Any other October mummies?

Good luck with the shopping Kat!
Don't worry about excess amniotic fluid, looking at your bump pics I really don't think you are 'swollen' or 'bigger' than expected for the gestation baby is at, at all! Definitely don't agree with your midwife, but then again.. I'm not an expert, at all. But to be honest, I don't think you'll have way too much fluid, maybe a bit more than average judging from the fact that she has a hard time feeling baby's position.. but I wouldn't worry about it. You'll see that it will be totally fine!
Here's hoping you're right blablamana! I think I've freaked myself out a bit reading about the possible complications from excess fluid:wacko: Here's hoping it's partially due to having on the higher side of normal and baby being either on the large side of normal. Midwife's guess was if baby is large, (s)he's about 3300 g :wacko: I just don't get why my fluid is suddenly increased:shrug:

As for shopping, DH and I bought the sheets so think we're pretty much set now. They had them on sale, 3 for the price of 2 so we took 3 even though we'll only be able to use the crade for 4-5 months before needing a crib.
I had another dr appt today and I'm down 1.5 lbs. I had the dr check my cervix bc my dh will be away from home a lot due to work....nothing going on ugh. She did feel baby's head but it feels like I'll be induced again which I absolutely didn't want. I still have time for change, but it's looking like I'll be over due again.
Ash - sorry to hear you may not get the birth you've hoped for. Great news that they're keeping a close eye on you and the babies. Fingers crossed it all goes well :)

Smillie - Going over due is not fun. I was 12 days late with my first. My induction went pretty smooth but it would be nice to go naturally. You never know, babies seem to have minds of their own. Fingers crossed your lo comes before induction.

Afm - much if the same. Achey and fed up haha. I've been getting lots of cramp in my calves. It was so painful last night and kept waking me up. I'm soo tired today x
Everything you ever wanted to know about due-date based inductions (and probably some stuff you didn't want to know):

I am very biased, due to a lot of education in biological/ medical science and spending a lot of time with doulas and midwives, but unless there's a medical reason - babies show up when they are ready. They literally trigger the hormonal events that cause spontaneous labor to occur. The best any of us can do is just relax and trust that our bodies and babies are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing!
Lolli- I've been getting the same cramps and it's so hard to sleep.

I definitely am hoping to go naturally so hopefully something happens soon. I still have 2 wks until my due date so definitely time for progress.
I saw a different midwife on Thursday last week than normal and she commented on the fact I was measuring too big. Knowing the complications that can happen with excess fluid etc. makes me a little nervous as well. Just going to wait and see what my measurement turns out to be on this Thursday - as she wasn't my normal midwife maybe she measured wrong??

This weekend got the cradle put together! I even packed some stuff in bags. So I think I'm ready! All except the car seat base getting put in the truck. But that will end up being DH's problem lol. He took the day off today and I mentioned it to him, but he hasn't done anything yet.....
Sorry about the worries Ajarvis, but I'm sure it will be fine!

SMille: sorry nothing is happening down there, but you are still two weeks away from your due date!! A lot can happen in those two weeks! :)

This weekend I had my bloody show (when I described it to midwife on the phone, that's what she said it was) and have been having irregular and regular contractions ever since (the closest they get is 5 minutes apart but they always mellow down eventually).
Had a check-up yesterday and midwife said: I really thought you'd go into labor this weekend! And I was like, nope. :haha:. She said I'm still early but that baby should be fine if it happens now. Seems like my body is busy doing all the work, but since she won't check, there is no way to actually tell. She did have a look at baby with the scanner and he was happily kicking away and drinking fluids, so he is totally fine and happy. Head is right there, as low as it could possibly be. :thumbup:

We talked about donating blood from the cord after birth (stem-cells), but that's still so new here and our hospital is only just starting the whole process.. Since I'm already about 36 weeks, we can't start the process (forms etc) because hospital isn't ready for that at this time. Bit sad about that, really wanted to do that, I'd love for those stem-cells to be used to help someone else. Better luck with next baby I guess.
blablamana wow so exciting:happydance: Here's hoping it's only a matter of time noe before your baby is here. A pity about the cord cells though! But yeah, you can do that with your next baby.

