Any Christian Ladies want to pray for BFP?!

Koko - so Light up the Sky is my new favorite song! And their official video is so touching. I actually never heard of the song before so thanks for sharing with me! :)

Bball - I am so happy that you liked the song! And I agree the video is very touching. Have you heard the Matt Redman song called 10,000 Reasons? That's my new favorite song as well as Mark Schultz - I Am.
Koko - Yes! I LOVE Matt Redman! I just downloaded his 'greatest hits' CD the other week and I am LOVING it!! 10,000 reason is my favorite song of his along with "Never Let Go." I know and enjoy that Mark Schultz song as well! My area never really had good reception with KLOVE so I have been out of the loop with christian music until this past fall. I grew up listening to Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman :) I am going to see Chris Tomlin in a few weeks! I have never seen him live so I'm excited! :)
Koko - Yes! I LOVE Matt Redman! I just downloaded his 'greatest hits' CD the other week and I am LOVING it!! 10,000 reason is my favorite song of his along with "Never Let Go." I know and enjoy that Mark Schultz song as well! My area never really had good reception with KLOVE so I have been out of the loop with christian music until this past fall. I grew up listening to Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman :) I am going to see Chris Tomlin in a few weeks! I have never seen him live so I'm excited! :)

Oh yes I also love Matt Redman's "Never Let Go" as well as "Blessed Be Your Name". Aww man I would love to see Chris Tomlin live! I am sure you will have a great time and be uplifted.

If you have an IPhone/ipad or Android phone you can download an app called 88.3 The Wind it's a Christian Radio Station and its awesome!! It gives you a list of the songs that have been played, this way you can note the ones you like and buy them via iTunes or Amazon etc
Koko - I will have to download The Wind on my ipad - i actually just got one for Christmas! :)
koko - so are you getting excited to start this next month? what is your plan? hope you are well!
koko - so are you getting excited to start this next month? what is your plan? hope you are well!

I am great Bball! Trying really not to obsess about this and stay away from google but finding it quite difficult :dohh:, especially since we decided not to tell anyone that we are doing IVF. So having support from you ladies is awesome since you all understand what's it like going through this journey. :hugs:

I am really excited and at times I feel like time is dragging :haha:. Then I recall that I want to lose some weight and seems like there isn't enough time for that lol!

I start Stims on the 15th March and hopefully ER on the 28th and ET five days later. I was reading Habbabuk 2:2-3 last week and it says:

"write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarried, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

It got me thinking throughout the weekend and decided to do just like what it says so I downloaded a scrapbook app and "wrote" out my vision of what's going to happen I've even included pics of ultrasound, due date, pics of nursery ideas, how I will style my hair during pregnancy, products that I will use etc lol. And for the past 2 days when I pray I make sure I hold it and incl my prayer over them. All I know is that God promised that:

"my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" Isaiah 55:11.

So Lord I am standing on these 2 promises and trusting that in Jesus name it will come to pass! (Sorry long post :haha:)

So how have you been? Have you been to the Dr's? had your first ultrasound? Must be exciting :happydance:
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing fine.

Chichi- how are you? Have you started to have any cravings?

Izzie74- how are you doing?

Praying lady- have you started taking clomid? What cd do/did you take them on cd3-7??

Babybemine - how is your femara cycle going? Was it femara + iui?

TypeA- how are you doing? Have the cyst gone away?

Wannabemomma- how are you holding up? How did the appt with the Dr go?

Thinking and praying for you all!

Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing fine.

Chichi- how are you? Have you started to have any cravings?

Izzie74- how are you doing?

Praying lady- have you started taking clomid? What cd do/did you take them on cd3-7??

Babybemine - how is your femara cycle going? Was it femara + iui?

TypeA- how are you doing? Have the cyst gone away?

Wannabemomma- how are you holding up? How did the appt with the Dr go?

Thinking and praying for you all!


Hey hun.

I haven't started it at yet!!!! Still waiting on af she suppose to show her face the end of the month... ugh.
Yes I am the same way with Google. We have a love/hate relationship as well :dohh: The thing is it is so hard to compare yourself with others through this journey because everyone is in this IF boat for different reasons.

I think it is a great idea you have kept it to yourself. We shared with immediate family and siblings and I was still shocked by some comments from family members. Just total ignorance because they really have no idea what it is like to go through this.

