Any other October mummies?

Over due :growlmad:

In such a pissy mood this morning lol. After acupuncture yesterday she felt a bit lower. I went for a walk. Had some mucousy discharge and... woke up with her nice and high in her favorite spot. GET OUT! lol
I'm sorry ajarvis! It sucks being overdue especially when you're miserable and your body aches.

I woke up sick today. My throat is swollen, my ear hurts and my head is pounding. Last night I told my dh that I'm more than ready to give birth. She dropped and my pelvis aches, plus sleeping is difficult. He said I'll probably go 4 days over. I wanted to give him a black eye lol. Hopefully I'll get some good news at my appt tomorrow.
princess, Smille and ajarvis here's hoping it's only a matter of time, sooner rather than later!

Lollipopbop wow what a nice DH:thumbup: Hope your scan goes well!

Hope everyone who has had their babies plus your LOs are doing well :flower:

AFM not much going on here. DH and I are going to that orientation meeting tomorrow morning so will let you all know how it went. In more minor news, I convinced DH to order a baby nest so looking forward to getting it and hoping it arrives before Wednesday :happydance: Still missing sheets for our lift and baby carriage but DH says he'll buy those shortly after baby is born since we won't really be going anywhere with baby those first 2-3 weeks anyway. I was thinking on shorter visits we could take the lift and use it to let baby sleep in the first few months.
40+1 for me today

Tried to keep as active as possible, have DTD, used my birthing ball, been to sainsburys, been to the park with the kids and cleaned the inside of DH's car. Nothing but a little plug loss and some usual BH. Looks like it's on to 40+2 for me :flower:
Lol. Smille I know the feeling. DH asked me so many times this morning when I was going to have the baby I said i was going to strangle him. Then he asked me why I was so testy. He's living dangerously!

But at least after the midwife visit I have progress :) Guess that acupuncture helped :) She's lower, and midwife was actually able to do a sweep and stretch me to a two! She said everything I've been doing is obviously working so keep doing it lol. I have another acupuncture appointment in the morning and she said to ask for the induction treatment again, but also the positioning one. Since this girl is still hanging out on the right.

So I have acupuncture in the morning and am hoping for an October 3rd or 4th baby at this point!
DH just came upstairs with a cup of tea for me, I was laying on the bed browsing on here with my hand on my bump when he pipes up "With your hand on your bump like that anyone would think you want him to stay in there"...I just gave him 'the look'.

He then said "Aren't you supposed to be glowing and radiant at this point in the pregnancy?"

I just ignored him :haha:
Ajarvis- it sounds like it's helping which is great. Maybe tomorrow will be just what you need.

I'm starting to get irregular contractions. Although I don't think I'll go into labor tonight, at least something is happening. Men...I wish they understood how we felt this late in the game. He gets to sleep and enjoy moving freely. While rolling over in bed, getting up from sitting and tying shoes have become a workout.
Smille, ajarvis, and xprincess: I hope you all go on your own without needing an induction!

FX for a good meeting for you, Kat!

I hope Blessed and Ash are recovering and adjusting well!

AFM (really as for us (AFU)): We believe we are on our final night of light therapy. I have been pumping every two hours, both breasts, to feed him as much as possible to get him out of the light box. Grateful for home treatment for the jaundice, though, as apparently being able to do this at home is really rather new around here. He's gorgeous and we love him to bits... finally able to post a photo (as this is the first I've turned on my laptop in a week!)

Oh he is beautiful clandestine! Fingers crossed you all get to go home soon. Sounds like you're doing all you can!

Smillie, ajarvis and Princess- sounds like things are starting for you all! Can't wait to hear you've had your babies. Going over due is rubbish, 12 days with ds. Felt so long. Atleast I know I can't go over due with twins!

Afm - no signs of them coming yet. Anytime I do get a twinge I panic a little haha. I'm weirdly scared of going in to labor naturally as I was induced before so have no idea how it feels, I do hope I don't get induced this time but just having fear of the unknown. I'm hoping I'll go sometime next week. October 15th is my guess! Xx
40+2 today, don't feel like today is my day.

Lost a big glob of mucus this morning (about the size of a 50p) and then DTD and walked round bank/shop. Felt a bit crampy but died away to nothing.

Baby very active so don't feel labour is close at the moment.

Think I'll be on to 40+3
He's gorgeous!