Smille here's hoping you won't need to be induced. I would think there's still some time with 2 weeks until your EDD for baby to come.

ajarvis sounds like we're in the same situation with suddenly measuring ahead. I had the same thoughts as you that it could possibly just be the way the midwife measured. I'm however going in for a scan on Friday to see what's up, they're not scanning you to find out for sure? Great that you have everything ready!

AFM I think DH and I are really close now to having everything ready as well, just need to wash the sheets we bought and hopefully can wash the cloth diaper inserts once more as well. We have washed all the baby clothes now, even the stuff in 1-2 sizes larger than what we'll hopefully need to start with since we mostly have stuff for what equals 0-3 months. I got it all put away in the changing dresser yesterday. DH says if any of the small stuff is missing with getting done before I go into labor, he can always go home sometime after the birth and get those things done before me and baby come home since his leave starts when I go into labor and I think the hospital will hold onto me for at least 48 hours after the birth. At least that's what I'm hoping even if they do have all those extra births happening:wacko:
Ajarvis- I wouldn't worry, it could be excess fluid or the position the baby was in. Drs have been wrong b4. Maybe a scan will help drs see exactly how big the baby is.
Smille there are certain complications that can arise with having excess fluid:

So it's not exactly a totally risk free condition! I think these risks are what worry ajarvis and myself if we do have excess fluid.
Sorry ive been quiet the last couple of months. But i'm still here :)

Had my midwife appointment today and my induction date has been set for the 4th of October :) soo excited.
They also checked me and her head is half way engaged and my cervix is firm but starting to soften.
I'm so excited

Hope you're all well xx
Hi Cassie, FXed it all goes well for you on the 4th:flower:
Oh BTW DH bought the crib from his co-worker today:thumbup:

It came with a mattress but I've heard you shouldn't use a used mattress as it can increase the odds of SIDS:wacko: She said they only used it 1-2 times and it's a very good quality one. Don't know if it can be washed in any way or something? We'll first be using the crib when baby is around 4-5 months.
Cassie - I'm scheduled for an Oct 4th induction too. Good luck!!! It's a good day to have babies. :)
Good luck on the 4th guys! How exciting.

I saw my consultant today and as my pregnancy is going so well with no complications and ive already delivered before, she wants to avoid a section and induction all together! I'm very happy that my twins will most likely come naturally but I am hoping I won't have to wait too long, further than 38 weeks would be hard on my body i feel. I'm already struggling but obviously feel very happy that all is ok right now and they're healthy xx
Good luck to both of you for your inductions! So exciting! :D

Lolly: That's great news! Twins are sometimes very tricky so it's great that it's been so free of complications! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll either go around 38 weeks, or that the last weeks will (miraculously, I think) will be easier on you!

Still having a lot of irregular/regular (that taper off) contractions.
Bla- that makes me sad. Of course we wish you good luck, especially when you're getting contractions. You're little man will be here before you know it!!!

Lolli- I'm glad your dr doesn't see the need to induce. I can't imagine how you're feeling carrying twins. It must be really hard on your body. I amso glad you're doing well and the twins are healthy.

Good luck on those getting induced on the 4th (my due date)! If I go over, I'll be induced on the 11th, but I have hope that my body will cooperate.
oooh. Induction dates! Exciting!

Yes the concern with measuring big at this point would be extra fluid. But I'm hoping not. Will see my regular midwife tomorrow and find out what's happening. see what she measures me at.

Getting lots of strong contractions lately and baby is low!! Looks like I'm making it to MIL's date restriction of the 22nd :p But feels like lots of pressure, cramping, contractions. So hopefully the body is doing some prep work ha. Although with how low she is it's extremely painful to be doing anything even standing at this point for too long. My wonderful 10 year old son did most of the supper prep tonight, and helped me clean out our front closet and purge a bunch of stuff. We're also going to fold all the laundry while we watch big brother tonight. He's wonderful :)

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