Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

Welcome to the page Nim.. Wow you've been trying a long time too. My friend said to me it takes a certain type of couple to try for a really long time.
It's weird they can tell you what date your egg collection will be in Feb. I read that correctly didn't i? My clinic I didn't know until they saw my ultrasounds and told me in would be in two days and to do the trigger.

Kat - I hope you do get back to horse riding! I've only risen once or twice as a kid just being walked around. When u was travelling in Columbia (few years ago) I thought I'd do a day or horse riding. Worst experience ever! Was raining all day, my Spanish wasn't the best and man the horse bolted off a few times. This family (if gauchos) from Argentina was on the tour too and had to save me a few times. They of course found this hilarious!

I'm the same I wouldn't risk it! I think people who do and the ones who got pregnant really easily and don't think about all that stuff. Im even worried about flying - I heard you can up till 27 weeks. All this bloody ttc business has meant your life goes on hold for a bit and we'd love to get away for a short trip, when I am pregnant. We'll see. Cross that bridge when we come to it I guess!
Thanks Miranda yes they have me on a drug so that they can time when to start the cycle and know roughly how many days I will stim for from previous experience of my ovaries but it's only a rough date it could be before or after by a few days either way. It all seems an age away still lol!!! I was worried about flying too but I think in your middle tri it's really quite safe x
Kat - I hope you do get back to horse riding! I've only risen once or twice as a kid just being walked around. When u was travelling in Columbia (few years ago) I thought I'd do a day or horse riding. Worst experience ever! Was raining all day, my Spanish wasn't the best and man the horse bolted off a few times. This family (if gauchos) from Argentina was on the tour too and had to save me a few times. They of course found this hilarious!

I'm the same I wouldn't risk it! I think people who do and the ones who got pregnant really easily and don't think about all that stuff. Im even worried about flying - I heard you can up till 27 weeks. All this bloody ttc business has meant your life goes on hold for a bit and we'd love to get away for a short trip, when I am pregnant. We'll see. Cross that bridge when we come to it I guess!

Yeah I can imagine you'd need to be a fairly decent rider to do something like that. DH and I could never do it as he's only tried being on a pony being led around so it'd be too much of a challenge for him:wacko: But I could imagine it would be fun to try something like that otherwise! It's crazy though that they didn't give you an old nag that wouldn't mind just plodding along and is practically impossible to get going, given your experience level:nope:

Yep, people that get easily pregnant just don't think about it. Plus they must be super arrogant about their abilities if they don't think they can fall off! Even the best fall of sometimes:winkwink: Even at my skill level I wouldn't do it and I think I rode from age 9 to 21 (although did have 2-3 years where I didn't ride, long story) and fallen 7-8 times total if I remember correctly. You just never know, the horse could get super spooked and you're caught unawares and fall off, tried it once (the most recent of my falls) where the horse bucked out with his back legs and went super nuts and it can be hard to stay on in that situation.

Oh I'll definitely start again at one point. We're going to move out of the city in the near future to an area where there are plenty of riding schools and such. Unfortunately could never afford to get my own horse though, it's just so expensive, especially in this country:nope: I used to entertain the idea of competing again but think it's hard if you can't afford your own horse so not counting on it happening.

Flying I'd also prefer to avoid totally if possible but we don't fly much anyway so it won't be a problem :shrug:
god damn people who get pregnant at the drop of a hat! Argh!!! Oh well we'll appreciate our babies so much more when they do come!

So I was reading the IVF success stories thread and under 'things you'd wish you had done' someone posted -"i wish we had told everyone that we weren't going to tell people if it worked or it didn't work until the 3 month mark. This was really annoying as we had people asking if it worked."

