all being well due in may! bump buddie needed

yes, it annoyed me much.. i had to shut down all my work now, and sitting unemployed... and getting bored..
Ouch, sorry to hear that... Hopefully your job is something that will be easy to get back into once you're at the end of the bed rest :hugs: Honestly, such a deeply impractical requirement. J x
It's only a small scar from my appendectomy but it's from 12 months ago. I think if it were an old scar it probably wouldn't have even been mentioned.

With my lo I had hardly any morning sickness. This time round I have been sooooo bad. No being sick just icky feeling. I find eating helps but can only stomach toast or rich tea biscuits in the am. By the afternoon I am hungry for anything and everything. I look so fat already because I don't stop eating after lunch time!! I am a teacher and I am constantly snacking in class, telling the class I missed breakfast (when I eat my biscuits) or lunch!!
Better for them to be overly cautious I guess!

Yeah my normal jeans fit everywhere now except my stomach - they're completely wide open! Even my mum said "Think they'll need to go in a cupboard for a while..."! I'm only 7 weeks!!

Had a bit of a panic yesterday as started getting a lot of pink CM and strong cramping. I'm up north at the moment so managed to get a private scan done up here. All ok, cervix closed and nice surprise to see the blueberry again so soon. 8.1mm now and little heart flashing away. Consultant thinks it may be a bit more implantation bleeding as it burrows in but took a swab in case it's an infection. Lovely! So not a great day yesterday and definitely put the wind up me..

Hope you're all doing well today and welcome stevensmummy. J x
Im baaaacccccckkkk!!!

Claire: Thankyou hun! Had a lovely time thanks chick :D

So glad your appointment went well and that youre low risk! :happydance: I imagine that scar tissue is going to get rather itchy!!

Jules: Thats absolutely FANTASTIC news!! Well done chick and congrats!! How are you feeling now youve seen all is well? :D I hope you had a great time up with the family! And bless at your dad :D Mine keeps throwing it in there too whenever he gets a chance :P

Oh that must h ave been a bit of a scare! Glad that you had another chance to see baby though and that everything is fine. I guess its just one of those things that happens sometimes, doesnt help the stress levels tho! But yep sounds like baby is just burrying!

Piya: Welcome hun and grats on the pregnancy! Look forward to getting to know you :) How come you have bedrest for two months?

Stevensmummyx: hi and welcome! :D

Charmed: Hope youre having a great time!


Holiday was great :) OH had a wonderful time and have to admitt I did too :) Matt also made his first baby purchase! We were in a shop and he saw a little snowsuit that he just had to buy. Dont think hes clicked on yet that we are having a May baby rather than december kept him happy :) He was cute, he had tears in his eyes when he paid!

Had to come home slightly early though. Mid way through i started feeling nauseas and now its full on puking every time i try and eat and drink something. Its very worth it it sucks!!

Sorry to hear you had to come home early sarah! And aww thats cute, knowing the weather we are having in the UK the snow suit will probably have its use :haha: hope you feel better soon xx
Im baaaacccccckkkk!!!

Claire: Thankyou hun! Had a lovely time thanks chick :D

So glad your appointment went well and that youre low risk! :happydance: I imagine that scar tissue is going to get rather itchy!!

Jules: Thats absolutely FANTASTIC news!! Well done chick and congrats!! How are you feeling now youve seen all is well? :D I hope you had a great time up with the family! And bless at your dad :D Mine keeps throwing it in there too whenever he gets a chance :P

Oh that must h ave been a bit of a scare! Glad that you had another chance to see baby though and that everything is fine. I guess its just one of those things that happens sometimes, doesnt help the stress levels tho! But yep sounds like baby is just burrying!

Piya: Welcome hun and grats on the pregnancy! Look forward to getting to know you :) How come you have bedrest for two months?

Stevensmummyx: hi and welcome! :D

Charmed: Hope youre having a great time!


Holiday was great :) OH had a wonderful time and have to admitt I did too :) Matt also made his first baby purchase! We were in a shop and he saw a little snowsuit that he just had to buy. Dont think hes clicked on yet that we are having a May baby rather than december kept him happy :) He was cute, he had tears in his eyes when he paid!

Had to come home slightly early though. Mid way through i started feeling nauseas and now its full on puking every time i try and eat and drink something. Its very worth it it sucks!!

Hi, i am on bed rest due to my small size uterus.. and recurrent uti.. infact last 2months my culture was clear but now again it showed some bacterial infection.. on antibiotics now.. and as i am a dental surgeon I have to work standing or sitting continuously :dohh:.. so that may hamper the uterus growth.. which is being stimulated by HCG injections weekly and progesterone supplements... :thumbup:
Hi Sarah! Good to have you back. Pleased to hear you had a good time although the sickness is obviously pants. Let's hope it eases off a bit. I've been so lucky so far with that, hardly anything of note at all. Amen!

