Any other October mummies?

bcos21 hmmm maybe it's different here, I feel like people demonise cats more when you're pregnant or have a baby. My toxic mother's previous neighbours had this beautiful, sweet 3 year old cat they were trying to rehome because the wife was pregnant. My mother had 2 cats and couldn't handle a 3rd and I was living at a dorm studying and wasn't sure I could handle the economical side of taking the cat, mostly if I suddenly had a huge vet bill. Instead of putting the cat in a shelter because they coudln't find someone to take her, they had her euthanised:wacko: I felt so bad afterwards for not taking her! But yeah, maybe it's a Danish thing then that cats are more "dangerous" for a baby?

Kiwi glad that Ava is doing well and FXed she continues to do so and you can take her home soon:flower:

Clandestine looks like we posted at the same time:haha: Glad things are going well and that you had such nice baby showers:thumbup: Kudos on getting your hospital bag ready, I'm starting to do the same thing. Found a couple of lists over the interenet to see others suggestions and hoping to soon get that done, maybe tomorrow as this week is so booked:wacko:

AFM today I take my cat in for her teeth cleaning, not looking forward to having to drop her off as she does really badly when we leave her. I'll be happier later today when I've picked her up and she's happy again as I hate knowing/seeing she's afraid/sad. My next midwife appointment is on Thursday so here's hoping things still look good and I still test normal for glucose and protein. And my 1st of 2 intensive birthing class days is on Friday and it isn't looking too good for DH coming but we'll see. He says otherwise he'll leave me the car so I can more quickly and easily get to and back from the course place.
Twicky your mucous plug can regenerate! You're so early that hopefully it does!

Good luck at your class Kat! Hope your kitty does well :)

AFM - going to be a long week. Longest 5 days ever lol. Well 4 now. My son had BB evaluations last night. He did pretty good considering he doesn't really play. He needs to practice more they said but lots of potential. Which is why I have him in a non-competitive league this year. Sleeping is still no fun. I would love a good nights sleep, but nope lol. Oh well. I have the rest of my life to sleep I guess.
You're probably right kat! It's crazy how different culture s can be! It's all a bummer though, animals can be great for kids!
26 weeks exactly currently in hospital with PROM so this baby will be early

So sorry Jkel :hugs:

Your little lady will be strong and pull through like a champ. You know I'm here if you need to vent. I know it's hard. PROM sucks.
I made the list for the bag, haven't packed it yet! I swear I'm going to do that this week!

Tomorrow is crazy. I see the chiropractor for my hip bones. massage therapist because my insurance pays for it when I see the chiropractor, inspection for car seat, then midwife, then last growth check ultrasound with the specialist. FX our boy is still head down! I'm also trying to finish my birth plan before the midwife at 1 pm.

@blessed: I also cannot roll from one side to the other without pain. Do you do ok on your back? That's the only way I've been able to sleep and doc said all was ok as long as it didn't make me feel bad.
Clandestine I can lay on my back but not too long even when elevated I feel out of breathe after a while ... good luck with your appointment today and with finishing your birthplan

Im getting more and more uncomfortable and struggle to get out of bed to pee ... and as soon as Im up it feels like she drops onto my bladder and my urge to pee is stronger ...
bcos yeah so true! I'm also hoping my child will love animals like me so think it's good we have a pet.

As for pain when rolling over in bed, I hear you! I have this issue myself. Lying on my back isn't much of an option as I get uncomfortable after a short time:nope:

Ugh things went fine yesterday with my cat and she's back to her normal self. However I now fear she's eaten a twisty tie and DH took the car so if I have to go to the vet today, I have almost 0 options:wacko: I tried calling him on both mobile phones numerous times but no answer (the private one he's not answering and his work mobile sounds like it's either turned off or has no battery left), exactly the situation I also fear when I do go into labor:wacko: Plus makes me fearful if I in the future need to take baby to the hospital suddenly and have no mode of transport so think I'll have to talk with DH and see what we can figure out. Buying another car isn't an option with him the only one working:nope:
Ugh yes, rolling over in bed is horrible. And every time I DO fall asleep, I wake up about an hour or so later with massive pain in my hips and HAVE to switch sides... before this entire process repeats itself. I wake up so sore now and it doesn't get a chance to go away during the day anymore.