Our friends know we're doing IVF - some don't know a lot of details - my close friends do. My family I haven't kept updated - well I was keeping my mum updated every step until she thought it was fine for my little sister to tell me she was pregnant on my birthday during the whole stim cycle so actually still mad at her - and told her no more updates. I feel a bit uncomfortable around my in laws (they're nice just awkward/ hard to talk to/ she's asked me twice last year "you're not pregnant now are you" when i didn't drink etc. thanks no I'm not! And my husband has been updating them - which I don't really like but whatever. I said to him you don't know what it's like that whole year when we were trying I can feel people look at what I'm drinking and not eating and it really annoyed me. I even got a few glances down at my stomach. Yeah great thanks! everyone else gets that space of 3 months where they keep it a secret - why shouldn't we be any different. So I think I'm going to take that girls advice and tell the few people who know we're putting one in we won't be telling anyone regardless until the 3 month mark. I mean obviously if it's good news it will be hard to keep in to say my best friend - but I feel by saying that just gives me the allowance of not feeling friend's/ his family will ask - and we can decide to tell them in our own time.
Miranda its very annoying when people fall pregnant very easily! More frustrating i guess.. 2 of my best friends both fell pregnant 1 month after starting to try for a baby.. and here i am 4.5 years no protection no nothing and still no baby!!

Sorry rant incoming

My close friends know ive done ivf and my family does too, although i waited until i was doing my second stim cycle to tell me sister.. she is a nasty woman who after i told her everything she turned around and said to my bestfrien that "its all too draining listening to me talk about ivf and my journey" but its ok for her to tell me all about her daughtes baby.. her daughter who had a baby 6 months ago at the age of 16! Which was the same age as my sister when she her my neice.. the apple clearly doesnt fall far from that tree..

Everytime i talk to my sister she changes the subject and starts sending me pics of the baby and generally rubbing it in my face! When my neice fell pregnant i was the last to know put of all of my 5 brothers and sisters.. and my lovely sister said " oh i cant wait to see the look on Cassies face when i tell her chantelle is pregnant, its going to be Priceless!" So found out when she was 12 week along.. and then she said oh shes thinking of adopting the baby to you.. and then 2 days later back like it was nothing.. and wss like oh it was just a suggestion.. like they were dangling a baby in my face knowing i want one so bad and im trying my hardest..but just cant have one..

In other news i start my progynova next week :) and im booked in for my lining scan on the 13th of january! Hopefully i will be transferring on the 15/16th. Im getting so exited i cant wait.
Hi ladies 💐

Ugh I so agree it's totally unfair & these people have zero consideration for feelings. I was out with a close friend Friday who is due any time number 2 she got pregnant within 2-3 months of trying this time I'm not sure first time as I know she had a mc then got pg again relatively quickly. She knows all my story and regularly asks but still couldn't stop talking about having number 3 and she better give certain months of the year a miss as she now has 2 Xmas babies! Grrrr insensitive! They have no idea!

I have also previously been open about my journey but now only my mother in law knows we are doing IVF - she is lovely and I had to tell her as she works with us and is going to look after Harrison for me if needed. I just can't cope with the constant oh you will be fine - it will just happen naturally - you just need to relax about it...😡😡 so it's a secret here! Not sure how I'm going to explain my fridge full of needles to my family at Xmas tho...

Miranda that was really cruel of your mum/sister so sorry !! I just don't think they get it - at all!!!

Caddie oh my goodness I can't believe they are like that with you that is beyond insensitive - how dare they play with your emotions like that! It's a hard enough time as it is without family making it harder!! So sorry!!

No news here still waiting for AF then have to wait till CD21 to start norethisterone then base line scan day 1-3 of bleed. ⏳tick tock seems an age away lol.

Hope you all have a good day.
Hi girls!

Dear god, I feel like I've got loads to catch up on in this thread because I haven't been online for 3 days!

Welcome to the new ladies!

Kat, so sorry to hear that you had a CP. A CP I can imagine is tough anyhow but especially when you're doing an IVF cycle. I didn't get any sign of a positive with my first cycle so like the girls said, it's showing that your body is trying to get pregnant! I think it'll work for you for sure next time!

