Any other October mummies?

smille - I've never been pregnant before but from what I've been reading that "lightening" feeling is cause by the baby getting set up in the pelvis for birth. You're right on target for the time that should be happening too so I think that's what you're feeling.

kiwi - I haven't packed my hospital bag either ... I really should. I've just been feeling lazy. I did order robes for the hospital, I need to get some slippers, and just pack the things for the babies. I just tonight bought some sweatpants/leggings for premies for their coming home premie outfits (just in case they're small) and I have some newborn outfits that already have long pants. I'm just worried about them being cold since they're due in October. Yeah we live in CA but we live up north and believe it or not it gets really chilly here. I just don't know what kind of weather to expect so I'm going to pack them 2 outfits each just to be on the safe side. Oh and what sweet pictures of your little girl!

kat - oooo on the ergobaby! We have 1 moby wrap and one boba wrap. I do want to get the ergo baby carrier for when they're older but haven't purchased them yet. I know that they're supposed to be super comfortable though so I will invest in one eventually, probably when they're about 3 months old.

AFM - I have good news to report. I had some pretty annoying itching so I mentioned it to my doctor last weekend and she ordered some liver tests. Well, it turns out I don't have a liver problem (thank god because it's very serious for the babies and they normally induce pretty early because it increases the risk of a still birth)! I'm really happy it's not my liver and that the babies aren't at risk but I'm still very itchy. So annoying. And it's not just from my skin stretching. I actually have these little bumps on my back and chest and under breast area. I've been doing some reading and saw a condition called AEP that is common in women who prior to pregnancy have eczema. I have a very mild case of eczema on my shins so I'm wondering if that's what I have going on. I have extremely sensitive skin as it is so I really wouldn't be surprised if there was something like this going on. Anyways, I will meet with the dermatologist and try to figure this out!
Sorry if this is tmi, but is anyone else having a "lightening" pain in their vagina? This past week while walking or doing something all of a sudden it hits me but lasts a second or two. I read online that it could be from your cervix dilating. Of course the net is so unreliable and I will definitely talk to my dr about it at this week's appt. I haven't been pregnant in over 7 yrs so it's hard to remember what to expect at this stage.

Constantly, it feels like I'm getting stabbed in my foof. :haha: It's a very sharp and sudden pain that is also almost instantly gone as well. It stops me in my tracks and everything. Have also been losing bits of my plug so I'm sure it's from baby's head pressing down and annoying my cervix a bit.
Don't worry too much about dilating yet, could be that you went from nothing to 1-2 cm though. Which I think would be fine right (especially if you've had kids before)?
Curious to see what your doc says, mine said it was normal even though she also said that it was a bit early for me.

Ash: Glad that you don't have a liver problem, that would be very serious! Sucks about the itching though, in the mean time just moisturize it a little bit more than you normally do?

AFM: TMI but anyone else's breasts just leaking like idiots? It started at 17-18 weeks for me and midwife thought that was hilarious (and nothing to worry about). But at this stage it has gotten so bad that my night shirts are COVERED in big splotches of it. Sometimes I'm on the couch and BAM massive wet spots appearing. Will talk to midwife next week but kinda wondered if anybody else has it, even if it's not as bad? My SO asked if that wouldn't mean that all the food would be gone for baby when he arrives :dohh: Doofus.
Kiwi glad I'm not the only one missing a few things:haha: Those slings are really beautiful:thumbup:

Smile I get them occasionally but not so often. I've been more getting a sore pelvis these last couple of weeks. I think that it can be normal.

ash I was also looking at those types of wraps but DH wasn't sure he could figure them out so we took the Ergobaby carrier instead. We'll be buying the newborn insert so we can use it right away. I've been teasing DH and saying I can't wait to see him with the carrier on with our baby in it:haha: Glad your itching didn't turn out to be a sign of anything serious. Hope you're right and it is what you think it is!

blablamana nope no leaking at all yet actually. It worries me a bit because I really want to breastfeed so it's making me anxious if I'll be able to or not, like maybe my milk will never come:wacko:

AFM I've been waking up with back aches. May try using my pregnancy pillow again and see if that helps. Or maybe I should try getting one of those support bands that go around your bump and see if that helps as well? I had a slightly dodgy back already due to a bad fall (fell right on my back actually) from a horse some years ago (I was an avid horseback rider, going to start again at one point after baby is here) so it may be now acting up because of baby's weight and how I'm lying?
hi ladies

ajarvis so exciting hope you guys managed to finish up ...