Was great to confirm the embie was in the right place. I was driving myself nuts about it being ectopic. Thanks again for your reassurances; really have to remember the stats in all of this (so easy to say) xx
Hi, i am on bed rest due to my small size uterus.. and recurrent uti.. infact last 2months my culture was clear but now again it showed some bacterial infection.. on antibiotics now.. and as i am a dental surgeon I have to work standing or sitting continuously :dohh:.. so that may hamper the uterus growth.. which is being stimulated by HCG injections weekly and progesterone supplements... :thumbup:
Totally feel for you with the uti's. I used to get cystitis ALL the time and it's the worst x
Sorry to hear you had to come home early sarah! And aww thats cute, knowing the weather we are having in the UK the snow suit will probably have its use :haha: hope you feel better soon xx

Thanks honey! :hugs:

Think it was the best thing...I would have not been a happy panda this morning trying to drive home with my head hanging out the window (im the only driver) :)

I feel a little better now! Had some scrambled egg earlier which was a bit of a disaster but had a lovely nap and now feel somewhat less sick..hope it lasts!

Im baaaacccccckkkk!!!

Claire: Thankyou hun! Had a lovely time thanks chick :D

So glad your appointment went well and that youre low risk! :happydance: I imagine that scar tissue is going to get rather itchy!!

Jules: Thats absolutely FANTASTIC news!! Well done chick and congrats!! How are you feeling now youve seen all is well? :D I hope you had a great time up with the family! And bless at your dad :D Mine keeps throwing it in there too whenever he gets a chance :P

Oh that must h ave been a bit of a scare! Glad that you had another chance to see baby though and that everything is fine. I guess its just one of those things that happens sometimes, doesnt help the stress levels tho! But yep sounds like baby is just burrying!

Piya: Welcome hun and grats on the pregnancy! Look forward to getting to know you :) How come you have bedrest for two months?

Stevensmummyx: hi and welcome! :D

Charmed: Hope youre having a great time!


Holiday was great :) OH had a wonderful time and have to admitt I did too :) Matt also made his first baby purchase! We were in a shop and he saw a little snowsuit that he just had to buy. Dont think hes clicked on yet that we are having a May baby rather than december kept him happy :) He was cute, he had tears in his eyes when he paid!

Had to come home slightly early though. Mid way through i started feeling nauseas and now its full on puking every time i try and eat and drink something. Its very worth it it sucks!!

Hi, i am on bed rest due to my small size uterus.. and recurrent uti.. infact last 2months my culture was clear but now again it showed some bacterial infection.. on antibiotics now.. and as i am a dental surgeon I have to work standing or sitting continuously :dohh:.. so that may hamper the uterus growth.. which is being stimulated by HCG injections weekly and progesterone supplements... :thumbup:

Ahhh thank you so much for explaining that to me sweetie!

Isnt that ironic that you were all clear and now you fell pregnant the uti is back? :) Mind you, they do say the immune system drops during implantation so thats probably the guilty party!

Sounds like the bedrest with your job is a very good idea then! Will they let you go back after the two months is up or is it one of those things where they will keep reviewing?

Hi Sarah! Good to have you back. Pleased to hear you had a good time although the sickness is obviously pants. Let's hope it eases off a bit. I've been so lucky so far with that, hardly anything of note at all. Amen!

Was great to confirm the embie was in the right place. I was driving myself nuts about it being ectopic. Thanks again for your reassurances; really have to remember the stats in all of this (so easy to say) xx

Haha I hear you! It doesnt matter how many time you hear them you still wonder if youre going to be in that small % that are just plain unlucky! I remember telling myself at the time that it was probably all ok and in the right place, and it wasnt. But despite that I still went through this one trying to tell myself it would all be fine because the stats are on our side :)

But now you can breath a sigh of relief and know that everything is ok!

Bless you chick. I was saying that to matt ironically just the day before I started with the sickness that I was feeling ok and that I reckon id be getting it later in the first tri than sooner. Boy was I I hope you didnt just jinx yourself there! x
Sorry to hear you had to come home early sarah! And aww thats cute, knowing the weather we are having in the UK the snow suit will probably have its use :haha: hope you feel better soon xx

Thanks honey! :hugs:

Think it was the best thing...I would have not been a happy panda this morning trying to drive home with my head hanging out the window (im the only driver) :)

I feel a little better now! Had some scrambled egg earlier which was a bit of a disaster but had a lovely nap and now feel somewhat less sick..hope it lasts!


Glad you're feeling better! Hope it lasts! Think im gonna have MS bad this time round also, what are we like :haha: x
Hi ladies
Glad your back safe and kinda well Sarah!

