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AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Lil - Sorry to hear about the BFN hun, hopefully you will get an answer soon either way, hope it's the good way though :winkwink::dust:
Thanks Ex, Just feeling a bit cranky this morning I guess...was hard getting to sleep last night. Every time I lay down I go through a little nausea for about half an hour so need to be very still til it passes. Which is yet another unexplained symptom which I have never had...only got sick with my first pregnancy in evening right after dinner. This last week its been nearly every morning for a while then when I lay down. But what ever lol I am just gonna get clear blue easy or something on wednesday...frer is driving me nuts
My state insurance ended on 31st of last Month and won't be reinstated to after a confirmed pregnancy test so to get blood test I would have to pay out of pocket
Thanks Ex, Just feeling a bit cranky this morning I guess...was hard getting to sleep last night. Every time I lay down I go through a little nausea for about half an hour so need to be very still til it passes. Which is yet another unexplained symptom which I have never had...only got sick with my first pregnancy in evening right after dinner. This last week its been nearly every morning for a while then when I lay down. But what ever lol I am just gonna get clear blue easy or something on wednesday...frer is driving me nuts

You're welcome hun. I wonder if you will get your BFP once AF is late? Some people don't get them before she's due?
Ok, I just went to countdown to pregnancy to look at something and saw they have a new implantation calculator so I inputted the day I believe I o'ed (4/3) and it gives a list of possible days of implantation...the most common one matches the big temp dip I had on 4/12....that I think is also the first day I noticed positive opks. Not saying this is confirmation of anything but made my heart flutter in excitement.
Lil - Keeping everything crossed for you hun! Must be some significance as to why you had the temp tip, the CM and positive OPK's and now that matching aswell. Oooo excited! :dust:
Lol I feel like one of those cliff hangers television shows do at the end of the season...got you all sitting on the edges of your seats trying to figure out what's next hahaha
Lil - Haha, we are all waiting anxiously to see your BFP :haha::dust:

I'm off to bed now ladies, so tired! :(

Night night, sweet dreams for when you hit the pillow :) xxx
Well this evening's update is much the same as yesterday...no sign of af...not even a hint. Lots of symptoms that make me even more convinced I won't be seeing af for a long time. I pray I am right. Will use my last frer in the morning but I kind of have a good feeling about the morning. We shall see.

Good night all and hope those of you waiting for O this cycle catch your eggs.
Once again lil I will find a moment to check in on here like I've been doing the last little bit lol.

Tomorrow is a very hectic day for me, running around getting appointments and things done for our possible upcoming move. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow we'll have all but 1 thing done.
Can't wait for your morning update Lil!!!! :)
VERY hectic weekend but had to check for news! I hope to see a BFP announcement in the morning Lil!! I will be shocked if you're not pregnant! :)

:dust: :dust:

Lil, Still lurking :coolio: and keeping everything crossed that you get that BFP!

AFM, Nearly 10 weeks already!!!!!!!! :happydance: I am feeling sooo much better about this pregnancy and got my dating scan a week tomorrow, altho I've had 3 private scans already :haha: and babys doing fine :cloud9:

Love to everyone and wishing you all the best of luck :hugs:
Carrie - Wow! 10 weeks?!? Hasn't time flown? It's sure has for me, 6 weeks today! Eeek! Glad to hear baby is doing fine hun :happydance:
Carrie so glad to hear everything is going smoothly for you : )

Lil i am praying for your Bfp try not to stress but be cautiously optimistic : )

Hope everyone has a good Monday for me about to start work glad af is out of the building now but i swear the time between when you af til you start testing with opk's is so boring at least in the 2ww you are symptom spotting and you are testing lol But it is a busy week my lil man turns 2 and i have been very emotional over it : )
Carrie, so happy you popped in with an update. I know we miss hearing from you and Dahlia and Kat. Glad the baby is doing well. How is the quitting smoking? 4/29 will be one year for me.

Ok so I got up this morning at 4:30 and wanted to wait til later but had to go. Wish I would have saved the test because it was bfn....couldn't remember if I had gotten up before that or not haha. Was so tired. So that was last hpt in the house, going out to get some cheap walmart tests today and as long as af doesn't show up will get a couple cbe tests on wednesday when I get paid. This ttc is expensive when you are a poas addict. hahaha.

My opk at 8am was of course a flaming positive. No doubt there. Is it possible that the frer are all just defective? ahahah.
I was out all day yesterday so i didn't get to chekc in! Got back last evening, backed everything away and then had a baby making session...lol.

Couldn't stop thinking about you Lil! Can't wait to see that BFP....I am guessing 15 DPO and you will see it!!!

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