Kat sounds like you sorted on clothes now ... we got 5 short sleeved babygrows yesterday so we not buying anything further until she outgrows her stuff ...

Ash that is great news ...

Kiwi your baby is so cute just look at those cheeks

Smile I too get that sometimes when standing up from sitting on the toilet it just hits me at random times

blabla yes Ive been leaking like crazy its worse when sleeping ...

AFM - I finally got the last bits for my hospital bag ... I however haven't packed any bags yet will do so in about 2 weeks time ... for now my main focus is getting my DD settled in daycare ... so once she is settled I can focus on my bags ... Im also officially working from home now until my maternity leave starts on 16 September ... and good thing I am as my spd is horrific ... I also got a helper to help with the laundry and housework ...
Kat: don't worry, as far as I've heard leaking during pregnancy means absolutely nothing regarding breastfeeding/supply at all. Doesn't mean I'll have tons of actual milk supply at all! I hope I will obviously, but don't worry. Doesn't mean anything in terms of supply :)
Blessed hope it all goes well with your daughter in daycare! Yep I have mostly long sleeve bodys though since it's pretty chilly in October here but do have 3 short sleeved as well. Can't decide if 2 night suits are enough though, may get 1-2 more but we'll see.

blablamana I hope you're right! But I'm still a bit nervous about it, even though I know logically it's completely beyond my control, I'll feel so bad if my milk never comes or if my supply is super poor:nope:
Thank goodness I'm not alone. It's hard to remember things from my last pregnancy. I have this feeling that she's coming early. I'm curious to hear what my dr has to say.

Bla- I leaked once and that was it. With my 1st I do remember leaking like that a few times.
Kat it sounds like things are moving along for you though in preparedness anyways! I don't know if I'm done for clothes yet. have to wash everything I've got lol.

Kiwi I like the look of the tula. But not sure if I want the tula, mei tai, k'tan... the list goes on :p Definitely don't have bag packed. Want to get that done by Saturday or Sunday. I'll be 36 weeks on Saturday!

smille - yep here too! I take it as a sign of things getting ready. I think she's moved lower too which is why it's starting to happen. Oh and I also think this baby is coming early! For some reason I have September 26th in my head.

Ash glad it's not a liver problem! I had some crazy itching that turned out to be from dry skin that didn't even feel dry.... weird. but as soon as I put extra moisturizer on it stopped.

Blessed I was able to express about 10 weeks ago. Not really leaking, but now nothing. So Strange. Kat I never leaked or expressed etc. with either of the boys and had an abundance!

AFM So we finished the painting, touchups etc of the room. Vaccumed cleared out all the painting stuff etc. Sanded down and stained the crib railing that needed to be done. But think we put the stain on a little thick cause 24 hours later it was still tacky feeling. So haven't done the clear coat yet, but moved some of the crib pieces up into the room. Also filled in some scratches on the change table. Started washing some bedding for the crib/change table. Got my son's dresser fixed, and the other one out of the room. Things are slowly getting done! Next weekend is the cutoff I want it all done though. Since the weekend after I'll be 37 weeks and full term! My FIL is in town and got lots of cute clothes for the baby. Some are 12 month though so have to be put away. But I finally feel like things are coming together!
It's so fun to watch everyone prepare for the final weeks!

Lightning crotch is totally normal, I get it on and off (have during both pregnancies) and as far as leaky boobs go? My son self weaned in may after two and a half years nursing and I have had no leaking at all, don't be discouraged!!
Ajarvis- my dh has Sept 21st in his head, I think he's nuts lol. Everyone I know personally are having their babies weeks early. Some are their first born. So of course I'm a little more stressed and lightening crotch isn't easing my mind.