Have had an awful day my lo woke at 3am wouldn't sleep. Just coughing and coughing some more. He was fine the day before I don't get it!
Anyway ended up in walk in clinic then a and e most if the day. Poor baby has inflamed tonsils and slight chest infection. Breathing became fast and shallow when in walk in clinic so they got him on neribiliser (no idea how to spell)! They have suspected he has asthma for a while and always struggles with coughs and chest infections but this literally came out of no where.
I love my lo so much scared me a bit today, one of the hardest things about being a mum is seeing them poorly. Anyway we have steroids and antibiotics so here is too a more successful nights sleep and an improved lo tomorrow!
Just crawling in to bed now as me and oh are exhausted. Will read previous posts tomorrow properly.
Hope you are all well x
Sorry to hear you had to come home early sarah! And aww thats cute, knowing the weather we are having in the UK the snow suit will probably have its use :haha: hope you feel better soon xx

Thanks honey! :hugs:

Think it was the best thing...I would have not been a happy panda this morning trying to drive home with my head hanging out the window (im the only driver) :)

I feel a little better now! Had some scrambled egg earlier which was a bit of a disaster but had a lovely nap and now feel somewhat less sick..hope it lasts!


Glad you're feeling better! Hope it lasts! Think im gonna have MS bad this time round also, what are we like :haha: x

LOL we will become toilet diving superstars thats for sure! x
Hiya ladies! I've missed u! Now waiting for flight home to uk from egypt! Its been sooo hot here. Felt ok, had few cramps when sit curled up but think that is belly related and not baby I hope anyway! Been felin sick ish in morning and tad dizzy but is 40 here! So very hot. Not been ill thank god and preyed every day beeny be ok too. Seems to be ok. Itching to test when get bk and check all ok. I'm seein midwife tue!! Yay bit nervous as to what to expect! Any ideas what happens? How are u all?? Missed this so much. Xxx
Oh Claire...big hugs for your stressful day! Hope your LO feels much better today.

They seem to really mess about with diagnosis of asthma in LOs if you ask me. Sounds exactly the same as I was when I was little too. I dont think they would officially diagnose me till I was 7.

Your LO is going to be like a different kiddie today I bet! The steroids are wonderful and fast working so im sure youll see some improvement on yesterday already.

For anyone who uses FB more, i have set up a private group for the may mummies if anyone wants to join, add me, inbox to tell me you're from B&B and i will add you too the group x
hi im back!!! yay phew made it home with no babba dramas.

so an update: now 7weeks woop. done a test before left and was so dark and also could not resist today and did a opk and that went dark red before the wee had reached the control line, still no bleeding yay.
ive had a couple of days of beening ache and sore cramps but i think thats more from diff food and not pooin as much a may of here - normally have diarreha and gone to a few small dark ish stools just in morning - sorry tmi, but have these pains more when curl up in bed?? think its just wind!! or constapiated!! lol. pain worst then if pass wind tad better.
also i get a lot of uti and had a few twinges on holiday so took my anti bocs but last day or too had a slight more white ish discharge altou have had increasin discharge all week. and now its still bit sore and burning slightly. think ill ask midwife morro as maybe its bit of thursh?
boobs ok not hurting too much just nipples senstive, not been sick but few cramps and feelin sick in the morning and burping alot still. Not sure if cos not been eating to much until later in day or in head but im sure the sicky feeling has been getting worst in mornings.

guess from all my travelling and diff bed and foods and not as much water as should i guess bowels, back, shoulders and tum been through a lot and guess in a day or too should be back normal!! just had a sicky burp as we chat tmi yuck!!

glad see lines still dark today and got first midwife tomorrow at 3!!!! YAY so excited, will seem real tomorro i hope. Not sure they will test for anything or just chat but ill update u all.

Mann its chilly here feel really shivery and cold but gone from 40* to 20* :(

how are u all feeling and doing. Be exciting morro see what date midwife says as guess if go from last period maybe a few extra days ahead in there eyes but i know ov on 13th!

another thing ive noted is that gone off chocolate! and all i want is meat and cheddar cheese!!!!!

hope u all well bump buddies - talking of bumps i feel huge already, sure just my tubby belly and too high for bump yet but i read u should gain a cm a week of preg not sure if that true but if so im in there!! keep dreaming of twins! one healthy babba be amazing.

keep preyin and thankin god everyday that goes.

speak tomorrow wish me luck!!!

love all rach xxxx
Mmmmm cheese! Ive always loved cheese but i just cant seem to get enough of it! I dont feel bloated at all :(! Cant wait to start getting fat lol!

I think when you settle back at home then things will return to normal charmed :D! Xx
Welcome home Rach!! HAppy 7wks to you too...that means we are due the same day! :happydance:

I think everything sounds wonderful and right on track! I cant wait for your update tomorrow after the midwife..just make sure to wrap up warm!

Ive been getting a lot more discharge too (tmi alert!!) and its quite often thick like snot. Apparently thats really normal tho :shrug:

Off yo my docs now..time to find out about the midwife!

Catch u laters bump buddies! xx
Good luck at the docs sarah :D! Let us know how you get on :) x

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