Any other October mummies?

Congrats Kiwi!!!

Kat- you will be good enough. Parenting will come naturally.

Ajarvis- yep my alarm goes off for 15-20 min b4 I acknowledge it lol. I'm not a nap taker, but I feel like I need one every day.
I've got so much time in the day now ds is at school but i have 0 motivation to do anything! I'm so uncomfortable, I can't even nap haha
Pregnancy is cruel sometimes!
It was so hot here last night, I woke up and ate 2 ice lollies and drank 2 pints of ice water.. my ice cravings are back from my last pregnancy x
Congratulations Kiwi!! She looks so precious.. Fingers crossed that you and DD get to go home together soon..

I've got lots of energy, just too much pain to do anything with it for long. Just trying to make it through today at work and then I should be done for awhile. Took tomorrow off cause Saturday is our Baby Shower!
Congrats kiwi will lookout for your story of what happened n hope your home soon!
I'm 34+5 n feeling very big n heavy! Struggling to walk the pressure and soreness in my hips n groin is strong n get alsorts of little pains so I'm thinking she is now head down. I'm having a growth scan tomorrow so will see!
I can't get comfy anywhere either even in bed and on sofas I'm struggling! X
hi ladies

Lolli that is wonderful news ... and she is already engaged .... I really do hope Scotlynn is a champ when I have her little sister ... we of course getting her something from her sister ...

Ajarvis I had my last day in the office yesterday when I attended a meeting to round up the year and got a surprise babyshower ... I didn't expect work to do anything for me but was quite surprised at the effort they put in ...

I feel huge and cant wait to have this little girl ... Im also over being pregnant and this is definitely our last baby ... Im have a tubal ligation the day of my csection ...

whenever my baby moves its like she is farting or like water bubbles bursting ... anyone know what this is?
Congrats Kiwi!!! My IRL friend who shared my 07 Oct due date had hers at 35+1 this past weekend, though hers is still in NICU, possible discharge tomorrow. Also a fluid leak.

Blessed: So nice of them to throw you a surprise shower! Glad to hear DD preschool transition is coming along well!

FaithyJ: I plan to stay at home as long as possible also, I'm less scared of an unplanned home birth than all the unnecessary hospital stuff for most deliveries.

Lolli: Glad to hear twin A is cooperating!

AFM: Our midwives are very hands off also. Doula too. Big emphasis on helping the body do it's job and staying relaxed and going with nature, so that's what we are planning.

We have washed everything we have so far... LOL... Which isn't much! Work shower is tomorrow and friends/family shower is Saturday. It's 2 am and I'm a passenger with Hubster and my mom returning from a 9 hour drive for a job interview... Which I got and am waiting for the contract to be processed. The other job I applied for cleared my background check today and I might be flying there in week 36, next week, if there are no medical holds as it's only 3 hours away.

Baby is still a bouncing boy! Have had a lot of deep pressure and aches in my pelvis and hips, thankfully have been able to use birthing positions to help keep the joints loose and lessen the discomfort. We are planning to pack my hospital bag Sunday and buy whatever high priority items we still need on Sunday as well.

I'm hoping to make a decision about which job to accept by the end of next week, would be a December start date most likely. I feel insane for continuing to push right along, but midwives and specialist have said all is well and no worries, do I'm just keeping on. I see both on Wednesday with my doula coming to the midwife to review our birth plan. After this, we go to weekly appointments from here on out. Cannot believe I'm technically 36 weeks (given the hour), seems like it's still a dream!
Faithy hope you have a great baby shower! I would've liked to have had one but ended up not planning one, partially because if it was only women coming it would be a sad show of people and partially because there isn't a tradition for one in this country.

hopefullys hope your scan goes great!

Blessed might also be a good idea to see if your daughter would also like to get the baby a present as well. So great that your workplace gave you a baby shower! As for those movements I have no idea:shrug: I don't even know half the time what my baby is doing in there:haha:

Clandestine I was wondering where you were! Hope you enjoy both showers and congrats on the job front.

AFM I'm definitely not over my pregnancy yet despite the discomforts I've been having. Savouring every moment:cloud9: Hoping to be able to soon pack my hospital bag as I want to get DH to go with me tomorrow and get a couple of maternity bras. As for midwife appointments, my next one is on the 15th. It's a busy week next week as our cat needs to get her teeth cleaned on the 13th (so will be driving to the vet's twice, once to hand her in in the morning and once to pick her up in the afternoon), midwife appointment on the 15th and my intensive birthing class on the 16th and 17th:wacko: Am still a bit disappointed that I won't have had a breastfeeding class before baby is here but here's hoping that someone at the hospital will have time to help me. It can't suprise them when they cancel those courses that people may not have been able to find a course, especially if they're close to their EDD when they got the notice. I did try looking a bit but there isn't one and I don't think the intensive birthing course goes into it at all.
Hope you ladies have fun at your showers!
Clandestine - sounds like you're super busy. Glad everythings going well.

Blessed - I need to buy something for DS from the babies. OHs mum has bought him a bike for when they get here so he'll be chuffed with that too! As for the bubbley type movments, I read that it means the baby is having hiccups.

