Any other October mummies?

I drink 1-2 cups of coffee per day and otherwise, just room temperature filtered water. We have very hard water here, so I run the tap water through a filtered pitcher and it's great!

I eat all the food groups, only limit cheap (highly reactive/ available carbs).

Just heard back from the specialist's nurse... they want me to do a second two week's worth of four times a day glucose testing (fasting and 2-hours post breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and if the levels look as good as they did while I was on vacation (eating tons of crap I never eat at home), then I will only be testing fasting each day only. I see him Friday of next week, hoping if I take one week's worth of data he will let me off early. I honestly live off protein and vegetables with a small amount of carbs (all bread and ice cream when I do eat them).
To this day, it makes me ill thinking about old cravings lol. I can't do spicy food anymore. For this pregnancy, up until the 2nd tri, just looking at red meat made me ill and Mexican food was out of the question. Just the smell made my stomach turn. Basically we ate chicken every day.

As for cutting out pop, it was the best decision I ever made. I lost 20lbs b4 getting pregnant. It was definitely hard to do, but now it's not something I'm drawn to.

Bla- I drink a bottle of water b4 bed and I pay for it lol. I get super thirsty at night.
I've had lots of like period pains tonight. Really achey n quite strong. I hope its just growing n goes away im only 30 weeks. Its right in my pelvis in both sides like by my groins. Im trying to drink lots of water x
hope - minus the cramps that sort of sounds like PGP (pelvic girdle pain). I've been having that for about 2-3 weeks and it causes pain in the groin area sort of where my legs attach but on the inside of my legs. I had period pains a few weeks ago and when I went to urgent care they told me that period cramps are actually normal in the 3rd trimester but if you find that they're not going away after drinking a lot of water, resting, etc. then you should call your OB or go to the hospital just to be safe.
Thanks ash - there not there at the mo so hoping they stay away. They seem to come on later in the day n evening but was quite strong last night n uncomfortable so if they carry on I will ring up just to be safe x
Clandestine good luck with your testing, FXed it goes well:flower:

hopefullys I'm thinking it's most likely growing pains however they usually get better when you're hydrated. I've found when I haven't had enough water, they get a bit worse.

AFM my DH seems to be behaving like a bit of an a**hole these days:nope: I think he's stressed at work and it sounds like there's a lot going on so think that's why, just hate that he takes it out on me. E.g. last night we were watching a movie after dinner ("Red Dragon" for the 2nd or 3rd time ever) and he kept falling asleep. I left him alone since he lately gets mad when I wake him up except for when he fell asleep with a beer bottle and was about to spill it all over himself and the sofa so had to wake him there. He woke up at one point asking about a plot point (why the murderer is being called the "Tooth Fairy") so I answered him. He then got pretty nasty and said that what I told him was BS and that they never mentioned anything about his teeth. I told him that they mentioned it while he was sleeping so how would he know, I admit I got a bit snippy because he was being mean about it. I can't even critcise him just a bit, sets him off too. Geez I hope that things soon get less busy at his job because it's making him a pain sometimes:nope:
kat - You and your husband and your life are going through a lot of changes right now so I think being snippy at one another is a normal behavior and just something you have to work through even when the baby comes. DH and I have been a little snippy at one another but at the end of the day we both know we love each other and we're happy so just try to focus on that. Pregnancy can really wreck havoc on relationships and life in general.

AFM - I'm just trucking along here. 29 weeks with twins, I never thought I'd make it this far but here we are. Yesterday the babies didn't stop moving until I went to sleep! They're very active and must be taking turns being awake in the womb since I never seem to get a break. DH and I upgraded our bed yesterday to a king size because I was not sleeping well at all and man oh man does it feel nice! I slept so well yesterday I think because we weren't crammed into the bed (it's me and my big ol belly, our dog , and my DH .. in a queen bed) It was quite comical. I'm also really happy about the king bed because I really want to co-sleep with Oliver and Lucy and there was no way that was going to happen in that queen bed. We don't have our bed frame yet (that'll take about 2 weeks to get here) but for now it works.