I am going to finish packing today. Everything is washed and ready to go. I just have to order a swing and mobile today.
ajarvis true and I need to wash all the clothes we have as well. I've only managed to wash the cloth diaper inserts once and read they need to be washed 3-4 times for max absorbancy plus also need to wash the cloth diapers 1-2 as well. So lots of washing going to be going on for the next couple of weeks but I can just as well get used to it, especially since I'm cloth diapering:haha: Was hard on my back though emptying out the dryer of the inserts so will need DH to help me with all the washing and drying. Sounds like you're really in the full swing of things getting prepared!

bcos thanks for that, here's hoping it really doesn't mean a thing my lack of leaking. Maybe I should be just glad it hasn't happened yet:haha:
Smille I also need a swing and mobile. But don't consider them necessities. So not too worried yet. I am keeping my eye on kijiji though - oh and a baby bathtub! If we don't get one I'll use the sink, but it'd be nice to pick up.
Ok I really need advice now. My selfish, childish friend (wrote about her here for those that don't know about her: who we haven't heard from since we saw her in June called DH today with the news that she was pregnant back in June when she was asking about the price of stuff and what happens at scans and appointments. She was otherwise due in February but turns out baby wasn't growing right and she's now very recently m/c'ed it. Now she wants to come over:wacko: I honestly don't know how to feel about this. I feel bad for her but at the same time feel like the only reason she got pregnant is because I am and she wanted to be the center of attention plus she never showed any interest in my pregnancy which you'd think she would when she was pregnant herself yet never once did she ask how I'm doing or anything even before she knew something was wrong. I just don't know, should I agree to let her come over? I know this sounds horrible, but I just can't stand yet another evening where everything is about her as I feel like our friendship seems to be almost constantly about her.
ajarvis glad you almost done ... seems like you got a lot sorted out over the weekend ...

I will start washing at 35 weeks ... its warmer this side of the world with Spring rolling in ...
Kat- I'm a pushover sometimes, so I'd let her come over to talk and possibly reconnect. A loss is difficult to go through alone, so being there for her may not be a bad idea. Yes, she probably hasn't been the best friend to you, but I cannot imagine losing a baby whether it was planned or not and people who I thought were my friends shut me out.

I've recently gone through a similar situation and have a strained relationship with my very good friend. She knew we'd been trying to conceive for over 2 yrs. She was very excited for us at first when we announced our pregnancy, but has avoided me like the plague ever since. I never brought up pregnancy after telling her our news bc she's been with her SO for 14yrs and really wants to start a family. However, he has no motivation to live the adult lifestyle. We've made plans in the past and she just completely blew me off. It hurts to go through that. I totally get she may be jealous, but I'm not going to put my dreams of expanding my family aside so I don't hurt her feelings. It's just human nature I suppose.
Kat- I'm a pushover sometimes, so I'd let her come over to talk and possibly reconnect. A loss is difficult to go through alone, so being there for her may not be a bad idea. Yes, she probably hasn't been the best friend to you, but I cannot imagine losing a baby whether it was planned or not and people who I thought were my friends shut me out.

I've recently gone through a similar situation and have a strained relationship with my very good friend. She knew we'd been trying to conceive for over 2 yrs. She was very excited for us at first when we announced our pregnancy, but has avoided me like the plague ever since. I never brought up pregnancy after telling her our news bc she's been with her SO for 14yrs and really wants to start a family. However, he has no motivation to live the adult lifestyle. We've made plans in the past and she just completely blew me off. It hurts to go through that. I totally get she may be jealous, but I'm not going to put my dreams of expanding my family aside so I don't hurt her feelings. It's just human nature I suppose.

