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AF has finally arrived after Miscarriage ... Who's with me for a MARCH BFP ! 3 BFPs

Jessica, thanks for think of me although I hope for your dh sake it wasn't during the baby making session ahahah
HAHAHA - too funny :p

We dtd last night after a dry spell so it was hard to think of anything else! I hope there were lots and lots of swimmers released last nigth too - I usually have a lot of leakage but last night there was hardly any which I hope means that some of them made their way up and waiting for O!

6 days or less until O if FF was any indication last cycle!
It's usually a good sign if you don't have alot of leakage. fxed and :dust::dust::dust:
Lil, Quitting smoking is going good, still none but the cravings do show their ugly head now and again!! I am still using nicotine patches, they are my saviour atm lol Everytime I go for a scan it gives me more motivation so Im doing good so far. How long is your lp usually?? Does af usually show by this point?? Maybe a blood test would show your bfp sooner. Either way Im keeping my FX for you and lurking til I see that test!!

Ex, 6 weeks already!! Congratulations hun xx Half way through your first trimester, Are you getting any symptoms yet?? I think this baby is another boy as I am the same as last time, I have been a bit more nausious on this one tho but it never comes to anything, I was a bit worried at first but Im relaxing into it nicely now! 20 week scan will be the nerve wracking one for me cos of last time x

Im trying to pop by as much as I can girlies, I'm just still up on cloud 9 lol xxx
My lp is generally about 12 to 13 days so I am right there if I o ed on the 3rd. Don't feel like af is coming but prepared for it if it does. All the positive opks for last 5 days is what really is my biggest symptom although i have many.

As for the smoking, sounds like you are doing great... I did the electronic cig instead of the patch because no matter how tightly I rolled them I couldn't get them to stay lit. hahaha seriously the electronic cig did the trick for me. Glad you are sticking with it. Now that I don't smoke I realize how badly my smoking affected other people. Feel really guilty when people told me how my children always smelled like cigarettes.
lil, I know what you mean, Im getting clean clothes outta the wardrobe which I havent worn since giving up and even tho they're washed and ironed I can smell smoke on them and the thought of a cig now and then makes me feel quite sick eventho sometimes if Im honest I could quite easily enjoy one!! I have been considering the electronic ones, are they exactly like you are smoking ?? just less harmful

Also as for the positive OPK's, I took one I think it was 8dpo and got a positive!! Which never happened to me before, I wish you all the luck in the world xxx
Lil - Sorry to hear about the BFN hun, it must be making it's way slowly but surely :thumbup:

Carrie - Well done on the quitting smoking hun, it will be 12 weeks tomorrow since I quit. Thank you hun, at this point last time, I think I had already lost our baby as I was spotting but this time I have had no spotting which must be a good sign! The only symptoms I have had really is fatigue and I had a bruised like feeling on my lower abdomen but it seems to have gone today? Hope everything is ok! That's good that you are managing to relax hun. Keeping everything crossed for your 20 week scan :hugs: x
lil, I know what you mean, Im getting clean clothes outta the wardrobe which I havent worn since giving up and even tho they're washed and ironed I can smell smoke on them and the thought of a cig now and then makes me feel quite sick eventho sometimes if Im honest I could quite easily enjoy one!! I have been considering the electronic ones, are they exactly like you are smoking ?? just less harmful

Also as for the positive OPK's, I took one I think it was 8dpo and got a positive!! Which never happened to me before, I wish you all the luck in the world xxx

I said to the other ladies i had thought you got a positive opk before your hpt but couldn't locate it. Ex also said she had gotten one after her positive hpt and have seen many other posts here and there so feeling pretty good about this. thanks for the support and wishees.

And the cig helped a lot with not only the chemical urges but with the actual physical act because that was what i really enjoyed, the act of smoking. I still have days where I would love to fire one up and take a long drag but know at this point it would probably my me throw up.
Carrie wow ten weeks already! Glad you're having a good pregnancy so far.

Stubborn BFNs....Lil guess all the FRERs are defective after all! :rofl: Hope u find out soon!

It's been a good BDing month so far...we still don't do it anywhere near as much as we did when we were first married. Lol
Jenny, Yay for all the bding. Enjoy it.