And 2 weeks ago on Wednesday we had our maternity photoshoot done and I have a preview picture if anyone is interested. It took us so long to conceive I had been waiting for this for so long and I am over the moon with the one picture the photographer did show us.

We're expecting a ton more but she said her turnaround time is 2 weeks. We should have them by the end of this week I'm thinking.

I'm glad to read that everyone else seems to be doing good and they each have healthy little babies!
ash I'm sure you're right, I just don't like us being snippy with one another. I don't like exposing baby to that, I really want baby to grow up and see parents who love each other because I know how important that is for our child's future. I do hope it calms down some once DH is finished with the project at work though! I can totally see why you got a bigger bed in that case, I'm sure it'll be easier for the co-sleeping, especially with twins! Wow love that pic :happydance: Looking forward to seeing more of them. I'd love to get maternity pics but it just seems so super expensive, especially because of the 25% tax on everything that I doubt we'd do it.
kat - I get why you'd want to show a healthy male/female relationship to your children. Both DH and I come from divorced families and it is just not ideal and showing our son and daughter a healthy relationship is super important to us. You and your DH will be able to do it. :hugs: It's just a transition period right now. I always say to myself, patience, patience. :haha: Not sure it really helps but ... I figure I better try something.

And yeah pictures are super expensive .. however, I'm a little bit of a shutterbug myself so when it comes to spending money on pictures I sort of splurge a bit just because I have an interest in it already. We did the same for our wedding and actually spent more on the photos than we did on other things that other people would find important. We spent the most on our honeymoon though which I think it how it should be anyways. :D

Oh and I forgot to mention another thing. DH and I are going to our first of 6 birthing classes tonight. :happydance:
Your maternity shoot is lovely ash!

I feel you on not sleeping well. I'm getting so big, just turning over at night is a struggle haha I feel like a seal! Can you tell which twin us moving yet? Mine usually take turns but they sometimes both jiggle around at the same time and it feels crazy.

I had my gtt today. It was awful. I had to fast for 12 hours then the liquid I had to drink was thick and slightly warm ugh I have a weak stomach atm anyway. Then sitting in a hot cramped room on an uncomfortable chair for 2 hours was no fun. I really didn't feel great and was vomiting as soon as I'd finished. Get my results in a few days so hopefully I've not got gd but I'm prepared if I do.
Sorry for the big moan!

Has everyone got everything now? I'm still deciding on a push chair and need to buy the isofix car seat bases and bottles as I'm formula feeding but I think that's it!
lolli - definitely feel like a seal! :haha: It's so difficult to do anything. I found that even getting in and out of our SUV is no longer a one movement task. It takes me so much longer and it's quite frustrating if I'm being honest. I was always pretty active and fit so to be this big now is .... annoying. And slow. Good luck with the GD test! Let us know how it turns out. I know drinking that stuff is no fun. It didn't make me sick but definitely left this nasty taste in my mouth for the rest of the day.
oooh ash, I love you maternity photo!! My mil told me I should get some done, but I really don't like seeing myself in photos so don't think I'm going to do any..

AFM - DH and I have decided that rather than put the nursery upstairs, we're going to build a wall and put a nursery in an unused portion of our downstairs. This way she will be downstairs with us at least until she is big enough to manage stairs safely. So, lots more work to do!
The travel system that it took me weeks to decide on was about to be purchased this wknd by my DH's Aunt, but it's no longer available :cry: So today I must re-do all my searching and find another that is acceptable. blah
I was diagnosed with GD so have been testing 4 times a day (fasting & 2 hrs after breakfast, lunch and dinner) and my number have been fine. Almost hypoglycemic, not high.. Hopefully the doc will see this and save me from this nightmare but I don't see her until the 19th :sad2:
We have our first birthing class this weekend, then another next weekend. They're 4hrs long and I really hope I can get through them. I didn't take classes with my 1st and regret it. I am going to try my hardest to have a natural birth this time around.