March 15th will be here before you know it! I loved your scriptures and what a fabulous way to remember this special time! Great idea to keep a vision of your future. I pray this month is it for you!

AFM - tomorrow is my 7 week scan. Everything was right on track at my 5 week scan. The nurses seemed very optimistic on the phone after last scan. I have been in this situation before so I know we are definitely not out of the woods yet so to speak. I am praying for a nice strong heartbeat!

The Chris Tomlin concert was AMAZING!!! So inspiring. A pastor by the name of Lou Giglio spoke halfway through the concert and turned the place into a church. It was awesome to worship with so many others. He was a very animated speaker and really had a way of sharing His word.

koko - so are you getting excited to start this next month? what is your plan? hope you are well!

I am great Bball! Trying really not to obsess about this and stay away from google but finding it quite difficult :dohh:, especially since we decided not to tell anyone that we are doing IVF. So having support from you ladies is awesome since you all understand what's it like going through this journey. :hugs:

I am really excited and at times I feel like time is dragging :haha:. Then I recall that I want to lose some weight and seems like there isn't enough time for that lol!

I start Stims on the 15th March and hopefully ER on the 28th and ET five days later. I was reading Habbabuk 2:2-3 last week and it says:

"write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarried, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

It got me thinking throughout the weekend and decided to do just like what it says so I downloaded a scrapbook app and "wrote" out my vision of what's going to happen I've even included pics of ultrasound, due date, pics of nursery ideas, how I will style my hair during pregnancy, products that I will use etc lol. And for the past 2 days when I pray I make sure I hold it and incl my prayer over them. All I know is that God promised that:

"my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" Isaiah 55:11.

So Lord I am standing on these 2 promises and trusting that in Jesus name it will come to pass! (Sorry long post :haha:)

So how have you been? Have you been to the Dr's? had your first ultrasound? Must be exciting :happydance:
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing fine.

Chichi- how are you? Have you started to have any cravings?

Izzie74- how are you doing?

Praying lady- have you started taking clomid? What cd do/did you take them on cd3-7??

Babybemine - how is your femara cycle going? Was it femara + iui?

TypeA- how are you doing? Have the cyst gone away?

Wannabemomma- how are you holding up? How did the appt with the Dr go?

Thinking and praying for you all!


Hey hun.

I haven't started it at yet!!!! Still waiting on af she suppose to show her face the end of the month... ugh.

She will soon be there! I bet you've never thgt that they will come a day when you will be impatiently waiting for AF to arrive :haha:
Hey ladies- its been a crazy emotional weekend so I'll start from the beginning i got word last wednesday that my beta was negative so I stopped the progesterone. Got my period on Thursday afternoon. Called to schedule my baseline ultrasound to make sure the cyst went away and so the dr would give me the all clear for next cycle. My dr takes blood during this appt to check for things I never question. I was so pumped because the cyst had gone away and everything was fine. About 2 hours after I left the clinic my dr called twice. My beta was now positive at 24. So I was pregnant. But I was bleeding heavily. So I went back to the dr and was given the progesterone oil shot intermuscularly. I went back on Saturday and my beta was negative again. It was a chemical pregnancy at 4 weeks. So I am now on my next cycle of meds and looking forward to trying again.

I asked God for a sign that I could actually get pregnant and I received the sign. I'm sad that the chemical happened but am much more at peace knowing it can actually happen!

Praying for all of you - have a blessed Monday!
type A - i'm so sorry to hear what you have gone through this weekend. many hugs to you. i know exactly what you mean about being at peace knowing it can happen. you will get there! it does work! when it is your time it will be an awesome moment. it will be perfect in God's time. sending prayers to you and praying your next attempt is your magic moment!
I just wanted to let you know that I was released to the OB the other day. One strong heartbeat was detected! For anyone reading this...if you are doubting if a natural FET would work....I am here to tell you it most certainly can work! My situation was MF only so it worked with our situation.

Praying for you all!
Hey ladies- its been a crazy emotional weekend so I'll start from the beginning i got word last wednesday that my beta was negative so I stopped the progesterone. Got my period on Thursday afternoon. Called to schedule my baseline ultrasound to make sure the cyst went away and so the dr would give me the all clear for next cycle. My dr takes blood during this appt to check for things I never question. I was so pumped because the cyst had gone away and everything was fine. About 2 hours after I left the clinic my dr called twice. My beta was now positive at 24. So I was pregnant. But I was bleeding heavily. So I went back to the dr and was given the progesterone oil shot intermuscularly. I went back on Saturday and my beta was negative again. It was a chemical pregnancy at 4 weeks. So I am now on my next cycle of meds and looking forward to trying again.