Oh well, only a couple more weeks.

Kat: I'm sorry about your cat, I hope it's a false alarm since you can't go to the vet right now. Do you have an option to call your in-laws for help? Or even your toxic mom? Or something?
It's my fear too that something will happen with baby and I won't have a car. Better yet, I don't have a driver's license since public transport was free for me as a student (and I just graduated my master's last month). So I didn't need to and now I feel bad. :") Will have to get it ASAP after baby is born.. but then we would still only have one car so doesn't make that much of a difference sadly. First world problems lol

O and YES, hubby not answering his phone if I go into labor is one of my big fears as well. He puts his private phone on silent if he is working or at the golf club or wherever, so won't notice me calling (told him to change that for the last few months, but he doesn't want to). Wonder how that will go.
Kat: I'm sorry about your cat, I hope it's a false alarm since you can't go to the vet right now. Do you have an option to call your in-laws for help? Or even your toxic mom? Or something?
It's my fear too that something will happen with baby and I won't have a car. Better yet, I don't have a driver's license since public transport was free for me as a student (and I just graduated my master's last month). So I didn't need to and now I feel bad. :") Will have to get it ASAP after baby is born.. but then we would still only have one car so doesn't make that much of a difference sadly. First world problems lol

O and YES, hubby not answering his phone if I go into labor is one of my big fears as well. He puts his private phone on silent if he is working or at the golf club or wherever, so won't notice me calling (told him to change that for the last few months, but he doesn't want to). Wonder how that will go.

DH did try calling his parents but they're expecting company at 12 so can't help. My toxic mother can't even figure out how to drive to our house and her car doesn't even have GPS - not that she would know how to use it anyway as she refuses to learn modern technology :cry: He tried booking me on something called "Flextur" here where you canorder someone to pick you up but they don't take animals. DH is going to come home early and try and get us to the clinic at 3 PM but the vet says it may be too late to try and get our cat to throw up as the twisty tie will most likely have moved on from her stomach.

Just so upset about this :cry:
Vets are pros at foreign object removal, FX she didn't actually eat it! Our little darlings have chewed plenty, but thankfully don't swallow things like that- not even the dog.

Boy it's dancing around, so I know he's alive and well. I'm weirdly nervous today because I will find out if I'm still OK to travel this weekend. I'm half-hoping they say no, so I can stay home and finish things at my house!
Clandestine I just read your post about packing the bag and... I forgot to pack mine last night. Oy. Tonight my son has Jiu Jitsu so I'll be out of the house until bed time. Shall try to remember. Hope you get a good view at your ultrasound :)

Oh the rolling over pain is just getting worse. I thought it was bad. 2.5 more weeks of this :( plus the hip pain during the day. And blablama I agree. No time for the hips to recover during the day. So it's just constant soreness. 3 more days of work. Then at least I don't have to dress properly :p

Kat hope your kitty is ok! Silly animals. They can cause such trouble lol.

AFM I feel so HUGE! I'm going to try and remember to do a belly comparison this weekend at 38 with my youngest at 38!


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Rolling pain is the worst! I'm so miserable at night. It's really hot where i am atm so the heat is not helping.

Kat - Hope your cat is ok. Poor thing.

Clandestine - Hope ultrasound went well. I wouldn't want to travel either so hope you get the news you're hoping for.

Ajarvis - you've got a cute bump!

Afm - I'm just a bored sweaty pregnant lady. I'm really missing ds now he's at school. Especially as he's at his dads house a day in the week and ever other weekend, really not used to this much time away from him :( I'm doing my driving lessons but apart from that I'm just at home being bored. There's lots of housework to do but i just dont have the energy. Feel so lazy but I'm huge and ache and it's so hot. Oh has been really understanding and does so much after working a 10 hour day. Feel a bit guilty!
Sorry I haven't been on lately. The site has not been working for me. I hope all of you ladies are doing well as your due dates approach.

