Any other October mummies?

Kiwi congrats, hope you all enjoy this day:happydance:

blablamana yep so true! I can't stand taking a chance and just hoping for the best. Because yeah, what if she ate a twisty tie and it got stuck and poked holes in her intestines or something:wacko: I did feel kind of bad though that DH had to spend all that money "for nothing" but I just felt we had to get her checked to make sure. I'm so horrible when pets die (I mourned for 3 months and cried numerous times a day when our previous cat died in 2012) and I don't think I could handle my cat dying like that, especially so close to my EDD:wacko: I'm sure my ILs will mention it though:nope: Glad your dog turned out to be fine, it's always good to know so you aren't speculating about all the horrible things it could be.

Smille yeah I read about that so guess that's what happened, ugh:dohh: Yep it's crazy with the prices! Glad your dog didn't have anything serious and yep, can imagine pills would be up there:wacko:

Ooops forgot to mention that the birthing class instructor called and they're delaying the course to next Friday and Saturday instead :wacko: Something about wanting to have an extra instructor with that can talk a bit about breastfeeding. Geez, what else is going to go wrong :nope:
Smille "they" say that after your first baby you don't drop as early and labor should happen sooner. I don't know how true that is lol. Guess we'll find out :p

Thanks blablama! I've been having the stabbing pains too. But I've never lost the mucous plug before and nothing so far....

Kat glad your kitty is ok. I guess 150 is better than paying for whatever they'd have to do to get it out.

Kiwi that's such awesome news!
Update from yesterday: chiropractor, midwife, and maternal fetal medicine specialist agree that travel is just not worth the risk anymore. They aren't particularly concerned with in-flight risks, as they are the possibility of me delivering in another state and the general inconvenience that causes for everyone (especially me). Thankfully, Hubster, my mom and I are feeling really good about the place I am waiting for the final contract from that we went to last week - so I think we are starting to put things in place to make that our move. Baby boy is still super cooperative, head is way down, but they don't check dilation unless they expect a problem. I was told he could decide today is the day at any point now, no one is watching the calendar or clock, and if I went tomorrow, no one would try to stop him. Estimated weight (remembering we are tall people) is 7 lbs 2 ounces/ 3243 g (69th percentile), which is perfect for approx 0.5 lb gain per week since previous check. His femur length (estimator for height) is almost 90th percentile! Photo of ultrasound print out attached - and dog trying out car seat as a pillow - and third tri humor as a bonus!

@blessed: I have the same fetus dropping on bladder problem, it is like endless peeing over here!

@Lollipopbop: I'm semi-conscious at my desk pretending to be awake at work and that's with ONE fetus, LOL, you are totally entitled to just hang out and make your two!

@Kat: I would say 150 for the peace of mind of knowing she isn't running around with a twist tie is well worth the cost! And like ajarvis said, a helluva lot less than getting it out would have cost!

Some of baby's measurements are in the above paragraph and the amniotic fluid level is estimated to be 21.48 cm (and doc said the range of normal was 7-24.9 cm) - so big baby and lots of fluid and we are still fine! I hope your midwife hasn't worried you! Plus good fluid levels are good news, usually they worry about people running out!

@Kiwi: congrats!!! I am sure getting her home is such a relief!

Oh - and my hip pain has largely evened out and is much reduced or even almost absent. My waddle has reached epic proportions and I feel like he's on top of my cervix, much more soft tissue pressure and stretching feeling than any bone issues, which is a welcome change. It's much more tolerable than the bone movement.

Hi ladies, Im in the waiting game too, last week our midwife said baby girl is at 0 station and seemed shocked how low her head was. I can definitely tell! I have cramps today in my back/hip and had back ache last night too. Was hoping to make it though the weekend since DH is working fri and sat. will see.. Wishing you all a great weekend!:hugs:
Hi ladies! Just checking in. I'm 36 weeks Sunday and feel like I did at 40 with ds!

Tons of BH, and tmi, but I'm constantly losing mucus! It's so gross! He's incredibly low and I feel like he's going to fall out!
@Kat: I would say 150 for the peace of mind of knowing she isn't running around with a twist tie is well worth the cost! And like ajarvis said, a helluva lot less than getting it out would have cost!

Some of baby's measurements are in the above paragraph and the amniotic fluid level is estimated to be 21.48 cm (and doc said the range of normal was 7-24.9 cm) - so big baby and lots of fluid and we are still fine! I hope your midwife hasn't worried you! Plus good fluid levels are good news, usually they worry about people running out!

Yeah that's how I feel and I'm sure DH knows deep down that it was the right thing to do. I think he's fine about it now.

It's just odd because all my fundal measurements have been pretty normal, maybe only 1 cm extra and suddenly it's 3-4 cm more than it should be. Plus at my scans (all 3 of them), my amniotic fluid has always been noted as being "normal" so why the sudden change if it is extra fluid? That almost worries me more than if baby is just a bit larger although I don't know why baby would be as I'm 176 cm tall and DH is only 1-2 cm taller than me. So it's not like we're especially tall people. At my placenta scan, they also noted that in certain areas, baby was ahead by about 1 week in measurement so it was looking like a "big baby." The midwife yesterday (BTW it was yet a new one I've never met before:nope:) said she's pretty confident that nothing is wrong in that sense, that she doesn't think there's a serious health problem with baby, just that they want to know why I'm measuring bigger than normal.
hi ladies

Kiwi congrats ... must be nice to have her home and to have so many cuddles from her and your toddler ...

ajarvis cute bump ... did you pack your bag yet ... last day today ...

