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AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Why has my tww turned into a 3ww? haha, still bfn but used a cheap test so not sure how confident I would have been if it had been positive...thought I saw a shadow of a line on one but other is stark white. As I have gotten use to, Opk was positive so on to tomorrow. How is everyone else today? Any Oing going on?
Jenny - Love the pic hun, it sure is nice to put faces to names. The event that is held on your farm sounds lovely, apart from people doing their business everywhere and even BD'ing :shock:

Tabs - Hope your interview went well :thumbup:

Lil - I think your BFP is too comfy in playing hide and seek? :dohh:
Tabs- how was the interview?

Lil- still keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow :)

Ex- how are you feeling? Morning sickness?
7981 - I am not too bad thank you, apart from a sore gum as I had a tooth extracted this morning. Morning sickness hasn't hit me yet, I have had an upset tummy so wether that's another form of MS, I don't know :shrug: How are you hun? x
Well, My opks arrived today - a few days too late. I guess I missed my surge again. I will do an OPK after school but I know it will be pointless.... No baby for me this cycle.
Tabs sweetie, good for you getting an interview in this economy! FXed for you that it turns out well. Some people can be so cruel...I can't imagine being like that towards our employees!!! Some people just lack social graces entirely. I'm sorry you had to go through that. :hugs:

Jess, looked at your chart & seems like you just O'd with that beautiful dip & surge. Did you and DH do the BD in the last 1-4 days?? You can get PG without POAS! Don't count yourself out just yet! :hugs:

7891 (Jen), sorry the time is going slowly for you! I have lucked out and have been really busy during the last 2 weeks, which took my mind off the wait. I am not going to say I'm not going to symptom spot this month, because I always end up symptom spotting! I will cautiously observe my symptoms, haha. :rofl: I think this month I will be looking out for the large amounts of white lotiony CM because that was the dead giveaway for me last PG. Have you tried anything new this month? I have been on the baby aspirin regimen & will start eating a bit of fresh pineapple everyday at CD16. I think I'll also up my dairy intake. It can't hurt! :) The pineapples have been so delicious lately, so I won't mind that one at all because I buy them anyway! Now it's just a matter of eating it on the right days. I think I ate it last month before O (not eating it for TTC reasons).

Ex, hope your pain subsides soon! Are you taking acetimophen for it? I bet you're getting excited for your midwife appt! What day is it again?

Lil, I bought the Wal-Mart knockoff of FRER and found that the screen had little scratches on it which made it harder to read. The Equate normal HPT didn't have that though. Obviously, the real FRER is best, but so expensive! I really hope tomorrow brings us some news!!!

Haven't heard anything from Vesper or Krippy in a while.:shrug:

Well off to the salt mines for me! Errands to run & a trip to the gym is in order before it's time to open.
Tabs sweetie, good for you getting an interview in this economy! FXed for you that it turns out well. Some people can be so cruel...I can't imagine being like that towards our employees!!! Some people just lack social graces entirely. I'm sorry you had to go through that. :hugs:

Jess, looked at your chart & seems like you just O'd with that beautiful dip & surge. Did you and DH do the BD in the last 1-4 days?? You can get PG without POAS! Don't count yourself out just yet! :hugs:

7891 (Jen), sorry the time is going slowly for you! I have lucked out and have been really busy during the last 2 weeks, which took my mind off the wait. I am not going to say I'm not going to symptom spot this month, because I always end up symptom spotting! I will cautiously observe my symptoms, haha. :rofl: I think this month I will be looking out for the large amounts of white lotiony CM because that was the dead giveaway for me last PG. Have you tried anything new this month? I have been on the baby aspirin regimen & will start eating a bit of fresh pineapple everyday at CD16. I think I'll also up my dairy intake. It can't hurt! :) The pineapples have been so delicious lately, so I won't mind that one at all because I buy them anyway! Now it's just a matter of eating it on the right days. I think I ate it last month before O (not eating it for TTC reasons).

Ex, hope your pain subsides soon! Are you taking acetimophen for it? I bet you're getting excited for your midwife appt! What day is it again?

Lil, I bought the Wal-Mart knockoff of FRER and found that the screen had little scratches on it which made it harder to read. The Equate normal HPT didn't have that though. Obviously, the real FRER is best, but so expensive! I really hope tomorrow brings us some news!!!

Haven't heard anything from Vesper or Krippy in a while.:shrug:

Well off to the salt mines for me! Errands to run & a trip to the gym is in order before it's time to open.

