Any other October mummies?

Smile so sorry you have similiar issues with your dog. It's so crazy. We did end up getting a call from the lady to pick our cat up because she was still hiding in her carrier. When I explained to her that we got her from a shelter and they had a suspicion of her being abused by her previous owner, the lady suddenly felt my cat's reaction made more sense. The only thing that turned me off a bit was when she asked me "Why did you take her when you knew she'd been abused during her 1st year in life?":growlmad: She does want to try again and says maybe we can get her used to boarding but of course not in time for DH and I leaving on Sunday. Anyway maybe you could find a kennel that'll do the same and take your dog a few hours once in a while and hope he gets used to it?

Clandestine that's true although my DH semi-stinks at taking pics and I'm not so sure about my IL's skills either:wacko: I do take a selfie every 2 weeks but they're of course not all that good as you can see:haha: I'm better at taking pics of other things and people.

Other than having to pick up my cat the day went pretty well although they all left at 9:45 PM. Our friend and his wife actually bought us a little gift of a bottle, pacifiers (although they're for 6+ months) and some diapers which was sweet of them. Didn't have the heart to tell them we're doing cloth diapers:nope: Tomorrow we're going to DH's parents for lunch and to look at the baby clothes they have so it'll be fun to see if they have anything we can potentially use.
I'm doing cloth diapers, too, but feel like it never hurts to have a stash of disposables, just in case you run behind on the wash, the both of your get a bug and don't feel well, etc.

I'm not sure my cats, who are reasonably social, would have come out for a stranger that quickly! Did she have you work on introductions with her and the cat at the same time?
I'm doing cloth diapers, too, but feel like it never hurts to have a stash of disposables, just in case you run behind on the wash, the both of your get a bug and don't feel well, etc.

I'm not sure my cats, who are reasonably social, would have come out for a stranger that quickly! Did she have you work on introductions with her and the cat at the same time?

That's probably true and the good thing about the ones they bought is that they're without perfumes and lotions:thumbup:

We delivered our cat around noon so she gave her about 8 hours and kitty never left her carrier once. I think she left her alone at first and then tried talking to her but it didn't help coax her out. She said my cat "shut down" which I fully believe as she does the same when she's at the vets. The lady doesn't allow people in the room where she keeps the cats although she made an exception for us when we went to take a look at her place the day before. Chani is just very distrustful of new people and places due to having been abused since she was very young until we got her at about age 1 year.
I'm doing cloth too!
It'll be my second time...I feel like I really learned a lot last time so I am looking forward to doing it again.
I'm going to do newborn disposables, though, until little one is about 10 pounds.
I love buying the cloth diapers lol they are so cute (and it is addictive!!!)
I flip flopped between cloth and disposables for a long time. I felt like the cloth diapers that were easily accessible to me were very bulky so I decided against them but I found another option which is compostable diapers. There is a local company in the area I live that will deliver bags of them to you at a cost of course every single Thursday and then they will come and take them away a week later and leave new ones. Of course you're paying for the diapers just like you would pay for disposable but the cost is comparable (even to cloth!) and at least this way I'm helping with the environmental aspect of disposable diapers. If anyone is interested (not in the service, although I'm sure they have other locations) but just compostable diapers the brand we're going with is called bambo. You can get them on amazon if you're interested.
@ash: I think cloth diapering your first baby and your second at the same time is a very different commitment than what some of us are contemplating! I will keep the compostable ones in my backup stash for sure! I'm going into this like - natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapers, etc. but we are going to ultimately do what works for us and I think that's a great alternative!
ash that sounds like a great option, I wonder if I can find a similiar service in Denmark though? Might be nice to have it as a 2nd option. Probably not though.

AFM DH has the whole day off today. We were watching TV and baby started moving a lot and I tried to get DH's attention but his attention was completely on some stupid show so he missed it. Tried one more time a bit later and the same thing happened so gave up. Ugh it annoys me each time and makes me feel like he's not that interested in the pregnancy or the baby:nope: We're going to the ILs a bit later today for lunch and to check out the baby clothes they have, here's hoping they have some good/cute stuff! I'll post pics, maybe even later today.
I do love the cloth nappies! They look super cute and are obviously eco friendly but I'm just not looking at doing it for my twins haha
Ash- I've never heard of that service. Makes sense though and it's good that they come and take away the dirty ones!