I had a dr appt Mon and when she measured me she said "oh yeah, you're done" whatever that means. She said baby's head is now in my pelvis and I can go any day now...not holding my breath. She didn't check to see if I was dilated bc she said there's no point unkess I want her to. I did have diarrhea this week and last night I was throwing up....sorry tmi I have also been extremely exhausted. Today my tummy has had a lot of tightening feeling. I hope I'm getting close bc whatever is going on is driving me nuts.
Thanks Lolli!

Smille24 baby is in my pelvis now to. She's definitely dropped even for me to tell, but midwife confirmed it. So sore. So many BH hoping it happens soon, but not holding my breath!
Thanks Lolli!

Smille24 baby is in my pelvis now to. She's definitely dropped even for me to tell, but midwife confirmed it. So sore. So many BH hoping it happens soon, but not holding my breath!

I noticed in your pic that baby dropped. I'm having BH too and just feeling off. My back and pelvis hurt more now than ever. I could barely eat dinner this evening. My bag is packed and in dh's suv just in case. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later for us.
Cute bump ajarvis!

I've been having BH too and last night more of the stabbing pains up my cervix. Last time that happened I lost my plug, so don't know if I'll be losing more (if there even was something left) or something else.

Smille: I'm sorry about your back hun, I hope something comes of it sooner rather than later, as you seem to be so ready for her arrival!

Lolli: don't feel guilty! Don't forget that you have a 24/7 gig now, growing two babies. Ten hours of work a day sucks, but you are having your fair share of hard work as well!

Clandestine: I hope your ultrasound went well!

Kat: did everything with your cat turn out okay? I hope so!
So DH ended up coming home early so we could get her to the vet and it turns out she didn't actually eat it:blush: They did X-rays to check and it wasn't there so they think she may have been eating something else? DH wasn't too happy paying $150 for the X-rays though but one of the vets told me it was good to come in with her because if she had eaten it, they would need to know since twisty ties can potentially cause damage.

Just got back from the midwife and I'm measuring about 4 cm more than I should. She tried to feel baby but couldn't really feel him/her so wants me to go in for an extra scan on the 23rd to see if it's because baby is big (she's guessing around 3300 g in that case) or if I just have extra amniotic fluid. She said neither is dangerous and baby is fine either way, they just want to know for sure.

Oh and I think baby has moved back up, so confused now :shrug:

36 weeks.jpg
Hello Ladies! I hope all of you and your babies are doing great <3.

I just wanted to drop in and say, my baby is coming home today!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:.
Hello Ladies! I hope all of you and your babies are doing great <3.

I just wanted to drop in and say, my baby is coming home today!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:.

Congrats and have a great day today with both of your girls at home! :happydance:

Kat: I'm glad she didn't eat it! Sucks about the money, but you'd rather spend 150 bucks for nothing than have your cat suffer because it did turn out she ate it right?
I remember when our family dog was limping a bit and my parents didn't believe something was wrong. I made them take her to the vet. Turned out that she just pulled a joint in and out of the socket and was going to be fine in a couple of days.. but what if it had been something more? Wouldn't have been able to live with myself!
Kiwi- that's awesome news!!!

Kat- baby's can move up after frustrating. Yesterday I noticed mine dropped a little, bow today it's high again. Great news about your cat. Vets are so expensive. Our dog ended up with a horrible skin rash.... $200 later it's allergies ugh. His pulls are outrageous.

Bla- I am so ready. Last night I was having some contractions that woke me up, but they went away.

Lolli- don't feel bad. You're carrying twins which is really exhausting I'm sure. I've slacked off lately too bc I'm just so tired and I've apologized over and over again to dh and he says I need to rest b4 our baby comes. I'm glad he's understanding.

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