Any other October mummies?

When i found out i was pregnant, i planned to work up until a few weeks before my due date but like you said Ash, twins are no joke! I was really struggling and knowing my pregnancy wouldn't go past 37 weeks and I'm likely to be a sahm once they're born (2 lots of childcare fees! Eek) i thought i may as well go asap! Some days i do wonder if work is easier than entertaining my 4 year old all day though haha. Atleast at work you get a lunch break.

Love the name Leo too!

It's odd being pregnant with 2 girls as i have their names but i wont know who is who until they come out and i see them
Sigh, I could take personal leave now but it would be unpaid and there's no way we can do that. As for maternity leave, we really don't get that. I will get short term disability pay (80%) starting the day I deliver and for however long my dr. takes me out (usually 6 wks).. I'm really wearing down tho.. Building trucks and running around fixing engines and transmissions is no joke at 30wks lol
My little ones will be named Oliver Allen and Lucy Johanna.

Lolli - that would be really interesting to have two of the same gender and 2 names picked out but not knowing which one belonged to who .... fun times! I'm sure you will know the minute you see them.
Success!!! Passed the 3 hour test and that placenta is out of the way by at least 10 cm do relieved!!! Baby measuring big with an edd of Oct 15 but that doesn't worry me they said my son would be big but he was average
@Blessed - I build trucks lol.. Fix issues that people break while building them or that get sent to us from the supplier.. Fun stuff ;)

Had a dr. appt today.. can finally quit jabbing my finger 4x a day. She switched me to two times a day, every other day. At least it's a step in the right direction! 1 more 2 wk appt then we're up for every week!! I can't believe we're getting so close!! My dr. gave me some restrictions to help me from over doing things here at work, but the medical dept here at work has refused to accept those restrictions :dohh:
So currently my group leader is taking it easy on me while I wait to hear from my doc on whether she wants to loosen the restrictions or just sign my sick leave paperwork.. fingers crossed she'll just sign it. Then I'll have plenty of time to get things ready for our lil Jelly Bean
I'm wondering if any of you might be able to help me? Although I passed the 3 hour test my dr still advised me to watch my carbs. Let me preface this with, I trust my dr, we work well together etc but wtf does watch your carbs mean!? She said the baby is measuring big and carbs make the baby big. She said back in the day if someone failed the one hour glucose test they would put them on the gd diet anyway. So couple of things, one, they said my son was measuring big and wanted to induce, I declined, he was born 39w3d at 7 lb 5oz so not big at all, and secondly, when I asked her how many carbs I should aim for, noone could tell me! I can follow directions but they haven't given me anything to go off of. What was recommended to you ladies?!
bcos - I would just eat the healthy types of carbs. Stay away from white rice, white bread, things like that. Whole grain breads are much better for you and normally have less carbs and more dietary fiber.
So just got back from vacation, didn't have much internet access so first am able to respond now. I'll play catch up ASAP!

In short our vacation was really nice although the drive to and back were horrid because of the huge amount of traffic and how much road work was being done in Germany:wacko: Baby has been doing well although I suspect (s)he may have turned at one point but now I think is back to head down again. I made sure to stay pretty hydrated and we always had a few cans of water with us when we were out during the day. I'll post pics ASAP, also have a few bump pics in the mix:winkwink:

As for the wedding we went to the day before we left, that went fine as well. Baby was super active during the ceremony for some reason, not sure if it was all the psalm singing or the organ or what:shrug: There was some issues with the food for me as the bridal couple hadn't fully prepared the restaurant so I had to constantly ask for the courses without the meat. Almost got into an argument with one waiter as he kept insisting that I'm a vegetarian (and should be asking for vegetarian versions) when I'm not, I'm a pescetarian since I eat fish/shellfish:dohh: To make things better, one of the wives started asking me when we were going to have baby #2:wacko::dohh: I thought people first bugged you about that around 1-1½ years after baby #1 is born, not already 2 months before baby #1 is due:wacko: DH and I sidestepped the issue but it did bug me. Her husband was constantly bugging me about baby #1 shortly after DH and I got married and now his wife is already bugging me about baby #2. So crazy!

As for names DH, and I haven't really agreed on anything although I think we're getting closer to figuring something out. But most of the names under discussion are of course Danish names so would have to explain the Danish pronunciation to you all if I started talking about them.
hi ladies

interesting Faithy ...

