winkwink:
Lil if it makes you feel better i did a couple opk's ic's before af showed up just to experiment and neither even had a hint of a second line let alone that dark : ) : )
Lil - They say you just know and I think this is it for you!
Lil if it makes you feel better i did a couple opk's ic's before af showed up just to experiment and neither even had a hint of a second line let alone that dark : ) : )

As silly as this sounds it actually does make me feel better. I have been doing the google thing and found an overwhelming amount of threads where people have posted the same exact thing as me and have gotten their bfp with in a week so fxed.

Also I looked up a hpt sensitivity chart looking for a different test to maybe try this weekend and saw that the frer i have been using are actually 25 not the 12.5. I haven't even see frer with rectangle window that they are saying are the most sensitive. thought I would share
Lil it is very odd indeed. Have you thought (especially with todays temp increase) that maybe you didn't ovulate till yesterday? You should record your opks that were positive (darker then control line) only on your FF and see what it tells you. Maybe pop in a high temp around todays range for the next two days as well to see if it will flag yesterday as possible ov? Just a suggestion. Keep having sex just in case.

Started my antibiotics and esterase today, the anti b's made me sicky though, I'll need to remember to eat when I take them tomorrow.
It is an interesting idea Kelly but don't think I would be having all these symptoms for ovulation...Had actual ms today and yesterday... had it with dd all those years ago but never got sick once with my last pregnancy which was a blighted ovum. Just gonna wait it out and see if af shows up this weekend. Picked up more frer for morning.

I did put the last 3 days of pos opk's in and no change
Interesting indeed. Well tell your body to smarten up so we can all know already! At least your mystery is keeping me occupied from my own wait :)
Lil- Hoping for your positive in the next couple of days! Living vicariously through you :)
well the witch is on her way out the first 2 days were horrible no cramps but like utueris pain now im down to just spotting and very thankful she came very heavy havent went that heavy since it was the actual miscarriage. Had a nice relaxing evening with some wine and a novel and it helped the stress a lot.

Lil try not to stress over it a lot of women dont get a bfp til late in the game you still have plenty of time this cycle for it to show up ; )

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