Nimbec, we too have been trying for 2 1/2 years. Your EC date sounds round about the same time that we will be transferring our frozen embaby

We started out with nobody knowing about our situation. In fact I think we TTC in secret for almost 18 months before telling anyone. At that point I had to unload onto my mum. I just cried and cried and let everything out that I had been holding in for so long. My close family now know and my mother in law knows too. It's good to have people to talk to, I don't think I could go through this journey alone.

CD22 for me today and it's our final natural TTC cycle before the IVF journey begins again. It'd be amazing if it worked on this final cycle so we didn't have to spend a fortune again to transfer though I am not feeling hopeful!

miranda: So sorry people are being so annoying:hugs: Maybe try some of these answers:

Don't be afriad to enforce boundaries and tell them when they're being hurtful. You don't need that right now!

Cassie: Your sister sounds toxic! I have a number of toxic people in my family (my mother, aunt (mother's sister), 2 older brothers and my older sister plus it sounds like my mother's mother was also toxic) so know how that goes:dohh: I highly suspect they all have Narcissistic Personality Disorder with the 1 brother being the most malignant. I'm the chosen family scapegoat despite being the youngest:nope: My best advice would be to stop talking to her about you going through IVF, especially the emotional stuff. She sounds like she's delighting in your pain which many with e.g. NPD do (they're not called emotional vampires for nothing). Don't give her anything emotionally, brush things off and say everything's going great and you'll let her know when there's something to tell, then change the subject to something that interests her e.g her baby. When she starts talking about her baby, listen for a few minutes feigning interest so she can't say you don't care and then say you need to be somewhere and will talk later. Maybe cut down on your contact with her in general? You need to protect your emotional well-being, especially when going through IVF. I've been giving the polite brush off to my toxic siblings for a while now and they've been leaving me alone for some months now which I'm super grateful for. I can't handle them making my infertility about them and my extra malignant brother constantly putting me down in his condescending, arrogant manner and being cruel whenever I try to enforce healthy, normal boundaries.

nimbec: Sorry about your friend, some people just don't get it:dohh: Can't you hide the needles somewhere in the fridge, maybe behind a bunch of stuff?

tina: So true and I hope you're right and it'll work next time:flower: But I still found it upsetting, so close yet so far anyway:nope:

AFM I called and my HCG has of course fallen to 10 so they want me to come in for 1 last blood test on Friday:cry: They want to see it go to around 3 I think. I told her I have been bleeding red heavily since yesterday but it didn't matter, they still want me in on Friday. Today was already bad for me as I sat in the waiting room with 3 very pregnant women and then it got worse when a woman came in with her tiny new baby:cry: I barely held it together until after they took blood and then cried in the car afterwards.

I asked her if she knew about what the plan was for next IVF and she only could see they'll be putting me on the short protocol.
Wow it's gone a bit quiet, how's everyone?

Not looking forward to doing my last beta tomorrow :( I'll just need to sit away from people and hope no one pregnant or with a newborn comes in again but that's probably too much too hope for :wacko:
So sorry that your going through this :( its such a hard thing to go through and having to keep doing blood tests to make sure your levels have gone down is evenore and more heartbreaking :( :hugs:

Afm i start progynova next wednesday and then i am booked in my lining scan on the 13th january :) hopefully do the transfer a couple days later.

I have 2 embies on ice and i spoke with my fs he only wants to put back 1 becusee of my age.. but there clinic policy is if you have a failed transfer then you can transfer 2 the next time.. i know im young but next year ill be 27 and i just think ill have a better chance of atleast 1 sticking if we transfer 2. And im fully aware of multiples and the risks but im willing to take the risk.

What are your thoughts?
So sorry that your going through this :( its such a hard thing to go through and having to keep doing blood tests to make sure your levels have gone down is evenore and more heartbreaking :( :hugs:

Afm i start progynova next wednesday and then i am booked in my lining scan on the 13th january :) hopefully do the transfer a couple days later.