Kat- sorry to hear that Dh doesn't seem interested. I think some men just find it hard to bond before baby is here. Hopefully that's the case and I'm sure he'll be besotted with your lo when they're here but maybe try talking to him, just so he's aware you might need that support and excitement from him.

Afm, I've got 2 appointments today. Just had my scan and it went really well, both babies are healthy and growing perfectly. 2lb 5oz and 2lb 4oz atm which is great for twins at this gestation so I'm happy with that. They are both laying across my tummy though so I'm hoping they'll move about and get in to position or it'll have to be a c section. I'll be seeing my doctor later to discuss all of that though.
Also, hopefully we'll decide on the prams now. We're going to test all the different ones out this weekend x
Lolli: Glad your twins are doing fine! Good luck at your doctor's!

Kat: aww I'm sorry. I think it's difficult for men to relate to how awesome we think every little movement is. My SO often feels but gets a little frustrated when baby stops moving the moment he touches my belly, especially because when I touch my bump, baby goes mad! He also is like, yeah I felt it before, it's very cool, but why do I have to keep touching it?
Guess that's just men. My SO is more excited about all the tangible stuff right now, like the stroller, the crib, the dresser etc. He gets really excited about that stuff because it's really there you know? Baby is in my belly for now and he just has to be patient, which is not a trait he has :haha:
You're probably right although he doesn't even seem super excited about all the stuff we buy for baby either. I even remember at one of our 1st shopping trips we'd only just found a few clothes items before his mother suddenly called and instead of telling her he'd call her back, he kept on talking to her for like 30-40 minutes. So I ended up finding the stuff we were looking for that day all by myself:nope: Ugh, he'll also once in a while complain about the prices of certain items and it just annoys me. I'm hoping things get better once baby is here and maybe he's just one of those men that first gets really excited after baby is born.

As for clothes my IL's didn't have much really but we took most of what they had. Half of it was unmodern stuff from when DH and his brothers where born:wacko: Only took a couple of items that could still be used as most of it was clearly 70s style. I'm thinking combining it with more modern stuff might make it ok, like take one of the 70s sweaters and use modern pants and a onsie.
I bought a 70's style sleeper from the second-hand shop on purpose, LOL! I would use all the free things, but I am so very cheap. I went through everything with Hubster last night, we actually agreed we had plenty 0-3M and almost enough 3-6M sizes, from things we've picked up and the stuff a coworker gave me - so we changed our registry to get more 9 and 12 month things. Since I'm almost definitely making a big move and changing jobs before the end of the year, we are trying to stockpile things to make his growth spurts as smooth as possible.

@Kat: Hubster enjoys making the baby respond to him, maybe next time you two are relaxing ask him to talk to your stomach or just talk to you near it. It's been more exciting when he responds to the sound of Hubster's voice (versus just moving in general).

@lollli: great news about your appointments! I don't know about twins, but I know the single ones they don't stress position until 37 weeks and I feel like that's way too late for twins. Do they do spinning babies or the webster technique with twins?
I bought a 70's style sleeper from the second-hand shop on purpose, LOL! I would use all the free things, but I am so very cheap. I went through everything with Hubster last night, we actually agreed we had plenty 0-3M and almost enough 3-6M sizes, from things we've picked up and the stuff a coworker gave me - so we changed our registry to get more 9 and 12 month things. Since I'm almost definitely making a big move and changing jobs before the end of the year, we are trying to stockpile things to make his growth spurts as smooth as possible.

@Kat: Hubster enjoys making the baby respond to him, maybe next time you two are relaxing ask him to talk to your stomach or just talk to you near it. It's been more exciting when he responds to the sound of Hubster's voice (versus just moving in general).

