Any Christian Ladies want to pray for BFP?!

Yes I've watched Fireproof and really loved the movie! I read the book first actually and then watched the movie very inspiring!

I know exactly what you mean Bball music also affects me the same way. Another 2 songs that I love to listen to is:

1)Meredith Andrews - Not for a moment
2) The Afters - Light up the sky

When you have time listen to them and I hope it uplifts you and encourages you just as as it does to me every time I listen to them.
Hey ladies!!!

Just got back from my HSG appointment. Happy to say were all CLEARED!!!

My Dr. said my tubes were super fast, super great!!!!!:happydance:

Which leaves me to wonder why I aint pregnant yet? ughhh...
Hey ladies!!!

Just got back from my HSG appointment. Happy to say were all CLEARED!!!

My Dr. said my tubes were super fast, super great!!!!!:happydance:

Which leaves me to wonder why I aint pregnant yet? ughhh...

Great news!
Hey ladies!!!

Just got back from my HSG appointment. Happy to say were all CLEARED!!!

My Dr. said my tubes were super fast, super great!!!!!:happydance:

Which leaves me to wonder why I aint pregnant yet? ughhh...

That's brilliant! I've read on other threads where some women got pregnant right after or few months after their HSG. So you never know it could happen to you too!!
Hey Ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well. Just wanted to share the below lyrics to Be Magnified so that we can remember that He is control and to always keep our eyes on Him no matter what!

I have made You too small in my eyes
O Lord, forgive me;
I have believed in a lie
That You were unable to help me.
But now, O Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show Yourself strong;
And in my eyes and with my song
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified.

Be magnified, O Lord
You are highly exalted;
And there is nothing You can't do
O Lord, my eyes are on You.
Be magnified,
O Lord, be magnified.

Be magnified, O Lord
You are highly exalted;
And there is nothing You can't do
O Lord, my eyes are on You.
Be magnified,
O Lord, be magnified.

I have leaned on the wisdom of men
O Lord, forgive me;
And I have responded to them
Instead of Your light and Your mercy.
But now, O Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show Yourself strong;
And in my eyes with my song
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified.
Hey everyone.
Thought I could join this group.
DH and I have been trying since we got married in September. Before that we were NTNP for about 8 years. HSG was all clear and all blood work came out good for both of us.
This cycle we started Femara 5mg. CD11 now and due for another ultrasound on Monday. Last one was yesterday with smaller sized follies 8-12 in size, Right side dominant with pain occurring on that side. Praying they continue to grow and we can get our BFP this cycle.

Praying that you all are finding peace in this cycle and letting God work His plan on us all.
Thanks Kokopop! I love new music...back in the day of tapes, my friends and i used to always trade mixed tapes! :) To me it was the best present especially when we used to write why we loved the song and what it meant to us! haha :) Thank you for sharing your favorite encouraging music! :hugs:

Yes I've watched Fireproof and really loved the movie! I read the book first actually and then watched the movie very inspiring!

I know exactly what you mean Bball music also affects me the same way. Another 2 songs that I love to listen to is:

1)Meredith Andrews - Not for a moment
2) The Afters - Light up the sky

When you have time listen to them and I hope it uplifts you and encourages you just as as it does to me every time I listen to them.
PrayingLady - i heard the same as kokopop....that the HSG sometimes ups your chances! Hope it does the trick for you!
Welcome babybemine!
Hey ladies! Sorry I have been a silent stalker! I've honestly been wrestling with why God might have chosen this journey for me. I'm countering that by being thankful for all the blessings that I do have. I have learned that it's very easy for the devil to creep in and tell me that it's never going to happen, but I have to tell him to go away and just keep n thinking positive.

My IUI was last Friday, but I spent most of the weekend in the FS office. I typically go back the day after the IUI to confirm that the follicles have collapsed and ovulated. Well I went back and the follies were still there. Went back the next day and they were even bigger. Ugh! They said sometimes the follicles can fill back up with fluid after ovulation. So I just have to pray that these cysts go away during my period otherwise they will become cysts and I'll have to take a break. If I get pregnant then I'll just have to live with them I guess.