I am now to the point where tying my shoes on my own is extremely difficult. My dh and dd are so sweet for helping me. I also feel like a whale, but keep telling myself it will change soon.

Ash- your picture looks amazing.
Ash - what a gorgeous picture!!! I love it! I have never had maternity pics, but that makes me want them! And you are so lucky to live in a beautiful place, it looks so nice there :)
I am a photographer so at least I have tons of baby, kid & family pics!

Faith - good idea about having baby downstairs with you! Good luck on the construction and everything!

I failed my 1 hr glucose, so now I am waiting for the 3 hr one. Hopefully (since I was close, only failed by 4 pts) I will pass. I think it would be so hard to test so much - I hope your dr appointment on the 19th goes the way you want!!! Glad your numbers are staying down

I am also so huge! No way could I tie my shoes, thank goodness for sandals & flip flops haha. It's hurts to bend over, it feels like I am squishing the baby...

I still need to get the few things on our baby list, and get everything else out of boxes (and washed & set up)
To get: Infant car seat and stroller adapter, auto Rock n play & a couple "boy" blankets & swaddles (I love the bamboo Aden+Anais, I have a bunch of girl ones my 2 y/o still loves)
I did get my suburban all done up this weekend! oil change, new tires, car wash, toddler car seat washed & re installed, so that's good! Feel like it's ready for the new car seat :)
Oh, Ash <3 your photo!!! I am a fan of the king-sized bed. I'm not convinced it's safe for me to try to co-sleep, due to the facts that I am a super deep sleeper and both my dog (about 70#) and Hubster are very active sleepers. We have us, the dog, and usually 3-4 of our 5 cats in bed with us each night!

Here's one of my maternity photos (mine were done by a close friend who is a professional photographer and refuses to take my money):
I have a lot of tattoos, so it's hard to find one that hides them all! I have definitely seen plenty (and got many taken by Hubster at home and on our trip) that are amazing, even just taken by friends or partners. I just think it's important to have some to show our kid one day and to remember this time in my life.

@lolli: we have barely started on getting things ready, for sure, no where near done yet!

@faithyj: I'm hoping to be released from testing also, same as you, regular numbers are fine.

@smile: we did our first classes this past weekend, two three hour classes with a one hour break between them (so all day Saturday), but was totally worth it IMHO. I was against them at first, but glad I changed my mind, I am also committed to trying for a natural delivery.
ash yeah and it's even though my parents never divorced, they just had a bit of an unhealthy relationship (with my toxic mother being the center of attention and my father worshipping her and the ground she walked on). I think DH's big brother's kids have been exposed to something similiar as well that included a lot of bickering and fighting so I do wonder how they'll be with relationships. I don't want my child ever feeling a less than loving relationship is normal. I hope you're right though and things do get a bit better. As to pics our wedding pics were also very expensive but my toxic brother (semi-reluctantly and with a fair amount of complaining about the price) paid for those as a wedding gift. Hope you enjoyed your class!

FXed for you Lollipopbop:flower: As for having everything nope, I'm still missing getting some sort of carrier, bras for breastfeeding (plus those pads), a warm cap for baby plus a variety of assorted small things (like scissors to clip baby's nails). Also thinking about getting 1-2 woolen items as it's pretty cold in October here. I know there's more but I'm too lazy right now to go find my list and write it all up:haha: But there's definitely more stuff to buy so hoping we can get it done in 1 shopping trip next month.

Faithy sorry the travel system you wanted isn't available anymore. I know DH thinks I'm nuts, but that's why I sometimes have pushed him to buy certain items (and largely succeeded!), so we're sure to get the ones we want! I hope you can find something just as good though. Hope you can get off the hook with all that testing!