Afm - I have a driving lesson today. Only 2 weeks until my test and I'm not feeling confident but fingers crossed everything picks up in the next couple weeks and i feel more prepared because driving is going to be essential once the twins are here. The school runs have been killing me. DS is with his dad this weekend :( hate when hes away but it'll give me time to finish my hospital bag and work out what bits still need to be bought.
So I have some really sad news. After they told us that we could take her home today 20 minutes later they decide that because she looked a little sleepy eating her last bottle they were going to keep her for another 24 hours. Not only that, they are putting an NG tube in. Even though she ate her minimum 15ml (cc). They also decided to tell me that having a 34 weeker come home in 2 days is unheard of and for that reason they want to "make sure" I can feed her when she comes home. So basically what I got out of that is because my baby is doing so well it must be a fluke??? Not to mention they did not even take into consideration the fact that she had her hep B shot this morning. When I fed her earlier this morning before her shot her eyes were open and she was wide awake. They act like I would not be capable of knowing if she eats enough and having to bring her back into the NICU. I am so fed up with that NICU. If I was at UNC they would have been more than happy to send her home with me. I mean seriously, I have had a preemie before. I would make sure she stayed awake and ate enough food to thrive. They did not want to even give me the chance.......... So heartbroken right now. I will hopefully find out tomorrow if I can finally take her home.
congratulations Kiwi I only say now :blush: she is beautiful I hope she gets to go home with you as she sounds like such a trooper ...

ahh Clandestine good to hear from you and you do sound busy ... congrats on the work front ... hope you enjoy your shower and last minute shopping

Faithy hope you enjoy yours too ...

Hopefullys good luck with your scan

Kat sounds like you'll have quite a busy week next week ... Im seeing my OBGYN on Monday and that is already making me feel tired LOL ... I will see if she would like to get her sister something ... that's a great idea

Lolli good luck with the lesson and your test ... I doubt its hiccups unless that means she has flipped and is head up now as its at the top of my bump LOL ... I hope she is still head down ... guess I will have to see on Monday
Kiwi - Sorry you're having to stay longer. It's amazing how well she's doing being born so early! Hopefully they're just being cautious and you get to go home soon.

Blessed - maybe she has turned! Are you having a section? X
Kat I wouldn't worry too much about not taking a breastfeeding class. There's only so much you can learn without the baby. They definitely should show you in hospital and help you get the latch etc. Even then it can take a while to get the hang of it.

Blessed that's so nice of your work!

Clandestine I can't believe you're job hunting and I'm just counting down to my last day so I can have my year off lol. I'm so beat and done that even one more week seems like an eternity.

Kiwi hopefully you can take her home soon. that would definitely be frustrating!

I have a midwife appt. tonight - home visit. It's my 36 week appointment. at 36 weeks and 6 days lol. Not sure what to expect... besides strep b swab of course :p
I was discharged yesterday. Since i was not rooming in with her i could not stay. L&D was full of ladies who needed a room.
Thinking of you kiwi. Can't imagine how hard it is to go home without your newborn. You're a strong mama! It won't be long until you're all together xx
I'm sorry Kiwi, I hope your little lady gets to come home soon. Must be hard to be at home with her there. I'm sorry they are not yet allowing her home and hope they will soon. :hugs:
Kat: don't worry about the breastfeeding class. I had one yesterday and it was ridiculous. Not only did they completely harass and be rude to a lady who admitted she prefers to bottlefeed her baby (like really, the lady leading the course kept making comments directed at the poor lady). Like, jeez, I want to breastfeed too and yes it is the best.. but if mom doesn't want to and does it anyway she is 1. not going to have enough milk 2. gonna be stressed = stressed baby 3. unhappy mom=unhappy baby. So jeez, let everyone make their own decisions, damn. :")

Even weirder, the lady leading the course had a fake baby with her and kept cradling and petting it the entire night. As well as fake breastfeed it on multiple occasions. SO and I were pretty much dying with laughter at that point. And she wasn't doing it to show us how to do that, no that is for next week when we need to bring our own fake baby. So won't be going back there next week (we paid for two nights). It was the weirdest experience ever and I didn't learn anything I didn't already know :p

Of course I hope that other breastfeeding courses around the world aren't as fucked up as this one was.. but just to make you feel better ;)
Blabla - That sounds awful haha. Like ajarvis said, there's only so much you can learn before baby is here. The midwives will help you in the hospital Kat. My advice would just be not to get stressed if baby doesn't latch or your milk doesn't come in etc. Breastfeeding really took over my first weeks with my lo as I put so much importance on bfing and was really against bottle feeding. My opinions have changed a lot as Ds was bottle fed in the end. If you can do it then great but if it's too much and you go to bottle then that's great too. Xx
There's actually a good chance your milk won't come in while in hospital unless you have a long hospital stay. Apparently more so for FTM it takes 3-4 days. Mine came in with my oldest on the 4th day. He just had colustrum up until then. Took over a day with the youngest which is completely normal. They don't need supplementing or anything. They just want to eat more often - which is what helps stimulate your milk.
Kiwi sorry you didn't get to take your DD home but hopefully you'll be able to very soon! Maybe they're just being overly careful because they've had a bad experience recently?

Wow blablamana what a crazy class:wacko: I don't blame you for not going back in that case. That lady that would prefer to bottlefeed should complain about that class and how she was treated, that's just out of line!

Lollipopbop yeah I would like to give it my best shot though so I know I did what I could to make bf work. I don't know if the midwives will help as they cancelled those courses because there aren't enough of them and they're expecting 30-40 more births than normal in October so they may very well not have the time:wacko: I'm hoping maybe a nurse could help in that case? I'll be so upset if no one has the time to help me and my chances of trying bf are over before they even got started:nope::cry:

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