Any other October mummies?

Ugh my DH drives me crazy sometimes:wacko::dohh: I told him about the bottle warmer so he started saying we should ask his big brother if he still has one. But I reminded him that the brother's evil ex-wife sold everything since she didn't even want her sister to get any hand me downs so never mind us. So he then went on the internet to find it for cheaper. Which he did. So I asked him to order it but he just tells me to "Relax" and then starts looking at LPs and CDs:growlmad: Ugh, he doesn't seem to grasp that there's under 6 weeks til my EDD. For him it's like we have all the time in the world to buy everything we're still missing:nope:
Kat, my husband is the same way and now our baby is going to be born in less than a week and we are not prepared with any of the items we were going to purchase for her. I didn't even have a hospital bag because he wanted to wait another two weeks to get it.

As for my baby she is estimated to be about 5 lbs. 3 oz. and in the 42nd percentile. Her fluid is a little low and below where they like it at. I am definitely going to be induced by 34 weeks if natural labor does it start. The good news is based on how well she's doing I might actually be able to hold her and breast-feed her after she's born.
Kiwi - thinking of you. :hugs: are they doing nst's on your daughter? I would be a little apprehensive to let them take her out due to low fluid if she's not showing any signs of distress. Even if you're leaking fluid your body is CONSTANTLY replenishing it. There is a lot to consider and I'm not saying I have all the answers but just wanted to maybe give a different opinion. The doctors know best but it's just something to think about and consider. An NST would show if she's in distress and they could also do an ultrasound to check on the placenta to make sure it's doing ok also. Just a thought. I wish you the very best and 34 weeks and over 5 pounds is great! I'm sure everything will be fine with your LO. And you get to meet her so soon!
They don't want to risk infection. That is the reason they're going to induce me if she does not come by 34 weeks. After the first week of the risk of infection goes up dramatically. It really has nothing to do with the fluid or how much she has they were only looking at it to see if I really did rupture.
If the fluid was below a certain amount they would be concerned and I would probably have to be induced sooner. They did look at her and all of her organs even including the placenta. She is doing great. They said the risk of infection comes from all the bacteria in the vagina. Once you rupture it can easily make its way to the baby. Also I have strep b so they're concerned about that as well.
Great news Kiwi! Hopefully everything goes smooth. since you have strep B will they start antibiotics soon, or just closer to when they decide they want her out?
They have already started anabiotic's to prevent infection. I believe I am going to keep receiving them until after she is born.
Oh that's good. i haven't had my swab yet. Just was curious. I couldn't remember if it was when your water broke, or when you're in active labor that they want you on antibiotics.
Kiwi- I'm glad baby is doing well and that as of now there are no concerns.

My dh is completely opposite. He is anxious about our baby's arrival and made sure we got all of our last minute items ordered this week. He definitely wants to be prepared which is nice. I think we're going to go stock up on food here within the next week or so bc I know I'm not going to want to go grocery shopping after her arrival and he isn't going to have time due to work. I may even freeze some planned ahead meals to make life easier for us.
Kiwi - Glad to hear your LO is healthy and her weight is great so fingers crossed she arrives safe and sound :)

My DH is like yours Smille, he wants to make sure we have everything. Also i have been very lucky this time, everyone has been very generous and wants to buy us things for the babies.

Kat - that sounds really expensive for a bottle warmer. Seeing as you're planning on bf, maybe see if you need one once LO is here? I never had one for my son, he alwars was happy with room temperature.

Has anyone still got sickness? Mine has come back recently and I'm really sensitive to smells again and have gone off food. It's rubbish, hope it passes.
Kiwi Im glad to hear baby is doing well and that they taking extra care of you ...

Lolli I felt sick week before last when I hit 32 weeks and had a few days of nausea and vomiting but im much better now ...

Kat I agree maybe first see how your baby takes to BF ...

