Any other October mummies?

Have fun with the pool party blessed! Sounds great :D

I'm going to the zoo today with my cousin and her 1 year old daughter! I'm so looking forward to it, even though I'm not looking forward to the stabs up my cervix and the pressure. My niece is super cute and sweet, so that will definitely make up for it!
Kat she is really evil not to even want to give anything to her own sister ... :shrug:

Yeah she's always been a real witch:nope: I don't know why DH's big brother married her and had 2 kids with her. She's clearly a very toxic person. I blame DH's parents as they raised their kids to be a bit naive and "believe in the best in people" which can be dangerous to do: it leaves an opening for toxic people to come into their lives.

So great your daughter has made friends and the pool party sounds like fun:happydance: I don't think I've been in a pool for many years now, it's not the norm here since it's super expensive. I don't think we even know anyone with a pool:wacko: Hope you have a great time!

Blablamana hope you have fun at the zoo with your niece! We don't really spend any time with the niece and nephew on DH's side and see them mostly only on some holidays. Of course the ones on my side we don't see at all now, I never even met my toxic sister's son (wasn't even invited to the Christening and that was while we were still on realtively friendly terms) and he's 5 now I believe:nope: Did meet her daughter in 2010 while DH and I were in the US on vacation but that was only for 2 days.

My weekend is not going to be so exciting. DH is going to a company dinner thing tonight and I'm hoping to get him out to the baby store tomorrow to buy the last items we need. No other plans really. But our social life is a bit limited to mostly seeing his parents or my toxic mother :wacko:
thanks Kat and blabla ...

blabla doesn't your zoo have those golf carts you can ride in to see the different animals ... I know ours has ... instead of having to walk the entire zoo ... but do enjoy it though ...

Kat maybe you can relax and have some me time ... have you started washing anything yet?
Kat maybe you can relax and have some me time ... have you started washing anything yet?

I've only managed to wash the cloth diaper inserts once and they should be washed a couple of times more to maximise absorbancy. But it's a bit much for my back to lift them in and out so would prefer DH's help when washing anything at this point. Guess we'll get another wash in this weekend since there should be time for it.

I was hoping to just lay back and find a chick flick I can watch tonight (since DH hates the vast majority of chick flicks). The challenge is finding a girlie film I have that I haven't seen a billion times e.g. "Bridget Jones' Diary" :haha: There's unfortunately no good films on the TV tonight so looking at my DVD/Blu-Ray collection.
Blessed I didn't even notice!!! yay for last block LOL! Finally :p Sounds like you have a well adjusted daughter. Did she like daycare?

blablama my hb decreased when baby dropped too. Now when it happens I can work through it :p I don't feel like I'm going to die at least ha.

Kat those taxes are nuts. Although here in Canada we are taxed pretty high too - just not that high! I am 100% a second hand shopper lol. Going to pick up a nursing pillow, and baby bathtub second hand tonight.

Smille take it with a grain of salt. My oldest was induced at 41 weeks. Horrible induction. Second came 1 week early on his own! Curious to see what happens this time around.

Lollipop I love the first day of school! My boys went back August 16th. I took the day off just to take them and pick them up lol. We always make it an exciting first day. Hope your son has a great one!

AFM spent the day at Heritage park yesterday - like an amusement park/museum. Basically showing what life was like on the prairies in the early 1900's love going there. My son had his grade 5 field trip there as part of their social studies. I was extremely tired and done by the end of the day, but was alot of fun anyways :) FIL is leaving this weekend and we are going to finish the baby's room. I found a list of the screws and what not I need to set up the cradle. Which means I have to go through the mountain of clothes in my room and get rid of a bunch. Making sure to keep some for post pregnancy, and then as I lose weight. Pretty big job. My MIL buys a lot of clothes. She's a great bargain shopper lol. We paid for the birth centre and I've sent in my registration forms. So that's set. All these final details are coming together!!!
ajarvis yeah it's crazy but I'm almost used to it:nope: Sounds fun! I wish the 2nd hand shops were better here. I don't think there are so many in the area I live in. Plus since this is our 1st, we really also want some new stuff as well:cloud9: I suppose I could try 2nd hand shopping via the internet though and see if they have more choices. I've especially fallen for a certain brand of baby clothes called Fixoni so would love to get most of my baby's clothes in the same brand. The amusement park sounds kinda fun and sounds like you're being super productive! DH and I still need to clear some things out from the baby's room, hoping to get that done this weekend as most of the boxes are a bit heavy and I don't want to chance anything by lifting them alone:wacko:

