@ajarvis: down here, we don't get proper leave. I am only taking FT leave for the month's worth of sick leave I have stockpiled. My mom will be doing baby care after that so I can return PT to my current job and save as much of my vacation pay as possible to cover my moving expenses. I will be back FT at new job probably around early Dec, though my mom (who is completely amazing) is moving with us temporarily to provide FT baby care until he is about 4 months old, due to increased risk of SIDS for babies in early daycare.
What's your "sore while sleeping" look like? Mine is all in my pelvic bones, like it's almost excruciating to get up and move around and I have taken to rolling onto one side or the other, which makes it so much worse, when I've always been a back sleeper (and still permitted to go to sleep that way now).
@Kiwi: I'm sorry you had to go home without your LO, she is quite lovely though!
@blessed: my guy is a party animal, also. I won't even detail what pregnancy has done to my GI system, but all doctors assure me it's normal. I hope time passes faster for you!
@kat: we have five cats, very different personalities, and, like Lolli, I'm certain every single one of them is going to run away from a screaming baby. We plan to be super mindful of them (and the dog) near the wee one and see how they do. We have been working with the dog a bit more (like carrying around a stuffed animal and making him obey commands while in the throws of jealousy). So far, he's not been interested in the car seat, which is a relief.
@blablamana: the data I've read says that most babies show up around 40+5. I'm hoping mine doesn't take that long either!
AFM: job-wise, only going to current one 2-3 days a week. "working from home" the remaining time, honestly not getting much accomplished, thankfully the expectations of me are low! Contract for preferred of two jobs should be in my hand in less than two week's time, really only about a week at most. I am still not sure if we plan to travel to the second job this week or not, have been waiting for them and honestly think we (and my mom, brother, friends, etc.) are all leaning toward the one we've already visited anyway.
hospital bag: I made a really detailed list of what should be in there and have only actually packed blank forms I need to fill out and 3 baby outfits, LOL. I also made a list of "early comfort measures" for laboring at home (TENS, exercise ball, aromatherapy preparations for relaxing, iPod/ headphones, coloring books, etc.) - we will try whatever and whatever is working will travel with us to the hospital. I am going to pack most of the hospital bag this week and pin a physical checklist of things I can't justify putting in the bag yet (like my hair comb and tooth brush, I only own one of each and packing them early is nonsensical and forgetting them is obnoxious).
showers/ shopping: the work shower was a little small in comparison to what they used to be - we used to be a giant department that was very family-like and since my boss took ill, it's just a different place. I am super grateful for the ladies who put it together and the people who did show up (and honestly, I'm not much for people in those situations). We did get some much needed things from our registry and gift cards, thankfully the few items that weren't on our registry either were good replacements for things that were or easily exchangeable. The regular friends and family shower was a blast - I had half a dozen people that came from 6-8 hours away, in addition to locals - it was really just a house party with baby-friendly presents and gift cards. And since our registry was mostly on Amazon, we had "baby Christmas" yesterday - opened all the boxes that have been shipped directly to us and reconciled that with our registry and our highest priority needs. Then we went out to two baby stores and Target to pick up last minute needs (really was just linens and bathing things that were still needed). We also used our Amazon gift card collection to get anything we thought we would need before our move and use the 15% off registry completion discount - which also let us get a super deal on a crib and changing table, since we have accepted that Hubster needs to make up as many vacation hours at work to be here after the baby arrives and also, time to make touch ups and minor repairs on the house to get it ready to sell. Just crazy, but we should have almost everything we need by the end of this week and we've already washed just about everything as it's come in the door.
physical stuff: next midwife and specialist appointments on Wednesday. Our doula is coming to the midwife appointment with us, will review birth plan and all that good stuff that day. The specialist is probably our last growth check (and ultrasound). There are been no issues, so he told us last time that this one was likely our final one with him. He's great and I have enjoyed the extra ultrasounds, but also will appreciate one less thing to keep up with these days!
I really think this guy has had to have dropped a bit, based on where he's at and the distance from my bra line. I am ravenous most days lately, more swelling, but normal levels and I get a few days of really aching hips and pelvic area and then a few days of relief, then more pain, etc. I hope it's just him on the move.
And I am going to try to be better at popping in more than once a week or two from here on out!