Ajarvis you on the last block of your ticker ... whoop whoop

AFM - Im good especially now that Im working from home ... I take daily walks with my DD to keep busy and now that the weather is warmer ... she officially started daycare today ... she was supposed to start on 29 August but when we heard she was going to have to pay for the month of August and again today for September we decided to send her today ... Im happy to announce she is a brave little girl and left my hand and forgot all about me as soon as we entered the daycare centre ... I cant wait to hear how her first day went and all the stories she has to tell ... the house is sooo quiet but Im glad I can relax a little today seeing that Ive been up since 2:36am and its now 8:57am LOL I don't know who was more excited me or her ...

anyways does anyone know what it feels like when you leak fluid? Im always wet but I noticed when I go to pee before I pee I hear drops falling ... I know the fluid replenishes itself ... just curious to know ...
My dh is completely opposite. He is anxious about our baby's arrival and made sure we got all of our last minute items ordered this week. He definitely wants to be prepared which is nice. I think we're going to go stock up on food here within the next week or so bc I know I'm not going to want to go grocery shopping after her arrival and he isn't going to have time due to work. I may even freeze some planned ahead meals to make life easier for us.

Wow can we switch DHs:haha: That's a good idea about groceries, DH and I should also probably stock up a bit more than we normally would even though DH will be taking 2-3 weeks of his maternity leave starting on the day I go into labour.

My DH is like yours Smille, he wants to make sure we have everything. Also i have been very lucky this time, everyone has been very generous and wants to buy us things for the babies.

Kat - that sounds really expensive for a bottle warmer. Seeing as you're planning on bf, maybe see if you need one once LO is here? I never had one for my son, he alwars was happy with room temperature.

Wow so lucky! The only ones buying anything for us are my ILs and it's only because they told us they had an adjusteable crib we could use and it turned out it was a normal cradle so they're paying for the mattress for it. Otherwise nada! But we still may yet get a few items after baby is here as people may also be waiting to see the gender before buying anything:shrug:

Well this is Denmark so everything is expensive:nope: There's a 45% tax on paychecks (even before you see the money) and then there's another 25% tax on all goods and services you buy here. So prices like that don't phase me much anymore since I've been living here for 21 years now:shrug:

Nope no MS but my heartburn is occuring more often and gotten a bit worse. Luckily milk works so been drinking that. Plus I can't eat as much so trying to go for eating more often and smaller portions although DH doesn't get it :dohh:
No sickness, but the heartburn is still horrible. The medication that I HAD to take for it didn't work at all so I gave up on that and didn't go back to the doctor. Don't want to take anything stronger (even though there is enough evidence it won't affect baby) and rather have my esophagus damaged than any kind of risk that baby WILL be affected.
Baby has dropped quite a bit (my belly is suddenly a lot lower, which is so weird. People even commented on it!) and that does help a bit!

My DH is a sweetheart but forever calm and never stressed. So I have to constantly ask him to do stuff in advance and keep asking and asking until he eventually does it. I asked him to put all the friends he wants to send birth cards to on a list and ugh it is already taking him a month. Asked him to do it BEFORE September 1st because we designed the cards ourselves and it is a lot of work. Plus, he has a lot of foreign friends so we need to plan everything well in advance. Guess what? Still don't have all the addresses. :dohh:

Blessed: From what my midwife told me, you can tell by the colour/smell. Amniotic fluid usually smells a little bit sweet (it's rather sugary stuff) and can have a pinkish hue.And apparently, if you are leaking, it is more likely to be a trickle than a few drops. Test after peeing if you still hear drops falling. Could be that before you pee you are leaking a bit of urine, as that is very common third trimester. I always feel kinda wet as well, but it's just discharge and just the fact that everything there is more swollen = more sweat apparently. Which is gross! I've never had leg sweat before in my life lol
No sickness, but the heartburn is still horrible. The medication that I HAD to take for it didn't work at all so I gave up on that and didn't go back to the doctor. Don't want to take anything stronger (even though there is enough evidence it won't affect baby) and rather have my esophagus damaged than any kind of risk that baby WILL be affected.
Baby has dropped quite a bit (my belly is suddenly a lot lower, which is so weird. People even commented on it!) and that does help a bit!

