Smillie - Great news. Fingers crossed you'll be next to announce you've had your baby!
Kat - Good luck on Wednesday. Sounds like baby is a good size. Chunky babies are the cutest!
Ash- i just read your update and I'm thinking of you. I remeber taking one baby home and rvetything neing over whelming. Especially breastfeeding exclusively and adjusting to being a mum. Having 2 at once as a first time mum is not easy and it sounds like you're doing amazing. Everything will fall in to place soon. I'll be coming to you for advice when I eventually get my two home.
Afm - I got a bit of a scare earlier when I got quite dizzy and my vision went a bit blurry. I called the midwives and they said to come in if it happens again. It didn't last long and hasn't come back so hopefully it's nothing but was worried about pre eclampsia. My DS has his first school dance on friday so I'm hoping they stay put until after then as I don't want to miss it haha