Any other October mummies?

Kiwi: I hope you get some good news and baby can stay cooking until 35 weeks! :hugs:

Smille: I hope your visit with your friend was good! Hope she showed up.

Kat: 2 days seems intense but I would actually love that. We are not taking any birth classes or anything. I already read up on anything and I'm way too stubborn anyway. Did go to a 'labor info' night 2 weeks ago, but that was more for SO because he refuses to read the baby books I got him :haha: I didn't learn anything new and was quite surprised that most pregnant ladies there knew absolutely NOTHING about labor or the meds or whatever. Then again, I can get a little bit obsessed and had already read everything there is to read about EVERYTHING before I hit 4 months lol.

Blessed: I'm glad your pool party was nice, but I get that you got tired! Glad those contractions tapered off, couple of nights ago I had some very bad period cramps/contractions that came every 4-5 minutes and lasted 30-40 seconds (according to contraction timer app) but luckily they tapered off. Lost a big chunk (yuck) of mucus plug as well a couple of days back so I wonder what midwife will say tomorrow! (not that they check me here in the Netherlands).
blablamana yeah I would normally not be much for taking such an intense course as it's a lot of hours for both days (which are even in a row!) but fear that I may not reach to get all 3-4 course days in with the other class on the off chance I go into labor before 40 weeks. So I'm a bit forced into it. I told DH that if he can't take that Friday early off from work, I could go by myself if he leaves me the car (since it is a bit far away and public transport is awful where I live) and he can come with me on the 2nd course day on Saturday. I think he agrees we should take the intensive course so hoping he arranges it today as he's the one paying. As for your mucus plug yeah I think you should definitely tell your midwife and see what she says, just to be on the safe side.
Thanks kat! I hope you'll like the course and that hubby can go with you on both days!
As for the midwife: yeah, don't think there's anything wrong or anything, but will definitely mention it :)

How is everyone else doing by the way?
Bla- my dr checked me at my last appt, but wont check me again for a few weeks. She said all it does is creates discomfort and unless I go into labor, she'll just tell me "see you next week". She's anti-induction which is great bc I do not want to be induced again unless medically necessary.

My friend showed up, but I tried not to talk about baby. I know what it feels like to long for a child and others throwing it in your face. We had nice conversation.
Bla- my dr checked me at my last appt, but wont check me again for a few weeks. She said all it does is creates discomfort and unless I go into labor, she'll just tell me "see you next week". She's anti-induction which is great bc I do not want to be induced again unless medically necessary.

My friend showed up, but I tried not to talk about baby. I know what it feels like to long for a child and others throwing it in your face. We had nice conversation.

Here in the Netherlands they don't even induce you until you are 42 weeks or there are problems! Wouldn't want to be induced honestly.
Also, here they don't usually check you - ever! Unless you specifically ask for it, which I won't. Just not a thing they do here, but I guess they would if you've had spotting or something. But not as a routine thing, other than when you are in labor.

I'm glad you had a nice time with your friend :)
Smile glad she did show up but sorry you can't talk about your pregnancy with her at all.

Blablamana I think it's the same here with induction, they only consider it if you go over and also maybe if there's some medical reason to do so. I don't think they just induce left and right anyway. As for the midwife checking, they only measure the fundus height and check heartbeat but don't do any internal checks unless there is some compelling reason to I would think. As to DH going with we'll see, otherwise I'll be fine going alone if need be. I did sign up for the course today and it costs about $70 but that was one of the cheapest we found.
Induction is similar here. I was induced with DS at 12 days over due and will be induced this time at 37 weeks as it's twins so I'm high risk. I've never had an internal examination either this pregnancy.

Afm - Ds started school today. He did so well but i missed him and it was very emotional haha but it's for the best as I'm becoming less able to do anything physical! My hip and back has been really painful today plus I've been getting cramp in my leg which has all contributed to me limping everywhere today! Not fun. 5 weeks left. Counting down the days x
Ive been totally uncomfortable the last few days. I feel like my belly is going to rip off or explode or something. :haha:

I've been teetering between "ah I have time" and "omg I need everything done NOW!"
Halloween will be here before I know it and although my shower will be October 15, I need to get everything else done.

I feel like I have nothing done at the moment. :dohh:

Of course I'm being treated for a beast of a sinus infection so I've been lazy this weekend. Fingers crossed I'll be better soon.

How's everyone else doing?
sorry to hear about your sinus infection twicky

Lollipop that's good that he was such a champ going to school ... my DD just did well the first 2 days ... since yesterday its been fights and crying to get her to go ... this morning she even said she is sick ... argh I just hope its just for this week as I cant deal with her emotions and my hormones

AFM - I woke up and had contractions again ... drank some water and Im relaxing and they seem to have died down ... these practice contractions are exhausting ...
Lollipopbop glad your DS is doing well at school!

twicky sorry about your sinus infection, I hope it clears up quickly!

Blessed sorry your DD has been emotional, could be also due to she knows baby is soon here and wants attention? As for those contractions maybe drink water before going to bed and having some water by the bed so if you wake up during the night, you can drink some as well? That's what I've been doing but only because I've been feeling extra thirsty these last couple of weeks. Although I most often drink milk before going to bed since I often have heartburn at night.

