Any other October mummies?

Congrats Ladies!!, how wonderful.

Kat im sorry your birth plan changed, definitely allow yourself some room to feel sad.
I think the title of the thread is misleading with all these September births! My water broke Saturday night, went to hospital at 24 hours post rupture Sunday night (per midwife) and met our little man at 8:58 am Monday morning, just in time to spare me going to the office this week!

We had some rough spells because he was "sunny side up" and caught on part of my pelvis, but got through like champs without an epidural, so he's been super alert and feeding well. Will post more and a photo after we get home- hopefully today!

Congrats Ash x 2!!!
Congrats Blessed!!!

@Kat: Look up a site called evidence based birth, they have articles on estimation and the large baby myths. Mine was estimated large the whole time! He was last estimated at 36 weeks 5 days to be 7 pounds 2 ounces and was born at 7 pounds 5.8 ounces at 38 weeks 3 days- almost two full weeks later, so that estimate had to have been way off!
Thanks bcos, yeah I'm trying to get it all out of my system today so I can move on emotionally.

Congrats Clandestine, looking forward to seeing pics! As for questioning the doctor, I don't feel like I'm in a position to do so, not at the risk of my baby's health and well-being! There's also a difference between my at least 4 kg baby (around 8 pounds and 13 ounces although the 4.7 kg measurement would put baby at 10 pounds and 6 ounces) and your 3.2-3.3 kg. If my baby had been estimated to be around 3.2-3.3 kg, they wouldn't be talking about a C-section as that's not considered a big baby, not in this country anyway.
Congratulations clandestine!!

Everyone's having their babies! I can't believe it.
Congrats to all the new babies!!!!

I had a dr appt today and baby dropped so I can go into labor at any time now. If nothing by Mon we are scheduling an induction b4 42wks. Not what I want, nor does the dr think will be needed but just in case. I'm extremely sore so I feel it's very near. I want an Oct baby but at this point the sooner the better.
Smille here's hoping you won't need that induction!

AFM I'm feeling much better today about needing that c-section, definitely not as upset as I was yesterday. Although am a bit nervous about it but sure it'll go fine.
Congrats Blessed, blablama, and ash!! Can't believe I missed the update! My MIL is in town and I've been offline for a while. Plus very impatiently waiting for this baby to arrive! Seems like I missed alot!

I had an ultrasound last week and baby was measuring over 9lbs at that point and is now considered large for gestational age. Meaning they want her out lol. But I don't put much stock in ultrasound weight guesses since my sons were supposed to be 10lbs and were about 8 each. So midwife attempted to strip membranes, but cervix was way too high and closed - that was on Sunday. Since then I've been walking and squatting as much as I can. Extreme back pain makes walking very difficult mind you. I have another midwife appointment today and she's going to try and strip them again today. She said that the best guess for baby size is if a mother that has had previous babies thinks she's having a big, small or same as before baby. I don't feel that she is that big and the only measurement that was high was the abdomen, and femur length. Average head, etc. So still going to birth in the birth center for now. Still going for natural as I've had an over 8lb baby and birthed him just fine. I am definitely "done". I want this baby out :p
Been super exhausted lately. Also been very moody and in a nesting kind of mind set. Baby girl has been kicking and stretching me, leaving little bruises. Very painful haha. Shes low, but i dont know if she is "engaged" I have my wonderful rectal/vaginal swab appointment with the midwife tomorrow and then every appt. after that Ill be seeing the OB that will perform my section. Part of me knows she should wait until my section date but part of me wants her out sooner lol. Only 35 weeks and I am DONE :haha:
So I'm back to measuring 40cm yay lol. She tried a sweep again and... 1cm! I have a cm! Plus baby came into the pelvis at one point when she was in there and went back out, but at least she can come in and out lol. When she comes in cervix shortens and thins no problem. She tried to wrap my belly to get her more into the pelvis, but she still refused to go. So I guess it's going to be lots of 10 min walks ha. But going to book some acupuncture and get another sweep on the weekend! Come on baby!
I'm asking for a sweep at Monday's appt. Anything to help induce labor.
ajarvis here's hoping it won't be long now until your daughter comes!

twicky hang in there, hope your appointments all go well!

AFM forgot to mention I'm going in for the preparation meeting on Monday morning. DH and I will hear about how it'll happen and get to talk to some ofthe people that will be involved.
Sounds promising ajarvis! Hope you get your sweep Smillie. We're all getting so close.
Kat - good luck on Monday

Hope all the babies who are here are doing well.

Afm - Just waiting. Uncomfy etc I don't think it'll be much longer now. I have my last scan on Wednesday so we'll see what they're doing in there! OH has been lovely and paid for me to get my hair done and my nails! I've been feeling really ugh so it was nice, made me feel a bit better :) DS is doing so well at school and seems settled so I'm feeling good about the babies coming asap x
Lolli, all of that sounds great! I'm sure it's a relief for things to have settled with your son,, as well!

We are totally in love with our little guy. I haven't been near a computer and can't seem to post photos from my phone, but will try to sooner than later. He's sleeping on my chest right now and it's worth everything it took to get here.

He has some jaundice that we are treating with constant feeding, so I'm pumping one breast or the other almost hourly, and daily bilirubin tests with the pediatrician. We are exhausted because this is day two, but trying to minimize the need for phototherapy... And pediatrician just called, more light therapy needed... So another long night ahead!
Hi everyone

Talk about late to the party :rofl:

I am due my 3rd baby tomorrow but my DS was 18 days overdue (induction) so I am expecting to go way over again. My DD was 3 days early but only due to induction (unstable lie)

Congratulations to all those having had their babies already
xprincessx, good luck Mama and I hope you get to finally meet your lo tomorrow!! :happydance:
Thanks ladies hope it's not too much longer! Except my boys went to their dads today and my oldest really wants to be there when she's born so he's hoping she waits until Monday. I could live with that I suppose :p I did book an acupuncture appointment tomorrow at 12:15. Apparently they can be pretty effective

xprincess I'm due tomorrow as well! Not much happening around here though to make me think she's coming any time soon ha.
Well, it's my due date today and still no signs!

Not that I am altogether surprised but really hope I do go naturally some point in the next 12 days so I can have at least one induction-free birth.

I won't refuse induction because my first born was so overdue (18 days) he almost placenta was quite unhealthy looking! So it has scared me a bit!

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