You're probably right but I do find the whole thing odd. She had told me not long ago that she was going to put off having kids as she's taking a 2nd education plus she hasn't been together with her 11 year younger boyfriend (he's 22-23) for very long either (they moved in together already after 3-4 months of dating:wacko:). She wanted to wait until she had a job and been with him longer so was thinking 2-3 years before TTCing. She even said maybe we could be pregnant at the same time, her with baby #1 and me with baby #2 by that time. Although I told her DH and I didn't even know if we could have baby #2 and would be NTNP. Plus that it wasn't even for sure we'd get pregnant at the same time either.

Now she suddenly tells my DH she was pregnant and had an mc. I do question the whole thing a bit unfortunately although I know that it's taboo to do so. She is emotionally unstable and very childish for her age (mentally more like 13-14 than 34) plus loves to create or have drama and be the center of attention. Plus I still don't get that while she was pregnant (assuming she is telling the truth), why she had 0 interest in hearing about results from my scans and the like, like she didn't care how my baby is doing or how I'm doing/feeling. I also thought that most that have been through an mc had problems seeing their pregnant friends so seems a bit counterintuitive she'd want to come here and see me with my large bump.

I guess I'm also a bit tired of this friendship always being about her, she constantly expects to be taken care of while my needs and feelings seem to not matter at all or only very little. It's very one-sided and has been for many years now.
Hope you work things out with your friend Kat, I'd probably give her another chance but that's down to you obviously.

Glad everyones feeling prepared for the most part. It does feel good when it all comes together. We've got a few things to do -
Order our pram, OHs dad is buying that which is lovely.
I need to pick up one of the car seats and baby monitor from my sister. She's also buying the baby bouncers as a baby gift so we need to sort those out.
We're also buying the 'perfect prep machine' I've heard loads of good things and if i can make night feeds easier then i will, any one have any experience with one?

Other than that i think we're all done. I think i have gone over board with clothes though, we have so much from newborn until 6-9 months. I do think the babies will be small so hopefully they'll get a lot of use! X
The problem is I keep giving this woman chances, she just keeps on making it all about herself and her needs, her feelings. She's been this way for all 7 years and is now 34 (almost 35), I highly doubt she's gonna change. She shown no interest in personal growth or maturing. She continues to create drama and has even on many occasions called my DH because I was "being mean" when I was doing no such thing. As said, she has emotional and mental issues (she's adopted and was abandoned by her birth parents when she was 3) and shows no interest in doing anything about it. I can't help this woman, I've tried to no avail. E.g. she used to talk about all her man issues and how she can't find anyone and would cry for hours on end about how no one wants her and if she's the one making men act this way. When I suggested she stop making looks her #1 priority and start looking at personality and character plus maybe trying to look for men in other places than clubs and bars, she looked at me like I was nuts and said "But I need to be attracted to the guy!" So she kept doing what she was doing and ended up being used by men for sex or ending up with abusive men (her current boyfriend being an exception). She refuses any and all advice, she keeps on doing what she wants and then cries about the predictable outcomes. I'm not a psychiatrist, I can't help her and I can't keep on feeling like I'm being used.
Blessed I guess we did. I still feel we didn't :p poor DH ha. He was super proud of all that got done and I felt like not enough got done. My oldest son wants to put the sealer on the crib. So maybe I'll get him to do that tonight and then once it's dry I can at least get the crib put up and the bedding on so that the room looks like a room then I'll feel more comfortable... maybe?

lolli you sound like you're quite close to done :) I do still need to sort through the clothes and make sure I have enough. I feel like I don't. But I know that could be because everything is in closets and what not.

Kat. this doesn't sound like a friendship at all. Not sure her side of course, but from what you say I'd just back off. If you can't be the support she needs then maybe she can find it elsewhere. Sounds like you don't feel like she fills a need for you or supports you. Not everyone is meant to be friends and that's ok! At this point with baby so close I'd be staying away from drama or emotionally draining situations.
OH and I ordered a monitor. I so did not want a video monitor. They're expensive and a waste IMO. But I'm getting a video monitor ha. Ordered it off airmiles for free. It's a motorola with excellent reviews. But won't be here for at least 4 weeks.

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