Kelly, thanks, its sucks. lol

I guess it is taking a while to build up to 25 hcg because all of the tests available here are at that sensitivity. Just gotta be patient a little longer. Having a hot flash at the moment. Or its just really warm today...turning the ac on
Figured I'd join the photo bandwagon. Kind of fun to put faces to names! :) Funny enough, my photo is of the day I found I was pregnant the first time. I was SO happy that day.

For having difficulties, I sure do have some beautiful temps. I almost know what it's going to be in the morning before I even temp! 98.0...then 98.1....then 98.0....and so on! It's like clockwork. I stayed in bed today for about an hour to give the swimmers time to do their thing. I can't believe it's already almost O day. The first 2 weeks sure do fly by...curious to see if this cycle brings us a rainbow baby. Tried the baby aspirin. I drank too much caffeine over the weekend b/c I was so tired, gonna have to be very disciplined about staying away from too much caffeine during LP.

On another note, we had about 20,000 drunk kids on our property Saturday night for a huge rodeo/concert. We're on a farm, and they hold this huge event every year. The buses used our restaurant's parking lot to pickup/drop off. It was a nightmare....girls just pulling down their pants and urinating anywhere....guys lined up all peeing together on bushes along our building. DH found 2 people BDing by our chicken coup! We were defending our grounds from 7AM-2:30AM. Then had to work at 10AM-10PM on Sunday. My legs were so sore, but surprisingly better today! We're closed Mondays, so I'm just relaxing at home....would have loved to lie by a pool today but of course we had dreary weather on my one day off (after having perfect weather for ages).:growlmad: lol.

I have 5 HPTs ready for the latter part of the 2WW...got them on sale. I'm thinking about picking up some OPKs tomorrow so I know for sure when O happens. I am not sure it's necessary though because my charting usually shows a nice picture of what's happening....but it's always fun to POAS.:haha:

Are you :sleep: yet? Yet another long post, hahaha. If only you knew how much I love to talk in person! :haha:

Lil....We're all lurking....waiting for that BFP! Of all the things you described, I think the lotiony CM is a super indicator. I had quite a bit of that when I was PG last time....before I got my BFP.
my photo is of me and my lil man i cant believe he is going to be in a few days it has me getting choked up lately lol I do have good news though I have an interview tomorrow which would be very good benefits and more pay plus the true bonus doesn't have my boss. If you can't tell I hate my boss like really bad its was all fine and good until I had the miscarriage and she gave me 2 points for being in the hospital having a miscarriage and blew up my phone texting me demanding when i would be back on the phones. It was the most cold hearted thing i have ever witnessed and that is when i started putting in apps. So wish me luck it would be amazing to not have the stress of my current job I almost wonder sometimes if the stress caused the miscarriage. I know it will work out in the end though we will eventually get that BFP : ) : )
So I got so many opk's this month I decided wth and used one on my last break at work and it was only a couple shades from positive like it is the couple days before i get a positive isn't that weird? I usually dont even have a second line at all this early i have had an increase in cm but i thought that was from taking the evening primrose oil lol Surely i wouldnt ovulate super early surely lol
Jenny, I enjoy your posts, I think we would be friends in person because I like to talk too. I am feeling very positive and hope that reflects in tomorrow morning's test. Just using the cheap walmart test tomorrow unless bfp then will think about buying a better one.

Tabs, I understand wanting to leave a job where your boss is so uncompassionate. Good luck with your interview
tabs the primrose oil might affect it, I get random dark opks but not positive early in my cycle to though I don't ovulate till later. I ended up ordering a ton of opks before doing FET which are now going unused but I figured if I ordered more then I needed then maybe murphys law would show that they'll be wasted cause I get pregnant. I also have about 25 ic hpts and one frer on hand. WHen I get a bfp though I'll go buy more frers and 2 cb digis to track the lines lol.
i had a feeling it might be causing it well at least my second line is there preparing for o : )
It appears I started something. I love the pics you have added. Mine too is a prior pregnancy pic...was the night before I learned I was miscarrying so was we were both very happy and had finally started getting excited about having another child...It was New Years Eve.
Thinking of you Lil! Hoping tomorrow brings a +

Hi Jenny :) Waiting to O this month is as bad as the tww!

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