Oh and my MIL just texted me that her and my FIL bought the mattress for the cradle so looking forward to putting it in:thumbup:
We have a great 2nd hand shops around our area for babies and kids. They only take in gently used clothes and most of the baby clothes still have tags from department stores. We bought a lot of our 1st child's clothes from there and will do the same this time around. They grow quickly so buying used definitely helps save money.

We cleared out the nursery a couple of days ago, so now we just wait for her arrival. I'm getting very anxious...and sore.
OK got the most annoying news of my life. Got a letter from the municipality/midwife place and it states this:

Unfortunately we're forced to temporarily cancel the birthing classes to ensure an adequate response to the births at the Maternity Ward in Holbaek (the hospital I'm going to give birth at). We expect to resume the classes later this year.

Yeah thanks, later this year means well after I've given birth if I know the public standards right. My EDD is about 5 weeks away and I'm sure it's too late to join any other classes now. I'm in a panic, why does this municipality insist on destroying my pregnancy experience??? First with not giving me a steady midwife and now this:cry:
Wow you girls are all so busy. I am past the point of wanting to do things. I'm tired a lot of the time and just walking my dog seems to be enough activity for me. The nursery is done except for some clothes needing to be organized. DH has to take the old mattress out of there but that will be done this weekend. We ordered an outside storage unit to clean up the outside area where all of my hubby's tools are and I've been organizing the breastfeeding/bottle area in our kitchen. I think I've been nesting a bit. It's good to start now though since my energy levels aren't really high.

Yesterday was a crazy day for us. I woke up to what felt like leaking fluid. I went into labor and delivery at the hospital and they tested me and everything came back normal, thank god. So they sent me home. Well, I felt like I had a uti all day after the first testing. I took a nap, woke up to blood. Not fun. So I went back into labor and delivery and they ran more tests and everything came back normal. I don't know what went on but today I feel totally normal again. I'm happy but still confused as to why I had that bleed. They did test for cervical infection but I won't get those results back for a few days.
Glad everything was normal Ash! I had similar bleeds my entire pregnancy with my oldest. They never did figure out why!

Kat I don't really go to shops at all. I just use buy and sell groups online. They're pretty popular here. I got 2 new dresses that instore would be 40 dollars each for 2.50 each. They're 0-3 months so basically brand new. Lots of other stuff similar pricing and deals. they grow so fast it seems a waste to spend the 40 bucks on 1 new piece when I could get 15-20 used!
Ugh DH got home super late so I'm going to start looking for new birthing classes alone. But not holding my breathe that we can find anything this close to EDD. Otherwise I'll have to find something online which isn't nearly as good but is better than nothing I suppose. Still so upset that they cancelled those classes and so late:cry: Even if I find something, we'll have to pay for it and birthing classes can be pretty expensive here:wacko:

My MIL didn't help things last night as I texted her about it and she wrote something a la "Oh it's really bad if you don't get to go to birthing classes before you have to give birth, maybe you can go to a relaxation/psychomotor therapist like I did with DH's little brother." Yeah, thanks for telling me something I know and yeah, like I can do the same thing you did when you were about to give birth to your 3rd child:dohh:
Kat, :hugs: so sorry your classes were canceled hun. I hope you can find another class to attend.

Ash, so glad everything is ok with your babies :hugs:.

I am still here in the hospital. Baby is doing really well. I asked if there was a chance they could let me go to 35 weeks instead of 34 and they said they would have a meeting about it. Here is to hoping my little Princess can cook a bit longer.
I love finding second hand things too. I've bought a ton of newborn size stuff from eBay, they look as good as new.

Ash - that must of been so scary! Glad you're okay though. Hopefully those babies stay in a little longer!

Kat - sorry to hear your classes were cancelled. Same thing happened when i was pregnant with my first so we never had a class. Hope you can find another one but don't worry too much if you don't, instincts will kick in!