The strong contractions went away but woke up very early this morning to back pain and period like cramps. My tummy is also tight and sore. Hopefully it's a good sign, but we'll see what the dr says.
Just lost another long piece of plug (probably about 3-4 inches long) but no blood so means nothing again!

Wish I could have some bloody mucus or something lol
Wow Clandestine, congrats, what a cutie:flower:

AFM my meeting went fine although I developed really bad heartburn and had to power through the last 1½ hours :wacko: They suddenly had an opening for tomorrow but I felt that now I've been mentally preparing for Wednesday so we're going to stick to that date. DH was more into doing it tomorrow but I told him it's highly unlikely 1 day will make a difference. Haven't been loosing any of my plug or anything, my BH are super inconsistent and only happen a couple of times a day and baby is normally pretty active still so don't think I'm going to go into labour anytime soon. The 2 midwives (I think one is in training) wanted to try feeling my bump when I told them our section is due to a big baby and they could tell that baby is big for gestational age.
@Smille: I had BH like whole uterus-wide almost all day Wednesday and Friday before my water broke last Saturday night - just think of them as baby steps!

@xprincess: I was over 4 cm dilated in mid-active labor at the hospital before there was any blood for me (TONS of clear mucus and water though). Hopefully you have more progress than you think you do!

@Kat: FX for you on Wednesday! Are you and your DH doing anything special beforehand?
@Kat: FX for you on Wednesday! Are you and your DH doing anything special beforehand?

Thanks:flower: Nope at least I don't think so. Just going to take it easy.

Oh and here's my most recent bump pic:

38-39 weeks.jpg
Dr appt went well...I think. I am 2-3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She did a sweep which was very uncomfortable but it was quick. She thinks I'll go into labor today or tomorrow. My cervix is favorable, but baby is still at -2 station. Induction is scheduled for Thurs so we're definitely having our baby this week. She said she really doesn't think I'll make it until then, but she can't be sure.
Congrats to all that have had their babies and good luck to those still waiting on their little bundle of joys.

Life at our house has been insane since coming home from the hospital ... who am I kidding, our life has been insane since they were born on the 27th of September. I don't have time to do a full update here but I did so in my pregnancy journal if anyone wants to read.

Again, best of luck to everyone and thanks for all the well wishes!
Smillie - Great news. Fingers crossed you'll be next to announce you've had your baby!

Kat - Good luck on Wednesday. Sounds like baby is a good size. Chunky babies are the cutest!

Ash- i just read your update and I'm thinking of you. I remeber taking one baby home and rvetything neing over whelming. Especially breastfeeding exclusively and adjusting to being a mum. Having 2 at once as a first time mum is not easy and it sounds like you're doing amazing. Everything will fall in to place soon. I'll be coming to you for advice when I eventually get my two home.

Afm - I got a bit of a scare earlier when I got quite dizzy and my vision went a bit blurry. I called the midwives and they said to come in if it happens again. It didn't last long and hasn't come back so hopefully it's nothing but was worried about pre eclampsia. My DS has his first school dance on friday so I'm hoping they stay put until after then as I don't want to miss it haha
Smillie - Great news. Fingers crossed you'll be next to announce you've had your baby!

Kat - Good luck on Wednesday. Sounds like baby is a good size. Chunky babies are the cutest!

Ash- i just read your update and I'm thinking of you. I remeber taking one baby home and rvetything neing over whelming. Especially breastfeeding exclusively and adjusting to being a mum. Having 2 at once as a first time mum is not easy and it sounds like you're doing amazing. Everything will fall in to place soon. I'll be coming to you for advice when I eventually get my two home.

Afm - I got a bit of a scare earlier when I got quite dizzy and my vision went a bit blurry. I called the midwives and they said to come in if it happens again. It didn't last long and hasn't come back so hopefully it's nothing but was worried about pre eclampsia. My DS has his first school dance on friday so I'm hoping they stay put until after then as I don't want to miss it haha

Yep it really does and the midwife said it's better for baby to be on the large side than too small when it comes to their health. Apparently baby has had it pretty good in there since it turns out I don't have GD after having taken a blood test!

I hope it's nothing serious, I had the very occasional dizzy spells but they were mostly during my 1st and 2nd tri. It sounds promising it didn't last long though. I hope your DS has fun!
Ugh been having backache and irregular cramping today but it's so frustrating because nothing ever happens!

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