AFM joined Instagram since my ILs seem to prefer it and figured if that's how they'd prefer to follow their coming grandchild, then I can just as well have an account since DH isn't into social media at all (he has nothing on his Instagram and maybe only 1-2 a year puts something on his FB). I made it private so my toxic siblings can't follow me, trying to delay them finding out I'm pregnant for as long as possible to avoid their drama and constant put downs (especially from my brother, the most toxic one). My only followers are DH's little brother's girlfriend and my MIL atm, requested to follow DH's cousin and little brother but only the cousin has accepted my request though without requesting to follow me:shrug: I'd recently cleared my phone of pics because I had almost no more space and want to be able to take lots of pics when baby is born so only had a recent bump pic to put up. Only the little brother's girlfriend has commented and shown some interest atm, no likes though.
Kat now that the weather is warming up I have been drinking much more water and I always keep water at the side of my bed ... I will try drinking more though ...

you so lucky to be able to drink milk for heartburn and it helps ...

I don't have Instagram but might get it once my baby is born ... still in two minds as most of my posts are done on FB though ... has your mother not been in contact with your siblings if they still don't know you're expecting?
Yeah it's a really good thing and also good that I like milk:thumbup:

Instagram seems to be an ok thing. But I guess it depends on what most of your friends and family are into. If most of your friends and relatives are pretty active on FB, then you might not need it though.

As for my toxic siblings, none of them are in contact with our toxic mother for different reasons. My toxic sister (½ sibling and 10 years older than me) is mostly because her father and our mother had a messy divorce (although they did have sporadic contact here and there). As for my most toxic brother (also a ½ sibling and 23 years older than me), that was because our toxic mother was verbally abusive to his wife the 2 times she's met the wife (the 1st time was before they got married) so he's chosen not to have any further contact with her, especially as they have a child. Not sure about my eldest toxic brother (½ sibling again and a bit older than my other brother) but think it was more a mutual thing as my mother is toxic but my brother was also toxic as well and always out to get money. Frankly my siblings have been so emotionally and verbally abusive towards me that I don't want them to have any contact with my child - they'll just set him/her up to be the next family scapegoat!
Just had the check-up: pains are because baby is now at 34 weeks already fully engaged and stuck in pelvis! :thumbup:
Everything else was totally fine as well, so I'm happy :cloud9:

Blessed: Sounds stupid but maybe you are having enough to drink, but are lacking electrolytes? Maybe try a sports drink like Gatorade next time you have em, and see if that helps better?
Kat if you can't get to a class do online courses or some reading etc. Your instincts will take over. As for the two classes you mentioned I'd do the two day one. 2-3 days before your due date may mean you don't make it to the end of classes.

Glad your little one can visit Kiwi! Hopefully they let you go longer!

Blessed glad she's enjoying daycare. It's so much easier that way. Plus so good for their socialization and helps them become more independent!

AFM I'm still waiting to hear from my midwife about booking my appointment this week. I'm tempted to call HER. But trying to be patient since yesterday was a holiday lol. Over the weekend crib is together, bedding is on. Change table is in the room clothes are washed and folded and put away - almost all of them. Picked up a nursing pillow, and a baby bathtub. Some of the decorative things for the room are up. My side of the room is cleaned up with all the xtra clothes in a bag and up for grabs on a buy and sell site. should be gone today. Organized the boys closet, books, dresser etc. So tired lol. I was a crying mess yesterday I think because I was so tired. But if DH looked at me sideways I'd cry :p
Wow Ajarvis, you had a busy weekend then! Seems like you got a lot done. I can imagine you are tired!
Ajarvis, youre so busy! You put me to shame haha sounds like your nesting instincts are really strong atm!

Blessed - I'm sure your lo will warm up. It's a big transition but she'll love it so much.

Blabla - That's good news! Clever baby in position.

Afm I have a growth scan tomorrow. Depending on how baby a is lying, I'll get my c section booked in but i am hoping she's head down and we can go for a natural birth.
Yes very tired lol. At the end of the night when we were in bed DH asked me is this nesting? All the girls at work say when you're nesting I need to shup up and give you what you want and do what you say. Is this nesting?? lmao. He's trying to figure out how to fix me :p Kinda freaked me out how much I did yesterday cause last time I did that I went into labor that night. But no baby so all good. She can keep cooking :p

Lolli hopefully she's head down for you! Although they can change positions whenever. My youngest was head down back up like he was supposed to be until I was IN labor then he flipped sunnyside up. He's always been an ornery child. Likes to go against the grain. Guess it started then :p
Thanks girls! I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.

I'm getting more and more nervous as the birth approaches. What's everyones concerns?
My biggest worry is being away from DS and his feelings towards it all. I'm also nervous about the unknown. I know I've given birth before but twins are a whole new thing! X
lolli - I'm mostly worried about post partum hemorrhaging since having twins puts you more at risk. That's my biggest fear. I plan on talking to my doctor about things that I can possibly do before hand to help like taking iron supplements, etc. I'm also nervous about nursing twins and making sure I have enough milk for both of them.

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