I have 2 embies on ice and i spoke with my fs he only wants to put back 1 becusee of my age.. but there clinic policy is if you have a failed transfer then you can transfer 2 the next time.. i know im young but next year ill be 27 and i just think ill have a better chance of atleast 1 sticking if we transfer 2. And im fully aware of multiples and the risks but im willing to take the risk.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks Cassie:flower:

Hmmm I can only tell you what my RE told me. She claims putting 2 back in is risky since 1) twin pregnancies are riskier than singleton pregnancies (twins are often born earlier and often with health issues) and 2) if you put 1 good quality embie and 1 lesser quality embie in together, you risk the lesser quality embie affecting the good quality and having none implant. These are the reasons why the clinic at the local hospital I go to refuse to put more than 1 embie back in, no matter your age. I think they used to give women age 36 and over the opportunity to put 2 back in but they want to avoid twin pregnancies because of the risks so now it's only 1 embie at a time. I think I've also heard that putting 2 back in only increases your chances by around 5% anyway, if it indeed increases your chances at all:shrug:

27 isn't a bad age and you're pretty young, I'm going on 37 in May myself so I'm an "oldie" when it comes to fertility :haha:

I'd personally always go for transferring 1 embie based on all this (although in my case I have no choice anyway:shrug:). But it is a pretty personal decision, if you're thinking 2 would be best, then go for it:winkwink:

Wow so lucky your FET will happen so quickly:happydance: I'm thinking AF will come around January 8th (if she isn't late because of the CP) so I'll first be stimming around that date and I think stimming is normally around 12-14 days. Although I don't know what dose of Bemfola (FSH) yet, they'll decide at my CD2/3 scan according to the nurse I spoke to. They also gave me the option of getting laproscopy done for a study being done (not because I actually need one) but I just don't feel like I have the time given my age (maybe if I was in my mid-20s or so) so told her I'd definitely want to be doing IVF #2 in January.

Sorry again about your sister, don't know if you read my advice in my earlier post?
Hi cassie I agree with Kat I would only Transfer one if I was at your age. After having one difficult baby as she has reflux I would not have survived having twins reflux babies as well. I know how you feel after five ivf cycles she had two eggs at the last one which turned into two embyros. At the time I really wanted to put both back to increase my chances. The first one took Luckily! I now have one left to used. Hopefully it will take as well!

Kat I am doing ok I got the perm part time role so we excited! I hate my role now. But ofcourse very scare about their reaction if I am lucky enough to get pregnant again!

How is everyone else doing? My AF due news years day.
Congrats Unlucky:happydance: Here's hoping they'll be understanding and that you do get pregnant after your FET. Oy that sounds like a stinky day to get AF though :haha:
[cassie: your sister sounds toxic! I have a number of toxic people in my family (my mother, aunt (mother's sister), 2 older brothers and my older sister plus it sounds like my mother's mother was also toxic) so know how that goes:dohh: I highly suspect they all have narcissistic personality disorder with the 1 brother being the most malignant. I'm the chosen family scapegoat despite being the youngest:nope: My best advice would be to stop talking to her about you going through ivf, especially the emotional stuff. She sounds like she's delighting in your pain which many with e.g. Npd do (they're not called emotional vampires for nothing). Don't give her anything emotionally, brush things off and say everything's going great and you'll let her know when there's something to tell, then change the subject to something that interests her e.g her baby. When she starts talking about her baby, listen for a few minutes feigning interest so she can't say you don't care and then say you need to be somewhere and will talk later. Maybe cut down on your contact with her in general? You need to protect your emotional well-being, especially when going through ivf. I've been giving the polite brush off to my toxic siblings for a while now and they've been leaving me alone for some months now which i'm super grateful for. I can't handle them making my infertility about them and my extra malignant brother constantly putting me down in his condescending, arrogant manner and being cruel whenever i try to enforce healthy, normal boundaries.