I asked God for a sign that I could actually get pregnant and I received the sign. I'm sad that the chemical happened but am much more at peace knowing it can actually happen!

Praying for all of you - have a blessed Monday!

TypeA - I am sorry to hear about your chemical. I had a miscarriage this cycle as well. I was told my beta was 25 on 2/7 by 2/12 it was negative. I had also asked God to give me a sign. I believe everything happens for a reason. I have been doing a lot of faith and soul searching but am finally feeling better about it. God has a plan for us!
koko - so are you getting excited to start this next month? what is your plan? hope you are well!

I am great Bball! Trying really not to obsess about this and stay away from google but finding it quite difficult :dohh:, especially since we decided not to tell anyone that we are doing IVF. So having support from you ladies is awesome since you all understand what's it like going through this journey. :hugs:

I am really excited and at times I feel like time is dragging :haha:. Then I recall that I want to lose some weight and seems like there isn't enough time for that lol!

I start Stims on the 15th March and hopefully ER on the 28th and ET five days later. I was reading Habbabuk 2:2-3 last week and it says:

"write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarried, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

It got me thinking throughout the weekend and decided to do just like what it says so I downloaded a scrapbook app and "wrote" out my vision of what's going to happen I've even included pics of ultrasound, due date, pics of nursery ideas, how I will style my hair during pregnancy, products that I will use etc lol. And for the past 2 days when I pray I make sure I hold it and incl my prayer over them. All I know is that God promised that:

"my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" Isaiah 55:11.

So Lord I am standing on these 2 promises and trusting that in Jesus name it will come to pass! (Sorry long post :haha:)

So how have you been? Have you been to the Dr's? had your first ultrasound? Must be exciting :happydance:

I love the idea of the scrapbook ap. What is it called?
Hi ladies! I hope everyone is doing well! I am sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been doing quit a bit of faith and soul searching after learning of my miscarriage. I have to go in for D&C next Tuesday. Trying to be relaxed and let god lead me on the path he has planned out for us. My doctor is also doing a hystrography as well. I am sorry I am sure I butchered the spelling of that. He says he would do a FET in April if we are ready. He wants to rule everything out but says, great news we know you can get pregnant! Now let's make it stick!

You all are so wonderful. I have been reading the posts I have missed and they bring my spirits up. I am done being mad and ready to accept God knows what he is doing!

Happy Thursday!
Oh wannabe- I'm so sorry! Please let us know how your D&C goes! I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I feel like you and am at peace with my journey now. I feel like God will make it happen for us!!
Type A & Wannabe - I am really sorry to hear of what you've both gone through recently and I pray and believe that this is the cycle that you will both get your sticky bean!!

Wannabe - when I read your comment about "ready to accept God knows what his doing" ( I like that) it made me think of that song by Don Moen -

"God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for"

Sometimes we just need to remember He is busy working in the background :)
koko - so are you getting excited to start this next month? what is your plan? hope you are well!

I am great Bball! Trying really not to obsess about this and stay away from google but finding it quite difficult :dohh:, especially since we decided not to tell anyone that we are doing IVF. So having support from you ladies is awesome since you all understand what's it like going through this journey. :hugs:

I am really excited and at times I feel like time is dragging :haha:. Then I recall that I want to lose some weight and seems like there isn't enough time for that lol!

I start Stims on the 15th March and hopefully ER on the 28th and ET five days later. I was reading Habbabuk 2:2-3 last week and it says:

"write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarried, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry."

It got me thinking throughout the weekend and decided to do just like what it says so I downloaded a scrapbook app and "wrote" out my vision of what's going to happen I've even included pics of ultrasound, due date, pics of nursery ideas, how I will style my hair during pregnancy, products that I will use etc lol. And for the past 2 days when I pray I make sure I hold it and incl my prayer over them. All I know is that God promised that:

"my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" Isaiah 55:11.

So Lord I am standing on these 2 promises and trusting that in Jesus name it will come to pass! (Sorry long post :haha:)

So how have you been? Have you been to the Dr's? had your first ultrasound? Must be exciting :happydance:

I love the idea of the scrapbook ap. What is it called?

The App is called ScrapPad and its free too :winkwink:

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