Yeah I think DH and I just aren't into 70s stuff:blush: It's all knitted stuff as well, I may post a few pics tomorrow as it's night here. Seems as the vast majority of the stuff DH's big brother's kids used (store bought stuff) has been sold/given away to something like Goodwill stores. I though his nasty ex-wife may have given the girl stuff to her sister who had a baby a few years ago but apparently not, she apparently was dead set against giving her sister any of it and would rather give it away to other people and 2nd hand stores:wacko: We'll need to get 1-2 more pairs of pants and a few other select items I think. We're set with caps and bibs although I may still try and find 1 cap in wool. Plus 1-2 pairs of booties in velour or wool. I'm planning on otherwise wishing for more baby clothes in larger sizes for the baby for Christmas so hoping someone will buy a bit. We'll see, my ILs said that we'll probably be getting more knitted stuff from family members.

I could try although I think I did mention him trying talking to my belly but I think he feels it's a bit weird:shrug: And he doesn't like doing anything physical to my belly like giving a light poke to see if baby responds, he feels like it's a pity to do anything to annoy the baby:shrug:
Hubster just puts his head on a pillow next to me, puts a hand near the top of my uterus, and talks to me, mostly. The baby responds to him regardless of whether he's directing it at him or not and it's much less weird (even to me) to have him talk to me directly. So like when he comes home, have him tell you about his day or what the weather is like - the baby doesn't care and will learn his voice before being born.
My hubby talks, kisses, and even reads his favorite childhood book to the babies. It's a way for him to bond with them and they'll recognize his voice when they're born. They're going to anyway just from when we talk but ... Yeah. I love it.
my DH also talks to my stomach although this time around he hasn't been that excited as he was with Scotlynn ... baby also responds when he is near or when my DD is near my tummy ... my son isn't that interested in my tummy though ...
My OH talks to the babies, rubs and pokes my belly. We tried the light thing too. He says his favourite thing is putting his hand on my belly and feeling them kick when I'm asleep which was cute.
My son is 4 so he's very interested in the babies but not really feeling my belly or anything like that. We've set up the crib now so when he comes in to our room in the morning he looks in there to check if the babies are there yet!
My biggest concern about having another baby/babies in my case is my DS. I really hope he doesn't feel left out or replaced. I'm trying my best to keep him involved and get him excited. I got a card saying "you're a big brother now" which I've packed in my hospital bag and will give to him from the babies when they come. Im going to buy a little gift for him from them too but not sure what it should be? Any ideas?

Kat - I do love the look of older stuff. I bought some very 70s looking sleepsuits the other day. I really love knitted stuff too. Just think it looks adorable!

Also my consultant appointment went well, my gtt results were fine so no GD. We discussed a c section which we will book after my next scan (32 weeks) if babies are still transverse but she said she's more than happy for me to go natural as long as baby a is head down x
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll try some of these on him and see if I can get him more into things.

Lolipopbop glad you don't have GD:thumbup: As for a gift for your DS, I found these suggestions on another website although they might be more gifts from you:

Having a new baby around can be tough on older siblings, especially kids under 5 who are used to having lots of attention from Mom and Dad. You can help make a new big brother or sister feel important, too, with a special sibling gift. Mom and Dad, give one of these gifts to your older child with a little note saying it's from the baby and you'll help set the stage for future acts of brotherly and sisterly love.

Special day with mom or dad

Sure, building blocks and stuffed animals are great, but what older siblings really crave is Mom and Dad's attention. You can make sure they get it with the promise of a special day just for them. Take a piece of construction paper and some crayons and create a gift certificate (or better yet several) good for a "Special day with Mom or Dad." Explain to your child that the baby will stay home, and the two of you will go out to do anything she wants, whether it's a trip to the zoo or an afternoon at the movies. It's important to follow through on this one as soon as possible, as the first few weeks after the baby comes home can be the hardest on older siblings.

A doll

You can involve an older child in the world of babies by giving him a doll of his own to love and care for. Let your older child name the toy baby and choose a birth date for the doll. He can pretend to feed, diaper, clothe, and cuddle the doll while you do the same with your real baby.

"I'm a big sister or brother" t-shirt

Help your older child see how important and unique the "big" sibling role is with a special T-shirt that announces it to everyone she meets. Let your child pick a plain T-shirt and personalize it yourself with fabric paint or iron-on letters. Be sure to let your child help. If you're a big sibling too, make craft time an opportunity to share your stories about what older kids can do that babies can't (walk, talk, feed themselves, go to preschool) or ways that the older sibling can help take care of the baby. All of these things help big kids feel just as special as the new baby.