yes i completely agree that my sister has a narcissistic disorder, she is only happy when she bringing other people down... ie bitching about everyone! and about anything/everything... its so horrible! but dont dare say anything about her to anyone because she will be your worst nightmare... bleh..

thing is, i dont talk to her much anyway... she lives in a different state to me and when we lived near each-other,we were best friends i could talk to her about anything and she would be great! but since i moved and started ivf she has become nasty... i think its because she has been with her now husband for almost 10 years and she hasn't fallen pregnant in this time either.. yet her 16yr old daughter i think she is jealous

i think it is the best thing to do just politely brush people off which i am learning to do..

I'm sorry about your brother constantly putting you down its not very nice at all.i think sometimes people really need to learn if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all!

we sound very similar! im the youngest too and my sisters/mum like to make my infertility about them too! gosh people can be so arrogant!:growlmad:
So sorry that your going through this :( its such a hard thing to go through and having to keep doing blood tests to make sure your levels have gone down is evenore and more heartbreaking :( :hugs:

Afm i start progynova next wednesday and then i am booked in my lining scan on the 13th january :) hopefully do the transfer a couple days later.

I have 2 embies on ice and i spoke with my fs he only wants to put back 1 becusee of my age.. but there clinic policy is if you have a failed transfer then you can transfer 2 the next time.. i know im young but next year ill be 27 and i just think ill have a better chance of atleast 1 sticking if we transfer 2. And im fully aware of multiples and the risks but im willing to take the risk.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks Cassie:flower:

Hmmm I can only tell you what my RE told me. She claims putting 2 back in is risky since 1) twin pregnancies are riskier than singleton pregnancies (twins are often born earlier and often with health issues) and 2) if you put 1 good quality embie and 1 lesser quality embie in together, you risk the lesser quality embie affecting the good quality and having none implant. These are the reasons why the clinic at the local hospital I go to refuse to put more than 1 embie back in, no matter your age. I think they used to give women age 36 and over the opportunity to put 2 back in but they want to avoid twin pregnancies because of the risks so now it's only 1 embie at a time. I think I've also heard that putting 2 back in only increases your chances by around 5% anyway, if it indeed increases your chances at all:shrug:

27 isn't a bad age and you're pretty young, I'm going on 37 in May myself so I'm an "oldie" when it comes to fertility :haha:

I'd personally always go for transferring 1 embie based on all this (although in my case I have no choice anyway:shrug:). But it is a pretty personal decision, if you're thinking 2 would be best, then go for it:winkwink:

Wow so lucky your FET will happen so quickly:happydance: I'm thinking AF will come around January 8th (if she isn't late because of the CP) so I'll first be stimming around that date and I think stimming is normally around 12-14 days. Although I don't know what dose of Bemfola (FSH) yet, they'll decide at my CD2/3 scan according to the nurse I spoke to. They also gave me the option of getting laproscopy done for a study being done (not because I actually need one) but I just don't feel like I have the time given my age (maybe if I was in my mid-20s or so) so told her I'd definitely want to be doing IVF #2 in January.

Sorry again about your sister, don't know if you read my advice in my earlier post?

Hi cassie I agree with Kat I would only Transfer one if I was at your age. After having one difficult baby as she has reflux I would not have survived having twins reflux babies as well. I know how you feel after five ivf cycles she had two eggs at the last one which turned into two embyros. At the time I really wanted to put both back to increase my chances. The first one took Luckily! I now have one left to used. Hopefully it will take as well!

Kat I am doing ok I got the perm part time role so we excited! I hate my role now. But ofcourse very scare about their reaction if I am lucky enough to get pregnant again!

How is everyone else doing? My AF due news years day.

Thanks Ladies!

