Congrats on your GD test, wish4baby!
@ashknowsbest! So glad to hear your little girl is setting up for a great birth and that you and your team are getting excited!!! My doula and her group have me convinced there is no such thing as an early or late baby, they come when they are ready and unless there is a legit medical reason to leave them be until they start coming on their own. I have my FX for you that yours do just that!
@blessed: I'm still planning on working until I go into labor, but I also have the ability to work remotely, so I may start working from home around mid-Sept (36-37 weeks) depending on my comfort level.
@blablamana: I have felt like my pelvic bones were slowly being ripped apart since mid-July. I have been seeing a doula, midwife group, and a chiropractor and while there is nothing out of sorts and they agree the discomfort is normal, it's basically at like a 3-4 on their pain scale and all day, every day, at this point. Our guy has been head down every time I've been checked (monthly ultrasounds since week 14). Where are you at that there is a loophole to be laid off before maternity leave? I almost got laid off as well, but then they *found* money to keep paying me. I have two possible new jobs for after maternity leave, definitely taking one of them, should have a decision made by mid-Sept, both know (and are not bothered by) my pregnancy. I'm very sorry you are also having job issues, it's really the worst time to mess with someone's job security!
@Lolli: We had a name for either a boy or girl before I even got pregnant (weird up-side to 3.5 years of infertility). Girls names were easier for us, too, but we are very happy with our little guy's name!