Hope everyone is having a blessed tuesday!
Hi ladies - been going through my own struggles. I tested positive on 2/7 but lost it yesterday. Devestated does not even come close. I have to go in on Wednesday to talk to the doctor.

God give me the strength to accept the things I can not change.
Hi ladies - been going through my own struggles. I tested positive on 2/7 but lost it yesterday. Devestated does not even come close. I have to go in on Wednesday to talk to the doctor.

God give me the strength to accept the things I can not change.

I am so sorry for your loss wannabemomma :hugs: May The Lord carry you through this terrible pain and comfort you.

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
Hey ladies! Sorry I have been a silent stalker! I've honestly been wrestling with why God might have chosen this journey for me. I'm countering that by being thankful for all the blessings that I do have. I have learned that it's very easy for the devil to creep in and tell me that it's never going to happen, but I have to tell him to go away and just keep n thinking positive.

My IUI was last Friday, but I spent most of the weekend in the FS office. I typically go back the day after the IUI to confirm that the follicles have collapsed and ovulated. Well I went back and the follies were still there. Went back the next day and they were even bigger. Ugh! They said sometimes the follicles can fill back up with fluid after ovulation. So I just have to pray that these cysts go away during my period otherwise they will become cysts and I'll have to take a break. If I get pregnant then I'll just have to live with them I guess.

Hope everyone is having a blessed tuesday!

Hi TypeA, I am sorry to hear that you been struggling :hugs: (ive had my momemnts too) but I am glad that you rebuked those thoughts and seen them for what it is...the devil's way of distracting you towards your goal! When we pray and trust in God you can bet that the devil will not be happy and will try to plant seeds of doubts, fears in our mind. But this is when we know that we are closer to our goal and he ain't happy!

So like Gideon lets blow our trumpet and draw our swords because Jesus is on our side and will fight for us!!

"So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time".
Galatians 6:9

Faith is a fight. Keep your confidence in God's Word and "Fight the good fight of faith."
1 Timothy 6:12, 2 Timothy 4:7, 1 Timothy 1:18-19

Sorry if I am coming across too preachy :blush:
Blood test came back perfectly normal!!! I start clomid next... so excited..:happydance::happydance:
Kokopop- THANK YOU thos verses and your words made my day. I literally wrote them down and will look at it when I get down!! You truly spoke through HIM just now! Thank you thank you thank you!!

Praying lady- woohoo congrats!
wannabe - I'm so very sorry :hugs: Remember the Lord is near to the brokenhearted. That used to always give me comfort. I have been thinking about you lots over the past few days. I think the scriptures that Koko shared were able to say it best.

typea - sending many prayers your way as well. :hugs: infertility is such an emotionally draining journey. it is by his grace that we get the strength to try again and fight the good fight. i also struggle with feeling so no one understands what we are going through. i feel very blessed to have the support from all of you ladies. i don't really feel like anyone understands what we go through unless they walked in our shoes.

koko - beautiful post and scriptures. i wrote the one down as well. it is always good to have these in your mind when the devil creeps into our thoughts.

keep your head up and hope alive my friends. :hugs:
Got my prescription today for Clomid 50mg and Metformin (Glucophage 500mg).. I pray this does this trick!!! I'm soo excited... FInally I feel like were doing something. Anyone had success stories on these?:happydance:
Wannabe - How did your appointment go? For me, getting a plan in place seemed to take the pain away at least for a little bit. Please do not lose hope my friend! Frozen cycles area awesome and so much easier on your body. I didn't have any luck with my frozen cycle either.
And always remember: Deuteronomy 31:8
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
Koko - so Light up the Sky is my new favorite song! And their official video is so touching. I actually never heard of the song before so thanks for sharing with me! :)
Got my prescription today for Clomid 50mg and Metformin (Glucophage 500mg).. I pray this does this trick!!! I'm soo excited... FInally I feel like were doing something. Anyone had success stories on these?:happydance:

Yay :happydance:! I pray that you get your BFP with this combo hon. I personally don't have any success story however once again I've read ladies who've used clomid and got pregnant. I am sure if you do a search you will get plenty of success stories!

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