I guess i am just super torn between transferring 1 as my last transfer i had a chemical and that was absolutely heart breaking :cry: because i have never ever seen those 2 beautiful lines on a pg test ever!! even when i have my MC back in 2010 i had no idea i was even pregnant :( due to PCOS and going months between having periods...

and i completely agree that if i had twins it would be super difficult and i couldn't imagine having 2 babies with bad reflux, as me and partner get very bad reflux as it is so our babies are bound to have it.

so the embies that i have 1 is a 5 day blast and the other is a day 6, maybe if i put them together it wouldn't be a great idea anyway?

the main reason why my fs said he doesn't want me to transfer the 2 is because the risk of Cerebral pausy \. the couple who went in before us they had twins and 1 had cerebral pausy and the other didnt and thats why he stronhlu advised against it... also due to my age as it would be a super high risk pregnancy..

but i think i will take both of your advice and only transfer the 1 :) which will hopefully take place in a months time :happydance:

how are you feeling kat? how did your last beta go?

Unlucky, congrats on your new job! and hopefully they take it well when you get preggers off your next transfer :)
Also sorry if my replies are terrible some days... we dont have internet at or house due to lack of ports so im always using my phone..and every once in a while i'll tether my phone to the laptop.
So sorry that your going through this :( its such a hard thing to go through and having to keep doing blood tests to make sure your levels have gone down is evenore and more heartbreaking :( :hugs:

Afm i start progynova next wednesday and then i am booked in my lining scan on the 13th january :) hopefully do the transfer a couple days later.

I have 2 embies on ice and i spoke with my fs he only wants to put back 1 becusee of my age.. but there clinic policy is if you have a failed transfer then you can transfer 2 the next time.. i know im young but next year ill be 27 and i just think ill have a better chance of atleast 1 sticking if we transfer 2. And im fully aware of multiples and the risks but im willing to take the risk.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks Cassie:flower:

Hmmm I can only tell you what my RE told me. She claims putting 2 back in is risky since 1) twin pregnancies are riskier than singleton pregnancies (twins are often born earlier and often with health issues) and 2) if you put 1 good quality embie and 1 lesser quality embie in together, you risk the lesser quality embie affecting the good quality and having none implant. These are the reasons why the clinic at the local hospital I go to refuse to put more than 1 embie back in, no matter your age. I think they used to give women age 36 and over the opportunity to put 2 back in but they want to avoid twin pregnancies because of the risks so now it's only 1 embie at a time. I think I've also heard that putting 2 back in only increases your chances by around 5% anyway, if it indeed increases your chances at all:shrug:

27 isn't a bad age and you're pretty young, I'm going on 37 in May myself so I'm an "oldie" when it comes to fertility :haha:

I'd personally always go for transferring 1 embie based on all this (although in my case I have no choice anyway:shrug:). But it is a pretty personal decision, if you're thinking 2 would be best, then go for it:winkwink:

Wow so lucky your FET will happen so quickly:happydance: I'm thinking AF will come around January 8th (if she isn't late because of the CP) so I'll first be stimming around that date and I think stimming is normally around 12-14 days. Although I don't know what dose of Bemfola (FSH) yet, they'll decide at my CD2/3 scan according to the nurse I spoke to. They also gave me the option of getting laproscopy done for a study being done (not because I actually need one) but I just don't feel like I have the time given my age (maybe if I was in my mid-20s or so) so told her I'd definitely want to be doing IVF #2 in January.

Sorry again about your sister, don't know if you read my advice in my earlier post?

Hi cassie I agree with Kat I would only Transfer one if I was at your age. After having one difficult baby as she has reflux I would not have survived having twins reflux babies as well. I know how you feel after five ivf cycles she had two eggs at the last one which turned into two embyros. At the time I really wanted to put both back to increase my chances. The first one took Luckily! I now have one left to used. Hopefully it will take as well!

Kat I am doing ok I got the perm part time role so we excited! I hate my role now. But ofcourse very scare about their reaction if I am lucky enough to get pregnant again!

