Am I the only one...

hi girls. m back.. missed you all so much. i had a nice day. i enjoyed very much. morning i went to temple after that to big foot ancestral goa. that's a wonderful place for outing. we spent a lot of time there in old houses, spice plantations, fruit and flower gardens, bird watching, beautiful springs. after that we went on the beach. saw the sunset.i enjoyed a lot. DH got titan watch for me. i was longing for a formal wear watch and he knew it. and the best part is he brought it by saving from his per month budget and not from his bank account. that touched me. i baked a cake. and packed it and gave to my bro to take home and give to my mom and dad. and told not to tell that i have given it. my hubby loved the cake. and OMG i can't stop. m very very happy and so much tierd. planning to go for a dinner also.
anyways how is everybody?? wristwatch and nimbec hope your fever is fine now. m sorry about d bfn's but its too early to test. i don't know anything about temping so can't help in it. sorry.
brits hope you are fine too.
and best of luck to everybody for your testing on Saturday i wish i could test with you'll and get a bfn tomorrow along with yours. but i know for sure it is'nt my month. just don't feel so.
best of luck girls for you test. baby dust. baby dust. and baby dust. bring the bfp's soon as i prayed for everybody.
Shonababu i'm so happy that you had a fabulous day!! just what the doctor ordered lol. that was so kind of your hubby, it really shows he cares!

girls it is a problem i have with fertility friend for somereason it is only showing my ticker - i'll look into it later - i'd best tidy the house before oh arrives. Tesco's have just delivered along with amazon (50 cheapie tests - ooops) so it looks like we have had a burgulary!!
yes i had good day today. and hope everybody too. specially wristwatch the birthday girl. Saturday is fast approaching. good luck the bfp's.
Bec I think if in your siggy you click the picture and then paste your chart link it'll work, rather than just pasting it in there. You should see the tag IMG after a bracket :)
Glad you had a great day Shonababu! I am still showing a low grade fever...wondering if it's just because the weather is so warm lately! :) I am going out to dinner tonight at one of my favorite restaurants with my husband and lots of family and friends. Very excited!

sorry i've been absent today ladies! I had a drs appt for my physical for school and just got home not to long ago and i'm so tired i can't hold my eyes open so i may be taking a nap here soon. I know I will regret it tonight if I can't fall asleep, but my eyes are shutting on their own! :)

no fever for me today. had some mild cramps every now and then, pretty tired, increase in cm but its more clear then white, sore bbs but not so sore that i can't touch or lay on them only when i press on them... i think that may be it for now!
been watching live pregnancy test videos on youtube and wanted to share this one! They all made me cry, but this one hit home! 16 months ttc

I also went to the store and bought the at home male fertility test and will be having DH do it when he gets home! Pray it comes out positive! I know its not as good as a dr. test but at least its something!
Good morning (or afternoon?) ladies! Hope you are all doing well today!

Brit, I watched that video. It was soooo sweet. When she gasped and then started crying, it was amazing. Definitely got me all choked up!

Did you do the at-home fertility test yet with your husband?

Had a good time at dinner last night. It was nice to forget about TTC for a little bit! About 16 of my friends and family showed up. I felt so blessed. :) And they all sang happy birthday to me REALLY loudly, and it had the whole restaurant staring, lol!

My symptoms have seemed to vanish! No more twinging ovaries/uterus. Not sure what's going on. Only time will tell!

We did it came back positive!!!!!! So there's def. Enough swimmers!

Glad you have a great dinner!

AFM..... woke up this morning when I grabbed my thermometer I got nauseous for a min. I'm also very crampy and sore in my stomachs and abdomen. Nh back is also sore. My boons were sore too. My temp spiked up.
hi ladies. how's everything. wristwatch and brits i hope you got some rest as you were feeling low today.
wristwatch m so happy u enjoyed your birthday forgetting about your ttc for a while. i wish i too had a family like you to enjoy with.have ur symptoms completely vanished or temporary changes. don't think about them as they come and go most of the time.
well i was very very very tierd today since morning. couldn't even get out of bed. was feeling super sleepy the whole day. started severe headache in evening.breast hurt a lot today especial near armpit. could actually feel lumps near nipples. 2 more skin breakout in the morning, unusual for me before af as i never get skin breakouts.
every month on cd 25 i start getting leg pain as a sign that af is arriving but today i dint feel any pain. don't know what's going on when m hopeful all af signs shows. but when m not hopeful at all then everything seems opposite... Lol...
Hi everyone! sorry ive not been about today i've had a very busy day. Also stupidly i did a clear blue test (the cross one) and it has got a very very faint line on it and i'm now wondering if its a bfp or a nasty evap :(

I dipped my ic and a frer in the same urine and nothing so did another clear blue and it came up the same grrrrrrrr

my breasts are tender today they feel very full and i'm shattered.
what do you think?