Smile wow 4 hours long:wacko: The series of classes I'm doing are 2 x 45 minutes each and there are 3 in all. I feel you on having problems with shoes, I'm dealing with issues getting socks and shoes on as well:dohh: I only have one pair of slip on shoes but haven't found them yet as we haven't unpacked everything even though we moved at the end of April:blush: The weather is gradually getting cooler so soon can't rely on using sandals anymore:nope:

wish FXed for your 3 hour test!

Clandestine wow nice pic:thumbup: So great of your friend to do them for free, wish I had a friend like that:winkwink: I feel you on the co-sleeping issues, my Dh and I would have similiar problems with it. As it is DH sometimes almost rolls over on our cat when she sleeps with us, never mind if we had a little newborn that couldn't move away like our cat can:wacko:

AFM nothing much to report. We're having friends over today and DH is taking our cat to a boarder we visited yesterday for a (free) trial run of 24 hours to see if our cat can cope with being boarded. She didn't seem hopeful as our cat is almost 5 and has never been boarded and in the vast majority of cases, cats like that don't do well but said we could do the trial run and take it from there. We have DH's parents as a back-up if it turns out our cat can't cope and I have a feeling she won't:nope:
For all the ladies having issues with their shoes, I make sure that my shoes are tied at all times and SO bought me this (don't know what it's called in English sorry, here we literally call it a "shoe spoon" :haha: ) :


This way I just scoop this thing in with my foot and voila, shoe is on (with some tugging). I can just stand upright heheheh

Anybody else at that stage when you drop something on the floor and just leave it? I can't bend over and if I have to squat to the floor I can't get up anymore (or with great difficulty). So I'm totally at that stage of eff it and leave it for SO to clean up later. I was at the store with SO last week and went to a different aisle to get two boxes of chai latte. Dropped one on the floor... looked at it.. contemplated waiting for SO to find me... but shoved it away with my foot when nobody was looking and quickly walked away lol
Bla- hahaha your post just made me laugh. I dropped and broke a glass the other day and dh cleaned it up. There was no way I could bend over and do it. He's been understanding, but I'm starting to feel useless.

Kat- I hope things go well with your cat. My dog has terrible anxiety and it's so difficult to board him. We tried boarding him with our vet thinking they'd know how to handle him, but it didn't work out. We're going to do a trial stay at another kennel b4 going on vacation again. I really don't want to get another call just hrs b4 leaving and thrn rushing to find someone to take him.
@Kat: the point I was getting at about the photos is have your friends, inlaws, and/ or DH take a bunch of them. It's like rule #1 of getting a good handful, is to take tons and tons and tons. They don't need to be studio pics! One of my favorite ones of me was from us in Berlin and I was mocking a Berlin bear statue, rivaling it with my belly and that was a streetside snapshot taken by Hubster on a whim! If you want them - take as many as you need to until you get a few you'll treasure!

My swelling has been terrible since I came back from Europe, but walking daily for exercise makes a huge difference. Days I don't walk, I can literally feel the tops of my feet jiggle while walking down the hallway, while exercise days I'm just a bit puffy. We have been told by the doulas to strive for 300 squats per day, to help prepare stamina for labor, so we've been working on those (I do sets of 25 of them throughout the day - not up to 300 yet). I bought a pair of walking shoes that I was really on the fence about, especially because they weren't cheap, but they are wide width and kind of like the best thing I ever spend money on. I have to imagine, even if they aren't sexy, that there are shoes (even meant for elderly persons) with a wider foot bed for those of you who are really uncomfortable. I have to have solid-topped/ closed toed shoes for working in the lab, so sandals wouldn't be realistic for me.
A picture is worth a thousand words! These are some of the snapshot collection, Clandie edits, LOL. Hopefully making my point about not letting the lack of resources to pay a professional keep you from getting photos if you want them.

Me and a bear in Berlin:

Me and NYC in the background:

A "selfie" of sorts:

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