How is everyone else doing? My AF due news years day.

Thanks Ladies!

I guess i am just super torn between transferring 1 as my last transfer i had a chemical and that was absolutely heart breaking :cry: because i have never ever seen those 2 beautiful lines on a pg test ever!! even when i have my MC back in 2010 i had no idea i was even pregnant :( due to PCOS and going months between having periods...

and i completely agree that if i had twins it would be super difficult and i couldn't imagine having 2 babies with bad reflux, as me and partner get very bad reflux as it is so our babies are bound to have it.

so the embies that i have 1 is a 5 day blast and the other is a day 6, maybe if i put them together it wouldn't be a great idea anyway?

the main reason why my fs said he doesn't want me to transfer the 2 is because the risk of Cerebral pausy \. the couple who went in before us they had twins and 1 had cerebral pausy and the other didnt and thats why he stronhlu advised against it... also due to my age as it would be a super high risk pregnancy..

but i think i will take both of your advice and only transfer the 1 :) which will hopefully take place in a months time :happydance:

how are you feeling kat? how did your last beta go?

Unlucky, congrats on your new job! and hopefully they take it well when you get preggers off your next transfer :)

I totally understand having had a CP after IVF myself, I know how much they hurt, more than it would after trying naturally I would think because you go through all those scans, shots and the uncomfortable ER to just be so close to it working.

It's true though that twin pregnancies are considered risky which is exactly why the clinic at the hospital I go to do what they can to avoid them by transfering 1 embie at a time. I'm thinking if you're planning on having more children you'll have those embies waiting for you for a few years! I know the hospital I go to keeps them for 5 years so people have the opportunity to space their children out. Although we will most likely just keep to having the one child due to my age but we'll see! I definitely wouldn't do any more IVFs to have #2 if DH and I decide to have another, it'd be FETs and if they didn't work or if we don't have any frozen embies, we'd let it go. Right now I'd be super grateful just to have one child now:nope:

Just called about the last beta and it's down to 1 so no more blood tests:happydance: It was a trying day again as there was 1 pregnant woman (a really annoying, entitled one too as she tried to skip the line waiting to get in) and 3 newborns in the waiting room:cry: There was even a couple with their newborn baby close to the corner I was going to sit to avoid seeing babies and pregnant women so had to sit another place although it wasn't ideal :nope: The nurse tried again for getting me to do that project and I felt kinda bad saying no thanks and that we're really into doing IVF #2 in January:blush: As said, if I was in my mid-20s I'd have considered it but turning 37 in May makes me feel I need to use what little semi-fertility time I have left to trying for baby #1. Or maybe if it was something they could've done this month since I couldn't start my next IVF this month anyway? I guess I'm still trying to completely shed my malignant narcissistic brother's insistance that I'm just the most selfish and horrible person ever - it'll take time.
Hi everyone

Kat I'm pleased but also so sorry your beta is now 1 - at least this means you can carry on and plan again! It must be awful in the waiting room :( I also 100% agree with you not doing the trial I don't think it's selfish at all, In fact very sensible as you just don't know what is going to happen on this ttc journey. I'm 35 next year and I don't think I'd take the option either. What is the next stage for you now? Are you going off next AF? Sorry if you have already said!!

Misscassie until I did a lot of reading online I was also going to put 2 embies back however there are far too many risks in my opinion after reading lots of times people saying they wish they had been warned about the dangers/difficulties of the pregnancy and also problems/disabilities after birth. I figured I'd never forgive myself BUT it is very much an individual choice. Have a look at the research on line and also threads it's quite interesting but be prepared to be shocked :(

Unlucky congrats on your job!

Tina any sign of AF? I really hope she doesn't arrive what a lovely Xmas present that would be!

Miranda hope you are ok.