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Hey girls!

First off, Bec, that does look positive. Did it develop within the time frame? If not, I would be very cautious. I had FOUR tests 2 cycles ago develop into "positives" after a couple of hours, and I turned out not to be pregnant (I got a blood test that very day). Test again tomorrow with FRER. :)

AFM, I got a call today from the doctor and my progesterone levels were 26.2! I asked what they were last cycle and she said 6.4! So a major spike! Even if I'm not pregnant, I'm still excited that the Clomid seems to be doing its job and making me ovulate earlier and "stronger."

Britt and Shona those symptoms seem promising! Bec, do you have any symptoms?

I've been out in the sun most of the day, and went to happy hour with some colleagues after, so I have a raging headache right now. The twinges in my right ovary are back. I'm still planning to test tomorrow with you ladies!
hi good morning. how's every one??? well my legs started hurting so now m sure af will come soon. my breast has become stone hard and hurting very badly.
m so very ready for clomid in July.. i hope it works for me.
Saturday is here time to test. best of luck girls. do get a bfp soon.
Hi everyone it was a nasty evap line :cry: oh well 11dpo today and def bfn

I've still got tender breasts and a bit of cramps but i think it is now prob af on her way!

Wristwatch that is FANTASTIC news yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shonababu are you starting clomid this cycle? I really hope it works for you although you are not out yet as af hasn't shown her ugly face!!!

:hugs: everyone any news?
well got my af this afternoon. well not with full force but yes i've started with it. so my June cycle starts. if i have flow today then will start clomid tomorrow... cried a bit but now m feeling good that m starting a fresh cycle with clomid. i hope clomid creates a magic for me.
wristwatch its good news... ur progesteron level has surely increased so hope its because you concieved. even the thought of it is so beautiful m so very happy for you.
nimbec sorry for that bfn. but its too early i guess try waiting for 2 more days.
Shonababu so sorry about the witch - i'm thinking of you and yes i pray clomid works for you too!!! If it helps i got a bfp on my first round of clomid unfortunately it was a chemical but it just goes to show it really works!!!!

Hoping you will stay in touch we should all be pon roughly the same cycle ....would be nice to keep each other company and see when we all O. Isn't it funny we all go from waiting for the ellusive bfp to waiting to O!! oh well i guess itsw just playing the waiting game

Hope you have a lovely day today!!

I'm cleaning the house - its gorgeous weather outside and i would love to be in the garden but a speing clean is well over due!!!

Also would you believe i'm meeting OH father for the first time tonight, they haddn't spoken for a long long time untill beginning of this year so its our first introduction - eek hope it goes well!! I've met his step father who brought him up and he is lovely. I hope i'm up to his standards, its all a little nerve racking.

Shonababu if my af startys on time i will only be 3 days behind you on the clomid!! are you taking it days 2-6? I do and it made me ov cd17 this time, although i was cd22 on first round
Hey girls

Temp went down a lot today as you can see in my chart. Also BFN. I think I'm out. :(

Sorry to hear AF came Shonababu.


Bec, let us know how it goes meeting OH's dad! That should be cool!

Praying my temp was a fluke and I'm one of those people who doesn't get a positive result until later...ugh...

Have a great day ladies.
help me girls m confused.
all my life i had fairly normal periods. my periods ranged from 27,28,29. no matter what it never came earlier than that or never delayed than that. but this cycle it was only 25 days. can't understand why???
Shonababu is it def af? Not implantation bleeding? Just a thought...otherwise sometimes stress can bring on af or maybe just gods way of letting you move on to next cycle quickly. Hugs

Thankyou wristwatch And maybe temp is just a blip is it te same degree of drop as when af normally comes? Also no flow means you still have a chance

Brittany any news?

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