Special big brother or sister party

If lots of people are coming over to see the new baby, it's easy for an older child to get lost in the shuffle. Change that by hosting a big brother or big sister party. You don't need much — just a cake that says something like "Congratulations to the New Big Brother," a few small gifts (books or toys are great), and the whole family making a fuss over the "big" kid.

Books and music

These are the perfect little gifts if you want to say "I still love you, too" without breaking your budget. Look for big brother/big sister stories in the library or bookstore, or consider a keepsake book to let your older child keep track of the new baby's growth. If you'd like to give the gift of music, consider one of Dan Zanes' or the Wiggles' CDs or MP3s. To make these treats even more special, offer to read the story to the child, or dance with him while the music plays.

Handprint art

This is a gift you can make together as a family. All you need is some fingerpaints and paper or, if you'd like to make wearable art, fabric paints and solid-colored T-shirts. Put the paint in shallow plates, dip your baby's hands or feet in it, and press them onto the paper or fabric. Let your older child make her own prints. This gift is so much fun to make that she'll forget all about losing her status as the family baby. For something a little more permanent, mix up some plaster of paris in a pie tin. Make the prints the same way, let them dry, and you have a bona fide work of art!

Framed "big brother or sister" certificate

Here's another great (and cheap) way to show an older sibling how cool it is to be the "bigger" kid. Just sketch out an official-looking certificate on a piece of paper (or do it on the computer for a truly professional look), put it in a frame, and present it to your child with a ceremony. You can pretend you're knights and dub him the royal "Big Brother" by tapping him on each shoulder with a baby bottle, salute him like an army general, or have him raise his right hand and solemnly swear to uphold the laws of big brotherhood.

Art and other craft projects

Anything that requires time and creativity is a great gift for older siblings. A coloring book and crayons are simple, easy, and always a hit. For kids over 3, consider a collection of stickers and a book to hold them. Stamps and ink pads can be lots of fun too. For maximum impact, explain that this gift is just for a big brother or sister because the baby is too small to play with it.

Personalized step stool

A guaranteed hit on two fronts — it will make big boys and girls even taller, and it has their name on it so everyone will know who it belongs to. Choose a color you know your child will love, and when you give her the gift, tell her all the neat things she can do with it: Stand on it to brush her teeth, hop into bed, or help Mommy prepare dinner in the kitchen. She can even stand on her stool near the baby's crib and look in on him.

Picture of siblings together

You can take sibling portraits yourself or take the kids to a portrait studio for the professional touch. Whichever you choose, have the photos printed in both 5x7 and wallet sizes if you can. Put the 5x7 picture in an unbreakable frame and give it to the older child. Tell him he can put the picture in his room or anywhere else he wants to. (If he chooses the closet or the toy box because he's still feeling resentful, that's okay. Take it out in a few days, put it out in his room, and see if he objects.). The wallet-size version is for carrying around in his pocket or backpack (it'll last longer if you laminate it). He may enjoy showing it to other kids and bragging about how much bigger he is than the baby. While you're taking pictures, snap a few of your older child by himself. This'll remind him that it's not all about the baby — he still gets to be the star once in a while.

There's also a bunch of great suggestions on this site:

AFM here are pics of the stuff we got. There was also a more modern looking yellow sweater and pink one but must still be in the car so will have to post pics of them at another date:





Here's also a lamp we got for baby's room, it was the only unisex one we could find:

Lolli glad you got your results back and there are no concerns

Im also thinking of getting my DD something from the baby as I too have some concerns that she will feel left out ...

Kat the clothes look lovely and are still in a great condition
Blessed yep although that yellow set towards the bottom there is a small stain on the sweater.

I forgot to mention that the orange/yellow/red set towards the top is the set DH was taken home in when he was a baby:winkwink:
I also worry about my dd bc she is 7 and this is a huge change. She's very in-tune with her emotions and says whatever is on her mind. She's excited, but scared. She at one point said once baby comes we won't want her anymore. I explained that it isn't how it works and our love won't change. She has already said no family members can hold her sister until she gets there and has her turn, which I think is an acceptable request to fulfill. It's going to be an adjustment on everyone in the household, but I am also afraid of my dd feeling left out. We have tried to include her in as much as we could, so we shall see.

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