AFM I had my 32/33 week scan and she is now weighing in at 2.04kg. She just loves sucking her thumb and was head down and kicking my placenta. My next appointment is on 12 Sept and we still looking at my csection being done on 28 September. My BP was low again yesterday which is a relief as it was borderline 3 weeks ago. I have however picked up more weight than my DR would like but as long as my baby is healthy everything is ok. I have also been feeling nauseous and have been sick 2 times since Saturday but my DR isn't too concerned about it but said if it gets worse to let her know.

So I guess now I have to focus on my hospital bags and getting my DD settled in at daycare.
Good news on your BP Blessed:thumbup: Hope your nausea doesn't get worse!

Wow things are a bit quiet on here, aren't they? Was otherwise looking forward to chatting with everyone on here:wacko:
thanks Kat ... yes I only had nausea those few couple of days but I feel much better now ...

how are you doing?
I guess things are going fine. Baby seems to be going strong in there although I can definitely feel the weight. (S)he seems to have a thing for my left side so feel most on that side. I seem to sometimes have trouble sleeping at night but no issues napping during the day. Oh and my heartburn can still get bad and it seems I can't drink Coke anymore since it's now making it worse which stinks because I love Coke/Pepsi so have cut down even more on it :nope: Strangely enough other carbonated beverages don't affect it so still drink carbonated water and other sodas on occassion. Plus I can't eat regular sized meals anymore so trying to eat smaller ones and more often instead.

BTW never heard back from my selfish friend since I last saw her in June which is fine by me (not even any likes on FB) - she doesn't seem to care about me or my pregnancy anyway. I just don't need someone like that around my baby and am just seriously hoping she's not counting on becoming the Godmother, especially after her total lack of interest :nope: Not that I'd feel comfortable making her Godmother anyway since she's so childish and her 2 previous boyfriends were abusive.
I have trouble sleeping as well, Kat. Usually have cat naps during the night of like 20 minutes max and then around 6AM I finally do get two hours of VERY deep sleep. Does make me incredibly groggy, but at least I'm getting some sleep. Can't nap during the day, my brain can't mix sleep and daylight for some reason lol.

How is everyone else doing?
Good here, have a 4d scan on Friday. So happy this baby is staying in and the GD management is going well. Only 4 more weeks left of progesterone shots :happydance:.
blablamana wow sounds a bit worse than me:wacko: I usually have most trouble falling asleep in the beginning and then falling back asleep when I need to get up and pee 2-3 times a night or when I occasionally just wake up for no real reason. Stinks you can't fall asleep during the day, it helps me a bit to get a 1 hour nap during the day. Much more than that though and it worsens my issues at night :dohh:

Kiwi hope your scan goes well and great news on the GD management:thumbup:

BTW does anyone else's DH still freak out a bit when they can see baby moving around in there? My DH still finds it a bit freaky:haha: When he feels like teasing me, he'll compare it to the "Alien" movie:wacko:
blablamana wow sounds a bit worse than me:wacko: I usually have most trouble falling asleep in the beginning and then falling back asleep when I need to get up and pee 2-3 times a night or when I occasionally just wake up for no real reason. Stinks you can't fall asleep during the day, it helps me a bit to get a 1 hour nap during the day. Much more than that though and it worsens my issues at night :dohh:

Kiwi hope your scan goes well and great news on the GD management:thumbup:

BTW does anyone else's DH still freak out a bit when they can see baby moving around in there? My DH still finds it a bit freaky:haha: When he feels like teasing me, he'll compare it to the "Alien" movie:wacko:

I've always had periods of bad sleeping, so kinda used to it and expected it! Body just seems to be preparing for when baby's out! Would have loved a preparation that involved EXTRA rest instead of LESS, but hey, body knows best I guess :shrug: Doesn't help that SO sleeps very wildly, flailing his arms and legs around, taking over the entire bed with his legs, snoring :haha:

And haha, my SO also compared it to the alien movie :dohh: He doesn't really find it freaky though, but when he puts his hand on and baby's arm or leg moves past his hand he is always like: "that feels so weird". Baby is really up with his feet in my ribs and one time I asked SO to hold his hand just under my ribs and baby fully kicked his hand HARD. So he was like, "holy shit now I know why you jump up all the time" :haha:

Kiwi: Good luck with your scan! I really loved our 4D scan, the image was soooo clear
Thanks ladies! I am so excited! I'll make sure to post pictures.

My husband thanks seeing the baby move around is a little creepy but he also thinks it's amazing at the same time.
I fall asleep easily most nights. Then when I get up to pee it takes me about 1-2 hours to get back to sleep. Last night I got up about 3am, tried to go back to sleep but she put some karate moves on me for over an hr. I love feeling her move, but it's really annoying when you need sleep.

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