Glad you and baby are doing well kiwi. Time must be dragging in the hospital! Is your LO allowed to visit? Fingers crossed they let you get to 35 weeks xx
It really is dragging :(. So boring too, at least I have my phone I guess lol.

They are letting DD1 visit :). She gets to see me a lot during the day and say good night before she goes home for bed at night. It's been rough for her and she's all out of sorts :cry:.
Kat- although birthing class can be helpful, your instincts like lolli said will kick in. Try an online class if possible. I think it would be just as helpful.

Kiwi- I'm glad baby is well. Hopefully you get to wait it out an extra week.
Thanks guys! DH and I did find a couple of possibilities but question is which is best? The one course would end just shy of 2-3 days of my EDD, the other one is a concentrated course over a 2 day period on the 16th and 17th of this month.

Oh and DH and I did get out to a baby store yesterday but a different one since DH wanted to try going somewhere else for a change. We got almost everything except the newborn insert for our carrier since they didn't sell them for some reason:shrug: So we'll have to make a quick trip to the other store to get it. Also ended up getting some more clothes since they had a different assortment but got them all in one size larger since DH felt we had enough in the large newborn size and should be buying for the future. Surprised he let me buy as much as I did but I think he knows I was/am upset about the courses being cancelled so he was letting me buy a bit more since he knows looking and buying baby clothes seems to cheer me up. Wanted to really get this really cute stuffed bunny but DH didn't want me buying any toys, think it's because he wants to let it be an area where his family can buy for us. So we're mostly missing the insert, the bottle warmer (DH will order it over the net since he found it at almost ½ price) and maybe a steriliser. Otherwise I think we're pretty set!

BTW never heard back from the childish friend, don't know if she's thought better of coming over here or what:shrug: I unfortunately do suspect she could possibly be lying about having been pregnant and then having an m/c, perhaps as a way to avoid me saying anything about her lack of interest in my pregnancy and possibly even the birth. Either way, it's going to make things more uncomfortable when I tell her she won't be the Godmother.
Kat- our class was 2 days. Yes, it was extremely long but it was nice to get it over with in a short period of time.

My "friend" is supposedly going to come visit today since she missed my baby shower bc she "got lost". If she blows me off, that's it I'm done. I'm with you, I'm done worrying about someone who is a terrible friend to me.
ajarvis she is enjoying daycare ... had a little episode this morning when she had to wake up to get ready to go but as soon as we dropped her off she was happy to be with her friends

Ash that sounds scary hope the tests comes back clear ... good luck

Kiwi I hope they have some good news for you today and that you can make it to 35weeks

Kat sorry about your classes being cancelled

AFM - the pool party was nice although I was so tired as I was helping my DH's cousin to host her party and was up and down all day ... which I think lead to me waking up to contractions yesterday morning which was 10-13minutes apart ... and I lost some of my mucous plug ... it however did start spacing out more when I drank water and relaxed in bed and eventually died down ... one thing for sure is it scared DH so much that he washed all of her clothes and started packing our bags for the hospital LOL ...
Kat- our class was 2 days. Yes, it was extremely long but it was nice to get it over with in a short period of time.

My "friend" is supposedly going to come visit today since she missed my baby shower bc she "got lost". If she blows me off, that's it I'm done. I'm with you, I'm done worrying about someone who is a terrible friend to me.

Yeah I'm mostly leaning towards taking the more intensive course over 2 days since I'm sure to get through them before my EDD.

Hope she came! And yep so true. I'm definitely done after her mc although she hasn't contacted us since telling my DH so not sure how to handle it. Especially as I still have this nagging feeling she could be faking the entire thing. She may have even been asking me all those question in June so she could tell a more believable story to people. Because if she really was pregnant at that time, I would think she would tell me and be even more excited to hear about me and my baby but she wasn't. I may have to ask DH tonight exactly what she told him and how she sounded. I think they only thing he told me was she told him she was pregnant but baby was too small at NT scan (so she was around 12-13 weeks) and she mc'ed it and there was some bleeding. If I do find out she's faking this whole thing, I'm completely done with her!

Blessed yeah sounds like you may have overdone it at the party! Could have also been due to dehydration if you weren't drinking enough fluids during the party. I've ended up getting DH to start buying me flavoured water so I can more easily get my water intake.

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