Sorry if I have missed anyone! It's been super busy here, and AF arrived today :( I was so hoping I may be pg goodness only knows why...after so many months of disappointment why should this month be any different! Anyway pleased to start the process - day 21 of this cycle :) however DH has announced he is doing a boys ski trip right before transfer 😡😡😡 so I may have to delay starting stims for another few days just to make sure he is back!! Not impressed but hey ho there you go! He's very supportive and has been looking forward to this for ages.

Hope everyone is ok!
Hi everyone

Kat I'm pleased but also so sorry your beta is now 1 - at least this means you can carry on and plan again! It must be awful in the waiting room :( I also 100% agree with you not doing the trial I don't think it's selfish at all, In fact very sensible as you just don't know what is going to happen on this ttc journey. I'm 35 next year and I don't think I'd take the option either. What is the next stage for you now? Are you going off next AF? Sorry if you have already said!!

Well I knew there was no chance of it being a viable pregnancy seeing as how at 14dp2dt (which ia 16 dpo) my beta should've been around 100 and it was only 34 and the nurse said no way it was anything but a chemical:shrug:

Thanks nimbec:hugs: I was starting to feel like a heel for saying no:wacko: I'll be doing IVF #2 as our last 2 embies (only had 3 eggs and all 3 fertilised which I was super happy about at the time as I was fearing maybe the sperm couldn't penetrate the eggs' shells and that was our issue) apparently either didn't make it to day 5 or weren't deemed viable for the freezing process so no frosties. So yeah, no choice but doing IVF #2. Although this time we'll be doing short protocol in the hopes it will give me more eggs since the long protocol suppressed me way too much plus they didn't give me a high enough dose of Bemfola (seeing as how I only got 3 eggs and they aim for 8-12):wacko: I also developed a non-functional cyst during down regulation which meant I had to down regulate for an extra week. They said with my hormone levels being so good we should be able to get more eggs out of me this time. I'm guessing AF will come around January 8th so will be starting stims around there. They always force you to take 1 cycle break between treatments plus they go on Christmas vacation between the 23rd/24th December until 2nd of January so couldn't have started this cycle no matter what. Plus I think after a CP they definitely want you taking a 1 cycle break.

Sorry AF came, I think it's normal to have a sliver of hope that you'll get pregnant naturally during your wait to start again. It does happen for some:shrug: Sorry you'll have to delay stims a bit but hopefully you'll get your BFP this time:hugs:
Hey!! I wrote a big message yesterday and it didn't post!! Damn thing.
But wanted to say Cassie when I read what your sister did I nearly cried (doesn't take much these days!). That is so so cruel.

You're young - I'd only put one in. And I haven't done too much reading but I know enough.

Kat - I think I remember your messages from another forum - your family sounds horrible. Horrendous. . You're right to give them some distance.

Tina - I always had that hope I'd get pregnant naturally between staring IVF. Miracles can happen.

Unlucky 41 - congrats on your new job!

All good with me. Decided to forgive my sister and my mum - well try to move on. It wasn't deliberate. My sister is the person whose whole world revolves around her. And hard to consider others feelings. Want to go into January being all zen and happy. So that's what I need right now so I'm just like - let it go!
I had dinner tonight with two of my husband's friends wives who are due any day. Argh!! I remember when we were trying around the same time. Kind of annoying. I just feel like all this wasted time has gone by - sometimes I get so angry. Brings up frustrations (that I've tried to put behind me) that my husband waited 15 months after we got married to get a sperm test. He warned me we'd have trouble when we dated because of a surgery he had when he was younger. And it feels like we should (well he) should have been onto it sooner. Anyway, can't change the past. But there a big difference in those years after you're 34! Now our second wedding anniversary comes up in Feb and god i hope I'm pregnant. IVF journey has been so slow. But keeping positive (trying too) we will get there.

I'm guessing period will come 5th January so they'll track me after 10 days? I don't even know how it works. Must call - might try and fit in a little get away somewhere.

Nearly get the genetic testing results back soon...hopefully it's by Christmas! I just want to know.

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