AFM: Im good having trouble sleeping coz everything hurts ... and I have a ton of BH and lower back pain ...

we're all so close now ... so exciting
Ajarvis- that's what I heard too. If you've dropped, you should be close... lets hope. I really hope my dr gives me good news on Monday.

I'm having terrible back pain and BH throughout the day. Yesterday I was changing and noticed a huge hickey looking bruise on my belly so I'm pretty sure I broke some blood vessels. I was able to walk 3.5 miles yesterday by choice and from shopping , but now today I am back to being totally pooped.
Kat I was measuring big last night - over 40 she says. But I think she measured wrong. But I've measured ahead 2cm every time. She thinks because of how the baby is positioned. But going to ask my regular midwife about it at the next appointment.
ajarvis yeah I do wonder if my midwife may have measured wrong or something. Yet another problem with not having a steady midwife as it probably makes all my measurements not very compareable because they've all been done by different people:nope:

Ugh my MIL texted me asking how it went yesterday at the midwife and how the birthing class is going, I told her about me needing another scan to see if baby is big or if it's extra fluid and that the birthing class has been postponed to next week. Her only response was "OK, I guess you'll just have to be patient":shrug: A bit of a strange response really:shrug:
Wow so exciting with all these women feeling pre labor symptoms! I hope you girls don't have much longer to wait.

AFM - My babies started diverging too much in their growth at my scan almost a week ago. So, we're going in for twice weekly NSTs and they moved my delivery up to the 37th week ... so their tentative birthday by planned c-section (which I did not want!) is October 4th. If the NST shows ever that one is in distress they will move that date up. I have been a crying mess for days for lots of reasons that if I went into I would be writing a book so I will spare you but I'm just sad about it all. We were moving along so nicely in our twin pregnancy and now all of a sudden everything went haywire. It's scary. The babies are still very healthy just my son is smaller than my daughter by about a pound and a half so .... they have to really watch that.

I have my first NST this afternoon and hoping that everything looks good so that they will have longer in my womb. Wish us luck. Good news is that even though he stopped growing at the same pace he was, he is practicing breathing in there, he is moving a lot, and he still has a very strong healthy heartbeat. Trying to hold onto the good news. And I will be meeting them in a little over 2 weeks which I am really excited about but scared about the c-section.
@ash: I'm sorry you may not get the delivery you want. I am finalizing my "birth preferences" today and I put a bold statement at the top that says "My goal is to safely deliver our baby, as naturally as possible." Your goal is really the same, and it hasn't changed. While it may not be your preferred outcome, there are a lot of resources that can help you plan, so you have as much control as possible, and you hopefully have some time to make preparations. Consider looking into a postpartum doula if you don't have a lot of help available to you through friends and family, as a surgical recovery plus caring for twins is a lot for anyone! :hugs: ma'am!
You ladies are so organized, I love it! I'm going to live through you all lol. I didn't take any birth classes the first time or make a birth plan... things just sort of happened one day lol. My son though.... He is 3 in a few weeks and he is regressing like crazy. Glad I didn't push the potty training thing. We are talking screaming at bedtime, major separation anxiety, not sleeping (he has never been big on sleeping but this is impressive for him)
Ugh late nights early morning s... hate them
ash sorry about you'll need a c-section but I think the most important thing to focus on is babies are doing well so far and that they come into this world in the way that's best for them - which is unfortunately a c-section in this case. Be thankful and happy about your babies are doing fine and are healthy which is the most important!

bcos sorry about your son regressing, hope it doesn't last very long!

AFM hoping to pack my bag this weekend and get the baby room cleared out for anything that's not supposed to be in there (e.g. a few moving boxes we haven't emptied yet). Also want to go out and buy bed sheets since it's the only thing we're missing (since his parents didn't buy any when they bought the mattress) but DH of course wants to delay, he's the King of Procrastination:dohh:
Ash- I'm sorry the birth of your babies wont go as planned. I know it must be difficult bc you had a vision in place. I fear the same thing will happen to me, but of course the main thing is delivering our babies safely. I hope baby boy catches up :hugs:.

Afm- last night I was getting very strong BH and having to pee literally every 5 min for over an hr. I was very hopeful that they would become more consistent and I'd actually go into labor, but nope they stopped. So frustrating.
I'm sorry that you won't get the birth you wanted Ash, especially because it is a little bit scary right now (although I'm sure both of them will be fine). NST's can be very stressful (for you). :hugs:
Thanks girls :hugs: At the end of the day I do want them out safely but it has been a lot to take in all at once. Learning of the need for a c-section and the status of my baby boy ... really upsetting. I'm coping better now though and I had a nice long talk with the doctor and she is increasing my monitoring to put my mind more at ease which I'm very happy about. We're doing 2 NSTs/week and 1 fluid check for Oliver to make sure his fluid levels are still good (it's a sign that the placenta is still working)
I'm glad you feel like you are on the same page as your doc and are comfortable with the monitoring you are getting! FX they both continue to do well and can cook a little longer!
Glad you're feeling better about it ash:flower:

AFM DH and I are going to buy those bed sheets today plus some more socks. Going to try packing my bag today, at least get some of it packed. Also now a bit worried as I've now read about the complications that can arise with excess amniotic fluid:wacko: Should never have Googled it:dohh: Thinking I'm on the mild end if I do have it so chances of problems are extremly low but still..... Scan day can't come fast enough!

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