Thanks Jenny. OH and I dtd on Sunday night and again last night (Monday). My opks did come in the post today but I am guessing when I do one after work...it won't be dark. I really don't like the idea of having two AFs in one month which will be the case if I Oed already I think...
Jenny - Thank you hun :hugs: The only thing I can take for the pain is Paracetomol with me being Pregnant etc. Hopefully it will be a lot better tomorrow and less painful! :( I can't wait for our Midwife appointment, although our first appointment is just a brief, then she'll book me in for another appointment after that where we will sort a scan date out etc. It's on 25th April hun :happydance:
My ticker reset itself so I took it out...it was having me waiting to ovulate when I am waiting to see 2 lines on an hpt ahahahaha. I have had some light cramps but weirdly as soon as I notice them they are gone. And they are also really mild. Normal af cramps for me are constant pressure lasting for a least a few hours before letting up and I definately notice them. I am also getting some lower back pain and leg cramps. If it is af then let it just show up today and get it over with...this cycle has been crazy and I find myself wondering if the positive opks is an indication that I never really ovulated this cycle even though my temps went up so didn't get a chance at the egg this month. That doesn't explain all the other stuff though. I hate ttc hahah
I'm still around had a busy day clearing the gardens out and raking leaves and cleaning the shed but now it's done. I'm exhausted.
Well interview went amazing and they sent me for testing and that went good so I go for a second interview on Thursday. I really hope I get it there is amazing benefits and that is good when you are ttc.

Lil I am crossing everything that it is not the witch but i do hope you get some answers soon I know the limbo can be horrible.

Thanks Jenny ya my boss is pretty horrible I would have a like 0 stress level if i didn't have to deal with her. : )
This evening I have nothing new to report on the am I or aren't I front. Those cramps are almost non existent except that they still pop up for like 10 seconds and disappear leaving me to ask myself if I am imagining it. I have just been having moment of doubt and burst into tears a couple times. It was when a brand new friend on facebook announced her pregnancy. I want to be happy for her. I really truly do. I am sure I will get there soon.

Tabs great news about your good interview. Hopefully you land this job.

Kelly, you are gonna need to take a breath before you wear yourself out.

lets hope tomorrow brings a bright new day of hope... I know it brings payday so I will be out doing all my shopping and errands.
I need to get this stuff done so I won't have to do it while pregnant. We're going to hire a cleaning service to come in and do the kitchen cabinet and walls and window sills before we list the house though cause thats a job I just don't want to do. In the mean time all this clearing out is keeping me busy and hopefully passing the time faster plus getting rid of stuff we won't be taking with us when we move. I would save it for the tww after transfer but I'll need to be relaxing and not stressing my body out after transfer. I already told my husband the day of and day after transfer I won't be getting out of bed once those babies are back in me.

So I still got to putty up some holes in the wall touch up the paint then rehang the curtain rods into studs so they don't come out of the wall again. It's all about the little things when you sell your house. I also need to paint a few doors and some trim which we'll need to do soon before embryo transfer.
You are right, it gives you a definite distraction. I wish I had started a big project a couple weeks ago haha
It's not to late!

Oh and tabs thats great news! I hope you get it. I had a horrendous boss when I worked for the bank which resulted in me applying for nursing school a year sooner then I was going to (and I got accepted) and quitting my job after calling in sick and using all my sick days. I still dream sometimes that my old boss will step off a sidewalk and get hit by a bus from time to time. It wasn't just me either, we'd lost 9 staff members to either quitting or transfers in the short while she managed our branch. I'm sure there could be a hate group out there with her name on it :rofl:
Ouch, I am getting promoted to assistant manager next month and hope I don't make anyone feel that way hahah
Tabs - Glad your interview went well hun, fingers crossed you get the job :D

Lil - Still got my fingers crossed for you and Congratulations on being promoted to assistant manager :happydance:

Kelly - Nothing better than keeping yourself busy to pass the time :D
2WW for me. 3 dpo....and I am not even a little hopeful. Didn't get my opks in time for this cycle and BDed not nearly enough....5 days before O and then on O....which is not very encouraging if you ask me.
Well its the first cycle not having some sort of flu or cold giving me a fever screwing up my temps (knock on wood) and so far my temps look amazing all in the same tiny little range its going to be blazing obvious when i had ovulated if they keep up like this lol
Got up this morning and got a bf...I am not sure...stupid blue dye tests...didn't know it was blue dye til I got it home yesterday and was too late cause I had already opened one. I let the test sit like the instructions said and came back after 3 minutes and at first glance i thought it was another definite bfn but as I turned I thought I saw another faint line (this test you look for the plus sign) so I pick it up and look closer and it was like a peek a boo, first I see it then I don't. LOL took the test apart and looked at it and can definitely see where there is blue dye where the line should be but not so I can call it positive. Will get a pack of frer.

I am having doubts again but yet another positive opk. Had a slight temp drop. Also my cp was really high again this morning...it goes up and down through out the day but has been very high every morning for several days now. Cm is extremely lotiony...not sticky at all and in high abundance. I am having those faint crampy feelings. So that is my update for today.

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