Kat- there's only so much you can take. One-sides friendships never work out and sometimes is best to go your separate ways. If my friend called my dh, that'd be the end of it. Not that I'm jealous and don't trust my dh, but bc that's disrespectful imo. You need supported as well and it sounds like she doesn't provide that. Maybe just be honest with her and tell her she hasn't been good to you.
My friend has been crying for the last 3 years about her SO and how he's not motivated to get married and have kids. I told her if after 14 yrs nothing has changed it never will so if she's unhappy that's on her. She was going to leave, but is too dependant on him for money. She knows my view on the subject, and hasn't discussed it in awhile. Of course she doesn't really talk to me or her other pregnant friends anymore. Yes, I feel bad that she doesn't have the life she dreamed of, but you can change the outcome of things.
Too true, it just isn't working out. And yeah, every time she calls my DH it bothers me but I think it's because she considers him her friend as well. But it bothered me much more that she'd involve him whenever she felt I was "being mean" instead of dealing with it herself and talking it through with me. It would occasionally lead to conflict between my DH and I before I showed him my texts to her and told him he needs to be critical of what she tells him if she calls him again with claims I'm "being mean." I know I can be a bit blunt but I've honestly been treating her with kid gloves because I know she's an emotional mess so it's total BS when she says I'm "being mean" to her.
As for support you're right, it's been me supporting her through all her drama (mostly with men) and me getting
very little back. But as said,
I can't be honest with her. Whenever I've in the past tried telling her she's e.g. been hurtful, she'll start making it about her hurt feelings instead because I've now hurt her by saying she's been hurtful towards me
Last time her boyfriend helped her see it but I just think it's sad that a 34-35 year old woman needs her 22-23 year old boyfriend to help her see when she's being hurtful. So yeah, a waste of time to discuss it with her when she just gets defensive and turns it around on me. I just can't deal with her huge emotional issues, I've tried but she's shown no interest in improving or "growing up." I was planning on distancing myself from her and seeing if things fizzled out since we've moved further away from her (so it now takes her a little over 1 hour to get to us compared to 10-15 minutes) but now she suddenly comes with her pregnancy and mc so now I can't I guess until it's blown over.
That's sad about your friend but so true. She should see that he won't change and leave if she can't live with the fact he won't marry and have kids. She sounds like my "friend" in that respect, complaining about stuff but not doing anything to change things.
Hey ladies I was leaking fluid so I called my doctor. They told me to come in and it turns out it was amniotic fluid. I had ruptured. They want me to stay in the hospital while they monitor my contractions. I have received the first dose of steroid shots and antibiotics. If natural labor doesn't start within a week they are going to induce me because after then the risk of infection goes up dramatically. I am really hoping my little peanut makes it to 34 weeks. I am just so sad that I'm going to be having another premature baby. I guess my body just isn't equipped to have children.
Wow Kiwi, so sorry and I hope everything goes well and your baby will be fine
AFM baby wise I bought the Philips Avent SCD570 and it seem pretty good but I'll know for sure once baby is here and I can use it for real. As for bottle warmers I can't decide if I should invest in one or not, they're pretty expensive here. Are they really necessary if I bf though? I'm not planning on using bottles much if I'm bf although I have bought a few so we have them for e.g. nights out when my ILs will be watching baby.