My DH is a sweetheart but forever calm and never stressed. So I have to constantly ask him to do stuff in advance and keep asking and asking until he eventually does it. I asked him to put all the friends he wants to send birth cards to on a list and ugh it is already taking him a month. Asked him to do it BEFORE September 1st because we designed the cards ourselves and it is a lot of work. Plus, he has a lot of foreign friends so we need to plan everything well in advance. Guess what? Still don't have all the addresses. :dohh:

So sorry about your heartburn, I feel your pain :nope: I did read somewhere though that when baby drops, it should help alleviate the heartburn a bit. That hasn't helped? I understand you wanting to avoid meds, that's what I'm doing as well. Milk works so will keep doing that. Once it doesn't, I know there are a few pregnancy safe options but hoping to avoid needing them. Baby hasn't dropped in my case yet, at least I don't think so since my bump still looks high. I'll be posting a pic later today on my journal:winkwink:

Your DH sounds a bit like my DH. So frustrating, right:dohh: My DH is the King of Procrastination, it can get a bit crazy and I sometimes resort to nagging if it's really important or if it's something that affects me more than him but hate doing it - makes me feel more like his mother than his wife. I try to just let things be his problem as much as possible though since I don't think my nagging is exactly conductive to having a good relationship with him.
Blessed - I'm glad your lo was brave! She's the same age my ds was when he started nursery and he loved it, the amount they grow once they're around a lot more children and adults is amazing! I work in a nursery too and think it's really beneficial for children 2+ plus it must be lovely to have some time to yourself too.

Kat - Denmark taxes and prives sounds crazy. It must make it harder to get everything prepared for the baby.

Blabla - heartburn us rubbish :( mine comes and goes but it's so uncomfortable.

Afm - this is my first month of being paid maternity leave so seeing my paycheck this month was slightly disappointing but will just have to learn to adjust!
Preparing for Monday when Ds starts school here, making sure he has everything etc I'm going to be an big pregnant emotional mess when i drop him off on Monday haha. It'll be nice to have a few hours a day to do stuff around the house. I had a big urge to clean today (doesn't happen often anymore as my energy is zapped) but i tidied, cleaned, decluttered and did laundry. Just need to do the bedrooms and bathroom ugh! I'd love to pay for a cleaner and gardner at this stage! If only x
Kat - Denmark taxes and prives sounds crazy. It must make it harder to get everything prepared for the baby.

Oh yes, which is why we started shopping after my 20 week anomaly scan, so we had time to space out the expenses. There's no tradition for baby showers either so no freebies there:nope: Plus DH's evil ex-wife didn't want any of the stuff they bought for their 2 kids (they had 1 of each) to be inherited (not even to her own sister!) so they sold the vast majority of stuff. My FIL even said that when he mentioned the sister getting anything when she was expecting, the ex-wife (they were still married at the time though) said that she didn't want anyone inheriting anything and she would make sure everything was sold to anyone else:wacko:
I just got out of my dr appt and she said since I was over due with my 1st, I'll most likely go over with this one. Not something I wanted to hear. However, she is against inducing until it's absolutely necessary which is great. The dr I had with my 1st kept pushing me into being induced early for her sake. I wasn't having it. I'm not dilated yet and the sharp pains are from ligaments stretching as baby's head drops further into my pelvis. Apparently it's more common from already having a child.
Lollipop its true what you saying ... she was excited to go today too as she made some friends yesterday ... she needs some kind of social life and Im glad she is such a friendly little girl and can adjust easily in a new environment ... hope your son enjoys his first day of school and kudos for cleaning up yesterday LOL just like you I have zero energy to do anything... :flower:

Blabla thanks I think its just pee then yuck ... oh well the joys ...:blush:

Kat she is really evil not to even want to give anything to her own sister ... :shrug:

Smile lets hope this one is different and she comes on her due date ... :hugs:

AFM - this weekend we invited to DH's cousin's pool party :happydance:... she is turning 32 tomorrow ... we were also asked to help set up so we will most likely be there all day ... Scotlynn is however spending the day with her granny as I just don't have the energy to run after her and make sure she is safe in the swimming pool ... and knowing DH he will most likely be celebrating with his cousin:dohh:

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