Any other October mummies?

Y'all, just heard!!!! Passed my 3hr "with flying colors" YAY!
They did 4 blood draws - fasting (before the drink), 1 hr after the drink, 2 hrs after and 3 hrs after - she said I passed ALL of them and that first one must of just been a fluke :) so happy I can continue to gorge on my sweets & carbs lol
Babies had their 30 week checkup today and all is looking good. They are measuring about the same size, little girl weighing 3lbs 11oz, baby boy weighing 3lbs 9oz. Everything is looking great and we are set for a vaginal birth as of today since my baby girl (closest to cervix, baby a) is head down. My son is breech but my doctor said she will turn him. We are very excited and this is all getting so real. We have one more appointment with the MFM at 34 weeks and then we won't see them again unless we need to do NSTs or something goes haywire. Oh and my cervix is 3.2 -3.5 so it really hasn't even changed all that much. Amazed!
Great news wish!

Good news for you too Ash. Babies are such good weights for their gestation and being twins. Im glad your little girl is in position too, I'm hoping mine will move head down by our next scan. Have they said if they will induce you by a certian date or are they going to wait to see if you go in to spontaneous labor? They plan to induce me at 37 weeks if the babies dont decide to come before x
lolli - I will be induced at 38 weeks if I don't go into spontaneous labor. My twins are di/di and I think they let that type stay in a little longer than identical twins, or twins that share a placenta. I'm hoping to not be induced though and to go into spontaneous labor. I'm doing yoga, and plan to try acupuncture, chiropractic, and anything that is supposed to trigger labor if I don't have any signs of labor by 37 weeks. I do NOT want pitocin.
From what I've been reading, most twin pregnancies go in to spontaneous labor before 38 weeks so fingers crossed. I hope i go naturally but i was induced with my son and had pitocin and my labor was great, didn't even have an epidural so its all i know. Would definitely like to feel what it's like to go spontaneously though!
great news ash and wish ...

Lolli I still need to pack my hospital bags which I will probably do once Im on maternity leave ..

when is everyone going on maternity leave? Im so exhausted ... my maternity leave is supposed to start on 16 September but Im thinking of working from the office until 2 September and then work from home until the 16th ...
Great news wish and ash!

I'm going on maternity leave in about 3 weeks, that is custom here (6 weeks before due date. You can choose 4 weeks before due date but that is highly discouraged). However, I work from home anyway, so that's a plus :D Just sitting behind my computer all day and decide my own work hours. Am getting laid off the moment my maternity leave starts though, company wasn't too happy with my pregnancy and fired me (via a loophole). They have asked me to come back once my maternity leave is over, but not sure I want to continue working there if that's how they treat me. :shrug:

Anybody else feeling a lot of pressure? Baby has been head down (basically) since 20 weeks, but I feel like he has dropped considerably this past week. Everytime I walk it feels like he could fall out, my cervix is having odd twinges and little stabs too. Check-up next week, so I wonder what midwife will think.
I officially start my maternity leave next week but i had lots of holiday to take so I've been off for the last 3 weeks. I work in a nursery which was getting so tiring and my son starts school in September so its nice to get to spend the whole summer together.
Blabla- its terrible that you got laid off because you're pregnant! I don't know how id feel about going back.

Has everyone decided on names for their babies? We're calling our girls Eden and Luna. Picking girls names was a lot easier than boys i found!
our company policy is also 4 weeks before EDD ... that's why my leave officially starts from 16 September ...

that sucks with being laid off and I wont go back if I were you ...

yes my baby has been head down and I feel so much pressure especially when I get up from laying down ...

Lolli we have names picked out and before we found out its a girl we had only boy names as DH was convinced its a boy
Awesome news wish and Ash :)

I'm starting maternity leave 2 weeks before due date. So I have just over 4 weeks to go. Can't wait! It's actually probably going to be a good year to be off since oil is still in the slump and the amount of people out of work right now is crazy.
Congrats on your GD test, wish4baby!

@ashknowsbest! So glad to hear your little girl is setting up for a great birth and that you and your team are getting excited!!! My doula and her group have me convinced there is no such thing as an early or late baby, they come when they are ready and unless there is a legit medical reason to leave them be until they start coming on their own. I have my FX for you that yours do just that!

@blessed: I'm still planning on working until I go into labor, but I also have the ability to work remotely, so I may start working from home around mid-Sept (36-37 weeks) depending on my comfort level.

@blablamana: I have felt like my pelvic bones were slowly being ripped apart since mid-July. I have been seeing a doula, midwife group, and a chiropractor and while there is nothing out of sorts and they agree the discomfort is normal, it's basically at like a 3-4 on their pain scale and all day, every day, at this point. Our guy has been head down every time I've been checked (monthly ultrasounds since week 14). Where are you at that there is a loophole to be laid off before maternity leave? I almost got laid off as well, but then they *found* money to keep paying me. I have two possible new jobs for after maternity leave, definitely taking one of them, should have a decision made by mid-Sept, both know (and are not bothered by) my pregnancy. I'm very sorry you are also having job issues, it's really the worst time to mess with someone's job security!

@Lolli: We had a name for either a boy or girl before I even got pregnant (weird up-side to 3.5 years of infertility). Girls names were easier for us, too, but we are very happy with our little guy's name!
My baby has also been head down since around 20 wks. I too have a lot of pressure, especially when walking a lot. The other day my dd and I walked a mile and a felt horrible after. My dr also says the pain is normal. We've had our girl's name picked long b4 we got pregnant.
@blablamana: Where are you at that there is a loophole to be laid off before maternity leave?

Netherlands! The only reason they can fire me is because they made it seem like a temporary contract. Even though they had promised me a permanent position, that was immediately off the table when they heard I was pregnant. Their reasoning was that they don't want to have to pay a replacement. Which is super funny, since they will have to find a replacement anyway, especially when they fire me. But sure, whatever :dohh:
Luckily, the government pays my maternity leave anyway, so it isn't really a problem. Will get 100% of what I earned during my employment for 16 weeks in total.
Blablamana- that's awful, but I'm glad you get those paid 16 weeks!

We have our baby boy's name picked: Antonio Leonidas, he'll be Leo although my older boys say they are calling him Anthony. (All my boys have Spanish names but use the English translation, Alejandro - Alexander)

I guess my maternity leave starts Monday! (First day of school, sahm lol)
I'm wishing I could be off work now! I work with 9 toddlers at my ds daycare, but we just can't afford it. My last day will be September 30th, so I can have a couple weeks to finish off odds and ends and spend some time with just ds before his baby brother comes along!
I haven't worked my entire pregnancy (although part of me wish I had because it would have kept me busy) but its also been nice because being pregnant with two babies is no joke. I started with the back pain around 19 weeks and although I haven't had much back pain lately, I've been having a TON of rib pain. My daughter is vertex and my son is breech with his head in my left ribs. I honestly can't imagine working right now.
It's so nice to read everyone's plans for maternity leave. I'm glad I am a sahm this time,last pregnancy I worked a full day and then had my son a few hours later lol. This time I know my husband is going for more notice lol

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